8 ways to cope with insomnia during the flu

What is considered chronic fatigue syndrome?

Every modern person wants to redo a lot of things every day and learn more necessary information. He works without sleep or rest. The result is chronic fatigue syndrome. It can occur suddenly and last for several months.

For the first time such a diagnosis was made in 1988. It is assumed that it also occurred in the past, but was not considered a disease.

Fatigue, loss of strength, reluctance to get down to business, every person experiences from time to time. This can occur after emotional stress, for example after passing exams.

Strong physical stress can also give this result. As a rule, this condition goes away after sleep or rest.

Chronic fatigue syndrome appears as if out of nowhere, so a person cannot accurately name the reason for its appearance.

The exact reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been studied. It is understood that the infectious factor plays almost the main role here. The body begins to fight the infection by producing cytokines.

Cytokines are a special type of soluble proteins that transmit signals between cells. It is known that cytokines lead to increased body temperature, chills, muscle pain, and malaise.

How else to treat insomnia at home?

Non-drug methods of treating insomnia include: psychotherapy (techniques and methods for relaxing and developing a positive attitude towards sleep), encephalophonia (the patient listens to signals from the electrical activity of the brain, processed into musical sounds using a computer - “music of the brain”), biofeedback (discrimination between muscle tension and relaxation).
To treat insomnia as effectively as possible, herbal medicine (herbs with a calming and hypnotic effect - lemon balm and mint leaves, valerian) and phototherapy (resynchronization of the biological clock and setting the required time of falling asleep and waking up) are indicated. Physiotherapy is also indicated: hydrotherapy - regular water procedures before bed - warm shower (38-40 ° C); aeroionotherapy, electrotherapy, climatotherapy, devices that regulate the rhythm of breathing, creating a pleasant noise (sea surf, summer forest, etc.), thermal effects on the nasal area, homeopathy. The main treatment for insomnia is sleep hygiene. The habit of going to bed and getting up at the same time maintains the normal “course” of the biological clock; exclusion of daytime sleep, as it disrupts the above-described sleep-wake cycle; reducing sleep time can significantly improve its depth and efficiency; avoiding drinking tea and coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and other stimulants at night; reduction of stressful situations, mental load in the evening; organizing dosed physical activity in the evening, but no later than 3 hours before bedtime, can improve its quality and duration, and also become one of the most effective methods of stress relief. Any doctor, answering the question of what to do for insomnia, will definitely recommend regular water procedures before bed - a warm shower (38-40 ° C).

How to find out about the onset of the syndrome

The syndrome often occurs at a young age, much more often in women than in men. It is especially often experienced by workaholics, active, responsible, successful individuals. Experiencing constant overstrain, the nervous system cannot stand it and a breakdown occurs.

A breakdown can manifest itself in different ways. First, an infectious disease is observed, after which weakness, apathy and irritability appear for a long time. These phenomena are then followed by long-term depression. It can even last up to six months.

These symptoms are not yet considered major. The main symptom is continuous fatigue that does not go away even after good rest and long sleep. It has been noticed that some patients begin to experience insomnia, drowsiness, weakening of attention, and impaired performance.

Further more. The patient cannot concentrate for a long time, long-term apathy, depression sets in, phobias and photophobia appear.

Headache, dizziness, pharyngitis, dry eyes, tachycardia, and painful lymph nodes may occur. Women experience a deterioration in their general condition before menstruation.


As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, prevention is of particular importance. Here are simple rules to help you stay healthy:

  1. Eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, and salads. Freshly squeezed juices will be of great benefit.
  2. Try to get more rest. Don't unnecessarily stress your nervous system. Take breaks while working. If possible, close your eyes and sit in silence without thinking about work.
  3. Much attention should be paid to sleep. According to statistics, people who adhere to a normal daily routine and devote enough time to sleep get sick much less often.
  4. Get outdoors more often. Walking and playing sports will adjust your body to a normal rhythm of work and help prevent colds.
  5. If you have enough time and patience, don't forget about morning exercises. A few exercises at the beginning of the day will increase your tone, help you wake up and make your day brighter and more fulfilling.

Remember that one of the most effective ways to prevent colds is hardening. It helps prepare the body to resist infections and increase its overall defense.

Diagnosis in adult men and women

You can diagnose CFS yourself first. Self-diagnosis is not a reason to start treatment, but a reason to see a doctor:

  • Fatigue does not go away even if you sleep for 12 hours straight.
  • Insomnia or shallow light sleep.
  • A persistent feeling of fear, anxiety, restlessness.
  • Throbbing in the temples, headache, which was not there before. This is further confirmation of the overload of the nervous system.
  • Memory lapses, decreased concentration.
  • Increased fatigue even with minor physical exertion.
  • Constant feeling of fatigue, weakness, apathy.
  • People with CFS often experience depression. They are overcome by gloomy thoughts, haunted by bad mood, anxiety, and restlessness.
  • Muscle weakness, hand tremors.
  • Decreased immunity, which is accompanied by constant colds.
  • The examination revealed no serious illnesses.
  • Frequent or continuous stress.

Additional symptoms:

  • Sore throat, redness of the throat;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • The lymph nodes in the neck become enlarged;
  • Aches throughout the body;
  • After sleep, there is no feeling of vigor, no desire to take on something.
  • Prolonged loss of strength.

It is believed that the diagnosis of CFS can be made when even some of the above symptoms are present. During the examination, if herpes virus type 7 is detected, then this is a clear sign of XY syndrome.

Insomnia with flu

Insomnia is a disruption of normal sleep that can be temporary or systematic. Characterized by difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or complete lack of sleep. In the latter case, it is impossible to do without exposure to medications. Insomnia can be short-term, transient and chronic.

