Strong nerves during pregnancy. Stress and nervous tension during pregnancy

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy: 7 ways

A pregnant woman is a volcano. Unpredictable, hot-tempered and extraordinary. Hormones, misunderstandings from loved ones, problems in family life and at work can undermine the peace of mind of the expectant mother. She explodes in seconds, destroying everything around with her aggression.

Negative emotions can affect the fetus. Children whose mothers were a lot nervous during childbirth become too active, restless, and irritable. Stress during pregnancy can disrupt the formation of embryonic nerve cells, and the baby is born with abnormalities. In late pregnancy, nervous breakdowns can lead to hypoxia of the child, as well as premature birth. Taking this into account, you need to be able to calm down in time and tune in to a positive wave.

Psychological attitude

The psychological mood of the mother is the main condition for bearing a healthy child. It depends only on you what state and mood you convey to your child. If you are carrying a baby under your heart, stop reacting to external factors. Abstract from problems, you will be understood and forgiven, believe me. Many people treat pregnant women with condescension, this is natural. Throw away all your problems, what could be more important than the little life born in your body? Think about your child, who should be born healthy, beautiful and happy. You will solve all the problems later, when you give birth. In the meantime, you need to be, as it were, under a dome, protected and away from life’s troubles.

In such a state, the support of loved ones is also important. Relatives, husband, children and parents should support the expectant mother. Under no circumstances should you tell a pregnant woman that she has become irritable, whiny, or capricious. You can’t tell her that she has gained weight or weight. This is unpleasant to hear even for ordinary women, let alone a pregnant lady. If the expectant mother is offended, grumbling and swearing, you can turn everything into a joke - they say, we will give birth to a little grumbler. You cannot run into conflict by provoking outbursts of anger and aggression.

A pregnant mother should not receive negative information from the outside. You should not watch news with elements of bloodshed, and you should not report financial or housing problems whenever possible. Those around the expectant mother should know that a pregnant woman should not be told tragic incidents from the life of a particular woman in labor. Remember, a woman takes all information to heart; any unpleasant news can lead her into a difficult situation.

Many women work until the seventh month of pregnancy. They have to go to work every day, carry out their work duties, and resolve issues. Abstract yourself from nervous work, ask your boss to transfer to calmer types of work. Don’t worry about losing your job - pregnant women cannot be fired, and their job remains. Don’t be nervous about a job done incorrectly; your boss, whether he’s a woman or a man, will certainly understand your position. If work situations don’t give you peace of mind, take a week’s vacation or sick leave.

My husband makes me nervous all the time. I am pregnant

When your husband leaves and your relatives tell you to screw you, you will quickly stop acting like a helpless disabled person. Speculating on pregnancy in order to achieve what you want is not good.

In the first trimester I actually walked like a dragon. The hormone shield was measured. Glands. He was promoted. L-thyroxine was prescribed.

If his character is so tough, I would leave while the baby is still in the tummy, otherwise (God forbid) it will be like in the film with J. Lo (by the way, I advise you to watch it, for determination). Especially if you are far from your loved ones and you don’t have support in that city. If he can raise his hand now, nothing will change when the baby is born!

Maybe it's not so gloomy. Walk more, please yourself with some pleasures - beautiful music and paintings, landscapes and goodies in a cafe. Evgenia, the task now is more important, for now, to realize your maternal aspect, a little later you will deal with the problem of female realization. It is for the benefit of the child that this is the key to your peace of mind as a mother, and a mother is for life.

And for both of us. Just at the time we found out, we had a very serious conflict, there were such scandals for a week that the final decision was divorce. And then I find out that I'm pregnant. This is the first cycle when we stopped using contraception, the pregnancy was desired, but we didn’t expect that everything would work out the first time. My cycles are long and vary from 46 to 31 days...

Care and attention. And he draws all the attention to himself. Egoist. I was already under threat for 3 weeks, because since he was getting on my nerves, I had real nervous breakdowns!!! But he doesn’t seem to care... And you say it’s not a disease..

I thought - I brought it specially). She slapped him in the face. He called her hysterical and left, satisfied.

My husband and I don’t live together, I’m seven months pregnant, my husband constantly has trembling nerves and writes that he will take the child, will he be able to do this?

