Insomnia in early pregnancy: causes and methods of correction

With the onset of pregnancy, serious changes begin for a woman. Already in the first days, she can feel the birth of a new life inside herself, and the longer the period becomes, the more significant the changes of a physiological and psychological nature. The first trimester is characterized by the appearance of problems in well-being, as the body is rebuilt to ensure the vital functions of two people at once. This process may be accompanied by insomnia. Let's look at what can cause problems with night rest and how they can be solved.

Reasons for appearance

Several psychological and physiological prerequisites contribute to the formation of sleep disorders in pregnant women shortly before childbirth.

Insomnia during pregnancy

Psychological reasons

The psychological nature of insomnia is due to the following factors:

  1. Anxiety due to fears of the upcoming birth. First of all, a woman expecting her first child may be in this state. She worries about whether the birth will go without complications, whether the baby will be born healthy, whether she will have enough milk. These and other experiences do not allow the expectant mother to relax and sleep peacefully.
  2. Stressful state and nervous overexcitation. These factors provoke insomnia or nightmares, which contribute to restless sleep.
  3. Fatigue. It can occur from excessive physical exertion and emotional stress.

Important! To prevent sleep disturbances in a woman expecting the birth of a baby, it is recommended to remove indoor flowers that absorb oxygen, as well as objects that accumulate dust (carpet, toys, canopy) from the bedroom.

Physiological reasons

The physiological nature of insomnia is expressed as follows:

  1. Increased body weight and swelling.
  2. Find out how to get rid of leg swelling during pregnancy.

  3. An enlarged belly does not allow you to sleep in a comfortable position.
  4. Active fetal movements regardless of time of day.
  5. Frequent urge to urinate.
  6. The position of the diaphragm changes, causing shortness of breath and making it impossible to fall asleep.
  7. Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract due to hormonal imbalances (constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, flatulence, belching).
  8. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia).
  9. Pain in the spine and joints, which is affected by the hormone relaxin, produced in the later stages of pregnancy and serving as a relaxing factor for the ligaments in preparation for future childbirth.
  10. Leg cramps.
  11. Itching of the skin of the abdomen due to its stretching during fetal growth.

How dangerous is this?

Insomnia increases anxiety, the woman is often in a depressed mood, she does not have a positive attitude towards childbirth - the way it is necessary for a successful delivery. She sees the world in dark colors, and there are large amounts of stress hormones in her blood.

Considering that the child in the last third of the gestation period has its own hormonal background, and the maternal one does not influence it as much, the mother’s insomnia, from this point of view, is not as dangerous for the fetus as it seems. The baby has its own sleep and wake cycle. But a small part of the stress hormones from the mother’s blood still passes through the placental barrier and reaches the baby, which makes the fetus’ behavior more restless.

Insomnia is more dangerous for the expectant mother herself. Against the background of prolonged insomnia, the likelihood of developing true clinical depression, which may require psychiatric help, increases, and the likelihood of developing postpartum depression increases. A woman’s memory suffers, it becomes difficult for her to perceive new information and make decisions quickly.

The likelihood of cardiovascular diseases, in particular heart attack and stroke, increases tenfold. A woman's bones become more brittle - osteogenesis is impaired. Women who suffer from severe insomnia gain excess weight very quickly because they have a slow and poor metabolism throughout the day.

Types of insomnia in later stages

Insomnia in the third semester can be divided into types according to the time of onset of symptoms, its duration and the reasons for its occurrence.

Types of insomnia according to the time of onset of symptoms:

  1. Starting. Caused by an excessively long period of time to fall asleep. The reasons are psycho-emotional overexcitation, physical discomfort, inability to sleep in an acceptable position, pain syndrome, nocturnal activity of the fetus.
  2. Median. Occurs due to repeated interruptions of sleep throughout the night. It is provoked by: discomfort due to constantly changing body position, stiff limbs, convulsive movements of the legs, frequent urge to go to the toilet, heartburn, restless sleep, a feeling of fear of the expected complications of childbirth.
  3. Finite. Waking up early in the morning, without feeling a rested body. The causes may be the same factors as described in the previous types of sleep disorders.

