Which is better: Adaptol or Phenibut? What is the difference? Can I take it together? Reviews

According to statistics, stress of a mental or physical nature is the most common disorder that occurs in modern people.

Stress causes serious harm to the body and overstrains the nervous system. In the future, this leads to constant headaches and depression.

It is necessary to start therapy for stress as early as possible, and for this you need to select effective drugs.

For a number of nervous system disorders, doctors recommend taking medications such as Phenibut and Adaptol.

"Phenibut": description of the drug

Phenibut is a nootropic and psychostimulant drug.


Normalizes metabolic metabolism in brain tissue . Affects blood circulation in the brain, thereby improving its functional state.

It has antiplatelet properties and reduces the tone of cerebral vessels.

Stimulates mental activity and memory functions. Increases the brain's resistance to negative factors.

Available in tablet form. The main active ingredient in the tablets is aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride.

Excipients: sodium glycolate, MCC, colloidal silicon dioxide, etc.

Indications and contraindications

Phenibut is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • Meniere's disease.
  • Neuroses.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Unfounded fears.
  • Deterioration of intellectual abilities.
  • Memory disorders.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Insomnia.
  • Increased anxiety.
  • Alcoholism (to relieve withdrawal symptoms).
  • Pathological conditions during menopause.

In pediatrics, the medicine is used to treat nervous tics, enuresis, and logoneurosis.

Contraindications for use are: lactation period, pregnancy (first trimester), intolerance to any of the components of the drug, children under 8 years of age, liver or kidney failure.

Caution is required when prescribing medication to patients with gastrointestinal pathologies (ulcers, erosions).

Side effects include attacks of nausea, pressure changes, drowsiness, and headaches.

Basically, such manifestations are observed only at the beginning of the course of therapy.

pharmachologic effect

A course of Phenibut helps:

  1. Increasing the body's resistance to stress factors.
  2. Improving memory functions and learning ability.
  3. Increasing clarity of consciousness.
  4. Improving critical capabilities.
  5. Reducing the severity of the consequences of TBI, strokes, and brain intoxications.
  6. Stabilization of energy processes occurring in the brain.
  7. Activates blood supply and utilization of glucose by the brain.
  8. Eliminate symptoms of asthenia.
  9. Reduced irritability.
  10. Increases motor, speech, volitional activity, etc.

Considering that the therapeutic effect of the drug manifests itself gradually, usually after several weeks, it is recommended for a course of use.


After oral administration, the drug is well absorbed and penetrates into all tissues of the body. About 0.1% of γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride penetrates into brain tissue from the dose of the drug taken; in young and elderly patients, increased penetration through the BBB is possible. After 3 hours, γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride is detected in the urine, at the same time the concentration in brain tissue does not decrease; it is detected in the brain after another 6 hours.

80–95% of the drug is metabolized in the liver to pharmacologically inactive metabolites. 5% of drugs are excreted from the body unchanged by the kidneys. The day after taking γ-amino-β-phenylbutyric acid hydrochloride can only be detected in the urine; it is determined in urine 2 days after administration, but the detectable amount is 5% of the administered dose.

"Adaptol": description of the drug

"Adaptol" is a drug from the group of anxiolytics , a daytime tranquilizer.


Has a calming effect, protects brain cell membranes from destruction. Activates and enhances the activity of the inhibitory mechanisms of the brain.

Due to its antioxidant and cerebroprotective properties, it helps the body cope with oxidative stress of various origins.

The medication is available in the form of tablets for oral administration.

The tablets contain the main active substance - tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (mebicar) and a number of auxiliary components: calcium stearate, methylcellulose.

Indications and contraindications

Indications for use are:

  • Neurosis-like conditions.
  • Pain in the heart (not associated with ischemic heart disease).
  • Taking antipsychotics or tranquilizers (to eliminate side effects).
  • PMS and menopausal syndrome.
  • Withdrawal syndrome in nicotine addiction (as part of complex therapy).

