Disorders and diseases
Symptoms The main features of central paralysis are muscle hypertension, increased tendon reflexes, the so-called accompanying
Elena Anatolyevna Bardukova, neurologist, homeopath, 23 years of work experience ✔ The article was checked by a doctor Neuralgia
What is paranoid personality disorder Paranoid personality disorder is a personality disorder in which a person
When a nerve is pinched in the hip joint (pelvic neuralgia), severe pain occurs, which is localized
Both dementia and Alzheimer's disease are similar in their manifestations and have many of the same
Anatomy The anatomy of the nervous system is quite complex and tortuous. The nerve trunk comes from processes covered
Pregnancy, children > Child health > Encephalopathy in newborns - types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis
Sleepwalking in children - repeated episodes of awakening during deep sleep without obvious reasons
Unfortunately, no person can be immune from betrayal, no matter how
Ambivalence in attachment In childhood, ambivalence in attachment (anxious-ambivalent attachment) may develop if the relationship