In my opinion, such advice triggers a mechanism similar to the anecdotal one: to know the truth, drink a specially prepared potion and NEVER THINK ABOUT THE WHITE MONKEY! It’s the same during pregnancy: don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous, don’t be nervous!

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy

Here are some effective and safe ways to help you calm down if you are carrying a baby.

  1. Foot massage.
    A massage is always pleasant, especially for a pregnant woman. It can improve blood circulation in the feet, relieve swelling, and soothe.
  2. Herbs.
    Decoctions of some herbs can relieve fatigue very quickly and safely. Prepare a mixture of valerian, motherwort, chamomile, sage and mint, which you need to pour boiling water over. Let the broth brew and strain it. Drink half a glass in the morning and evening. Within a few days you will notice an improvement in your emotional state.
  3. Physical activity.
    Oddly enough, sports and physical exercise relieve any worries and aggression. Pregnant women, of course, should not lift dumbbells or run, but some types of physical activity are not only possible, but also necessary. These include gymnastics for pregnant women, walking, swimming, yoga. Walking before bed near ponds and in forested areas is the best sedative.

If nothing helps you calm down, start preparing for the birth of your baby. The need to buy a stroller and crib, arrange a room, prepare diapers and thousands of necessary little things will save you from bad thoughts.

As the well-known heroine of the famous book said, “I’ll think about it tomorrow.” If you are faced with problems, put aside their solution for the period when the baby is in your arms. In the meantime, receive only positive and high-quality emotions. After all, what could be more important than the little happiness that grows under the heart?

Factors that provoke increased nervousness during pregnancy

We just have a big difference of 10 years! And he doesn’t have any children, and then bam, he’s dropped off at 30 years old!! Generally reacts sharply!!!

You want to justify your husband’s actions, that’s your right, but don’t allow yourself to be beaten, because when he raises his hand against you, he also raises it against your child!

I read from one psychologist that write all your negative thoughts, everything that pisses you off in special notebooks.

I have influxes, I try to notice, but I realize everything after these waves. My husband and I then just discuss it, I apologize if I feel guilty, when I understand that it’s all because of hormones, I say what exactly pisses me off and why. The appearance of bleeding after a quarrel should alert every pregnant woman. If this occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Herbal medicine for expectant mothers

For expectant mothers, most pharmaceutical sedatives are taboo. Especially when it comes to alcoholic tinctures of herbs or sleeping pills. In case of nervous excitability, it is safest to brew infusions from the following herbs: 2 parts each of motherwort, oregano, marsh grass, 1 part each of sage, hawthorn fruit. A tablespoon of the mixed composition is poured into one glass of boiling water, infused for 20-25 minutes, strained and consumed 1/2 glass twice a day.

An infusion of the following herbs soothes and relieves headaches: hop cones, valerian root, peppermint leaves, taken in equal proportions.

If a pregnant woman is overly anxious and sleeps poorly, then it is recommended to take equal proportions of chamomile, mint, fennel fruit, and valerian root. Ten grams of the collection are poured with 200 grams of boiling water and filtered after 30 minutes of infusion.

An infusion of motherwort and valerian, which is recommended to be taken 30 minutes before going to bed, has a mild hypnotic property.

In addition to herbal medicine, aromatherapy also perfectly calms the nerves of pregnant women. And here you need to focus on the preferences of the pregnant woman. Mint, lemon balm, lavender - essential oils of these herbs in an aroma lamp an hour or two before bed will help improve women's sleep. You can turn it on during the day to prevent irritability.

Behavior of loved ones

A pregnant woman needs the understanding and patience of loved ones more than anyone else. Her reactions sometimes surprise, outrage and do not find understanding among her relatives. Therefore, the calmness of pregnant women is their support and indulgence. If the expectant mother is nervous or dissatisfied with something, then you need to meet her and give in, soften the aggressive impulse with a joke or silence. Pregnant women need to be complimented more often. This is a kind of prevention of aggression. Be gentle with the pregnant woman in your interactions and conversations.

