Noopept analogues: list of cheap and effective drugs

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Noopept is a nootropic drug that helps improve brain activity and restore memory.

The tablets contain substances such as: noopept, accompanying substances (lactose, monohydrate), which prevent the possibility of toxic poisoning and injury.

Indications for the use of the medicine are as follows: a state of emotional imbalance, severe consequences of brain injuries, encephalopathy, asthenic disorders, etc. Available in the form of white flat tablets of 25 pcs. packaged.

It is prohibited for use by children and adolescents, as well as during pregnancy, lactose intolerance, and impaired liver and kidney function.

In Russia, the price of this drug is 280–295 rubles. The drug has a number of close substitutes, both domestic and foreign, so to speak, imported.

Production form

Noopept (instructions for use are provided for informational purposes only) is supplied in the form of flat white tablets with a transverse bevel.

Available for sale:

  • 25 pcs. – blisters in cardboard boxes;
  • 30 pcs. – plastic jars;
  • 50 pcs. – plastic jars or blisters in cardboard packages.

The most common boxes are with 2 blisters of 25 tablets inside.

The drug is related to substances of the nootropic group. Nootropics (noos - mind, tropos - direction) are drugs that are designed to protect the brain from overheating and from the effects of external factors such as injuries, advanced age and increased stress at work.

Pharmacological properties

The load on the brain is inevitable due to the increasing volume of world information. Scientific achievements are designed to stimulate and coordinate the work of the brain, increase work speed and productivity.

Nootropics specifically affect brain integrative functions. This is manifested in the activation of brain activity, increasing cognitive abilities and the volume of memorization of useful memory. The membranes of the brain become more resistant to lack of oxygen, stressful situations and extreme changes in load.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

The effect of using Noopept is comfortable for the human body, because its properties are based on the creation of the active substance of the neuropeptide “cycloprolylglycine”, produced in the human brain. The second name for cycloprolylglycine is “memory peptide”.

Noopept - cheap analogues and substitutes for tablets

Ingredients: noopept (N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester) - 10 mg.

Short description

A neurometabolic stimulant that has a beneficial effect on the functionality of psychophysiological processes.

Noopept is prescribed when complications from head injuries are detected: - Concussion; - Cerebrovascular pathology; - Neuropsychic weakness.

The drug is also recommended by doctors for use by patients who have demonstrated a decrease in memory functions, attention and emotional swings.

Another popular Russian analogue. The active substance in Afobazole is a selective anxiolytic, namely mercaptobenzimidazole.

The drug does not have an inhibited effect on patients, drowsiness and a feeling of detachment do not appear, and the drug does not have a “withdrawal” effect.

A psychotropic drug produced in Russia. It contains two active substances. Restores the integrative activity of the brain if there is a wide range of organic disorders of the patient’s central nervous system, somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system.

Imported substitutes

This analogue is prescribed by neurologists to improve cerebral blood flow and rheological properties of blood. There is an improvement in brain metabolism throughout the entire course of treatment with the drug.

Belongs to the group of nootropics. The drug is prescribed to improve the function of cerebral circulation and metabolism of nerve cells.

Caviton, which has a neuroprotective function, can reduce the level of cytotoxic effects of amino acids.

A medication designed to improve microcirculation and cerebral circulation. The active component of plant origin is ginkgo biloba. Release form: drops and tablets for oral administration.

The effect of the substitute can be observed within a couple of hours after the start of administration and the effect persists for the next ten hours.

Prescribed when a patient is diagnosed with: - Intermittent claudication; - Cognitive and neurosensory deficits of various etiologies; - Reduced visual acuity; - Hearing impairment;

- Raynaud's disease or syndrome.

The drug is used in cases where the patient has impaired physiological activity of brain cells. In addition, this analogue is used for ophthalmological and neurological purposes. The drug is dispensed in pharmacies strictly according to the prescription of the attending physician.



