A drug with a neuroleptic effect Eglonil - negative reviews. Neutral. Positive. + Leave a review Negative reviews Anonymous1578102 https://otzovik.com/review_5973538.html Attention

The pharmacological properties of the antipsychotic drug “Eglonil” are to stimulate activity and have an antidepressant effect; it is recommended for general therapy to suppress psychosomatic manifestations in various diseases. Does not have a sedative effect.

The main diagnostic indications for the use of this drug are various stages of schizophrenia, depressive states of various origins, neuroses and psychosomatic manifestations. The main active ingredient of Eglonil is sulpiride, which is included in all analogues.

eglonil instructions reviews tablets

Information for taking the drug

Judging by the instructions and reviews of Eglonil, the drug is taken as a single course of treatment or together with psychotropic tablets with similar effects. It is possible to treat diseases such as:

Mode of application

When starting a course of using Eglonil, it is advisable to study the reviews and instructions for use. After all, this drug is first prescribed in the form of injections, which must be administered intramuscularly. Later, according to the doctor’s instructions, they begin taking it in tablet form. When diagnosing psychosis, it is necessary to find out which symptoms are dominant. If the problem lies more in negative symptoms, then the dose of the drug is half a gram per day, for positive symptoms – a gram per day. In other cases of disease, Eglonil should be taken at a dose of a quarter of a gram per day.

According to reviews of Eglonil tablets and instructions for use, the following dosage for children is recommended: 5-10 mg per kilogram of body weight per day, depending on the nosology and the number of external signs that appear during the course of the disease.

reason for admission

Instructions for use

Tablets and capsules are taken orally, regardless of meals, with a small amount of liquid. Injections are administered exclusively intramuscularly; the drug is not intended for intravenous administration.


Taking tablets starts with 200 mg per day, this dose should be divided into 2-3 doses. You should not take the medicine at night due to its stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

For schizophrenia, depressive disorders and delirium, the initial dose is 200-300 mg, gradually increased to 900-1000 mg in three doses. Children over 6 years of age are prescribed the drug at a dose of 5 mg/kg/day.


Start taking 50 mg, gradually increasing the dosage to 150 mg once a week to the maximum allowable value of 150 mg/day. For children, the daily dose is 5-10 mg/kg body weight.

Due to the fact that sulpiride is excreted through the kidneys, if creatinine clearance is impaired, the dosage is reduced by 2-3 times, and laboratory parameters are monitored.

Solution for intramuscular administration

The solution for injection is prescribed at a dosage of 400-800 mg/day, 2 injections per day. Intramuscular injections are prescribed over a course of 14 days. After acute symptoms are relieved, it is recommended to switch to oral forms of the drug.

Interaction with alcohol and other drugs

Simultaneous use with certain medicinal groups of drugs can affect the effectiveness of Eglonil therapy, inhibit or, conversely, enhance clinical effectiveness:

  1. Eglonil potentiates the effect of drugs with the effect of inhibiting the reactions of the central nervous system (opioid analgesics, tranquilizers, sedatives and hypnotics, centrally acting antitussives).
  2. Antihypertensive drugs together with Eglonil increase the risk of orthostatic hypotension, and antiarrhythmic drugs can cause ventricular arrhythmias.
  3. When taken together with the antiparkinsonian drug Levodopa and dopaminergic receptor agonists (Amantadine, Entacapone, Bromocriptine, Cabergoline), mutual antagonism is observed.
  4. Ethanol is incompatible with Eglonil, since the hypnotic effect of neuroleptics is enhanced, and concentration and orientation in space are disrupted. It is strictly not recommended for use in case of chronic abuse of alcohol-containing drinks.

special instructions

The drug Eglonil is prescribed with caution for neuroleptic malignant syndrome, especially with the development of hyperthermia of unspecified origin, since this may be the first sign of a malignant syndrome.

In the presence of autonomic dysfunction, surges in blood pressure, and heart rhythm disturbances, Eglonil is taken by monitoring vital signs, since there is a high risk of complications from internal organs, and hyperthermia may occur.

When taking sulpiride, an extended QT interval is observed on the ECG, and the lengthening is directly proportional to the dose of the drug. The risk of ventricular arrhythmias increases (especially with a heart rate less than 55 beats/min, a decreased concentration of potassium in the blood, and congenital prolongation of the QT interval).

