DIVAZA: instructions, reviews, analogues, price in pharmacies

DIVAZA is a drug that enhances metabolic processes in brain cells. At the same time, the drug improves cerebral circulation.

The instructions for using DIVAZA state that this medicine helps people over 50 years of age to improve memory, relieve fatigue, increase efficiency, fight headaches and dizziness, improve night sleep, not worry about trifles and not become depressed. And in general, keep you young!

DIVAZA tablets, as follows from the instructions for use, must be dissolved and taken for at least 3-6 months.

DIVAZA is produced by the Russian Pharmaceutical Company Materia Medica Holding, which was founded in 1992. I think that many are familiar with other drugs from this holding - Anaferon, Ergoferon, Tenoten, Climaxan and a number of other drugs that are sold in any pharmacy.

Materia Medica is one of the TOP-5 pharmaceutical companies in Russia, and the quality control of its products complies with the requirements of European GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and the existing legislation of the Russian Federation.

The purpose of this article is to give an objective assessment of the effectiveness of DIVAZA. To whom and in what cases is the use of this remedy indicated? And yet, among the many positive reviews about the drug, there are those that claim that it is homeopathy and in its healing power is the same as tap water. Let's find out!

Composition of the drug and mechanism of therapeutic action

DIVAZA has two types of effects on the brain:

Antibodies to brain-specific protein S-100. Due to their interaction, the conductivity of nerve fibers improves, the supply of oxygen to the brain increases, the membranes or membranes of neurons are strengthened, and antioxidant protection against the harmful effects of free radicals on the brain increases.

Clinically, a person’s brain activity improves, memory and mental performance are restored, and physical strength increases. By strengthening the autonomic nervous system, blood pressure is normalized, a person becomes calmer and more balanced, and sleep improves.

Antibodies to endothelial NO synthase promote vasodilation. Improves cerebral circulation. The flow of nutrients to the brain tissue and its supply of oxygen increases. Headaches and dizziness go away.

Thus, the simultaneous effect of DIVASE on cerebral blood flow and on the metabolic processes occurring in the cells and pathways of the cortex and subcortex restores the functional activity of the human central nervous system and significantly improves his well-being.

Indications for use

What does Divaza help with? Tablets are prescribed:

  • monotherapy for somatoform dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system;
  • restoration of integrative brain activity in a wide range of organic lesions of the central nervous system, including those caused by neurodegenerative, cerebrovascular diseases, neuroinfections, traumatic brain injury - as part of complex therapy;
  • as part of complex therapy of ischemic brain lesions in the acute and long-term period.

For what diseases is DIVAZA used?

  • Decrease in memory in men and women after 50 years;
  • Weakening of mental activity, ability to learn, master new skills;
  • Increased fatigue, constant feeling of tiredness, rapid depletion of physical strength;
  • Tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • Difficulty falling asleep or waking up early at 4-5 am;
  • Emotional instability, sensitivity, bad mood, tendency to depression.

All of the above symptoms are associated with the development of age-related chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency due to atherosclerosis. It is for such complaints that this drug is indicated, which should be used in long courses.

What other diseases will DIVAZA help with:

  • Regardless of age, the drug should be taken after a concussion;
  • During the recovery period of neuroinfection (viral meningitis, encephalic reaction with influenza);
  • With astheno-neurotic syndrome caused by a previous somatic disease;
  • In some cases, the drug is used in the postoperative period after giving anesthesia;
  • Mental overload, severe insomnia, chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • To restore brain activity after stress, depression, neurosis;
  • For tension headaches, weather dependence, dizziness against the background of cervical osteochondrosis;
  • For vegetative-vascular dystonia with increased sweating, tingling in the heart area, feeling of lack of air, poor sleep.

At the same time, the drug will be ineffective for severe diseases of the central nervous system: stroke, brain contusion of 1st, 2nd and 3rd degrees, meningoencephalitis, neurodegenerative brain lesions.

Divaza will preserve your youth


To understand what the remedy in question is and why it is generally needed, we decided to present a brief overview of this drug.

The drug "Divaza" is a modern nootropic vasoactive medicine with an original mechanism of action. It is intended for the treatment of chronic cerebrovascular accidents.

The drug in question has the following properties:

  • reduces physical, mental and general asthenia;
  • improves cognitive functions;
  • increases motivation and activity;
  • reduces the intensity of headaches and dizziness;
  • normalizes mental activity;
  • improves sleep quality;
  • eliminates asthenovegetative symptoms;
  • reduces symptoms of anxiety, emotional lability and depression.

It should also be said that this drug does not cause side effects typical of nootropic drugs, such as daytime lethargy, drowsiness and muscle relaxation. In addition, the medication does not interact with other drugs, and therefore it can be combined with absolutely any concomitant therapy.

As you already know, this medicine is available in the form of lozenges. That is why the drug does not have a negative effect on the heart and gastrointestinal tract.