The drug is characterized by nootropic and neuroprotective characteristics:

  • The pills will help in the learning process and clarify memory. Noopept affects every phase of human cognitive abilities: initial information processing, its storage and subsequent involvement in the process of perception and thinking. The drug prevents the progression of amnesia caused by blockade of cholinergic structures, glutamatergic receptor systems and loss of the sleep paradox phase.
  • The protective effect of Noopept is revealed as increased resistance of brain tissue to traumatic influences (hypoxia, traumatic brain injury, toxins) and a decrease in the level of damage to neurons in the meninges.
  • Noopept, the instructions for use clearly state this, reduces the size of the thrombotic stroke lesion, and also prevents the death of neurons in the membranes of the human brain.
  • The drug demonstrates the properties of an antioxidant, and as an antagonist it has a positive effect on excess calcium, improves blood quality and reveals fibrinolytic (the ability to dissolve blood clots in blood vessels), anticoagulant (inhibiting blood clotting and the appearance of blood clots) and antiplatelet (preventing platelet aggregation) characteristics.
  • The effect of the nootropic is directly related to the synthesis of natural-like cycloprolylglycine, which is similar in structure to the anti-amnestic active endogenous dipeptide, which prevents the occurrence of memory loss and amnesia.
  • Noopept helps to establish associative connections between both hemispheres.
  • The drug will help restore memory and other cognitive functions impaired by negative influences - ischemia, traumatic brain injury, prenatal problems such as hypoxia or alcohol consumption. The drug improves functional parameters of the brain in case of disturbances in their blood supply in elderly people.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

  • Already from the 5-7th day of using the drug, the therapeutic effects of Noopept appear in people with malfunctions of the central nervous system. Initially, an anxiolytic and stimulating effect occurs, which are available in the active spectrum of the drug. This is revealed in a decrease or complete disappearance of feelings of anxiety, excessive irritability, affectivity, and sleep problems.
  • On the 14-20th day of treatment with Noopept, the positive effect of the drug on the growth of memory capacity and attention is enhanced.
  • The drug has a vegetative-normalizing effect, which relieves headaches, dizziness, tachycardia and orthostatic problems.
  • The product has no accumulation effect. It will not cause addiction or dependence on use. At the end of the course of the prescribed drug, no withdrawal syndrome was diagnosed.
  • Noopept does not harm the abdominal organs and does not change biochemistry and hematology parameters. Noopept has no immunotoxic, teratogenic or mutagenic properties.

What does Noopept help with?

Due to its nootropic and neuroprotective effect, Noopept is prescribed in the following cases:

  • encephalopathy of various etiologies (especially in the elderly);
  • memory impairment and cognitive decline;
  • decreased blood circulation in the brain;
  • excessive physical or mental fatigue;
  • emotional disorders;
  • prevention after brain injury;
  • state of asthenia.

Most often, patients are prescribed Noopept to restore memory functions and improve cognitive capabilities. Clinical studies of the drug were conducted in groups of people with age-related encephalopathies (with various concomitant diseases, including post-stroke conditions) and in patients after traumatic brain injuries with obvious cognitive disorders.

All tests showed positive dynamics in the treatment of patients and led to normalization of intellectual capabilities and improvement of memory.


Absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, part of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine is digested, forming the metabolite Cycloprolylglycine. It is this substance that is absorbed into the general bloodstream from the gastrointestinal tract. Together with the blood, Cycloprolylglycine easily overcomes the blood-brain barrier and enters directly into the brain.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

The following changes occur in the brain when Noopept is ingested:

  • Strengthening the effect of acetylcholine on receptors. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter produced in response to gaining new knowledge and experience, and is responsible for the learning process. This means that it will be easier for a person to learn from taking the drug.
  • Stimulation and construction of neurons occurs, which leads to the normalization of mental activity and psycho-emotional state.
  • The drug reaches its maximum peak concentration in the body within 25 minutes. The half-life of Noopept from blood plasma is 38 minutes. The drug partially remains in its original form, and partially changes. After metabolism, phenylacetic acid, phenylacetylproline and cycloprolylglycine are released.
  • The level of bioavailability (the volume of the drug delivered directly to the destination) is 99.7%. This means that the loss of Noopept during the process of entering the brain is only 0.3%.
  • The knowledge and skills acquired as a result of taking Noopept will not disappear or weaken at the end of the course of use.
  • In 2002, scientists from the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences proved that Noopept is 1000 times more effective than the founder of the nootropic group Piracetam when used in similar dosages.
  • Noopept (the instructions for use make this clear) is not a stimulant, and it will not make a person work. A prerequisite for his activity is a person’s desire to learn and gain new experience. Cognition will stimulate the production of acetylcholine, which supplies information to the human brain neurons, forming a comprehensive memory. Noopept simplifies and speeds up the entire process.