You should not use Eglonil for Parkinson's disease, since the medicine provokes an increase in symptoms and blocks the effect of anti-Parkinsonian drugs.

Use with caution in patients whose work involves increased concentration (drivers, hazardous industries), since the drug can have a depressing effect on reaction speed.

In the presence of epileptic seizures, the drug may lower the seizure threshold, which requires additional monitoring.

Side effects and actions

The action of the drug gives a side effect, like other drugs with the substance in the composition on which it is based. However, these tablets help restore a person’s mental health, having, unlike analogues, a more gentle effect on the body and helping to preserve more nerve cells. But in any case, you need to carefully read about the possible consequences of taking them, as they can have a serious impact on the patient.

Actions that may occur after taking Eglonil: damage to sleep patterns, some menstruation problems in women, decreased vision, impotence, sedation, vertical variations in blood pressure, extrapyramidal disorders, dyskinesia, gynecomastia, galactorrhea, slight obesity, decreased libido and frigidity, some skin rashes.

reason for admission

How can I replace Eglonyl?

Sulpiride (the active ingredient of Eglonil) is one of the atypical antipsychotics. Atypical antipsychotics, unlike typical ones, act more gently and “hit the brain” less. The main purpose of the drug is to treat anxiety, but it is exclusively symptomatic, that is, while you drink it, there will be an effect, when you stop it, the drug is removed from the body and the effect disappears.

Eglonil has a slight antidepressant effect, so it can be used as the only drug for very mild depression, more expressed in somatic problems (sores) than psychological ones (decreased mood, etc.). Unlike some other antipsychotics, this drug does not put you to sleep, but invigorates, and therefore it is recommended to take it in the first half of the day.


Eglonil also has a good effect on diseases that have a clear cause in the head - stomach and duodenal ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome.

And, of course, Eglonil is widely used in psychiatry - in the treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis.

Eglonyl dosage

Eglonil is available in 50 mg capsules and 200 mg tablets. For neuroses, anxiety, depression and somatic diseases, 1-2 capsules per day are usually prescribed. Low doses invigorate, relieve anxiety and depression, but high doses are already used for specific psychoses.

If your doctor does not often encounter neuroses (and these are the ones who mostly sit in the regional ICP), then he may well immediately prescribe you a high dose. For example, I constantly have to remind them to prescribe 50 mg capsules, otherwise they are always eager to prescribe tablets.

Is it possible to buy Eglonil without a prescription?

Long-term use of the drug is not recommended, since after four weeks of use, unpleasant side effects may occur. In addition, if you drink Eglonil for a long time, it stops working as it should. So focus on a maximum course of 4 weeks. Afterwards you can switch to milder drugs like atarax.

Can. You can do the same with an expired prescription. But, of course, not in all pharmacies. Somehow I forgot to get the recipe (it was in my bag), and they never asked me for it.

Eglonil: side effects

Now we come to the most interesting part. The drug is excellent, but what happens when you take it has caused many people to quit halfway through the course.

First of all, it affects the hormonal system. If you are a girl, you will probably notice its side effects. The breasts will swell and increase in size, but do not rush to rejoice at this - they will begin to hurt and, in the most advanced cases, also produce milk. Yes, with Eglonyl you can easily feel like a nursing mother

Source: https://www.myoclinic.ru/blog/mozhno-zamenit-eglonil/

Conditions under which the drug should be taken with caution

There are no recommendations for use by women carrying a child, but if the doctor, after looking and analyzing all the pros and cons, makes a decision about the positive effect of the medicine on the woman and child, then you need to take the pills.

Be careful when prescribing Eglonil for patients with kidney and liver diseases, a history of neuroleptic syndrome, any type of epilepsy, all, even severe, even at the initial stage, diseases of the heart and the entire system, hypertension, hypotension, Parkinson's disease.