Never say the following phrases when communicating with her:

  1. “Calm down and don’t make the child nervous.”
  2. “Don’t scream, don’t cry.”
  3. “You make up problems out of the blue.”
  4. “There is nothing complicated about pregnancy, everyone gives birth and you are no exception.”
  5. “You’ve gained a lot of weight, you look like a bun.”
  6. “You have become unbearable and capricious, like a child.”

Forget about all the negative expressions addressed to the expectant mother, especially if it concerns her appearance. God forbid anyone say that she is fat.

Never tell her about tragic incidents with children or pregnant women that you heard from someone on TV. She should not worry about such reasons and project other people’s problems onto herself or sympathize too emotionally with the victims. A pregnant woman is monstrously impressionable, she does not need stress.

Do not tell the expectant mother that she did something wrong in the house, do not criticize her. Otherwise it will only be worse for you. Even if she is to blame, forgive her and temporarily get used to her attacks of aggression.

Almost all pregnant women experience a lot of stress on their legs. Therefore, a massage of the legs and feet will be a sedative. A woman will never refuse this, she will calm down and will be grateful to you. And during the massage itself, let her speak out, let her cry, complain about life. At this time, it is better for you to be silent and listen, agree with everything, nod your head. And then the storm of emotions will be replaced by a quiet conversation, calm after relaxation.

Play the pregnant woman’s favorite music in the house more often, take an interest in her well-being, and find a minute or two of time a day for a phone call. Plan a weekend together, take an interest in the wishes of the expectant mother.

The calmness of a pregnant woman is the patience, support and wisdom of her loved ones.


How not to be nervous during pregnancy and why is stress so dangerous during this period?

Pregnancy is an excellent, but difficult period, since powerful changes are taking place in the body of the expectant mother.
Which is primarily related to hormonal levels and preparation for childbirth. As a result, both the physical and psychological state changes, the pregnant woman becomes more vulnerable, capricious, and nervous.

But how to deal with this - how not to be nervous during pregnancy and why is stress so dangerous during this period?

Why is it important not to be nervous during pregnancy?

The peace of mind of the expectant mother is the key to the health of the child. Stress and nervous overload during pregnancy can cause unpleasant consequences. Especially after the 20th week of pregnancy.

Why is nervousness of a pregnant woman dangerous for the fetus?

  • Continuous stress can provoke hypoxia (suffocation) - this is a mortal danger.
  • There is a danger of premature birth/birth of a baby with underweight.
  • there is a risk of the baby developing lung problems.
  • The child may be born hyperactive or overexcited and restless - in the future he may have nervous/mental disorders. A sure sign of such deviations is a violation of the sleep/wake pattern.

How to move away from anxiety to peace of mind:

There are many methods - and it is absolutely not necessary to take medications or do difficult exercises. Our recommendations come from practice, are 100% harmless and have been tested by more than one generation. And most importantly, they are effective.

- plan your actions

Everyone knows that planning is the key to peace of mind. And the more predictable your environment, the easier it is for you. Try planning meetings about money and other matters. Because it is easier for those who plan to remain calm.

Concentrate on what needs to be done before the baby is born, write a list of things to do, purchases, plans, decide on dates, prices, deadlines, etc. And the more detailed you write everything down, the easier it will be for you. Also try to refrain from spontaneity during pregnancy to avoid nervous overload.

— learn more about pregnancy

The more information, the easier, because there is nothing worse than ignorance. And this is actually true. The more the expectant mother knows about pregnancy, intrauterine development, and childbirth, the calmer she will be. Forewarned is forearmed, as the people say.

Schools for expectant mothers are a great help with this, and you will have absolutely no time left to worry and “wind up” yourself. And experienced people can quickly dispel all your fears and doubts. In such schools you can talk with specialists - obstetricians, psychologists, pediatricians, neonatologists and get all the necessary information.

And by the end of the classes you will be speaking with doctors “in the same language.”

- find support

Support is important for a pregnant woman – and not only moral. You may need help with household chores or other assistance. It must be remembered that a woman “in position” is vulnerable. And here relatives will come first, especially your mother. She is the one who will advise, reassure, help - like no one else. Do not hesitate to contact her for assistance - even just for good advice.

If you have a sister/friend who has children of her own, you can contact her. The experience can be valuable to you, and communication will give you the opportunity to calm down and mentally prepare yourself for future births.

