Educational and interesting trainings for students

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August 21, 2014

An example of a rather interesting socio-psychological phenomenon that can provide sufficient food for thought is the atmosphere in a group. Various interesting trainings for students also pay attention to this. The best assessment of the significance of this concept is the increased attention paid to it by psychology. What is the meaning of this expression?

A positive atmosphere in the team is the key to its successful activities

In any team, large or small, united to achieve a certain goal, or by chance, there is its own emotional background. It can be both positive and negative, but its very presence is an immutable fact. The climate that reigns in the team will certainly affect the productivity of each employee and his commitment to collective ideas. It is for this reason that every HR employee should take care of creating a favorable climate in the team.

For any leader, the coherence of all actions of his subordinates is of great importance, because the emergence of a negative climate in the team can derail any undertaking. Social psychologists working on this issue make every effort to establish strong relationships between employees. We have to fight just as mercilessly against negative phenomena in the team that destroy it. An example of this is the widespread denunciation. An employee who is satisfied with his status in the team will perform his functional duties with great zeal. Various psychological games for students will be able to give a complete picture of this.

Psychological training games

Psychological training games for high school students and students contain various exercises for regulating behavior. Let's look at some of them.

  1. Exercise for psychological seminar game “Sleeping Lions”

The exercise is as follows. Seated participants depict sleeping lions. Lions sleep lightly so as not to miss possible danger. They choose a driver. He moves freely between group members. His task is to bring lions sleeping with their eyes open out of a state of equanimity and to evoke an emotional reaction in them. But this can be done without physically touching the group members, without using insults or obscene language towards them. If the driver managed to evoke an emotional reaction in one of the participants playing the role of a lion, he gets up from his seat and joins the driver. Now the two of them must do the same thing, i.e. try to evoke emotions in other “sleeping lions”. The winner of the game is the participant who can maintain equanimity the longest.

The point of this psychological course game is the ability to control your emotions, to maintain equanimity even in difficult conditions, when others deliberately try to throw you out of balance.

Discussion of psychological training game.

During the discussion, the facilitator asks questions, and the seminar participants answer. What self-regulation methods did the participants who managed to maintain equanimity longer than others use? In what life situations can the ability to remain calm come in handy? What is more important: not to demonstrate emotions in response to what is happening around you or not to experience them at all, to internally “disconnect” from what is happening?

  1. Exercise game of psychological training “Opposite movements”

This game at psychocorrection seminars is as follows. Participants in the psychological training game are divided into pairs. One of the partners begins to perform spontaneous movements. The other's task is to perform movements that are, from his point of view, the exact opposite of the movements performed by the first member of the pair. After 2 minutes, partners change roles and the game continues. The point of the exercise is as follows: training participants learn to regulate their movements, suppressing the natural desire to repeat the movements of their partner.

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During the discussion of the psychological training game, the following questions are posed: who liked what more - showing movements or doing the opposite? When in real life conditions is it important to be able to do not what is ordered, but to do the opposite?

  1. Exercise game for psychological training “Twist the string”

Two participants in the game sit with their backs to each other at a distance of 2-3 meters. A rope is stretched between them along the floor so that its ends are between the legs of the chairs on which the playing partners are sitting. Their task is to stand up on command, run to the other participant’s chair, sit down and pull the string. The one who does it first wins. The point of the exercise is to train your reaction, the ability to mobilize yourself to achieve your goal as quickly as possible.

When discussing a psychological training game, seminar participants exchange impressions and their thoughts about what qualities, in addition to reaction speed, are important for winning

Tagged with: books training enlightenment self-development seminar training





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How to unite a team

Methods that help unite employees have long become well-known, namely:

  • group parties;
  • creation of stable traditions and rules in the team;
  • occasional tea drinking;
  • joint excursions, field trips, etc.

It is necessary to introduce various group forms of activity into the work process, such as:

  • "brain attack";
  • "flies";
  • meetings and meetings.

The main thing is to prevent such constructive gatherings from turning into an exchange of reproaches. One of the ways to unite employees is to temporarily change responsibilities. All this will help each employee feel like a part of a common mechanism.

An experienced HR manager knows that even a small but pleasant trifle can inspire an employee to receive at least a trivial letter of commendation. And if you manage to recognize each and every member of the team in this way, then the HR employees are not eating their bread in vain.

Some other psychological techniques also play a very important role, for example:

  • trainings;
  • business games;
  • seminars.

Such tests allow employees to develop, and with the thought of their beloved team in mind. It is a generally accepted fact that corporate training brings the team together. Interesting trainings for students will tell you about all this.

Psychological training program for the Optimist club “World of positivity and active longevity”

Availability of windows

A person who wins over people, is responsive, and the picture shows a large open window. And for those who are inclined to judge, live only for themselves and not let anyone outside into their lives, there will be several small windows in the house, perhaps lattice.


An open, welcoming person who is ready to welcome everyone with open arms will draw a door in the middle of the house, and if you see a porch, then this is an even greater indicator of generosity and openness. A closed door depicts chained people, while an open door indicates a sociable author. A door located on one side of the house indicates a person who has difficulty making contact with others and prefers to be alone with himself. A large door on the entire facade indicates such human qualities as innocence, rashness, as well as excessive, excessive generosity.