Treatment of women during pregnancy or breastfeeding

During pregnancy, unless the drug is absolutely necessary, it is better not to use it as a treatment. But if it is necessary for the life of the mother or child, respectively, then the period of taking the medicine and its quantity must be significantly limited. In children whose mothers were treated with sulpirides during pregnancy, diseases or instability of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as extrapyramidal syndrome, were sometimes recorded. Due to the fact that sulpiride tends to pass through the tissues of the mother’s body into breast milk, it is strictly forbidden to carry out a course of treatment with Eglonil while breastfeeding the baby.

special instructions

If increased intracranial pressure develops, sulpiride should be discontinued, as this may be one of the signs of the malignant syndrome described with the use of antipsychotics. Some signs of body dysfunction, such as excessive sweating or high blood pressure, may indicate that the body is starting to develop hyperthermia, so you need to be careful about this and consult your doctor immediately.

It is assumed that a similar effect of antipsychotics on the human body is of idiosyncratic origin, apparently, some risk factors may predispose to it, for example, dehydration or organic brain damage.

If this phenomenon occurs (increased QT), you must immediately consult your doctor. If possible, a patient with a healthy body should be checked for various hidden heart diseases before starting a course of the drug. Such a precaution can reveal the presence or absence of diseases that are invisible at first glance, for example, ARI cannot be used in patients diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, but there are exceptions that are voiced by the doctor. Renal failure may also be an indication for limiting the amount and time of oral administration of the drug.

"Eglonil" needs to be controlled by people who have:

  • Epilepsy. In such patients, the pain threshold for the drug may be lower than in normal cases.
  • Tendency to postural hypotension, sedation and extrapyramidal effects, which is inherent in patients who are elderly.

The use of alcoholic substances and drugs based on them is impossible while taking Eglonil, since in this case there is a risk of bringing the patient into a coma.

Driving a car and other vehicles is strictly prohibited, as well as operating any other machines or mechanisms that require care.

Eglonil for insomnia reviews

Eglonil (sulpiride) is a neuroleptic antipsychotic used for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders (anorexia nervosa, hallucinosis, bulimia, amentia, alcoholism, involutional hysteria, depression of various origins, etc.). Eglonil has been widely used in the treatment of psychosomatic disorders for more than two decades. It is distinguished from other antipsychotic drugs by its low incidence of unwanted side reactions, as well as its stimulating effect on the central nervous system: the drug invigorates, improves mood, and improves the overall psycho-emotional background. The main effects of the drug are antiasthenic, anxiolytic, antidepressant, and antihypochondriacal. It should be noted that the severity of the antidepressant and anxiolytic effects of Eglonil is comparable to those of classical antidepressants and anxiolytics. Clinical studies of Eglonil have proven its effectiveness as an adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the cardiological, pulmonological, dermatological, neurological, and gastroenterological profiles. The safety and good tolerability of the drug are determined by such characteristics as lack of addiction, lack of suppressive effect on daytime work ability, and lack of liver and kidney toxicity. Undesirable side effects (mainly extrapyramidal disorders) when taking the drug are relatively rare and disappear immediately after stopping drug therapy.

In most cases, they develop when taking submaximal and maximum doses. Patients who already have extrapyramidal disorders (parkinsonism), as well as elderly people, should take Eglonil with extreme caution and under medical supervision. In patients suffering from severe renal failure, the dose should be halved (a possible alternative is an intermittent course of medication). One of the properties of Eglonil is a decrease in the threshold of convulsive readiness, which should be taken into account when prescribing the drug to people suffering from epilepsy. Eglonil is incompatible with ethanol, so alcohol consumption should be avoided during treatment. While taking Eglonil, it is recommended to exclude activities associated with increased attention and concentration (driving a car, working with potentially dangerous mechanisms). The inhibitory effect of the drug on the central nervous system is enhanced when taken together with opioids, tranquilizers, clonidine, sleeping pills and central antitussives. Eglonil potentiates the effect of antihypertensive drugs when used together and increases the risk of orthostatic hypotension. Levodopa reduces the effectiveness of Eglonil. Lithium carbonate and fluoxetine, when used together with Eglonil, increase the risk of developing extrapyramidal reactions.

Antipsychotic drug (neuroleptic) from the group of substituted benzamides. It has a moderate antipsychotic and antidepressant effect in combination with an activating effect. The mechanism of antipsychotic action is associated with selective blockade of central dopamine D2 receptors. The sedative effect is weak, alpha-adrenergic blocking activity is low, and practically does not cause antimuscarinic effects. Rarely causes extrapyramidal disorders, therefore it is classified as an “atypical” antipsychotic. Promotes the healing of ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum.