And, of course, the main support for a pregnant woman is a loving spouse. Only he will be able to instill confidence and calm in you.

And do not hesitate to tell your husband about your condition, voice your desires and needs, give him the opportunity to fully take care of you. But, of course, in this case it is extremely important not to go too far.

Do not abuse your pregnancy and do not upset loved ones without obvious reasons.

If it’s too difficult for you, and there is no option to ask your loved ones for help (this happens), then you should contact a psychologist. It would be great if it was a specialist with a special focus – specifically working with pregnant women.

Similar consultants work in almost any antenatal clinic/maternity hospital. Chat with him, consult, share your experiences.

Well, if the consultant gives you advice, then be sure to follow it - this way you will minimize any stress.

- talk to your child

Almost everyone knows that it is necessary to establish a connection with a child before he is born. And many expectant mothers practice this. For what purpose? Scientists have proven that the child in the womb responds perfectly to sounds, emotions and the state of the mother. Even before birth, he is familiar with the sound of her voice/body vibrations (heartbeat, functioning of internal organs, etc.).

In addition, communication with the baby establishes a spiritual connection. You get to know your baby and the sound of your voice stimulates his brain and sensory systems. It is generally accepted that children who were spoken to before they were born have a higher IQ, study better and are simply more talented. In addition, communication with the baby calms the expectant mother - stress and fears disappear, the soul and thoughts calm down.

- pamper yourself

It's time to allow yourself what you couldn't afford before pregnancy:

  • visit to the spa/massage room.
  • purchasing something that you couldn’t afford before.
  • cultural pastime - visiting the opera, museum, theater, etc.
  • The trip you've been dreaming about for a long time.
  • Nice music, good book, handicrafts.

In general, anything that brings you joy will be extremely useful.

— rest

Rest is an extremely important part of a pregnant woman's daily routine, especially in the third trimester. At this time, the weight increases, swelling/heaviness in the lower abdomen often occurs, and laziness/fatigue makes itself felt.

Some may say that pregnancy is not a disease; there is no need to attach excessive importance to it. On the one hand, yes, but at the same time this is a special state for a woman.

During pregnancy, the body undergoes very serious transformations:

  • hormonal fluctuations occur;
  • emotional state suffers;
  • weight increases, swelling occurs;
  • the condition of the mammary glands changes;
  • The load on the kidneys/spine becomes many times greater.

And this is only a small part of what happens to a woman during pregnancy.

What does it mean that it is vital for a pregnant woman to rest?

You cannot be overloaded physically or with a packed work schedule. Don't forget, you have to take care of the child, not just yourself.

- eat right

According to a number of psychologists, one of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is poor nutrition. The diet may contain excessive amounts of tea, coffee, fatty/fried foods, unhealthy sweets and fast food. Let us separately highlight seasonings/spices that have a particularly serious effect on the susceptible nervous system of a pregnant woman.

What should a pregnant woman consume:

  • fresh fruits/vegetables;
  • dairy/fermented milk products;
  • lean meat/fish;
  • dried fruits/nuts;
  • chocolate (in moderation).

And remember - no matter how you try to eat wisely during pregnancy, do not force yourself to eat something you don’t like.

- think about the future

In other words, visualize, try to imagine happy moments of the future time spent with your child:

  • walking;
  • games;
  • rest;
  • swimming, etc.

All this will allow you to feel positive and give you strength. Moreover, the pictures that appear before your eyes should be extremely clear and real. Let the baby in your imagination be happy, cheerful and contented - this will happen in the future.

By doing such exercises, you can get rid of tensions/blocks in your body, increase the level of happiness hormones, and generally change your perception of the world in a positive direction. Such exercises will be especially important if you are prone to negative thoughts, anxiety, and fear.


A child is the best gift from above. But you need to remember - your first pregnancy will have a serious impact on both your nervous system and your relationships. Before planning a pregnancy, try to take off your rose-colored glasses and prepare yourself for the changes.

Original article:


Ways to calm nerves in pregnant women

Stress can cause irreparable harm to mother and child, but it cannot be avoided. There are many ways to calm your pregnancy nerves.