Adaptol can also be prescribed in combination with other medications for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction.

The official instructions for use clearly state all contraindications for taking this medication. They are: individual intolerance to the constituent components, lactation period, pregnancy, children under 18 years of age.

However, despite the ban on use at an early age, pediatricians or pediatric neurologists in some cases prescribe the drug to children over 10 years of age for individual indications. In each such case, the possible risks and consequences of such an appointment must be assessed.

Cases of side effects are very rare. Sometimes patients may experience low blood pressure, weakness, and allergic reactions.

pharmachologic effect

During treatment, such positive effects as:

  1. Reducing internal tension.
  2. Reduced irritability.
  3. Normalization of night sleep.
  4. Increased cognitive activity.
  5. Relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Experts prescribe Adaptol in short courses - up to 7 days, or long courses - up to 6 weeks, depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the symptoms of the pathology.

Characteristics of the drug Afobazol

It is a sedative that helps effectively eliminate feelings of anxiety without causing addiction. Due to this, it can be used for a long period of time. It does not have a negative effect on attentiveness, memory, or relaxes muscles. At the same time, there is no feeling of addiction.

In addition, the drug is highly effective against autonomic disorders. Due to its mild effect on the body, there is a significant improvement in a person’s physical condition, sweating and a feeling of dryness in the oral cavity are eliminated.

BigSovets.ru - Which drug is better, “Adaptol” or “Afobazol” and how they differ

The main indications for use are:

  • Anxious feelings in various pathologies - inflammation of the respiratory tract, systemic lupus erythematosus, irritable bowel syndrome, hypertension, heart rhythm disturbances, dermatological and oncological diseases, as well as neurotic syndrome, adaptation disorder.
  • Poor sleep caused by anxiety.
  • Disturbance of neuroendocrine regulation.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • A condition that occurs after prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages.
  • Feeling better when quitting smoking.

Contraindications include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to components.
  2. Pregnancy, lactation.
  3. Age up to eighteen years.

Side effects of this product are minimized. It is extremely rare that nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction, and allergies may occur. But do not forget about a possible overdose, so as not to provoke drowsiness.

How do the drugs differ?

The differences between medications are quite significant:

  1. They belong to different pharmacological groups . “Phenibut” is a nootropic, “Adaptol” is an anxiolytic. As a result, their mechanism of action on the body differs.
  2. The release form is also different. "Adaptol" is available only in tablet form. "Phenibut", in addition to tablet form, can be produced in powders.
  3. Phenibut has a wider spectrum of action . It has an impressive list of indications for use.
  4. Adaptol is produced in Latvia. Phenibut has many different manufacturing companies. Its production is carried out in Russia, Latvia, and Belarus.
  5. The list of side effects is longer for Phenibut. But it copes better with relieving the symptoms of various nervous disorders.
  6. The difference in price is quite noticeable . The cost of Phenibut, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 80 to 400 rubles . For “Adaptol” you will have to pay 600-700 rubles .

"Phenibut" and "Adaptol"

Instructions for use

The choice of dosage is made by a specialist depending on the age, diagnosis of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases and the need to reduce the active substance, additional medications taken. Children from 8 years of age to adolescence are prescribed 250 mg capsules three times a day after meals. For older patients, it is possible to increase the single dose to 500 mg.

Dosage adjustment is necessary in childhood, in case of renal and liver failure, and simultaneous use with other drugs (sedatives, antipsychotics, antiparkinsonians, nootropics).

Noofen is available in capsules that cannot be opened or chewed. If you have difficulty swallowing, you should consult your doctor and choose an analogue.

Noofen and its analogues have not been studied in pregnant or lactating women, so there are no clinical trial results on safety or potential harm. It is not advisable to use medications during these periods.

How do drugs work?

The pharmacological effect of a drug depends on which structures in the body it affects.


