Why can your eyes water during pregnancy?

Pregnancy and childbirth are one of the most amazing miracles in the world. And the expectant mother undoubtedly has the right to feel special, because she is more involved in this wonderful event than others.

But, as they say, nothing human is alien to her. Few people never break the recommended diet for nine months. And someone wants to start choosing hair dye at a time when this is, in principle, undesirable. And, perfectly understanding the importance of positive emotions, it is sometimes so difficult to cope with the desire to scream, cry, or further break dishes - in general, create a real scandal!

scandals during pregnancy

Hysteria and pregnancy: reasons

Any factors can provoke hysterics during pregnancy, from the weather to memories of the past and worries about the future. Controlling bad emotions during pregnancy is quite difficult, since the body already spends quite a lot of energy on adjustments, including hormonal ones.

Hysteria is especially common in the early stages of pregnancy, when a woman is very worried about the future of the child and the course of pregnancy. But not only experiences, but also early toxicosis affects the appearance of depression.

Causes of hysteria in early pregnancy.

  1. First of all, this is a restructuring of a woman’s hormonal background. The slightest changes in this area negatively affect sensations both physically and emotionally. Hormonal changes are quite a complex process, at this time a woman feels a mixture of moods and desires. If previously she was constantly in high spirits, then during pregnancy, against the background of hormonal changes, the state often changes, the woman herself does not understand why this is happening, and this depresses her even more. In this case, it is recommended to let yourself go, that is, do not try to calm down negative emotions, as they flare up even more.
  2. Worries about the unborn child are a feeling common to all women in the early stages of pregnancy. This happens especially often when a woman has been trying to get pregnant for a long time, and after this has happened, she is very worried about losing the baby. Such an emotion is very dangerous for a woman, and can really complicate the course of pregnancy.
  3. Fear of responsibility is experienced by women who, on the contrary, were not ready to become a mother. Understanding of what has happened comes over time, and the woman begins to accept herself and her future baby, but those early experiences can affect the intrauterine formation of the child.

These are the three main factors that provoke the manifestation of hysteria in pregnant women, but outwardly they occur in different ways. Let's look at what a pregnant woman's hysteria is.

Causes of hysterics in pregnant women

Every hysteria of a pregnant woman has its own reason - someone thinks that her husband is not attentive enough, someone is worried that the breasts will lose their elasticity after childbirth and the lactation period, someone doubts that the maternal instinct will awaken on time . However, in fact, all of these are not reasons, but only reasons - there are much fewer reasons for “pregnant hysterics” and they are all quite compelling.

  • Hormonal restructuring of the body is a very difficult matter. For those who find it difficult to imagine this state, we can recommend that you first imagine that all your habits, tastes and desires were put into a mixer at once and a cocktail was whipped out of it all.
  • Thoughts about the future during this period are rarely full of optimism - the fears of pregnant women force them to look at their lives with a new look, to soberly assess their capabilities - emotional, financial, etc. Some people really have something to be hysterical about...
  • The fact that radical changes are on the horizon is becoming clearer day by day. A child is a big responsibility that will inevitably change your life. From now on, you no longer belong to yourself, the time has come to turn from a child into a parent - a significant reason for panic, which is not far from hysteria...

Of course, hysteria is a very unpleasant thing, but try to turn off your emotions and understand that with the urge to hysteria, your body is simply signaling that it is at the limit of its capabilities. In these cases, you urgently need rest, since all this is very dangerous.

How does hysteria manifest itself?

A pregnant woman's hysteria manifests itself depending on the form and cause of the experience. These can be both negative and positive emotions in abundance. Overexcitation, which occurs in both cases, has a negative impact on the physical condition of the woman and child.

Mood swings occur at one moment and can occur regardless of irritating factors. The woman begins to cry, scream at loved ones, and hysterically reproach herself for something. This phenomenon affects not only the woman; the child is already able to feel all emotions on a physical level. Pregnant women who spent most of their pregnancy in a depressed state can observe similar emotional traits in their child. Such children are whiny, irritable, and react inadequately to criticism. Women who have managed to take control of their condition have calm, balanced children who adequately evaluate themselves and those around them.

Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy

A mother’s mood is transmitted to her baby even during intrauterine development, so a woman must understand that in order to give birth to a calm and healthy child, she needs to learn to control her emotions, even if this seems like an impossible mission. The very process of the appearance of one or another emotion depends on many neurogenic factors, as a result of which hormones of happiness or stress are released into a woman’s blood.

Thus, during a nervous breakdown during pregnancy or any, even minor, stress, the hormones cortisol and prolactin are produced, which easily penetrate the placental barrier. This causes constant activation of the baby’s endocrine system, which after birth leads to various behavioral abnormalities.

If a pregnant woman often experiences positive emotions, happiness hormones - endorphins and encephalins - enter the blood in large quantities, which have a beneficial effect on the fetal nervous system and contribute to the birth of a healthy and calm baby.

The influence of hysteria on the fetus: consequences

The danger of hysteria during pregnancy lies in the negative impact of stress on intrauterine development. A woman should be in a comfortable environment, surrounded by care and positive experiences. If the pregnancy period was full of stress and hysterics for a woman, the following consequences can be expected:

  1. Premature birth, miscarriage - in a stressful situation the body is not ready for childbirth, but premature birth of a premature baby may occur. Such a child has pathologies of the nervous system, intestines, and increased excitability.
  2. Postpartum depression is a serious consequence when a woman, while pregnant, depletes her body with negative emotions, and she does not have the strength to fully experience the joy of motherhood. In the most severe cases, women can harm themselves and their baby, and there may be indications for treatment in a psychiatric hospital.
  3. Anomalies of intrauterine development - this can be any congenital defect; it is difficult to assess the direct influence of a specific emotion on the formation of the child’s internal organs, but doctors clearly report that there are risk factors.

Some women find it quite difficult to cope with hysterics while carrying a fetus, but even after assessing all the dangers of such a condition, it is impossible to come to terms with the possible consequences. Therefore, women should consult their doctor, especially with toxicosis, to prescribe general tonic and sedative medications. You can also learn to control yourself on your own.

Physiology of transmission of stress hormones to the baby

During tears, nervousness and hysterics, in addition to the surge of hormones associated with pregnancy, stress hormones are actively released in the body of the expectant mother. They are created by the adrenal glands; in a state of chronic nervousness and stress, the cortex of this organ changes: it increases in size, leading to various harmful processes in the body, which necessarily affects the condition of the baby.

The hormone cortisol or corticosterone is carried in the bloodstream. For the mother, their activity results in obesity, edema, arterial hypertension (high blood pressure), and decreased immunity. You don’t need to have a medical education to understand that all these phenomena also affect the baby. All substances are transferred to the baby through the placenta. The baby’s endocrine system is constantly activated, which affects the formation of the nervous system and brain.

Prevention of hysterics in pregnant women

Helped maintain the emotional state of pregnant women.

  1. Get healthy, long sleep at night and several hours during the day.
  2. Walking in the fresh air with nice people.
  3. Balanced diet, eating sweets in moderation.
  4. Conflict situations must be avoided, but this largely depends on the environment.
  5. Reading positive literature, watching good films.
  6. Art therapy, visiting beautiful places and cities.

It is impossible to completely avoid hysterics during pregnancy, although a woman will experience it at least once. But by following preventive measures, you can avoid negative consequences and minimize attacks of bad mood, crying, and stressful situations.

A good mood is your doing: relaxation exercises for pregnant women

  1. Often, when returning home, we transfer our work activity and excitement to the family. Having failed to get rid of the day's impressions, we take out our bad mood on our family. To reduce the risk of scandals of this kind, establish a tradition: when you return home, immediately relax. Sit in a chair, relax and sit quietly. Listen to your favorite music. Try to completely immerse yourself in the sound, disconnecting from all your thoughts. You can make yourself tea and drink it slowly, in small sips, while also thinking about something extraneous, for example, where this tea grew and who collected it. It would be nice to take a walk in the fresh air, especially since walking is especially beneficial for you now.
  2. If you often feel mental and muscle tension, learn special relaxation that will help you find balance.

It is advisable to perform the exercises in a separate room, without prying eyes. To begin, take the starting position - lying on your back, without a pillow, legs slightly apart, feet turned toes outward, arms lying freely along the body with palms up. The whole body is relaxed, eyes are closed, breathing through the nose.