After intramuscular administration of sulpiride at a dose of 100 mg, Cmax in plasma is achieved after 30 minutes, after oral administration at a dose of 200 mg - after 4.5 hours. Bioavailability when taken orally is 25-35% and is characterized by significant individual variability.

The concentration of sulpiride in plasma is proportional to the dose.

Plasma protein binding is no more than 40%. Sulpiride quickly penetrates into all tissues of the body, faster into the liver and kidneys, slower into brain tissue (the main amount accumulates in the pituitary gland). 0.1% of the daily dose of sulpiride is excreted in breast milk.

Excreted unchanged by the kidneys through glomerular filtration (92%). The total clearance (usually equal to the renal clearance) is 126 ml/min. T1/2 - about 7 hours.

The tablets are white or slightly yellowish in color with a break line on one side and the brand name “SLP200” on the other.

Excipients: potato starch, lactose monohydrate, methylcellulose, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, magnesium stearate.

12 pcs. - blisters (1) - cardboard packs. 12 pcs. - blisters (5) - cardboard packs.

Orally for adults - 100-300 mg/day in 2-3 divided doses. If necessary, administer intramuscularly at a dose of 100-800 mg/day. In children, it is used in a daily dose of 5 mg/kg.

The maximum daily oral dose for adults is 1.6 g.

With the simultaneous use of drugs that depress the central nervous system (opioid analgesics, hypnotics, tranquilizers, clonidine, centrally acting antitussives), the inhibitory effect on the central nervous system increases.

When used simultaneously with antihypertensive drugs, the antihypertensive effect is enhanced and the risk of developing orthostatic hypotension increases.

When used simultaneously with levodopa, the effectiveness of sulpiride is reduced.

Cases of the development of severe extrapyramidal reactions have been described with the simultaneous use of sulpiride with lithium carbonate.

When used simultaneously with fluoxetine, the development of extrapyramidal symptoms and dystonia is possible.

From the side of the central nervous system: agitation, dizziness, sleep disorders, oral automatism, aphasia.

From the digestive system: dry mouth, heartburn, vomiting, constipation.

From the cardiovascular system: increased blood pressure.

From the endocrine system: menstrual irregularities, decreased sexual activity. With long-term use in high doses - galactorrhea, gynecomastia.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, itching.

Neurotic states accompanied by lethargy; psychosomatic disorders, incl. for gastric and duodenal ulcers, UC; acute and chronic psychoses with a predominance of lethargy, agrammatism, abulia; acute and chronic psychoses, accompanied by delirium or confusion, incl. in schizophrenia.

Use with caution in children.

Use with caution in patients with parkinsonism and the elderly. In severe renal failure, a dose reduction or intermittent course of treatment is recommended.

In patients with epilepsy, before starting therapy, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary clinical and electrophysiological examination, because sulpiride lowers the threshold for convulsive readiness.

In case of hyperthermia, which is one of the elements of NMS, sulpiride should be discontinued immediately.

During the treatment period, avoid drinking alcohol.

Use with caution in children.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

During the treatment period, you should refrain from engaging in potentially hazardous activities that require increased attention and rapid psychomotor reactions.


What reviews. [/quo I read the reviews here, I was afraid to drink, but I decided to drink it anyway, I’ve been taking Eglonil for the second week now, I feel good, life has even become more fun, there is no coma, everything is fine with me, only my breasts have enlarged and don’t hurt much)

I was prescribed Eglonil for attacks of VSD! Excellent result. I drank for 3 weeks. No seizures. The only side effects are breast enlargement and slight soreness. I finished my appointment today. I liked this drug. He is the only thing that helped me!

A neurologist prescribed this drug to me for chronic insomnia, 100 mg at night. After reading the reviews, I still don’t understand - is it invigorating, cheerful or calming? I'm afraid to take it for now. If anyone has the same problem, please share.