In its structure, Adaptol is similar to natural metabolites of the human body - after all, its molecule consists of urea fragments. The drug affects the limbic system in the brain and, in particular, the emotional center located in the hypothalamus. It also affects all four neurotransmitter systems and determines the production of choline, serotonin, dopamine and GABA.

Due to this Adaptol:

  1. Reduces or completely eliminates fear and anxiety.
  2. Relieves internal emotional tension, eliminates irritability.
  3. It enhances the effect of sleeping pills, but does not have a sedative effect.
  4. Relieves or removes cravings for tobacco and reduces symptoms of withdrawal symptoms.
  5. Improves concentration and memory, increases performance.

The calming effect of Adaptol is not accompanied by drowsiness, impaired coordination of movements, or muscle relaxation. The stimulating effect of the drug does not lead to euphoria. Therefore, Adaptol can be used during the day - it does not conflict with study or work. However, the drug may lower blood pressure, which may impair your ability to drive or perform tasks that require precision movements.



Phenibut acts directly on GABA receptors and facilitates the transmission of nerve impulses in the central nervous system. The drug normalizes metabolism in brain tissue, improves cerebral blood flow and acts as an antiplatelet agent - it prevents the formation of blood clots.

When taking Phenibut as a course:

  1. Reduces or completely eliminates feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and fear.
  2. Normalizes sleep.
  3. Relieves emotional stress.
  4. Eliminates vegetative-vascular symptoms - for example, headache, heaviness in the head and chest.
  5. It has a moderate anticonvulsant effect.
  6. Stimulates attention and memory, increases performance.
  7. In case of asthenia, it improves overall well-being and restores the taste for life.

Phenibut also:

  1. Stimulates blood flow in the tissues of the eye - and this effect is used for glaucoma.
  2. Reduces the toxicity of ethanol - and therefore is used in the complex treatment of alcohol addiction and its consequences.
  3. Improves the course of metabolic processes in the central nervous system - and is used to treat the consequences of traumatic brain injury.
  4. Can be prescribed to children and elderly people.
  5. While using the drug, it is not recommended to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration.


Aminophenylbutyric acid hydrochloride is a derivative of γ-aminobutyric acid and phenylethylamine. It has tranquilizing properties, stimulates memory and learning, increases physical performance, eliminates psycho-emotional tension, anxiety, fear and improves sleep. Does not affect cholinergic and adrenergic receptors. The drug lengthens the latent period and shortens the duration and severity of nystagmus. Significantly reduces the manifestations of asthenia and vasovegetative symptoms, incl. headache, feeling of heaviness in the head, sleep disturbance, irritability, emotional lability, increases mental performance, improves well-being, increases interest and initiative, motivation for vigorous activity without sedation or agitation.

Unlike tranquilizers, under the influence of the drug Noofen, psychological indicators (attention, memory, speed and accuracy of sensory-motor reactions) improve. There was no development of addiction or dependence on the drug or withdrawal syndrome.

special instructions

With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the cellular composition of the blood and liver function indicators.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles or operate potentially dangerous machinery. During the treatment period, care must be taken when driving vehicles and engaging in other potentially hazardous activities that require increased concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions, since some patients may experience central nervous system disorders, such as drowsiness and dizziness.

Adaptol and Phenibut which is better reviews

  • Adaptol, produced in tablets, is a tranquilizer; its action is aimed at relieving pain symptoms and anxiety, relieving panic attacks, mental stress, unreasonable fears, and pathological irritability.
  • The drug is based on tetramethyltetraazabicyclooctanedione (in other words, mebicar), a chemical compound that acts similarly to a natural metabolite in the human body.
  • The active component dulls the intensity of activity of the part of the brain responsible for the emotional background.
  • Adaptol affects human brain activity quite mildly and does not cause side effects that are common among other analogues, such as dizziness, loss of coordination, weakening of muscle tone, dullness of reaction or euphoria.