If there is no pipe in the drawing, or there is one, but no smoke comes out of it, then the artist is most likely a disappointed person in life and, unfortunately, is stingy in showing emotions. A chimney with smoke testifies to nobility, and if it is drawn with some small details, then we can say with confidence that this is a cheerful, cheerful person.

Appendix 3

Projective test “Psychogeometry”

Instructions: Look at the five shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, circle, zigzag) depicted on a piece of paper. Choose from them the one in relation to which you can say: this is ME!

Choose from the figures the one that first attracted you, write down its name under No. 1. Now rank the remaining four shapes in order of your preference and write down their names under the corresponding numbers. So, the most difficult stage of the work is over. Whatever figure you place first is your new figure or subjective form. It makes it possible to determine your main, dominant character traits and behavioral characteristics. The remaining four figures are unique modulators that can color the leading melody of your behavior. The last figure indicates the shape of the person with whom interaction will pose the greatest difficulty for you. However, it may turn out that not a single figure suits you completely. Then you can be described as a combination of two or even three forms. The test highlights areas of professions that are preferable for geometric choices.

Psychological characteristics and professional preferences of basic geometric choices

"SQUARE" (WORKER). Those who choose a square as their preferred figure are “left-hemisphere” thinkers (analytical mindset). It is easier for “Square” to “calculate” the result by processing data in a logical form than to intuitively guess about it. Endurance, patience and methodicality make him a highly qualified specialist in the field of processing and systematizing information. “Square” loves established order once and for all: he is conservative, prefers to work with a certain, once established rule and with a specific task. He does not like surprises and changes in the usual course of events. He arranges, organizes people and things around him, has a practical mindset, efficiency and perseverance.

What does a HR employee need to know?

However, all steps aimed at creating a favorable atmosphere will be useless if it is common practice at the enterprise to gossip and pick each other’s bones. Any problem that arises should be resolved exclusively openly, challenging employees to a frank dialogue. The movement of an employee up the career ladder deserves special attention; in no case should matters lead to mutual resentment and jealousy. Personal growth training for students will talk about this in some detail.

If there is a welcoming atmosphere in the team, it is unlikely that anyone will want to quit. And even if such cases do arise, the person will retain only positive memories and wish all remaining employees happiness. And this will only raise the authority of the leader in particular and the team as a whole. Therefore, creating normal relationships in a team is beneficial to both subordinates and their boss.

Variety of choices

Do you want to undergo psychological training? There is nothing simpler...and more difficult at the same time. That's why.

Today, the offer in this area is so wide that you can find interesting training in psychology in any city, be it Moscow, St. Petersburg or Kharkov. Don't want to waste time traveling and sitting in the classroom? Thanks to the Internet, you have the opportunity, without even getting up from the couch, to receive a psychological education: you just need to download trainings on psychology or attend online lectures by a psychologist.

There are a lot of trainings, but there is practically no control over their quality. Therefore, the most important question is not “how will I undergo psychological training,” but “what kind of training do I want to attend so that it will be useful for me.”

At least, this question was often asked of me. As a person who tests everything on myself, over the years of my passion for psychology, I have gone through all stages of practical psychology - trainings, consultations, education. What is the result? More on this later. And now the review.

I'm Aphrodite and I'm also a Capricorn

When I first came across information about the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, I was visited by skepticism - how can I get rid of my problems without lengthy personal consultations and heartbreaking exercises? This is impossible. And then I read a small article with a brief description of the properties of one of the vectors and was amazed - no one had ever shown me myself so clearly and completely. When a little later at home I turned on the free lecture of this psychological training, I was surprised at the reaction of my family - they laughed embarrassedly because they also recognized themselves.

And then I realized that this is not just another typology of people, this is practical psychology for every day. Knowledge compiled into a system works for you like a well-oiled machine.

On the contrary, I will give an example of anti-system thinking:

“I like to talk because I’m an extrovert, I also like to wear beautiful dresses, because by archetype I’m Aphrodite, by color typology I’m red, so you won’t get bored with me, and I’m also stubborn, well, because I’m a Capricorn.” This grotesque sketch on the theme of “mess in the head” is actually taken from life. After each training, a person usually has one or two attitudes that “justify” the person’s condition in beautiful terms. For example, are you always sad and unsociable? So you're an introvert, get over it. What is an introvert, why am I like this and what should I do about it now? No answers allowed.

The main thing is the result

Organizing a training is a simple matter, but profitable. And many people take advantage of this. How many times in my presence people simply got up and left classes, how many times I myself felt bored and even funny. So the first and most important thing you should pay attention to when choosing psychological training is its effectiveness.

Regardless of what methods of solving personal problems the training offers, the main thing is that it leads you to your goal and gives practical results. It took me a while to understand this. As a result of my many years of experiments with trainings and psychological studies, I came to the conclusion that it is very difficult to eradicate psychological problems in oneself - this requires years of work, tons of shed tears. How else, because the most effective methods of healing come through tears and mental pain. It was precisely because of this prevailing opinion that my acquaintance with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan came as a shock to me.

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