Did you know? In order to develop the habit of going to bed at a certain time, you need to turn off the computer or TV an hour before you are supposed to go to bed. Studies have shown that these devices emit a blue spectrum, which suppresses the production of a natural sleep aid, melatonin.

Types of insomnia in pregnant women by duration and reasons for their occurrence:

  1. Situational (one-time). Provoking factors are emotional distress due to a real problem. After eliminating the causes, sleep returns to normal.
  2. Short term. Duration - from 7 to 10 days. It may be caused by a physical illness or a lingering psycho-emotional problem. It goes away after the current situation changes.
  3. Chronic. A tense state that lasts for many months. The cause may be some diseases that appeared in a woman long before conception.

Why can't a pregnant woman sleep?

Statistics say that 78% of pregnant women experience difficulty sleeping during pregnancy and at least 97% of women suffer from insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy. And there can be many reasons for this: both physiological and psychological. Many people experience sleep disturbances from the first weeks of pregnancy. Some experts consider this, like the appearance of drowsiness, to be one of and explain it by hormonal changes. But still, in most cases, insomnia begins to bother pregnant women in the third trimester. It is becoming increasingly difficult to get comfortable in bed, some people experience shortness of breath or, many suffer from and https :// or side, due to stretching, the skin is terribly itchy, the baby is too active and has fun for a long time, and on top of that, he endlessly wants to go to the toilet. The situation is aggravated by chronic fatigue,, fear of upcoming birth and other situational factors. In the last stages, women often dream of the maternity hospital, obstetricians, the process of childbirth itself, and the like, or waves, a raging ocean, a whirlpool, which symbolizes pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Many people wake up in a sweat from dreams in which they lost their baby. Experts say that one should not attach any importance to such nightmares, since they are completely justified - the psychological state of a woman in the third trimester changes under the weight of the upcoming birth and the responsibility of parenthood. But if the dream doesn’t go away, talk it over with a loved one, and then you yourself will understand that nothing terrible happened.

Ways to normalize sleep

A pregnant woman can regulate her sleep if she consults with her doctor, who will select suitable ways for her to normalize it.

During the day

The doctor may recommend the following procedures for a pregnant woman to have a normal night’s rest, which she will have to follow during the day:

  1. Establish an acceptable daily routine: go to bed and get up at the same time, plan emotional and physical stress for the first half of the day.
  2. Do gentle morning exercises or other moderate physical activity (swimming, water aerobics, yoga, light dancing).
  3. Do not go to bed for a long time in the afternoon.
  4. Adjust your diet and time of your last meal.
  5. Walk for at least 30 minutes before bed every day.
  6. Before going to bed, do not engage in vigorous activities (physical and mental labor).
  7. Do not watch horror or scenes of violence on TV at night.

Ensuring a comfortable sleep

In order for a woman’s night rest in position to be comfortable, she needs the following conditions:

  1. Bring the microclimate in the bedroom back to normal by determining the appropriate temperature for falling asleep (from 16 to 22 °C) and humidity level (from 45%).
  2. Organize a constant flow of fresh air, which will help cope with the lack of oxygen due to breathing difficulties.
  3. Choose a high-quality mattress and bedding made from natural materials. This will help reduce the itching sensation on the body that accompanies stretching of the skin due to the growth of the abdomen.
  4. Use extra pillows. This helps you adopt the optimal position for falling asleep: a foot bolster will reduce the appearance of cramps, and an elevated headboard will reduce the occurrence of heartburn.
  5. Before resting at night, take a warm shower or bath with slightly warmed water, to which add sea salt or essential oils.
  6. Do a relaxing massage of the feet, lower back, and cervical spine.
  7. Do not eat 4 hours before going to bed.
  8. Drink a little warm milk before going to bed.

Important! Taking sedatives during pregnancy is allowed only in exceptional cases and only after consultation with doctors of various specializations.


For pregnant women, medications for insomnia are prohibited because they can harm the health and life of the unborn baby.

Among these means:

  • sedatives in liquid form;
  • tablet sedatives;
  • various alcohol tinctures.

The safest and most effective in the treatment of insomnia are herbal medicines that:

  • do not have a harmful effect on the fetus;
  • do not cause adverse reactions in the expectant mother.

It is important to remember that herbal medicine also needs to be agreed with your doctor.