The drug is well suited for patients with neuroses, cravings for smoking, and is used during menopause or oxidative stress.
The medicine quickly spreads throughout the body (the initial effect can be observed after 15-20 minutes), the duration of the achieved effect lasts up to 3-4 hours - the patient feels peace and tranquility. Stress will no longer bother the patient. The drug does not have a toxic effect on the liver and is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Adaptol is not addictive, patients do not experience withdrawal symptoms. When taking the drug, there are no contraindications for driving vehicles and machinery, or performing work that requires increased attention.

A mild tranquilizing effect, prevents the occurrence of seizures, prevents impairment of motor functions and loss of orientation in space. In general, the effect of taking the drug is the correction and stabilization of mood, clarification of thinking, and increased productivity.

The disadvantages of Adaptol include its price (the average cost in Russia fluctuates around 750 rubles); many of its analogues are cheaper. Taking the medication cannot be combined with alcoholic beverages, so you will have to stay away from entertainment during the treatment.

Like any other drugs, Adaptol has a number of noteworthy analogues, this is the name for medications that, according to their pharmacological indications for use, are similar to the required drug.

Among analogue products, you can always choose a less advertised but effective medicine, with a lower cost and good reviews. The price, as a rule, includes a budget for advertising and organized work to promote the brand in the market. Is it worth paying for it?

So, first of all, it is worth considering the structural analogues of Adaptol, determined by the content of the main active ingredient, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Mebikar (Ukraine);
  • Mebikar-Tathimpharm (Russia);
  • Mebix (Russia);
  • Tranquilar (Ukraine).

There are other substitutes for Adaptol, each of which has its own characteristics, let’s briefly consider the most popular:

  1. Trivalumen is often prescribed in complex therapy to patients suffering from insomnia due to fatigue. The drug is also effective in cases of lack of appetite, diagnosed neurocirculatory dystonia with cardiac arrhythmias.
  2. Dormiplant is recommended for increased anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, against the background of chronic stress or a state of nervous exhaustion.
  3. Sedavit has a wide range of uses. Among the main problems: long-term, psychological, emotional stress, neurasthenia, irritability, impaired memory or concentration. Helps relieve migraines and eliminate headaches.
  4. Neuroximet is used for age-related changes (deterioration of memory, mental abilities), cerebral circulatory disorders. Prescribed for the prevention of relapse and complications after a stroke or traumatic brain injury, seasickness. Consultation with your attending physician is required.
  5. Pentovit is a good addition in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system (radiculitis, neuralgia, neuritis, nerve inflammation, asthenic condition, weakness, etc.).
  6. Cerebrolysin is widely used in the treatment of pathologies associated with malfunctions of the central nervous system, cerebral circulation, psychiatric diseases, problems with absent-mindedness, and memory loss.
  7. Diphenin has a targeted effect for the relief of grand mal seizures, treatment of status epilepticus with tonic-clonic seizures, and prevention of seizures in neurosurgery.
  8. Omaron is applicable for disorders of various etiologies, which are related to cerebral circulation disorders due to traumatic brain injury, ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. The list of indications for use also includes atherosclerosis, encephalopathy, memory loss, attention impairment, mood swings, asthenic syndrome, migraine attacks, etc.
  9. Sedinal is recommended to be added to the daily diet as a general strengthening drug; it has a gentle and soothing effect. It has a beneficial effect when enhancing the psycho-emotional state.
  10. Extal-3 (calming) stabilizes the general condition in case of excessive irritability, stress or depression. Corrects sleep disorders, psychosomatic disorders and withdrawal symptoms.
  11. Nevrin is often prescribed after strokes, for neuroses and depression, and neurocirculatory disorders. Indications may include head trauma, acute cerebrovascular accidents.

Price matters in modern life; everyone wants to cut costs, especially when it comes to treatment. Sometimes, the cost of the prescribed course is beyond the financial capabilities of the patient.

