Insomnia at night... Whose ideas are you the slave of?

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My name is Khalisat Suleymanova - I am a herbalist. At the age of 28, I cured myself of uterine cancer with herbs (read more about my experience of recovery and why I became a herbalist here: My story). Before being treated using traditional methods described on the Internet, please consult with a specialist and your doctor! This will save your time and money, since the diseases are different, the herbs and treatment methods are different, and there are also concomitant diseases, contraindications, complications, and so on. There is nothing to add yet, but if you need help in selecting herbs and treatment methods, you can find me at my contacts: Khalisat Suleymanova

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Mental disorders of a functional nature, called neuroses in medicine, are most often psychomatic diseases, the occurrence of which is associated with long-term conflict situations that are experienced quite hard by a person. As a result, clouding of consciousness, hallucinations, and delusions appear. And although in most cases the course of pathologies of this group is very favorable, complete recovery depends not only on correct and long-term treatment, but also on the person himself, namely on his ability to manage his emotions and behavior.

Psychological causes of neurosis

Psychosomatic neurosis mainly manifests itself in disturbances in the emotional state, which, in turn, negatively affects the general condition of the internal organs and the nervous system. In those moments when a person is worried and indignant6

  • tachycardia increases;
  • heart rate and breathing increase;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • and there is a surge of energy with the fear of “heart sinking.”

If these body reactions become chronic, hypertension may develop.

Stomach upsets are often observed for this reason. In some cases, during the process of experiencing, dilation of blood vessels in the wall of the stomach may occur, in others - their narrowing. Accordingly, the result of the first is a stomach ulcer, the second - gastritis. Diseases such as:

  • asthma;
  • eczema;
  • prostatitis;
  • lumbar pain.

INTERESTING fact: Psychosomatics of allergies in adults and children

These diseases are also called psychosomatic.

The occurrence of insomnia due to psychosomatics. Explanation of popular adherents of the metaphysics of diseases.

Louise Hay and Vladimir Zhikarentsev explain the causes of various sleep disorders by the patient’s feelings of guilt and fear, his distrustful attitude towards his own life. Both authors recommend, in order to achieve full, healthy sleep, to practice repeated repetition of positive af.

Liz Burbo sees the causes of psychosomatic insomnia in the excessive emotionality and anxiety of the affected person. It is the daytime excitement and anxiety that prevent him from falling asleep. To normalize sleep, the psychologist recommends that the patient realize and accept the idea that sleep, and not night, is the best advisor.

Valery Sinelnikov names simple sources of sleep disturbances. In his opinion, these include fears, anxieties, struggles, as well as all sorts of vanity in the patient’s life. His subconscious, giving rise to insomnia, tries, at the expense of the night's rest, to solve problems that concern a person. To solve the problem of psychosomatic insomnia, the psychotherapist advises to radically change the patient’s approach to solving life problems. He recommends learning to trust: life, others and yourself. He calls guilt another source of insomnia, and advises getting rid of it as soon as possible so that your sleep can be sound and healthy. Dr. Luule Viilma conducted a large analysis of the metaphysical relationships between the occurrence of insomnia and the patient’s emotions and mental trauma. From these, she concluded that feelings such as guilt, duty, the patient's fears that he is not loved, stress, exaggeration and responsibilities contribute to the occurrence of insomnia.

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Psychology of obsessive states

One of the most common accompanying disorders is night eating syndrome. This is a psychosomatic manifestation of neuroses, which is included in the official classification of mental illnesses and can progress, leading to severe and serious health problems.

The syndrome is the center of mental and nutritional disorders, which manifests itself in disruptions in the daily routine. People consume more than half of their daily food intake. In the morning they have no appetite, and breakfast begins in the afternoon. All this is accompanied by anxiety and depression, especially at night, which also “eats” and subsequently has negative consequences.

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People suffer from this pathology, regardless of age and gender. As a rule, their biological rhythms, hormonal levels, and metabolism are disrupted, which is accompanied by emotional hypoglycemia.

Another section of psychosomatics is cardiophobic neurosis - a neurotic condition that is characterized by a predominance of fears regarding the activity of the heart (hypochondria). They are intrusive and often exaggerated.

In the medical aspect, this pathology in structure is between phobias and fear neurosis. The main variant of occurrence is anxiety as a manifestation of general neurosis. At the same time, the most insignificant sensations in the heart area as a result of an unpleasant situation can become an obvious cause of cardiophobia, which often affects suspicious and pedantic people with mental problems.