Starting from the 30th week, the doctor will recommend that the pregnant woman follow these instructions every evening:

  1. Before going to bed, drink 100 g of warm water, in which dilute 1 tsp. honey.
  2. Rub a little lavender oil or valerian oil on your temples.
  3. Take decoctions of chamomile, lavender, mint, thyme, orange in recommended doses.

Treatment methods

Many methods of therapy are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women due to the harmful effects on the unborn child. The doctor prescribes treatment based on the woman’s condition and the results of the examination.

The list of effective ways to get rid of insomnia is as follows:

  • exercises;
  • choosing the right sleeping position;
  • relaxation techniques;
  • drug treatment;
  • folk remedies.

The best way out of the situation may be a combination of several techniques. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

Subtleties of choosing a sleeping position

A common cause of sleep deprivation is an incorrectly chosen sleeping position. We are talking about lying on your stomach and back. Internal organs are compressed, which causes a feeling of discomfort and disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. According to experts, only 2 positions can be the best for falling asleep quickly:

  • On the left side. Thanks to the chosen position, it is possible to avoid pinching the internal organs and increase blood flow to the uterus.
  • In the fetal position. The position of the “embryo” will improve blood supply to the uterus and relieve tension from muscle tissue.

It is permissible to fall asleep in any position only at the beginning of the period of bearing a child. Already in the 2nd trimester you will have to relearn to avoid complications. A pregnancy pillow that supports the lower back and abdomen will simplify the adjustment process.


You can do the exercises in bed. The woman performs the movements slowly, measuredly, so as not to harm herself and the child. A detailed description of each action will help you avoid mistakes:

  • Place pillows under your knees and head. Exhale. Slowly begin to inhale through your nose, feeling your stomach fill. Hold your breath for 5 seconds and exhale slowly through your mouth. Repeat the exercise 5-10 times.
  • Lie on your back. Place your arms along your body. Raise your legs above the bed. Begin to imitate a gait by moving your lower limbs in the air. Do the exercise until you feel moderately tired.

If you do everything correctly, you will be able to relieve nervous tension and achieve a feeling of slight fatigue. You can combine exercises with other methods of combating insomnia.

Relaxation methods

The word “relaxation” means relaxation. Pregnant women will be able to relieve nervous tension and improve sleep at home without harming the baby. The result is achieved thanks to generally accepted methods:

  • Listening to relaxing music. We are talking about classical melodies and sounds of nature.
  • Watching a pleasant movie. You need to forget about horror and thrillers. You have to choose between good romantic films and comedies.
  • Aromatherapy is suitable if the pregnant woman is not allergic to essential oils.
  • Foot and back massage. It is better to entrust the procedure to a specialist.
  • Walking before bed. Fresh air will help speed up the process of falling asleep.
  • Making love. Carnal pleasures are acceptable in the absence of contraindications.
  • Taking a bath. Doctors recommend the method only in the 2nd trimester, so as not to harm the baby. The rest of the time you will have to limit yourself to a warm shower. The temperature should not exceed 37°. You can enhance the effect by adding aromatic oils to your bath.

It is not necessary to strive to complete all points. Insomnia at the beginning of pregnancy can be treated using one of the mentioned methods.

Drug therapy

Taking medications during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution. Many components of drugs penetrate the placental barrier. Under the influence of chemicals, the development of the child is disrupted and the likelihood of miscarriage increases.

Judging by the reviews of young mothers and specialists, the least chance of complications occurs after taking the following drugs:

  • "Glycine";
  • "Magnesium B6 Evalar";
  • "Motherwort Forte";
  • "Persen";
  • "Nervohel".

It is important to know! The attending physician prescribes medications, taking into account the risk/benefit ratio. If side effects are detected, drug treatment is immediately discontinued.


Folk remedies are prepared from natural ingredients, so the risk of side effects is minimal. It is enough to take into account individual tolerance. It is recommended to prepare medications strictly according to the given recipes:

  • Dissolve 5 g of honey in a glass of warm water. Drink a sweet drink before bed.
  • Combine honey and cranberries in equal proportions in one container and pour boiling water over it. Take the product 3 times a day.
  • Pour water over oregano and valerian roots (2:1). Place the container with the raw materials on the stove and bring to a boil. Then cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove the broth from the stove and let it brew for 2 hours. Take the medicine before bed.