In such cases, it is worth taking a closer look at more affordable domestic drugs (mainly Russian and Ukrainian) with similar effects, since cheap analogues of Adaptol are present on the market in large quantities:

  1. Phensitate (tablets), the most profitable analogue of domestically produced Adaptol, is from the same pharmacological subgroup, although it differs from the original drug in the main active ingredient and costs less from 86 rubles.
  2. Phenazepam (tablets) has a pronounced anxiolytic, sedative, anticonvulsant effect. Prescribed for sleep disorders, psychoses and other diseases of the nervous system. The price depends on the dosage of the active substance, ranging from 500 mg (from 90 rubles); 1000 mg (from 112 rubles).
  3. Anvifen (capsules), based on the active ingredient – ​​aminophenylbutyric acids hydrochloride. Two types of dosage are possible: 50 mg (from 149 rubles) to 250 mg (from 249 rubles). Prescribed for insomnia, Meniere's disease, stuttering, dizziness.
  4. Mebicar (tablets) is an anxiolytic, stress-protective, nootropic drug. Taking the medicine does not depend on the timing of meals. Price from 280 rubles
  5. Aralia tincture, a product of plant origin, is used as a central nervous system stimulant. Increases overall tone, improves appetite, normalizes sleep, helps cope with fatigue, and stimulates the processes of the nervous system. The price varies from 38 rubles.
  1. Adaptol is an antidepressant, and it is quite natural that it is sold exclusively by prescription, however, you can also find over-the-counter drugs with similar effects in the pharmacy:
  2. However, you should not self-medicate, or independently replace a drug prescribed by a doctor, even if it is commercially available - only the doctor professionally compares the patient’s problem and contraindications to taking the drug.
  3. We tried to impartially compare Adaptol and its popular analogues in order to find out which is better in each specific case.
  1. Anvifen. The indications for use of the drugs are the same; Anvifen’s task is to help the patient overcome asthenic, anxious and neurotic conditions, relieve fear, obsessive psychoses, establish healthy sleep and strengthen the nervous system. In comparison with Adaptol, the cost looks very nice, the price of Anvifen capsules starts from 150 rubles, but in case of long-term use, liver function and the entire peripheral blood picture should be kept under control. There is a need to abandon any potentially dangerous activities or control complex mechanisms. The drug is ineffective for motion sickness and dizziness. As side effects, you can get increased irritability, excitability, anxiety and other unpleasant symptoms that are not observed when using Adaptol.
  2. Phenibut. In addition to Russian production, tablets may also be of Latvian origin. Reasonable price - from 151 rubles. “Ozone”, “Olainfarm” (Latvia) from 353 rub. It is worth noting that Phenibut and Adaptol differ in the formula and content of the active substance, although the purpose is identical, and also the same contraindications: individual intolerance, pregnancy, lactation. Phenibut has a positive effect on microcirculation of the blood flow in the brain, the patient feels calmer and more confident. Anxiety subsides, sleep improves, irritability and headaches go away, mental activity and memory improve.
  3. The drug Afobazol belongs to a new generation, its main purpose is to overcome the patient’s anxiety. Long-term use of tablets does not lead to addiction, does not reduce muscle tone, and can be used at any time without restrictions, for different types of activities and control of complex mechanisms. Afobazole not only calms, but also at the same time activates vital processes and stimulates performance, including mental performance. Patients note changes in psychological and physical state, increased concentration, and improved memory. The price of the drug depends on the region and ranges from 200-400 rubles. In terms of strength of influence, both drugs are equally significant, and the doctor will probably tell you which is better, Afobazol or Adaptol, and which one to give preference to after the examination.
  4. Adepress is a popular antidepressant today. Able to naturally overcome biochemical causes leading to prolonged depression, stress, and suicidal state. In addition, Adepress helps normalize the sleep-wake cycle, improve appetite, and act as a preventive measure for migraines. An important point is that it is practically harmless. But there is no way to save significantly on the drug; the average price in Russia is 400-550 rubles.

