A concussion is a form of traumatic brain injury that is characterized by the absence of structural changes.
Sudden loss of speech. Causes. Symptoms Diagnosis In case of sudden loss of speech, first of all
Every person, no matter how healthy he may be, has experienced
My wife doesn’t want to work Hello, dear psychologists! My wife and I are 26 years old, there are
Definition of VSD The diagnosis of VSD is a purely domestic definition. In the European classification it is considered as
. During the high speed of life and constant lack of time, a person experiences psychological discomfort.
In 1990, the totalitarian religious sect “White Brotherhood” was formed in Kyiv. Its founders
The mechanism of occurrence of shortness of breath in osteochondrosis The spine consists of 32-33 vertebrae: 24 of them are
Depression. Part II: how to treat it and how not to treat it Continued. Part I was
Myasthenia gravis (muscle weakness) is a neuromuscular pathology, the causes of which are autoimmune in nature. This disease manifests itself