Attention! Women expecting a child or just planning to become pregnant are strictly contraindicated in products containing alcohol. Teas, decoctions or infusions are allowed. If side effects are detected, treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

What not to do

A woman in the last trimester of pregnancy should exclude from her routine the following actions that interfere with a relaxing and long rest:

  • eat fatty foods;
  • overeat;
  • to be nervous;
  • overwork;
  • drink coffee, tea and other diuretics (diuretic herbs);
  • to drink a lot of water;
  • take sleeping pills without prescription.

If a woman follows these instructions and all the measures described above to normalize sleep for a long period, and they do not bring positive results, then she needs the help of a qualified specialist who will prescribe an acceptable drug treatment, taking into account her situation.

Did you know? The world-famous scientist Albert Einstein slept more than 10 hours every day and claimed that he made many discoveries in his sleep.

Is it possible to take drugs?

The inability to choose an effective sleeping pill forces pregnant women to be more creative. In the third trimester, unlike the first two, more is allowed, and therefore herbal sedatives such as “Persen” and “Novo-Passit” (not an alcohol tincture!) may be available after consultation with the doctor. They, of course, do not affect the phases and mechanisms of sleep, but they slightly relieve overexcitation of the nervous system, reduce anxiety, which creates the preconditions for normal falling asleep.

Some find salvation in homeopathic medicines, for example, in Nervohel, but their effect (according to scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who recognized homeopathy as pseudoscience) is a placebo effect: a woman drinks peas of a homeopathic remedy, believes that it heals the nerves, calms down and falls asleep. Despite the lack of a proven effect from homeopathy, if it helps you, then why not.

Insomnia in the last weeks of pregnancy

In addition to all the difficulties with falling asleep described above, in the last weeks of pregnancy the following are added: the closer the birth is, the more the pain in the lower abdomen and pelvis can intensify. This is explained by the body’s preparation for labor—dropping of the abdomen and expansion of the pelvic bones.

During this period, a woman needs special care and careful treatment, since due to increased worries and stress, she may sleep restlessly or lose sleep altogether.


Insomnia and lack of sleep have a detrimental effect on all vital systems of a pregnant woman.

Here is a list of consequences:

  1. Hormonal imbalance leading to uterine tone and the threat of premature birth.
  2. Decreased concentration, which creates a risk of injury at home.
  3. Chronic fatigue that does not allow you to cope with household responsibilities.
  4. Changes in blood pressure and tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
  5. Constant irritability or depression.

To avoid all the described negative consequences, it is important for a woman expecting a child to get a good night's sleep and follow all the recommendations of the gynecologist.

Prevention of insomnia

To avoid suffering from insomnia, pregnant women should adhere to preventive rules:

  1. Do light exercises while in the fresh air.
  2. Use breathing exercises, which can be taught at the antenatal clinic.
  3. Regularly take water treatments using natural essential oils that soothe the nervous system.
  4. Do a light massage of the neck, abdomen, lower back and feet.
  5. Eat right and keep your weight under control.
  6. Limit fluid intake in the afternoon.
  7. Don't get overtired.
  8. Learn to think positively and be able to switch from bad to good.

Thus, our simple but effective tips can help women in an interesting position cope with insomnia at any stage of pregnancy, and especially during the crucial period before childbirth.

Pregnancy Diseases by trimester Diseases in the 3rd trimester Other diseases in the 3rd trimester

How can the doctor help?

Many people are interested in whether an expectant mother can take sleeping pills to normalize her condition? The answer will be unequivocal - no. Insomnia in early pregnancy cannot be treated with medications; they can only be prescribed as an exception and only under the strict supervision of a doctor. This is due to the teratogenic effect of most drugs in this category. The use of potent drugs can cause irreversible degenerative processes in the fetal body and disrupt its normal formation.

To avoid fatal consequences, the doctor may prescribe decoctions of sedative herbs. Valerian, chamomile, mint, hawthorn, and lemon balm have a calming effect on the nervous system.

However, before using herbs, you should definitely consult with a specialist, since the expectant mother may be allergic to plant materials.

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