The advantage of Adaptol is its good compatibility with other medications (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, antidepressants). The only strict contraindication when taking the medication is that it is strictly prohibited to use it together with alcohol.


There are a large number of drugs for the treatment of neurotic disorders that manifest themselves at any age, especially among older people. When choosing a product for yourself, you should think about adaptol and phenibut: which is better?

This drug is classified as a tranquilizer. By influencing the functioning of the brain, it stimulates the production of the joy hormone, serotonin. The big advantage of the medicine is the absence of a hypnotic effect; adaptol can enhance the effect of sedatives. The medicine can be taken throughout the day.

  • Adaptol is prescribed for a number of symptoms.
  • Anxiety without meaningful motivation.
  • Stressful conditions.
  • Feeling of fear.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Neurotic conditions.

The effect of the drug has a beneficial effect on reducing anxiety during the process of quitting smoking.

Clinical trials have proven the effectiveness of adaptol in work that requires speed, logic and clarity of thinking. The drug improves attention and has a positive effect on performance. Treatment with the drug does not provoke excessive emotional activity.

The use of this drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the main substance Mebicar, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The drug belongs to nootropics that improve the functioning of the central nervous system. The drug is prescribed for various symptoms.

  • Memory loss.
  • Insomnia.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Nervous exhaustion.
  • Asthenic syndrome.
  • Speech and movement disorders.
  • To prevent motion sickness in transport.
  • Strengthens the effects of sleeping pills, narcotics and neuroleptics.

The effect of the drug is useful for depression and conditions associated with excessive brain overstrain. The medicine is used in the treatment of nervous tics, stuttering, enuresis and other diseases that cause disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses to various organs.

Elderly people do not feel the relaxing effect of the drug. The medicine relieves lethargy and stimulates active activity.

If a child has problems with academic performance, attacks of unmotivated anxiety, or urinary disorders, taking phenibut will help cope with the problems.

It is contraindicated to prescribe the medicine for peptic ulcer disease and liver failure.

Adaptol and Phenibut: what is the difference between these two drugs? Two drugs from different pharmacological groups provide different mechanisms of action on the body.

In some severe cases, doctors use the compatibility of Adaptol and Phenibut. Mutually enhancing the effect, the drugs work faster and more efficiently. The dosage of Adaptol and Phenibut is reduced together, as opposed to taking it separately. The interaction of the two drugs helps speed up the healing process.

Both come in tablet form and are easy to store and easy to take.

It is drunk from 2-3 to 4-6 weeks. Repeated courses are prescribed after 2-4 weeks. The program begins with taking the full therapeutic dose, and should be completed gradually, accustoming the body to smaller doses of the medicine.

Off-course treatment is possible to prevent motion sickness. The tablets are taken 20 or 30 minutes before the trip. If symptoms of motion sickness have already appeared, then taking the drug is useless.

When Phenibut is taken together with anticonvulsants, the effect of both is enhanced, so it is better to reduce the dosage of both drugs.

Phenibut belongs to a group of drugs with a minimal level of toxicity. Its action is gentle, and the risk of side effects is minimal. The product is actively used to normalize the condition of young children and older people.

Phenibut and Adaptol, in comparison with other drugs, are considered equally safe and low-toxic. Unlike Phenibut, Adaptol should not be used to treat children and adolescents. Overdose may cause weakness, dizziness and low blood pressure.

If the use of the medicine causes an allergy, then you should stop taking the medicine and try to replace it with analogues.

The treatment regimen and types of medications should be selected by medical specialists based on the patient’s medical history and test results.

It is impossible to say that Adaptol and Phenibut are analogue products that completely replicate the properties. Similar effects on symptoms are produced by different substances with different patterns of action.

It is better to take medications together for quick and successful relief from disturbing disorders.

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