Disorders and diseases
Types of exercises Exercises should be regular and systematic. For a small child you need to find
How Belarus lives after three weeks of protests The third week of protests in Belarus has not started
Pain under the ribs in the left side occurs in acute and chronic diseases of internal organs,
Etymology of the disease The vestibular apparatus is usually called the peripheral part of the vestibular system, located in the area of the internal
Every person at least once in his life has been tormented by insomnia, when sleep does not come at night,
Headaches and dizziness with neurosis Headache, perhaps, was born along with humanity. This
Brain dysfunction can have serious consequences. One example is hallucinations in Parkinson's disease.
A person often experiences headaches, the causes of which are unknown. Almost all people try to take medicine,
According to medical statistics, the hyperkinetic form of cerebral palsy occurs in approximately 25% of cases. This is special
Atypical autism - main symptoms: Mood swings Speech impairment Irritability Smell disorder Mental disorders