INTERESTING fact: Psychosomatics of bruises, dislocations and fractures

In such cases, even against the background of an already present heart disease, the fear is incommensurate with ordinary experiences - and the sensations develop into a feeling of approaching death. Each attack is tolerated by a person as if it were his last, despite the fact that it lasts up to 10 minutes and ends after taking heart medications.

Psychosomatic neurosis is a very serious and complex pathology, and a person cannot always understand what is happening to him and how to deal with this condition. Therefore, it is important to provide quick and qualified assistance of a comprehensive nature, which will help avoid repeated attacks and establish the usual rhythm of life.

Health to you!

Causes and symptoms of panic attacks

The main causes of panic attacks are: severe stress, psychological characteristics of the individual, tense relationships and conflicts with others, loud noise or a sharp loud sound, prolonged exposure to the sun, heavy physical activity, consumption of alcohol and drugs, as well as coffee and energy drinks, smoking. , a large crowd in a small space, taking certain hormonal drugs, biochemical disorders, hereditary predisposition, abortion, pregnancy.

Symptoms of a panic attack are: difficulty breathing, a feeling of lack of air, palpitations, rapid pulse, trembling, chills, involuntary muscle contractions of the limbs (tremors), numbness of the limbs, increased sweating, nausea, pain in the chest area, lightheadedness (dizziness, weakness ), strong fears of doing something wrong, impaired self-perception, a pronounced fear of dying or going crazy.

Depending on a person’s personality and the strength of fear, panic attacks last from several minutes to several days. A characteristic feature of people prone to panic attacks is the avoidance of certain places, situations or people that remind them of the fear of impending disaster.

Such a constant state of anxiety can develop into various disorders (neurosis, neurasthenia, etc.).
Thus, an unjustified but frightening fear of trouble provides the basis for the emergence and development of obsessive thoughts. Obsessive thoughts syndrome (obsessive-compulsive disorder) occurs when a person imposes negative (frightening) thoughts on himself.
Obsessive states associated with these frightening thoughts occur mainly in people who have suffered psychological trauma. They are haunted by obsessive fears and thoughts (emotional and intellectual manifestations of obsessive thoughts). They understand that there is no reason for these thoughts, but they cannot overcome this state. Let's look at these intrusive thoughts and fears.

  1. Intellectual obsessive states are called obsession (another name is obsession (thought). The following types of obsession are distinguished: “mental chewing gum” (meaningless thoughts), arrhythmomania (counts everything), obsessive doubts (whether you turned off the iron), obsessive repetition, obsessive ideas, obsessive fears, intrusive memories, contrasting obsessive states (a kind person suddenly has images of murder).
  2. Emotional obsessive states are phobias (fears) of various types: claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces), agrophobia (fear of open space), acrophobia (fear of heights), anthropophobia (fear of large crowds of people), oxyphobia (fear of sharp objects), mesophobia (fear of getting dirty), dysmorphophobia (fear of ugliness, irregularity of one's body), nosophobia (fear for one's health), nyctophobia (fear of the dark), mythophobia (fear of lying), thanatophobia (fear of death), monophobia (fear of loneliness and helplessness), pantophobia (fear of all around) etc.
  3. A person suffering from obsessive thoughts, as a rule, tends to commit a number of uncontrollable actions (to ward off trouble from himself or loved ones), constantly check his own actions, get fixated on some idea or an irresistible desire to do something. Neurosis as a neuropsychic disorder is characterized by obsessive hysterical manifestations. At the same time, a person’s mental and physical performance is weakened.

Symptoms of neurosis are constant nightmares, aimless walking, apathy, lethargy, lack of joy, loss of interest in food, in one’s appearance, absent-mindedness, and staring at one point.

A neglected mental state causes emotional inadequacy (lack of emotions towards loved ones), which, together with obsessive thoughts and unreasonable aggression and irritability, indicates the onset of the development of schizophrenia.

The following causes of neurosis are identified:

  • Physical: head injuries, mental illnesses, complications after illnesses, sleep disturbances, lack of serotonin (a hormone that regulates the state of the nervous system), changes in habitual lifestyle, unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, psychotropic substances)
  • Psychological: constant stress, lack of self-analysis to timely cleanse the inner world of anxiety, character and personality traits (predisposition).