Description of the dosage form

Tablets: white, round, beveled.
Noopept is an innovative drug with pronounced nootropic, neuroprotective and antioxidant effects. The basis of the drug is N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine in the form of ethyl ether, the dose of one tablet is 10 mg, as well as auxiliary components. Taking the tablets allows you to improve cerebral circulation, increase the resistance of brain cells to various toxic substances, and reduce pathological lesions in ischemic stroke. The tablets protect brain structures from toxic influences and reduce the death of neurons.

The effect after taking the drug can be noticed within a few days. A person’s intensity and frequency of headaches decrease, sleep improves, feelings of anxiety disappear, and sleep normalizes. In addition, taking pills can improve cognitive functions, including concentration and memory.


Noopept (instructions for use are included with each package) is indicated for problems with memory functioning, dissonance of attention, emotionally labile disorders, including the elderly, with:

  • post-concussion syndrome (complex long-term disorder after a traumatic factor);
  • consequences of skull trauma;
  • encephalopathy and vascular insufficiency of the brain;
  • asthenic disorders;
  • memory impairment in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • after mixed strokes accompanied by epileptic attacks;
  • a decrease in indicators of intellectual productivity of any origin.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews


  • Successful modern people who need to regain high concentration and strong memory. This is extremely important against the backdrop of increasing intensity of mental stress.
  • Patients over 50 and older, who should remain not only physically active, but also mentally, in order to feel self-confident, to be important in the family, at work and in society.
  • For students during preparation for a session and other mental stress.

There is evidence for the safety of the drug.

For people taking or planning to take Noopept, it is necessary to know about its pharmacodynamic features, which determine its safety:

  • the peptide structure of the drug is completely absorbed in the duodenum, which ensures the absence of side effects of the dispersion;
  • peak concentration is reached after 25 minutes;
  • metabolites do not bind to blood albumin and quickly disintegrate and are removed from nerve fibers;
  • passing through the encephalohematic barrier (the protective system of the brain), the drug spreads along the nerve fibers in a concentration similar to plasma;
  • Noopept decomposes completely in the blood serum to substances similar to endogenous ones;
  • the neuroprotective components of the substance strengthen the resistance of brain tissue to the negative effects of alcohol toxins.


There are no absolute contraindications to the use of tablets.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

Neurologists recommend refraining from taking Noopept only in special situations:

  • pregnant girls;
  • young nursing mothers;
  • youth under 18 years of age;
  • with allergies and hypersensitivity to Noopept ingredients;
  • in case of lactase deficiency;
  • with lactose intolerance;
  • patients with interruptions in liver and kidney function;
  • if malabsorption is diagnosed.

Other products similar in action to Noopept

Noopept is a relatively inexpensive drug; its cost may vary depending on the dosage, the number of tablets in the package, region and pharmacy.

A drugRelease form, quantityPrice in rubles
NoopeptTablets 10 mg, No. 50344
VinpocetineAmpoules 5 mg/ml, No. 10
Tablets 5 mg, No. 50

Tablets 10 mg, No. 30



PiracetamTablets 200 mg, No. 60
Capsules 400 mg, No. 20

20% solution in ampoules 5 ml, No. 10



VinpotropilCapsules 5,400, No. 30
Tablets 10,800, No. 60
NootropilTablets 1200 mg, No. 20
Tablets 800 mg, No. 30

Ampoules 5 ml, No. 12



AminalonTablets 250 mg, No. 50141
GlycineTablets 100 mg, No. 50
Tablets 110 mg, No. 50

Tablets 250 mg, No. 20



TanakanTablets 40 mg, No. 30542
DivazaTablets 100 mg, No. 100289
BilobilCapsules 80 mg, No. 20
Capsules 120 mg, No. 20
CortexinLyophilisate 10 mg/5 ml, No. 101288

The cheapest analogues of Noopept are Piracetam, Glycine and Vinpocetine. Their cost does not exceed 50 rubles. However, you cannot replace one drug with another on your own, as this can negatively affect your health.