This is a unique drug of its kind, since dosage forms similar in structure and composition are no longer available.

However, given the nootropic nature of the drug, it can be replaced with other similar drugs: Fezam, aminolon, picamilon, Semax, noopept.

Divaza is a safe drug with a specific effect on blood vessels and brain tissue. A short course of taking the drug for 2-3 weeks will definitely not help. Therefore, you need to be patient and aim for a 3-month course (without missing a dose of medication). Only taking into account the correctness of the indications and compliance with the conditions of administration can one draw conclusions about the degree of effectiveness of this medicine.

Lactation and pregnancy period

Safety of use

has not been studied during pregnancy and lactation. If it is necessary to prescribe a drug, the risk/benefit ratio should be taken into account.

Is it permissible to use lozenges during pregnancy and breastfeeding? The safety of this drug during lactation and pregnancy has not been studied. Therefore, if it is necessary to prescribe such a drug, the balance of risk for the baby and benefit for the mother must be taken into account.


Having analyzed a large number of reviews about the effect of the drug DIVAZA, we can come to the following conclusion:

  • The medicine helps best with moderate disturbances in the activity of the central nervous system;
  • For many people, the reason for using DIVAZA was the following diseases: - Headaches in the long-term period of concussion; — Vegetative-vascular dystonia with weather dependence; — Distracted attention, headaches and memory loss; — Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels and deterioration of blood supply to the brain according to ultrasound or Duplex scanning; - Dizziness, tinnitus, pressure surges; - Anxiety, depression, insomnia, tearfulness.
  • Neurologists love to prescribe this drug and even take it themselves to prevent vascular disorders;
  • The vast majority of people who leave their reviews on the Internet positively assess the effect of taking divaza;
  • Many note that the duration of taking the drug is of great importance. For some, the headaches disappeared only after 2 or 3 months of treatment;
  • Some people note that DIVAZA is not active enough as monotherapy. But, for example, in combination with a massage of the collar area, headaches are very well relieved;
  • There are practically no reviews about taking the drug for severe illnesses and brain injuries. Doctors in these cases prescribe completely different medications;
  • Some people classify DIVAZA as homeopathy. This is not true. The Materia Medica Holding website clearly states that this is a modern nootropic drug. Passed a number of clinical trials, registered as a medicine, sold through the pharmacy chain;
  • Many of those who have already been treated with this medicine would recommend it to others in need of help.

One of the newest developments of Russian scientists is the nootropic drug DIVAZA. The instructions for use highlight the main points that must be followed in order to get real help from taking the medicine. According to the instructions, the use should be long-term, up to 6 months, the tablet should be placed under the tongue and dissolved. 1-2 tablets up to three times a day. The affordable price allows for long courses, which lead to a cumulative effect and in most cases are positively assessed by the patients themselves .

Until next time, Natalia Bogoyavlenskaya

Important instructions

In order for the treatment to be as effective as possible, you need to take Divaza tablets correctly. Feedback from doctors confirms the fact that those patients who followed all the doctors’ recommendations and followed the dosage noticed significant changes in their health within two weeks after starting treatment. And a month later the condition was approaching ideal. Of course, patients with severe traumatic brain injuries took a little longer to recover.

Please note that this medicine can be taken by people driving a car, as well as working with serious mechanisms that require concentration and care. The components included in the medication do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions.

Also, do not forget that the medicine contains lactose, so the drug should not be taken by patients with galactose deficiency, congenital galactosemia and glucose-galactose malabsorption syndrome.

The instructions for use do not say about the interaction of Divaza tablets and alcohol. However, keep in mind that according to doctors, it is better to completely abstain from alcoholic beverages during treatment. This way you will speed up the healing process and will not worsen your health.

In addition, the drug will not have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver, so it can be safely used even by patients suffering from insufficiency of these organs.

What effect does the drug provide?

The complex effect of the components of the product provides:

  • stimulation of reparative processes in areas of ischemic brain damage;
  • increasing the strength of the vegetative-stabilizing effect and neuroprotective activity;
  • improving the brain's immunity to toxic influences;
  • improvement of mental performance;
  • reduction of manifestations of physical asthenia;
  • normalization of mental activity;
  • elimination of cognitive impairment;
  • memory improvement;
  • facilitating the learning process;
  • increased blood circulation to the brain;
  • normalization of somatovegetative disorders;
  • normalization of interhemispheric connections of the brain;
  • improvement of integrative activities;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • elimination of headaches and dizziness.

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Method of taking the drug

How is the drug “Divaza” taken, analogues of which will be discussed below? One lozenge is placed on the tongue and held until completely dissolved. This should be done three times a day. Taking the drug should not coincide with food or water intake.

Depending on the severity of the disease, as well as during acute periods, the frequency of use of this medication can be increased to 6 times a day.

If the patient has severe organic lesions of the central nervous system, then the duration of course therapy can reach 6 months.

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