OGE. Social science. THEORY according to the codifier. 4.3. Diversity of social roles in adolescence.


Increased material well-being, career and professional fulfillment, status and social position are perhaps not the most vital needs for a modern person! It is much more important and primary to establish material security and stability, simply to have a decent job and gain in society, if not success and respect, then at least not condemnation and rejection. However, it is precisely the “secondary”, non-vital needs that determine social growth. And it is this “excess” that we will be talking about. In the context of “bread and circuses” - this is a “spectacle”! This is a tail that you can live without. But how! you can live with a tail (a peacock's, for example), especially if you train it and fluff it up.

In other words, in order to engage in the topic of social growth, you need to ensure the safety of everything and know what and how to get for your survival in this world. And when the tension to ensure security on both the physical and psychological levels is relieved, it is possible to begin to realize other needs, namely recognition (or affection) and achievement (or manipulation). Because it is through the satisfaction of these needs that social formation, development and growth, if you like, take place!

It should be noted that social growth does not occur in the “pure field”, but in that area of ​​the large field “man - environment”, which consists of a society of people and the structures of public institutions (politics, science, religion, morality, art...) and is called society , or a social field, a social environment. And “a field that can take a form is a system” (J.M. Robin). Therefore, we propose to consider the phenomenon of social growth in the context of the following concepts:

  1. social system or social world order;
  2. social contacts and relationships or people, community of people;
  3. social goals and achievements or results of one’s own activity.

The pattern of social growth is simple: one's own purpose promotes action in the system through human relationships.

And now more details. When a person settles himself in the world in order to calm the energy of fear and find security, he acquires the energy of interest in creativity, i.e. a meta-need for free action with other objects or subjects, for manipulation, awakens. And a dream is born! At first, childish, fantastic, free... As you grow older and approach the terms of implementation and methods of implementation, the dream turns into a goal, loses

Main, mixed and secondary social statuses

The main social status determines the lifestyle, behavior and position of a person in society.

The main social status is most often predetermined by professional status, which influences financial opportunities and choice of environment. In patriarchal countries, the main status of women is gender.

When determining the main social status, one must focus on the characteristics of the culture surrounding the reality of a person. The main social status inherent in all individuals in social interaction is human.

There is a status discrepancy or mixed social statuses that occurs as a result of an unfavorable combination of circumstances (loss of health, job, war and political upheaval).

Secondary social statuses are short-lived; a person can change them several times a day (pedestrian, minibus passenger, buyer, spectator, etc.

Note 2

Secondary statuses can be repeated many times in the life of one person, and can be replaced by the opposite ones. Examples of episodic social statuses: train passenger, taxi, stock buyer, cafe visitor, etc.

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