Disorders and diseases
Types of inattention Impaired concentration of attentiveness can be divided into 3 categories: “Fluttering attention” or absent-mindedness
Depressio.ru » Other diseases » Personality disorders Paranoid syndrome is a systematic and persistent
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) is a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is associated with certain pathologies
The original meaning of the concept "" (Freud) reflected the idea that the psychic energy hidden in
The phenomenon of auditory hallucinations makes not only the person who experienced them nervous, but also
Immunization against a dangerous disease - polio - is carried out with two types of vaccines: IPV (inactivated) and
If you had to choose one single piece of advice that would help reduce the emotional stress associated with
Causes of the disorder Pathology manifests itself as a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. This disease occurs
Causes of deviant behavior Researchers such as E. S. Tatarinova,
To make a correct diagnosis for neurological lesions, the doctor needs to find out the location and nature of the pathological