Moron is an insult

Moron is an insult

Perhaps you did not carefully read what I wrote above. I don’t know in what form, with what intonation, in what setting this phrase was pronounced. If it is in a joking manner, then it is unlikely that he will be punished. If in a cynical form, then yes, they can punish you. Much depends on your perception. Let’s put it this way: a neighbor says to a neighbor at some point in a conversation: “What a fool you are!” What now, should the neighbor run to the police? But if a neighbor says to a neighbor: “hey, you moron, just get away from here.” There is an insult here. Americans have this aphorism: “if you are smart, then why aren’t you rich?” The opposite meaning: “since you are poor, that means you are a fool.”

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Clinical picture

Let's talk about who this moron is. This disease can be characterized as a lack of abstract thinking, difficulty expressing one’s own thoughts and creating generalizing conclusions. Children with underdeveloped intelligence are characterized by a predominance of visual-figurative thinking. Most children understand only the superficial essence of the current situation and cannot conduct a holistic analysis of events.

The child may correctly perceive the images, but is unlikely to find a connection between them. A request to compare pictures can drive a moron into a state of emotional stupor. Disturbances in the development of intelligence are often accompanied by problems associated with underdevelopment of speech. Slow speech rate, poor vocabulary and inertia manifest themselves in the form of difficulties in composing complex sentences. Despite the fact that many people with this diagnosis are well versed in various everyday situations, their lives are extremely difficult.

Most children with mild mental retardation experience serious difficulties in mastering the school curriculum. They have difficulty grasping spelling rules and mathematical formulas. Despite difficulties in retelling the material they have read, they have the opportunity to learn poems. The vast majority of patients have difficulties in mastering the exact sciences. However, among children with mental disorders there are often, to some extent, gifted children. They may have absolute pitch, phenomenal mechanical memory, creativity and other skills.

Debility is the most common type of intellectual decline in children

Morons do not have the need to master new knowledge, and also do not recognize aesthetic and moral values, which are one of the important components of social life. This feature of the perception of the world has a negative impact on the creation of one’s own worldview and judgments about the structure of the world. Patients prefer to adhere to the views of the majority or copy the behavior of others. Lack of initiative, combined with weak will, makes such people easily suggestible. Once in a negative social environment, a moron can become a real weapon in the hands of a person with criminal tendencies.

Since patients are not aware of the consequences of their actions, they can be used to commit various crimes.

With the right approach to the upbringing process, a moron can grow up to be a gentle, good-natured and attentive person. Lack of parental and pedagogical attention can lead to the predominance of such character traits as rancor, vindictiveness, rudeness and stubbornness. It is important to pay attention to the fact that in morons, primitive drives are more clearly manifested, among which the sexual sphere should be highlighted.

Is this an insult or not?

Miroshnikova did not admit guilt in the offense charged to her and explained that she did not insult the victim. g., having previously agreed with her by telephone, she arrived at her place of residence to take from the latter a list of owners of residential premises. These lists were necessary for her, as a representative of an initiative group of residents dissatisfied with the activities of the Sonechnoye 2 HOA in maintaining a residential building, to resolve the issue of terminating the activities of the HOA. In response to the refusal to hand over the lists, she indicated that she would file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office. She believes that the victim’s application to hold her accountable for insult was a consequence of her actions to terminate the activities of the HOA and her intention to file a complaint with the prosecutor’s office. There were no conflicts or hostility between her and the victim before the events in question.


In modern medical practice, it is customary to distinguish three degrees of the described pathology: mild, moderate and severe. Patients with mild disease can easily lead a normal life, provided they are constantly monitored by a psychologist and have a competent approach to training. Children with more severe forms of dementia already require specific education and special care.

According to the form of the disease, the disease is classified as follows:

  • Asthenic. The main symptoms of this form of debility are associated with severe emotional instability, mental exhaustion and increased fatigue, attention problems, etc.;
  • Atonic. It is manifested mainly by unmotivated, irrational behavior of the child;
  • Stenic. Also characterized by behavioral disorders and psycho-emotional disorders, in particular, hot temper;
  • Dysphoric. With this form of pathology, the child displays unmotivated aggression and suffers from sudden mood swings.

It is worth noting that people with debility have an intellectual defect that negatively affects their social and work adaptation. As a rule, the patient is able to master any simple profession, but it is extremely rare that such patients enter higher education institutions and build a career.

Debility is classified into several forms. Depending on the level of intellectual development, there may be forms within IQ 50-69.