Lack of stress is an important condition for a successful pregnancy

The easiest way to relieve nervous tension is to take sedatives. It is much more difficult to rebuild your worldview, to learn perseverance and calmness. A positive attitude will help not only to safely bear a child, but also to cope with the role of a mother in the future.

The dangers of stress for a pregnant woman

The body of a pregnant woman is vulnerable to external influences. This is due to hormonal changes and suppression of defense mechanisms.

Pregnant women in the early stages overreact to ordinary everyday troubles. They are frightened by new sensations, they are afraid for the child’s health. Many women have a fear of childbirth.

When stressed, the concentration of glucocorticoid hormones in the blood increases; this is a necessary protective mechanism. If stress is prolonged, the activity of hormones is steadily increased. Why is it dangerous for pregnant women:

  1. The synthesis of proteins in growing and dividing fetal cells is inhibited.
  2. The load on the liver increases. It activates the synthesis of glucose and glycogen. The liver does not fully cope with filtration, fatigue, pallor or yellowness of the skin are observed, and the symptoms of toxicosis intensify.
  3. The excretion of potassium and calcium in the urine increases. The child does not receive enough elements necessary for his healthy development.
  4. The activity of immune cells is inhibited. A pregnant woman's body becomes even more vulnerable to infections.

The likelihood of premature birth during a calm pregnancy is significantly reduced. If a woman has been regularly exposed to stress, the child may in the future experience an increased sense of fear, anxiety, hyperactivity, and mental retardation.

I'm pregnant, and my husband drinks and gets on my nerves

78 replies

Latest - January 27, 2020, 09:43 Go


give birth, stop crying! Soon there will be a reason to give a smile to just one person. A child will give you great strength, but you just believe! You can leave your husband, if there are still parents, they will accept, they cannot but accept their own daughter. If not, live for now for the child, then something will be decided, it won’t be like this forever, believe me.


I would have an abortion tomorrow and cut this drunk out of my life (abortion can be done up to 12 weeks) But I know for sure that you, the author, will not have an abortion, you already have some stupid excuses that your heart is beating, you are just comfortable live with a drunk, well, live!


I would have an abortion tomorrow and cut this drunk out of my life (abortion can be done up to 12 weeks) But I know for sure that you, the author, will not have an abortion, you already have some stupid excuses that your heart is beating, you are just comfortable live with a drunk, well, live!


The fact that the heart is beating is a stupid excuse??? Baby, go pack your briefcase, you have to go to school tomorrow!


The fact that the heart is beating is a stupid excuse??? Baby, go pack your briefcase, you have to go to school tomorrow!


. In fact, up to 12 weeks it is not even a fetus, but a clot of cells.


My God, why do people with such thoughts have children? But for me, who was shaking so much with my pregnancy, no. If I came across you 2 years ago in the hospital, you would have learned a lot about yourself. And I’ll tell the author, go to your parents. But don't kill life.


My God, why do people with such thoughts have children? But for me, who was shaking so much with my pregnancy, no. If I came across you 2 years ago in the hospital, you would have learned a lot about yourself. And I’ll tell the author, go to your parents. But don't kill life.


Guest, my God, why do people with such thoughts have children? But for me, who was shaking so much with my pregnancy, no. If I came across you 2 years ago in the hospital, you would have learned a lot about yourself. And I’ll tell the author, go to your parents.

But don't kill life.

This means that God does not want you to have children. You are evil! What does “I would learn a lot about myself” mean? I live my own life, and I don’t care about other people’s opinions.

And you even pushed God away from you with your moralizing, Barren Flower!


GuestGuest My God, why do people with such thoughts have children? But for me, who was shaking so much with my pregnancy, no. If I came across you 2 years ago in the hospital, you would have learned a lot about yourself. And I’ll tell the author, go to your parents. But don’t kill life. That means God doesn’t want you to have children.

You are evil! What does “I would learn a lot about myself” mean? I live my own life, and I don’t care about other people’s opinions. And you even pushed God away from you with your moralizing, Barren Flower!

God knows better who is evil and who is good. Re-read your message and you will also understand who is evil here.

And how do you even turn your tongue to say such words...


It’s her own fault, because there was no one else to give birth to, only from a drunk, now he’s getting on your nerves. And then the child will suffer.