I calmed my nerves with these pills, but one problem appeared, mastopathy, you treat one thing, you cripple another (

I took Eglonil for 2 weeks along with Remeron, during this time I went into remission, they stopped Eglonil, lasted 70 days and Remeron alone didn’t work, they added Eglonil again. Question: What is the maximum time you can drink Egloni? I bought Croatian sulpiride, has anyone tried it?, there were no side effects from Eglonil

I have been taking Eglonil for 3 months, quarters a day. The mood is leveled out. The most important thing is that I decided to cancel and the depression and panic attacks immediately returned. I decided to drink again and it really felt good again. Side effects: I gained 5 kg of weight, acne, my breasts got bigger and this was just from some quarter and the doctor prescribed 2 halves a day and 1 at night after such a dose I probably would have died.

How long can I drink it? I know that you shouldn’t quit it abruptly - as soon as I quit it, vomiting begins, shortness of breath. Depressive state!

very strange like that. This drug was prescribed to me by a gastroentorologist when she diagnosed dolichosigma (in simple terms, sagging intestines, atony) because of this, sometimes there was a pulling in the side, she said that experiencing and feeling pain is stress and prescribed Linex and Eglonil tablets 1/4 each. so strange, but you take them for depression, although I didn’t have any depression, why did she prescribe them for me??

The neurologist prescribed me 50 mg at night (I get dizzy after work, especially in the subway) - take it for a week. But I've read a lot here. and I’m at a loss after reading all the posts. What should I do?! There doesn't seem to be any depression. I eat, sleep, chat with friends. It is not clear why they were appointed.

very strange like that. This drug was prescribed to me by a gastroentorologist when she diagnosed dolichosigma (in simple terms, sagging intestines, atony) because of this, sometimes there was a pulling in the side, she said that experiencing and feeling pain is stress and prescribed Linex and Eglonil tablets 1/4 each. so strange, but you take them for depression, although I didn’t have any depression, why did she prescribe them for me??

I was treated for terrible anxious depression...at first I took Grandaxin, there was no effect, then I was admitted to the hospital, where they injected me with Eglonil + Vit gr. V., + Amitriptyline tablets... and after the hospital I was on blood pressure, easier + Eglonyl system, for panic attacks. it's creepy. I felt like I was lost if I didn’t take medicine (((.(it was 2008) The Holy Blessed Mother Matryonushka helped. I went to see her with her relics. I haven’t been taking anything for many years. Thank you Lord, your deeds are wonderful..

I was treated for terrible anxious depression...at first I took Grandaxin, there was no effect, then I was admitted to the hospital, where they injected me with Eglonil + Vit gr. V., + Amitriptyline tablets... and after the hospital I was on blood pressure, easier + Eglonyl system, for panic attacks. it's creepy. I felt like I was lost if I didn’t take medicine (((.(it was 2008) The Holy Blessed Mother Matryonushka helped. I went to see her with her relics. I haven’t been taking anything for many years. Thank you Lord, your deeds are wonderful..

Have you tried ZOLOFT - it helps with panic attacks and depression!?

Eglonil is first of all an antipsychotic, then an antidepressant, and more precisely, with the imposition of a psychostimulating effect. Prescribing an antipsychotic (recommended for schizothepic disorder, low-grade schizophrenia and other diseases F20, F21, etc.) as an antidepressant is complete nonsense. Plus, the body adapts to it within a month or two, so if you thought that the effect was instantaneous, then you’re wrong. Although those who are prescribed it get it right from the start. I just know it from myself. Don't be stupid - eat chocolate.

My back hurt a lot - psychosomatics - Eglonil IM helped a lot, plus Grandaxin Isonapax - 10 days - and you’re healthy - super!

A neurologist advised Eglonil to be taken by a relative who had vague daily nausea. We thought it might be psychosomatic. We took half a tablet 1 r. per day briefly (3-5 days). It helps very well and the remission period is also quite decent. There's half a pack left at home. She herself fell into a depressed state due to many problems. There was a constant lump in my throat. I visited all the doctors (checked my thyroid and throat). Then I read a mention of Eglonil on the forum, remembered that I had it lying around at home and finished it according to the same scheme. I don’t drink anymore, but my mood has improved and the lump hardly bothers me. I think I'll buy another pack to have at home just in case. Helps well.