Neurometabolic stimulants have a specific effect on higher brain functions, they improve the body’s mental activity, increase resistance to stress, intoxication, injury and hypoxia. However, there are drugs that belong to other pharmacological groups, but have a similar effect.


Glycine pilyule_nervi-429 contains the nonessential amino acid of the same name. The medication belongs to the group of metabolic drugs. The drug improves brain function, normalizes sleep, calms, relieves stress, and improves mood. The drug regulates the activity of glutamate receptors, which helps improve mood and psycho-emotional state, normalize sleep, and increase mental abilities. Glycine can be used to eliminate the following manifestations:

  • constant nervous disorders and stress;
  • aggressive behavior;
  • rehabilitation period;
  • insomnia;
  • mental and psychological stress;
  • memory problems;
  • decreased performance;
  • asthma, epilepsy, heart attack;
  • hyperactivity.

Popular nootropics

The medication is prescribed to children over 3 years of age. Taken sublingually. Adults can take up to 6 tablets per day, children - no more than two. Treatment is carried out over a course of two to four weeks. In addition, unlike nootropic drugs, Glycine can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

There are no contraindications for use, however, you should not take the product if you are allergic to the components.


Tanakan pilyule_nervi-516 is a herbal preparation whose effect is due to its effect on metabolic processes in cells, blood viscosity, as well as the ability of blood vessels to expand or contract. Contains Gingo biloba extract. It is used for the following pathologies:

  • impaired cognitive functioning of the brain;
  • impaired blood supply to the vessels of the lower extremities;
  • visual disturbances associated with circulatory disorders;
  • decreased ability to detect and understand sounds, dizziness, and vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • disruption of arterial blood supply to the extremities.

The list of contraindications is quite extensive:

  • acute inflammatory process of the gastric mucosa;
  • exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • stroke;
  • clinical form of coronary heart disease;
  • hypocoagulation;
  • lactose metabolism disorder, lactase deficiency;
  • gestation period;
  • breast-feeding;
  • hypersensitivity.

The drug is prescribed to adults 40 mg 3 times a day. Taken orally before meals. Be sure to drink liquid.


Divaza is an antihypoxic, antioxidant, angioprotective, nootropic drug. Available in the form of tablets for sublingual use. The active components are immunoglobulins to isomolecular tissue-specific calcium-binding proteins with modulatory action. The product improves the ability to remember information and normalizes blood supply to the brain.

  • allergy to substances contained in the product;
  • age under 18 years;
  • chronic disorder of digestion processes;
  • milk sugar intolerance;
  • pregnancy.

It is necessary to take 1-2 tablets between meals. Only one tablet can be placed in the oral cavity; if necessary, after the first tablet is completely absorbed, you can take a second one. The number of appointments depends on the type and degree of the disease. The course of treatment ranges from 16 to 24 weeks. Divaza is a homeopathic remedy.


Bilobil pilyule_nervi-412 is a herbal preparation that normalizes blood movement in a closed circulatory system. The medicine contains an extract from ginkgo leaves, which acts as an active component. The effect of the drug is to strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, as well as improve blood hemodynamics.

Bilobil is prescribed for various nervous system disorders:

  • anxiety disorders;
  • hearing impairment associated with nervous disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • structural focal changes in cerebral vessels;
  • vertebrobasilar insufficiency;
  • absent-mindedness and disorders of higher brain functions.

Contraindications for use are as follows:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • hypocoagulation;
  • formation of erosions on the walls of the stomach;
  • exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers;
  • stroke;
  • ischemic necrosis of the myocardium;
  • low blood pressure;
  • age under 18 years;
  • allergies or intolerance to components.

The product is used internally, but the integrity of the capsule must not be damaged. The product must be taken three times a day, 40 mg. Eating does not affect the effect of the medicine.