Well, finally, the gay-ass commissars from the women's shelters have hatched. What, the goofy ones, have sensed a spiritual drain, have we already planned out the profit from the sale of babies and are rubbing our hands together?


Women, stop talking here about how it’s your own fault that you married a drunk. It’s as if everything is quiet and calm in your home! And the author did not think that things would go to extremes.

A drunk is when the morning begins not with tea, but with vodka! The author forget about all the ***** that all sorts of young ladies wrote here.

You know how many problems happen in life, the main thing here is not to fall apart and not shed tears! Everything goes as it should, the main thing is to take the blow correctly! You just need to figure out yourself first, can you live without your husband, can you even move in with your parents and start all over from scratch? Think with your head, not your heart. You have everything ahead! And most importantly, talk to your husband calmly, without emotions. Tell them that this life does not suit you, that you are thinking about divorce. Look at the reaction! If they happily get rid of you, you know what to do!

Everything is as usual

Guest, my God, why do people with such thoughts have children? But for me, who was shaking so much with my pregnancy, no. If I came across you 2 years ago in the hospital, you would have learned a lot about yourself. And I’ll tell the author, go to your parents.

But don't kill life.

You have no moral right to judge


Author, do not under any circumstances have an abortion.


And who is to blame for her? Was she blind before? Or was he perfect, but only started drinking after she got pregnant? Such tragedies occur only through the fault of a woman. You don’t need to connect your life with all sorts of shit and there won’t be such situations later, that’s all.



You can combat stress during pregnancy with the help of certain medications. Plant-based sedatives help relieve nervous tension without harm to health.

What sedatives can pregnant women take:

  • valerian (tablets);
  • motherwort (tablets);
  • "Novo-passit" (for one-time use);
  • "Persen."

The remedies help you quickly calm down after experiencing a shock. If you suffer from insomnia, there is a feeling of anxiety, or there is a sudden change in mood, you need to consult a specialist. Taking medications on your own, especially in early pregnancy, is not recommended.

Extracts of valerian, motherwort, passionflower, and mint are safe for pregnant women.

The preparation "Novo-Passit" contains St. John's wort and hops. The first caused miscarriages or the birth of weak offspring in experimental animals, and the second affects hormonal levels, so you should not take sedatives regularly during pregnancy.

Motherwort and valerian are allowed to be taken only in tablet form. Alcohol tinctures are contraindicated during pregnancy. Tranquilizers and barbiturates are strictly prohibited: they have a teratogenic effect on the fetus.

The drug "Novo-Passit" contains St. John's wort and hops

During pregnancy, my husband brings me to tears, constant quarrels. How can a husband understand his pregnant wife?

A pregnant woman needs attention and care from those around her and loved ones. And especially for her, the caring attitude of her husband is important, because expecting a child is their common cause, and if a man cannot or does not want to understand this and support his wife, then tears and hysterics cannot be avoided.

What happens to the female body during pregnancy

Even the calmest women, when they become pregnant, sometimes turn into whiny whims. And what can we say about nervous people! Those, while carrying a child, not only cry, but also constantly throw hysterics at home.

The nature of this behavior lies in physiology. Hormonal levels change dramatically in a pregnant woman's body, and this affects mood swings. Unfortunately, not all husbands take this factor into account. And instead of nurturing and nurturing the future mother of their children, they add fuel to the fire, bringing a woman who is already having a hard time to white heat.

Even at the moment of bearing a child, the maternal instinct awakens in a woman, and she becomes fearful, excessively fearing for the health of the baby.

And she is very offended by her husband, who does not share her anxiety about this. She doesn’t know how a man can calmly accept the news that a child in the womb has begun to hiccup.

Maybe something happened to him? And then he stopped hiccupping and became quiet. Maybe he's not breathing anymore?

A pregnant woman is frightened by everything: both if the baby quickly gains weight and if it is weak. She is worried if he pushes hard or does not make himself known for a long time. And for every such occasion there is hysteria. This can infuriate any spouse, and he begins to scold his wife, bringing the missus, already exhausted by constant worries, to tears.

!– Yandex.RTB RA-461895-3 — > —>

To the fears of whether she will be able to bear and give birth to a child without complications, there is added the fear that her husband, seeing her so ugly - with a big belly and swollen legs - will immediately stop loving her. So it doesn’t hurt to once again remind your spouse of your feelings.

