An attack of VSD at night? One of the frequent complaints to the pediatrician sounds like this: “Doctor, I constantly
Causes of occurrence For a healthy person, fear of light, especially sunlight, is an atypical condition. Therefore, if
Stroke has always been considered one of the most serious diseases, after which severe consequences occur. Not
Poisoning of moderate severity An overdose of Phenazepam of this form is accompanied by a more pronounced clinical picture: impaired swallowing
Author's rating Author of the article Vera Nikolaevna Shoshina Therapist, education: Northern Medical University. Work experience
Amphetamine psychosis is a pathological condition caused by regular use of amphetamine or other central nervous system stimulant.
Characteristics of the drug The medicine is widely used to combat nicotine addiction. However, at first his active
Anatomy of the human telencephalon - information: The telencephalon, telencephalon, is represented by two hemispheres, hemispheria cerebri.
Menopause is not a disease, but a normal physiological period in a woman’s life. It lasts
A cerebellar tumor is one of the types of brain tumors. A cerebellar tumor may be