Cortexin is a neurometabolic stimulant that improves sensory perception, educational and cognitive activity, the ability to concentrate and tolerate stressful conditions. Produced from cattle brain peptides. Used as part of combination therapy for the following diseases:

  • vascular genesis of the brain;
  • consequences of a head injury;
  • organic brain damage;
  • disorders of higher mental functions;
  • inflammatory lesions of the brain and spinal cord;
  • predisposition to sudden onset of seizures;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • endocrine, immune and nervous disorders;
  • reduced learning ability;
  • delayed psycho-speech development in children;
  • various movement disorders, cerebral palsy.

The drug is administered intramuscularly once a day. The daily norm for patients weighing more than 20 kg is 10 mg, less than 20 kg is 0.5 mg per kg. The drug is not prescribed for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Side effects

Noopept may cause some side effects. The instructions for use describe each case separately.

For example:

  1. There is a slight possibility of an allergy to the nootropic.
  2. There have been cases of increased blood pressure after taking the medicine in people suffering from hypertension.
  3. Children should not take Noopept, since the psycho-emotional sphere at an early age is unstable and is just beginning to form.
  4. No clinical studies have been conducted for pregnant women and nursing mothers. For these situations, it is imperative to consult a gynecologist.

Noopept: instructions for use, dosage

The drug is drunk after eating 30 minutes. orally. The course of use of the product begins with a volume of 20 mg. This means you need to take 1 tablet twice a day. Reception should be done in the morning and after lunch. If drug therapy was insufficient, the dosage can be increased to 30 mg, dividing this dose into 3 doses of 10 mg each.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews
The figure shows instructions for using Noopept.

It is not recommended to exceed the indicated amount of the drug.

You cannot take pills after 18.00. The course of therapy should last from 1.5 to 3 months. During this time, you will need 2 packs of tablets of 30 pcs. each. This period of time is necessary for the brain to get used to working in a new rhythm. After completion, you should take a break for 1 month and repeat the course if necessary. Noopept is not addictive.

Interestingly, if the course is completed, the medication is stopped; a gradual dosage reduction is not required. The drug does not have a detrimental effect on vision and composure, so it is allowed to drink while driving.

special instructions

  • If while taking the drug there are signs of adverse reactions in the body, you need to stop taking the drug and consult a doctor who can replace the medicine with a similar composition.
  • You should take the tablets as prescribed by your doctor, strictly following the recommended doses of the medication.
  • It is prohibited to combine tablets with alcohol or other nootropic drugs.
  • The drug is not prescribed to children due to the lack of clinical trials.
  • The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

DETAILS: Zelenin drops - official instructions for use, analogues

Reviews about the drug can be found on various forums. Many claim that systematic use of the drug allows already after 7 days of use an improvement in cognitive functions, sleep improves, and anxiety disappears.

If it is necessary to increase the dose of the drug (up to 30 mg/day), with long-term use, as well as simultaneous use with other drugs, the occurrence of adverse reactions or worsening of the condition, you should consult a doctor.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery. Noopept® does not affect the ability to operate machinery and vehicles.

Strict adherence to the list of contraindications is ensured by preliminary diagnosis during medical consultation. Some conditions (pregnancy, diseased liver) can only be detected during a medical examination.

Interactions with alcohol, as well as with other medications (hypnotics, antihypertensives, psychostimulants) have not been established. The drug does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

If there are indications for long-term therapy with Noopept, treatment should be carried out under mandatory medical supervision.

If the drug causes side effects or allergic reactions, then its use should be stopped or postponed for some time.

If an overdose of the drug occurs, then you should also abstain from it for a while.


The cost of Noopept is 320-350 rubles per package, so many are trying to find a cheap equivalent replacement for the drug. It is recommended that you consult a therapist, since each substitute, unlike the original Noopept, has contraindications and restrictions on use.

Noopept analogs that can partially replace the original:

  • Aminalon - prescribed for vascular diseases in the brain, disruptions in the circulatory system, problems with speech and mental retardation in children.
  • Biotropol is taken for the symptomatic treatment of a pathological condition that is accompanied by memory impairment or dementia.
  • Vinpocetine – indicated in cases of neurology. It is taken after a stroke, for cerebral atherosclerosis, post-traumatic encephalopathy. It will help with thrombosis of blood vessels in the eyes and damage to hearing.
  • Glycine - unlike noopept, does not have vegetative-normalizing functions. Glycine is not absorbed into the blood, being digested in the intestines. The course can restore normal sleep and acts as a mild sedative. Glycine cannot be called an equivalent replacement, since it is only an integral part of Noopept, among other amino acids.
  • Cavinton is used for various diseases of the cerebral circulatory system. Cavinton is indicated after a stroke and for cerebral vascular atherosclerosis.
  • Cognifen - indicated for weakening intellectual and mnestic functions. Slows down involutive processes in the brain of older people and helps with Alzheimer's disease and other memory disorders. Normalizes the condition in the post-stroke period.
  • Memosam is useful for ischemic stroke, atherosclerosis and encephalopathy of various origins. Memosam is used in cases of depression, asthenia and adynamia, labyrinthopathy.
  • Noozam - prescribed in case of functional disorders of the central nervous system, memory, attention, migraines. It has age restrictions, as it is contraindicated for persons under 18 years of age.
  • Citicoline - indications: acute forms of brain disorders, strokes, complications from injuries and the consequences of injury in the form of absent-mindedness, partial memory loss.
  • Evrysam is used for problems with cerebral blood supply, memory loss and disruptions in thinking. Provides support for symptoms of labyrinthine disorders, which include dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and nausea.
  • Entrop - is often prescribed to older people with impaired blood supply to the brain, as well as for neuroinfections and brain hypoxia.

Other foreign analogues

Among the synonyms of imported production, finding inexpensive and suitable substitutes will not be a problem.

Here is a list of some of them:

  1. Cinnarizine Sopharma . The price of the drug is 20–50 rubles. It has a beneficial effect on brain vessels by blocking calcium channels. Side effects were detected (headache, drowsiness).
  2. Nootropil . Available in two forms: tablets and solution. The best candidate for the role of an analogue of Noopept. Activates processes in the central nervous system without dilating blood vessels. Although there are mild side effects (anxiety, drowsiness) Price from 200 rubles.
  3. Stugeron . The drug dilates blood vessels, but no effect on blood pressure was detected. Reduces excitability, makes muscles highly resistant to hypoxia. Price 150–170 rubles. Mild side effects (excessive sweating, neurosis, fatigue).

Asking the question “what to replace noopept with?” It is worth realizing that the cheapest does not mean the best. Be careful when choosing an analogue and do not forget to first consult with your doctor.

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Reviews from those who took the drug

Reviews from people who have taken Noopept are mostly positive. Patients testified that taking the medicine normalizes sleep and improves memory. Depressive states, aggression and apathy disappear by the end of the treatment, that is, 1.5 months after the start of the course.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

People become more collected and attentive. It is important not to violate the timing of taking it, as taking a pill before bed will lead to insomnia. 90% of patients indicate a simplification of the learning process with Noopept, an increase in the amount of information absorbed and a general improvement in the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.

In old age, the medicine helps maintain the mental development of the body, which allows a person to remain useful to his family and society. Many patients are attracted by the absence of serious side effects, withdrawal after withdrawal and compatibility with many medications.

Reviews from neurologists

The drug has many good reviews from neurologists. Experts say that the product has a complex effect, is characterized by high safety indicators and extremely rare occurrence of side effects.

Noopept. Instructions for use, analogues, price, reviews

According to experts, Noopept improves cognitive functions, removes absent-mindedness, brain fog and memory gaps. Neurologists talk about a wide range of uses of the drug. It is prescribed to patients with many neurological disorders, in unfavorable conditions, as a stimulant of memory and attention.

Noopept, according to the instructions for use, is systematically prescribed by doctors as the most effective nootropic substance, which generally enhances cognitive brain functions. Real reviews from people and doctors say: the nootropic has proven itself to be an effective tool in the regeneration of human memory. Noopept is well tolerated and works even with complex therapy.

Indications and contraindications

The drug is indicated:

  1. Patients who suffer from poor memory and attention problems.
  2. For encephalopathy of various etiologies.
  3. For head injuries.
  4. With asthenic syndrome.
  5. In pathological conditions characterized by impaired intelligence and cognitive functions.

The main contraindications to the use of the product are allergic reactions, pregnancy or lactation, severe kidney pathologies, and age under eighteen years.

Side effects are rare. Allergic reactions and increased blood pressure may occur in hypertensive patients.

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