Why does my husband make me cry?

The news of an imminent addition to the family, if the child is planned, initially brings joy to both the wife and the husband. But as pregnancy progresses, changes occur not only in the woman’s body, but also in the man’s body.

There is a change of roles in the family: the wife turns into a whiny child, and the husband indulges all her whims, just so as not to irritate his beloved and the baby in her womb. But it can be difficult for a man to adapt in time, and he does not keep up with the changes occurring in a woman’s body. This leads to misunderstandings and conflicts.

Even if a man is looking forward to an heir, it is difficult for him to realize that it will no longer be the same as before, and he will have to give up a lot in the name of the child.

And if the wife is completely absorbed in thoughts about the future newborn, ceases to be interested in the affairs of her husband and even refuses him sex, then it won’t be long before he explodes, which is why the wife’s eyes will always be wet.

Even if the husband does not make a scandal and, gritting his teeth, endures all the women’s nagging, the wife still feels insincerity on his part and often cries.

The wife, fascinated by the process of bearing a child, has no idea that her husband may also be afraid of something, for example, losing his job and not being able to provide for her and the unborn baby. And the anxious spouse perceives this concern as indifference and cries again.

Sometimes the future father worries so much about his wife’s condition that he goes too far.

He doesn’t let her see her mother because her father smokes there, and she doesn’t allow her to meet her friend because she has a dog, which means she has dangerous germs.

You can’t go to the theater (it’s too cold) or to the cinema (too noisy) and there are many other prohibitions for fear of the health of the pregnant woman. And from such excessive care, the wife will also cry for a long time and inconsolably.

What to do to avoid harming the child?

Spouses should remember that the wife's tears will negatively affect the unborn child. So it is in the interests of both to arrange for the pregnant woman to cry as little as possible, and ideally never. And then the baby will be born vigorous and healthy.

You can blame the weaker half for all the hysterics, they say, he is working himself up for any reason. But it is better to show concern for your wife’s situation and try to calm her down, rather than escalate the conflict.

The wife must clearly explain to her husband that all family troubles will negatively affect the child’s psyche, therefore, the more comfortable he is in the womb, the calmer he will be when he is born. You can be intimidated by the hospital, because every pregnant woman has a chance to get admitted.

If a man does not calm down and continues to get on his nerves, you should go to another room or the kitchen to calm down yourself, drink valerian or motherwort and wait until your husband pulls himself together.

You can talk to the baby, explaining to him that dad is really good, that he loves both the baby and mom, so there is no need to be upset. And to relax yourself, come up with a comic plan for revenge on your evil spouse. Draw some funny picture in your imagination, and you will immediately feel better, and you won’t want to cry anymore.


You can calm your nerves during pregnancy with the help of herbs. The main thing is to choose the right plants.

Treatment of increased nervous excitability can be carried out using recipes:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of hawthorn fruit, oregano herb and motherwort. Pour the mixture with a glass of hot water, leave in a water bath for 15–20 minutes, and strain after cooling. Drink the infusion twice a day, a few sips.
  2. In a teapot, mix a teaspoon of green tea, 10 chamomile flowers, 5 mint leaves and lemon balm. Pour boiling water over the mixture and leave for 15 minutes. Drink tea before bed.
  3. In a cup, mix a teaspoon of valerian and motherwort, pour boiling water over it, and leave for 20 minutes. Drink the strained tea throughout the day.

Valerian and motherwort have the strongest calming effect. Mint and lemon balm help you fall asleep easily. Chamomile relieves the symptoms of toxicosis and tones the body.

You should not overuse concentrated herbal infusions. You can add a little herb to regular tea.

Motherwort is a great stress reliever

Vitamin therapy

Stress and nervousness in pregnant women are often the result of a lack of vitamins, micro- and macroelements. The problem can be solved with proper nutrition and vitamin-mineral complexes.

The main element is ascorbic acid. All cells and tissues need it for normal functioning. Vitamin C is found in all vegetables and fruits. The leaders are bell pepper, black currant, Brussels sprouts, parsley.