  1. Mild form IQ 65-69.
  2. Moderate form IQ 60-64
  3. Severe IQ 50-59

Moron is a medical diagnosis

To determine the form of debility, a complete clinical examination is used. The degree of development is determined in accordance with the diagnosed form of debility.

Idiot is an insult

As a rule, this word is used to hint at someone's low intellectual level. Is it correct? Let's start with the fact that translated from Greek this word simply means “private person.” In the ancient Greek city policies, where great importance was attached to public life, this was the name given to a person who avoids participating in this very social life. In essence, this criterion also applies to those who are called idiots now, but if the ancient Greek “idiot” did not participate in the life of society completely consciously, the modern idiot does so forcibly. In everyday speech, the word “idiot” is often used as a synonym for another concept – “moron”.

Oligophrenia is...

Oligophrenia is a congenital or early acquired (before 3 years) dementia, which is characterized by underdevelopment of the entire psyche, mainly the intellect.

It occurs due to unformed areas of the brain at birth, which then do not progress or do so very weakly and slowly. Or a severe disruption of the interaction of neurons in early childhood.

Oligophrenia differs from dementia (what is it like?) because it occurs in more mature and old age.

This disease affects areas such as:

  1. thinking;
  2. speech;
  3. emotional-volitional sphere;
  4. motor.

With severe oligophrenia (1-3% of the total), the disease gives the person disability.

A milder form is more common, in which some deficiencies in cognitive functions can be corrected. You can adapt a person to the external environment and everyday procedures.

In the USA and Western Europe, mentally retarded children are sent to regular schools rather than sent to specialized schools. This practice is gradually reaching us.

Our system of attitude towards such people has not changed for a long time. Starting from kindergartens, and ending with separate groups in schools, since previously they were not accepted at all into higher educational institutions.

The comfort and well-being of an oligophrenic child is influenced by the adequate attitude of parents who care and pay the due amount of attention to him.

It also helps to have the necessary experience of teachers who understand how to deal with special students, and a tolerant society (how is that?) around.

A moron is a diagnosis, not an insult! The main thing about the disease of debility

  • Difficulty in fixation and attention.
  • Memorization is slow and rather fragile.
  • The ability to abstract is almost absent.
  • There is only a descriptive type of thinking.
  • There is no ability to grasp logical connections (space, time, etc.).
  • There may be some speech impairment (poor vocabulary, difficulties in pronunciation).
  • Sometimes they cannot tell what they read or heard.
  • Sometimes partial giftedness is possible (in drawing, calculations).
  • Negativism is developed.
  • Impulsive, impetuous, absent-minded movements.

Symptoms and signs

Knowing the main symptoms and signs of debility will help you quickly begin all therapeutic and preventive measures.

  • Lack of physical fitness. The child begins to walk late, gets tired and loses coordination.
  • Speech develops poorly, vocabulary is insignificant.
  • Abstract thinking is impaired, and the concrete-descriptive type of thinking is expressed.
  • Low level of concentration and attention span.
  • Reduced memory level. Problems in remembering poems, names, etc.
  • Reduced cognitive activity and imagination.
  • Suggestibility, tendency to follow antisocial behavior.
  • Violations in the emotional-volitional sphere, a tendency to aggression, irritability.

For each person, the severity of these symptoms may be different, and only a qualified specialist can make a diagnosis after diagnostics.

Moron is an insult

debilism - a, m. debile adj. The result of debilitation. This is an advertisement for MMM with its cross-cutting characters, with its self-parodying imbecility. Ogonyok 1995 51 77. Escapist obsession. Wasn’t it the only possible opportunity <so> to resist... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language Moronism - Moronicity is the weakest degree of mental retardation caused by delayed development or organic damage to the fetal brain, an outdated term not recommended for use.

Eternal children

The higher functions of the brain, which, in fact, form a person’s unique personality, are at an extremely low level. In terms of their mental development, persons suffering from imbecility forever remain at the age of “preschool child”. Unlike people with a mild form of mental retardation, an imbecile is easy to recognize even by external signs. Depending on micro, or hydrocephalus, the patient has a disproportionate head size: too small or too large.

An incorrect bite, ears with lobes attached to the head, deformed facial bones, a frozen, unblinking gaze - all these are external signs of imbecility.

That is, those that can be seen on the face. When walking, they are clumsy, have poor coordination of movements, and often hunch over and stoop. Fine motor skills, due to focal neurological symptoms, are almost beyond their control. A great achievement for people with imbecility is tying shoelaces and threading a needle.

Such people are forced to live their entire lives in the family of their parents as 7-year-old children. Father and mother are for them the object of inexhaustible love. They don't start their own families. Communication is limited to family circles or rehabilitation groups.

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