They prescribed Eglonil 150 per day, the condition improved immediately on the 3rd day, but side effects appeared: lactation, weight gain and menstruation disappeared. Now I have reduced it to 50 per day, I feel good, I have been taking it for 9 months already, in a month see a doctor if nothing changes in the clinic of neuroses.

Skajite a kogda is4ezlo moloko? Y menia yje 6 mesetsev.

Read on the Internet “The Many Faces of Eglonil”

So you write, Eglonil doesn’t cure. Are there any tranquilizers, antidepressants, or antipsychotics that cure? They all suppress the disease for a while and also add other troubles, especially such as Clonazepam, Coaxil, Zoloft. about Clonazepam, see the side effects on YouTube. There was a program about Zoloft called “Death by Prescription.” It's on YouTube too. Therefore, you need to approach this very carefully. take tests for the amount of dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine in the blood, undergo consultations with a cardiologist and gastroenterologist, and do an ultrasound of the organs. and then only after the appointment to drink them.

I had high blood pressure due to nervousness, it was brought down only with Eglonyl, there were no special side effects. So the medicine works individually

My mother has been taking Eglonil for 10 years. Now there are terrible side effects, such as blue and swollen lips and a constantly protruding tongue. Anyone know how to remove this, please give me some advice

Varvara! Hello! You wrote SO COMPETENTLY about HELL. You described the whole picture of taking BP, like mine, but this way I’ve been taking BP for 7 years now! I'm slowly lowering it. and turn into a plant! It is NOT possible to get away from them. DO YOU KNOW ANY SUCH CASES?

The only pills that really helped!! but as you know, this is all individual.

people, maybe you have something to think about

Did anyone drink while on Paxil? anxiety tormented me!

I took this drug. The first few days, my head didn’t think at all, I lay on the bed like a vegetable, apathy, couldn’t do anything, feeling overwhelmed, depressed. This is how this drug helped me. But everyone’s body is different, maybe it will suit someone.

She was admitted to the hospital on January 16, 2014 with high blood pressure of 160/100. Nervous state. All because of the stress I suffered at work: I was fired, I wasn’t paid, my seniority was wasted, I wasn’t on vacation, that’s not what I’m talking about. The blood pressure was taken down and examined. Conclusion: severe depression exacerbated by anger - you need to live and enjoy life, and look for work again. At the hospital, the doctor prescribed Eglanil in quarters of 200 mg. Now everything is much simpler and better. There are no bad thoughts or anger in my head. The most important thing is that I sleep peacefully. I don’t know who has acne and what’s going on with their cycle today 01/29/14 - 10th day of taking the medicine in tablets, everything is fine. The most important thing is that I don’t focus on the problem about work. The job will find me on its own. Now I drive a car and laugh when idiots on the roads point and honk. Please note that Eglanil is taken only at night for 30 minutes. before sleep. There is no distracted driving. I just deal with conflict situations much easier. I’ll take these pills and generally become calm as a tank. PS with sex everything is fine too, even better than it was)))

Has anyone been prescribed this for heartburn with VSD?

for Viardo | What about sleeping on Eglonyl?

At night, 50 mg is a quarter of a tablet of 200 mg in 30 minutes. before bed and no worries or unnecessary negative thoughts. In the morning I wake up invigorated and there is no distraction behind the wheel. I don’t take Eglonil in the morning or during the day, only at night. The doctor prescribed them for me for a month.

The dreams are colorful and funny. In general, it’s better to tune in to a wave of confidence and draw positive emotions from any positive moment. I believe that there is an opportunity - you need to try to solve psychological and emotional problems on your own without medications. But if it’s really impossible to cope on your own, as in my case – I had insomnia for two months, then you just need to take one course of a similar drug, after consulting with your doctor in advance. I wish everyone health and more positive emotions.

People! I WAS PRESCRIBED EGLONYL 50MG (sulpiride is 4 times cheaper and it comes in capsules, I think Slavakia) and AZAFEN 75MG. SIBAZON FOR NIGHT 1 WEEK. QUESTION: Has anyone taken Eglonil with an antidepressant? I already took Azafen at night and my head hurts.