  • Lie quietly for about 2 minutes. Imagine the room you are in. Mentally walk around the entire room along the walls, then in the opposite direction.
  • Focus on your breathing. Feel how you breathe, feel that the air you inhale is colder than the air you exhale.
  • Take a shallow breath and hold your breath for a moment. Tighten all your muscles at the same time for a few seconds. As you exhale, relax. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
  • Lie quietly for a few minutes, completely relaxing and focusing on the feeling of the heaviness of your body. Register all environmental sounds in your consciousness, but do not perceive them. The same applies to thoughts. Don't try to overcome them - you just need to register them.

Perform tension-relaxation exercises for individual muscles of the body one at a time. Start with your legs, then move on to your gluteal muscles, chest muscles, arms, and face.

  • In conclusion, mentally “run through” all the muscles of the body: is there even the slightest tension left somewhere? If yes, try to remove it, as relaxation should be complete.
  • Lie down quietly again - relax, breathing evenly, without delays. You feel rested, calm, full of strength.
  • Open your eyes, close them, open them again. Stretch as you would after sleep. Sit down very slowly, without jerking. Then stand up just as slowly, trying to maintain a pleasant feeling of internal relaxation for as long as possible.
  1. If you suddenly find yourself in a stressful situation, you can find ways to help yourself and calm down. Here are some ways to relieve stress:
  • Calming breathing. Slowly take a deep breath in through your nose. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale as slowly as possible. Imagine that with each deep inhalation and long exhalation you are partially releasing stress.
  • Look around and carefully examine the room you are in. Pay attention to the smallest details, even if you know them perfectly. Slowly, without rushing, “go through” all the items one by one in a certain sequence. Focus completely on this “inventory.” Say to yourself mentally: “Brown desk. White curtains. A bright vase for flowers,” etc. You will distract yourself from internal tension, directing your photography to a rational perception of the environment.
  • Engage in some activity, preferably physical (feasible) labor. In a stressful situation, this will act as a lightning rod - you will direct your energy in a “peaceful direction” and at the same time be distracted.

Nerves during pregnancy: consequences

Nervousness during pregnancy negatively affects not only the health of the baby, relationships with your husband and people around you, and your own psycho-emotional state. Frequent tears and hysterics can seriously harm pregnant women, causing the development of diseases and unfavorable conditions even before birth:

  1. Pregnant women who are often nervous face problems such as headaches, dizziness, and tremors of the limbs.
  2. Stressful conditions further depress the already weakened immune system: the body can no longer adequately respond to the penetration of viruses and bacteria, which significantly increases the risk of developing diseases - from common colds to sexually transmitted infections.
  3. Skin rashes may appear due to nervousness.
  4. Chronic nervousness can provoke the development of tachycardia.

How do mother's tears and tantrums affect the fetus?

The recommendations that you should not be nervous during pregnancy are not unfounded. Scientists have long found out that strong negative emotions can harm not only pregnant women themselves, but also be dangerous for their children. Nervousness during pregnancy can provoke:

  • delayed fetal development, which is associated with impaired formation of embryonic cells;
  • fetal hypoxia – lack of oxygen;
  • pathologies of the formation of the cardiovascular system;
  • giving birth to an underweight child;
  • development of asthmatic diseases in a child;
  • premature birth.

In addition, women who are constantly nervous during pregnancy often give birth to very restless children. They grow up hyperactive, react to loud sounds and light by crying, are very irritable and often suffer from abdominal cramps. In such children, at an older age, I more often diagnose diseases of the nervous system.

Nerves during late pregnancy

Starting from the second trimester, the female body gradually gets used to the new hormonal status, and the pregnant woman becomes a little calmer. But the beginning of the third trimester is often accompanied by a resumption of stress, hysteria and other negative conditions. This is largely due to the upcoming birth and the process of preparing for it, since the woman still needs to complete many things at work and at home, prepare the house and things for the arrival of a new family member, and there is less and less strength left.

Constant fuss inevitably affects the mood of the expectant mother, while the woman may notice an increase in the child’s activity: he pushes often and intensely, even at night. This may indicate fetal hypoxia developing against the background of stress, when the baby does not have enough oxygen, and this can be fraught with retardation of the baby’s intrauterine development and premature birth.

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