Vitamin E works in tandem with vitamin C: they form an antioxidant complex. It is found in beef liver, spinach leaves, almonds, olive and sunflower oil.

For the normal functioning of the mother’s nervous system and its formation in the child, vitamin B6 and magnesium are needed. The latter is found in bananas, spinach, almonds, cashews, and walnuts. Beans, beef liver, pork, lamb, pistachios, and celery root are rich in vitamin B.

Vitamin and mineral complexes can be taken only after a doctor’s prescription. It is prohibited to drink drugs uncontrollably.

Calming activities

To cope with nervous tension, pregnant women do not have to take pills or herbs; they can change or adjust their lifestyle, or find something they like.

How to calm your nerves during pregnancy without pills:

  1. Walks in the open air. You can walk through the forest or park, admire nature, without thinking about problems.
  2. Healthy sleep. You need to go to bed and get up at the same time every day (ideal time to fall asleep is 22:00, to wake up 6:00, 7:00). A nap after a light lunch is very beneficial for pregnant women.
  3. Physical training. It is best to practice yoga for pregnant women with a professional instructor.

Developing new talents will help you relax and get rid of the blues. You can learn a foreign language, learn how to draw portraits, crochet, embroider with ribbons, etc.

It is useful to start the day by listening to music. She can be calm or cheerful, but not sad or aggressive.

What to do to avoid harming the child?

And I highlight my hair and cut the ends (I have long hair, I don’t want to let it down). I think you shouldn’t suddenly deny yourself something.

Therefore, scandals and quarrels in the family should be avoided in any way. Support, heart-to-heart conversations and just being around – that’s what the fair half of the population needs.

She wrote that her husband constantly leads him to breakdown, that is, all the blame is on him. She immediately writes that it is difficult for her and she asks and demands her husband’s help. Now imagine the situation that as of tomorrow her husband has passed away. Can you imagine? How will you get out on your own or not?

Treated both pregnancies with care. He didn’t give flowers when he found out, nor did he give gold (his fathers-in-law gave them after the birth of his eldest son).

Psychological attitude

If you can’t cope with stress with walks and herbal tea, you need to work on yourself. A positive attitude will help you easily cope with any stressful situation.

It is very difficult to get rid of despair, fear, resentment and irritation with one effort of will. You need to program yourself. You can do this yourself or work with a psychologist.

For independent work, psychologists recommend using a set of simple phrases for different life situations. You need to repeat them to yourself every time there is a reason to be nervous. What are these phrases:

  1. “My husband (mom, dad, etc.) is the best, he only wants the best for me. I will not quarrel with him, even if he is wrong today. I am calm, wise and balanced." This does not apply to cases of assault.
  2. “I’m happy that I live, that I have a home, that I have freedom. I am strong and I can protect myself, I have nothing to fear.” The verbal form helps to drive away unreasonable fears.
  3. “There are no perfect mothers, I have the right to make mistakes. I can handle everything." Suitable for cases when strangers begin to give advice on how a pregnant woman should and should not behave.
  4. "I won't react to it, I'll remain calm." Suitable for any unpleasant situation.

You should not try to specifically limit yourself from stress. If the situation requires participation, it must be accepted. Yes, you need to react calmer, but a state of complete detachment is also not beneficial.

A healthy lifestyle, vitamins, an interesting hobby and a positive attitude will help a woman calmly get out of any stressful situation and stop being nervous during pregnancy. These methods have a long-term effect. Sedatives help to cope with nerves for a short period.


The husband got it out, his nerves were shaking: what should I do?

Well, I gave my friend gold, bouquets, tied some laces and treated her like a crystal vase, doing a maternity photo shoot.

A pregnant woman is frightened by everything: both if the baby quickly gains weight and if it is weak. She is worried if he pushes hard or does not make himself known for a long time. And for every such occasion there is hysteria. This can infuriate any spouse, and he begins to scold his wife, bringing the missus, already exhausted by constant worries, to tears.

Only after every visit, my friend is in tears.. This “dad” regularly returns the child frozen or wet after street walks. And then the child gets sick. She limited visits - exclusively at home so that. So he scares her with the courts, that he will apply for a change in the child’s place of residence (he says that after 3 years he has the right to challenge).

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