The most common cause of illness is stress in all its manifestations, whether at home or at work. However, there are other factors:

  • A change of scenery;
  • Recent cold (flu, acute respiratory viral infection);
  • State of depression;
  • The environment is not conducive to sleep;
  • Anxiety, nervous disorders.

What foods will help stop loss of strength?

Products that should be on your table every day will help you cope with loss of strength:

  • lean meat (veal, chicken, rabbit);
  • fish, shellfish;
  • nuts;
  • honey;
  • seaweed;
  • kefir;
  • ginger root.

If you want something sweet, you can eat some dark chocolate or dried fruits.

Remember that before going to bed it is useful to drink warm kefir, adding a little hot water and 1 teaspoon of honey. After 2 weeks, fatigue will pass, and sleep will become serene, like a child’s.

To ensure that your body receives useful vitamins, prepare the following remedy:

  1. Finely chop the onion to make one glass;
  2. Mix it with a glass of honey;
  3. Place in a dark place and leave for 4 days.
  4. Place the finished mixture in the refrigerator, take 1 teaspoon before meals.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue are the same for women and men. But the causes of pathology in women and men may be different. For example, in women, CFS is more associated with burnout at the emotional level. In men - with a decrease in sex hormones.

If fatigue is observed for these reasons, then how to deal with it? For prevention, women should take a course of strengthening B vitamins. Men should take complexes with a high content of vitamin C.

Can you have insomnia after the flu?

It is generally accepted that influenza and ARVI are common diseases and do not carry any consequences. For this reason, many do not even seek help from a doctor, suffering the disease “on their feet.” But any viral infection, even in a minor form of manifestation, is a strong stress. How the body reacts to it depends on individual tolerance. In particular, insomnia may appear. Associated symptoms after suffering from the flu may include:

  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Hypertension or hypotension.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of CFS

If it turns out that chronic fatigue syndrome is caused by a deficiency of vitamins, then you need to start taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

If fatigue is caused by diseases of the nervous system, the doctor will prescribe the appropriate medicine from the group of tranquilizers or antipsychotics.

Massage will help you get rid of constant drowsiness without pills. As a result, muscles will relax, blood flow will improve, and the quality of sleep will improve.

You can take natural medications: Chinese lemongrass, ginseng, Eleutherococcus, Leuzea, which increase overall tone. Tinctures from these plants should not be taken if you have high blood pressure.

Calming drinks

But sedatives prepared in the form of tea from lemon balm, chamomile, mint, and basil help you fall asleep quickly.

Drinks prepared according to proven recipes will help relieve fatigue:

  • Milk with chamomile. Mix 1 tsp. chamomile flowers with 200 ml of warm milk, bring to a boil. Then add 1 tsp. honey, drink half an hour before bedtime.
  • Lemon with walnuts. Grind a full glass of walnuts, then add chopped peeled lemon to them, add 3 tbsp. l. honey. Take this remedy 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • Echinacea tincture will boost immunity if taken for 10 days, 20 drops three times a day before meals.

Natural cure for CFS

Take one glass of prunes, seedless raisins, walnuts, dried apricots, 2 lemons, 1.5 glasses of good honey. Mix everything with a blender, except honey. Add honey later. It is recommended to take 1 tablespoon for breakfast.

Tea for immunity

It is drunk when there is excessive formation of lymphocytes. To prepare, you need to brew a collection of herbs in a thermos:

  • nettle - 1 tbsp.
  • marigold flowers - 1 tbsp.
  • 10 g of chickweed herb.

Pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. It is recommended to drink 100 ml of infusion 4 times a day. The product has adaptogenic properties.

Why does a person suffer from insomnia?

There are more than a hundred different sleep anomalies and disorders, they can be very diverse. In healthy people, the cause of insomnia can be a change in sleep pattern, stress, depression, anxiety, or heavy physical activity.

Insomnia can be caused by poor sleep hygiene: drinking tonic substances in the afternoon, smoking before bed, eating a large late dinner, an unventilated room, an uncomfortable bed or pillow.

Also, the reason why insomnia torments may be mental disorders or neurological diseases, diseases of internal organs, consequences of traumatic brain injury, and intoxication.

According to the course of insomnia, acute, subacute and chronic forms are distinguished. By degree of severity - mild, moderate and severe.

Insomnia is divided into three groups:

  • difficulty falling asleep (most common);
  • disruption of sleep maintenance;
  • early final awakening, in which there is no feeling of freshness and rest.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder that consists of:

  • or difficulty falling asleep, that is, a person cannot fall asleep for at least an hour;
  • or frequent awakenings at night, accompanied by difficulty falling back asleep;
  • or in a very early rise, inadequate sleep.

All of the above symptoms may be present.

There are 3 types of insomnia:

  1. Intermittent (situational) insomnia occurs periodically, when certain situations arise, and does not last long. The cause of such insomnia may be moving, changing jobs, any illness, or taking certain medications. To treat this type of insomnia, it is enough to eliminate the factor that caused it, but “sleep hygiene” should be carried out.
  2. Short-term insomnia. Appears as a result of more significant stress and mental trauma. The duration of short-term insomnia varies from 1 night to several weeks.
  3. Chronic insomnia lasts at least 3 nights a week for a month or more. Its causes can be severe physical and mental illness, taking certain medications, alcoholism and drug addiction. With chronic insomnia, a so-called sleep neurosis can form. If a person has developed sleep neurosis, a kind of vicious circle is formed: when trying to fall asleep, the person begins to experience anxiety, believing that he will not be able to fall asleep, as a result of which he does not succeed. Thus, for successful treatment it is necessary to break this chain.

Often intermittent and chronic insomnia occurs with epilepsy, migraine, and osteochondrosis. The type of insomnia depends on the severity of the disease.

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