In children, neurosis occurs due to psychological trauma (severe stress or fear, injustice on the part of adults (parents, school, kindergarten), moving, etc.).

A more thorough study of the causes of neurosis in children reveals the following factors, usually associated with intrafamily relationships: rejection of the child’s gender, late childhood, single-parent family, quarrels in the family.


And here is the statement of the father of psychosomatics about the role of anxiety and the fight against it:

“The constant struggle with anxiety can manifest itself through denial, a kind of counterphobic attitude, that is, an obsessive desire to perform the actions that are most feared.

This may explain the urge to take responsibility and be useful despite underlying dependency and insecurity.

In some patients, the most prominent personality trait, starting in childhood, was the adoption of the maternal role; thus, they became second mothers to their younger brothers and sisters.

This emotional discrepancy manifests itself in various forms - a compulsive urge to become pregnant despite the fear of pregnancy, or an attempt to overcome fear through self-sufficiency, which the patient tries to achieve through identification with a person towards whom frustrated dependent desires are directed. - Franz Alexander. Psychosomatic medicine.

And in continuation of Alexander’s words, A. Meneghetti’s remark:

“When we are seized by anxiety, it is not just a feeling, a sensation, but a specific body, an object, a well-defined catastrophe: the organic symptom in this case is a protective measure against the impending loss of the object of reward.

Therefore, any psychosomatic reality should always be related to the process of symbolization through which the “I” passes - as a body, as an accomplishment, as an individuation - from childhood to the present day.

“Anxiety and the common cold are equally difficult to treat. A person who is constantly anxious is always imagining the worst, and then suffering in proportion to the expected misfortune.

There is no universal cure for anxiety, just as there is no simple recipe by which the mind can be freed from the anxiety complex.

It is useless to persuade a person not to worry, and there is little use in solving his problems for him.

He will direct his attention to something else and start the same anxiety mechanism again.” – M. P. Hall Healing.

In other words, anxiety and worry are not only completely habitual human reactions, but also emotions that include automatic algorithms of dependence through the repetition of the same response patterns, which can thus be tracked and transformed.

Anxiety, transformed into hope with a calm expectation of the future, neutralizes this negative emotion without triggering the clockwork mechanism of the disease.

Insomnia. What are the psychosomatic reasons?

I can't sleep in the evening. Or I wake up at night and that’s it. What do I think is wrong? What are the right thoughts?

Having suffered from insomnia for some time, I realized that the reasons for it were the inability to relax and the constant presence of thoughts. That is, the endless internal dialogue that the brain conducted with itself became the cause of insomnia.

An equally important factor is the constant “chewing” of the events of the day, dialogues, replaying events to which, sometimes, you should not pay attention.

Counting sheep didn't help. I haven’t tried to count gold bars, I’m not a millionaire, so I didn’t have enough imagination. But I read later that this doesn’t help either.

From my own experience, I can say that the ability to relax works wonders. And you also need to learn to stop thoughts. Then you can sleep. And it’s best to solve problems as they arise, and not plan them in advance.

Insomnia may have psychological causes. The simplest one that comes to mind is the reluctance to let go of the problem, the person is worried about the problem, he cannot relax and fall asleep. To fall asleep, you need to let go of the problem, trust the life process, believe that the problem will be solved in the most favorable way.

The most common cause of insomnia is precisely distrust of the life process and fear of the future. This is a very dangerous feeling that can lead not only to insomnia, but also to many other disorders.

Insomnia also often occurs due to feelings of guilt when you cannot let go of this feeling. But in principle, it's all the same thing. BOTTOM LINE: trust the process of life, allow yourself to go with the flow.


Any change in the human body that is caused by psychological reasons is called psychosomatics. Tests and examinations prove the absence of diseases, but the person’s well-being is getting worse every day.

Insomnia can be either periodic or permanent. A person begins to suffer from systematic headaches, weakness, irritability and anxiety.

If insomnia only bothers you a few times a month, don’t worry. A similar condition can often arise against the background of a difficult day or a vivid impression.

More frequent problems falling asleep should be a reason to immediately consult a doctor. If examinations do not reveal diseases, we can talk about a psychosomatic cause of insomnia.

Constant lack of sleep has a bad effect on human health.

Salvador Dali. “Dream” (1937)

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