The drug is very good, but there are side effects. I don’t know how it is for anyone, but at the 3rd month of taking it I started to shake (in the sense of a tremor). But the dizziness and nausea went away. Maybe I should go to the doctor again, I still have 2 more months of it. accept?

dlo dlorldor dlo llrld rdlo w o

I take 50 mg. The effect is noticeable within a week of taking it, it calms the nerves, it suits me, but I don’t know how long I can take it. Before this I drank for up to 2 weeks.

It helps a lot. At first I drank it for anorexia, now, when something is stolen or some kind of stress, it relaxes me very well. For those who are afraid to drink it (it’s neurological torture), try Persen, 2 pieces, or magnesia.

I have had diarrhea for 6 months, my stool has not returned to normal. The doctor prescribed Creon. Smecta. Rosehip decoction. Decetel. Eglonil 50 mg once a day. And now I’m wondering if I should drink it or not.? in my case will it help or not please tell me

Yes, you simply didn’t have any depression, because Afabozol is a dummy, just like everyone else, Grandaxin, Negrustin, etc. If you were really depressed, you wouldn’t just be drinking AD, you would be howling and going crazy and begging the doctor to prescribe you AD, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics. Don’t give advice to people who are really sick, if auto-training and foams help you, as you say, then you are a healthy person, God forbid you experience real depression with Panic (for example) attacks and anxiety. These are the people who are at least Once in your life you have experienced real depression, when you lie on the bed, neither eat nor drink, cannot hear or see anyone, and at the same time lose one and a half kg a day. I think they will agree with me that you can’t do it without blood pressure and not only blood pressure.. But with you it was simple, like, I’ll just lie around and let them take pity on me,” no, dear, that’s not it.

Yes, you simply didn’t have any depression, because Afabozol is a dummy, just like everyone else, Grandaxin, Negrustin, etc. If you were really depressed, you wouldn’t just be drinking AD, you would be howling and going crazy and begging the doctor to prescribe you AD, tranquilizers, and antipsychotics. Don’t give advice to people who are really sick, if auto-training and foams help you, as you say, then you are a healthy person, God forbid you experience real depression with Panic (for example) attacks and anxiety. These are the people who are at least Once in your life you have experienced real depression, when you lie on the bed, neither eat nor drink, cannot hear or see anyone, and at the same time lose one and a half kg a day. I think they will agree with me that you can’t do it without blood pressure and not only blood pressure.. But with you it was simple, like, I’ll just lie around and let them take pity on me,” no, dear, that’s not it.

I have been suffering from dizziness, goosebumps and darkening in my eyes for 10 years. Nothing helped. Diagnoses like doctors. sea. Yesterday, the neurologist prescribed an injection of Eglonil + PLIZIL atridepresant, which simply overwhelmed me with side effects. I do not care anymore. If I survive, I’ll write back. I'll inject tomorrow.

Hello, can you tell me when improvements after Eglonyl occur?

It seems to me that after it my dizziness became even worse; the headache was worse; I couldn’t move my head.

Hello! Saw Eglonil was the first time I was diagnosed with panic attacks (the condition was terrible, I thought I was going crazy, I just couldn’t stop the flow of my thoughts, it seemed like I was going to go away), the course was 3 months, then I weighed 49 kg with a height of 171, and after using elonil, I gained about 5 kg in weight, but by the end of the course my periods disappeared, but when I finished them, my periods appeared! After half a year, my husband and I decided to relax at sea and decided to scuba dive, that’s when I again had panic attacks, in short, I’m on Eglonil again, only now I’m on a 6-month course of quarters, and I haven’t had my period for almost 3 months , I don’t know what to do, but the drug clearly helps.

With PA, as well as trembling inside, pulse up to a hundred during sleep and everything like that. The psychotherapist prescribed Eglonil for a month + blood pressure for 2-3 months. approximately. How the drug Eglonil seemed to help at first, but then problems began like a woman, about the breasts, they were swollen and hurt wildly, I saw small spots on the bra, and problems began with the cycle, which had never happened, first they started a week earlier, and now there is a delay for 2 week. Actually, I’m sitting here crying. I called the doctor and said that my husband and I are planning to have children and I don’t need problems like women at all, the doctor said that he knows what he’s prescribing.. :(( so it turns out that we’re treating one thing and crippling another

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