How to relieve nervous tension. 10 ways to deal with stress

Many people find themselves in unfavorable life situations and do not know how to relieve nervous tension and get rid of stress.
Biological science claims that man is part of nature. And so it is! But unlike the entire plant and animal world, man has thinking and lives in society.

This means that he can feel and experience everything that happens to him. And if he cannot cope with nervous tension, it becomes stress for him and a serious life test, from which he does not always emerge victorious.

If nervous tension is not relieved, stress can lead to deep neurosis or severe psycho-somatic illnesses, including heart attack, stroke or cancer.


  • Briefly about the causes of stress;
  • Symptoms of nervous system overstrain;
  • Which doctor should I contact if I have stress?
  • How to relieve nervous tension at home or 10 ways to deal with stress.

When is stress good for the body?

The fact is that a certain level of stress can actually be beneficial for a person. Some level of anxiety is a major driving force in an individual's life. If a perfect person does not worry about anything, he will have no incentive to act. Thus, there is eustress - a favorable form of stress. It can also be caused by certain positive emotions. For example, a woman who has been waiting for a long time to become pregnant suddenly sees two lines on the test. Of course, the heart immediately starts pounding, the blood rushes to the face - this is stress - but - joy! This stress is beneficial for both mental and physical health of a person.

Accept the problem

If you are in a stressful situation that is scary, you begin to get confused in your thoughts and do not figure out what to do and how. In this case, it is simply necessary to relax, otherwise you risk losing control over your emotions.

Imagine that everything terrible that you fear has already happened. Stay calm and do not invent anything extra than the result that the problem can really bring. Imagine that everything has already happened and analyze whether it really brings you serious discomfort or threatens consequences. Accept that things don't always go smoothly.

If you simply ignored the problem, it will come back to you again, but you can do more - solve it in advance. When you imagine all the things that could happen, you prepare for the worst possible outcome, which means you can make things better. You yourself will not notice how the problem hanging over you will become less frightening than it previously seemed.

But more often than not, stress is detrimental.

In contrast to eustress, there is also distress - this type of stress has a negative impact on the body. A person is affected by stress factors of such strength that he is not able to cope without loss to himself. It can be either short-term, but extremely intense (for example, experiencing a natural disaster, violence, threat to life), or less intense, but long-lasting (for example, poor family relationships, a tense situation at work). In such a situation, the body’s adaptive resources are not enough, and the person gets sick. On the mental side, a person may experience post-traumatic stress disorder, adaptation disorder with depressive symptoms. These states are characterized by low mood, fixation on a traumatic situation, and painful memories of what happened. Sometimes, in predisposed individuals, depressive symptoms can become chronic, and the person becomes dependent on antidepressants for many years. When exposed to extreme stress factors (life-threatening situations, news of the death of a loved one, experiencing violence), affective-shock reactions can develop - conditions characterized by a state of shock, motor agitation or numbness. At this moment, the person experiences clouding of consciousness, and then does not remember what happened to him. There are other forms of mental disorders associated with stress, but this pathology is dealt with by psychiatrists, and this is not the subject of discussion in this article.

What is important to know for an ordinary person is that stress often leads to so-called psychosomatic diseases - a person seems to suppress negative emotions in himself, and even in the most difficult stressful situation he remains calm in appearance. However, negativity needs to come out somewhere, and it hits the internal organs. Diseases such as hypertension, peptic ulcers, heart attacks and strokes develop. There is a hypothesis that even tumor diseases develop due to chronic stress. By the way, when a person lives in a state of chronic stress, his immunity decreases and he begins to get sick more often.

Using Chewing Gum

Chewing gum will not only keep your teeth healthy, but also increase your resistance to stress. It is enough to actively work with your jaws for 3 minutes in order to achieve mental balance and reduce the intensity of stress. This fact is confirmed by research, the results of which were published in the Journal Of Prosthodontics Research.

The more intensely a person makes chewing movements, the faster he calms down. Moreover, chewing gum itself has nothing to do with this. The point is the fast work of the jaw muscles. These movements help reduce the level of catecholamines that appear in the body during stress. The fewer there are, the calmer the person is.

Manifestations of stress

And what happens to the woman? The mood decreases, constant nervousness appears, the woman lashes out at her loved ones, and then she blames herself for not being a good enough mother and wife. It turns out to be a vicious circle. Then sleep is disturbed, headaches, abdominal discomfort, problems with stool appear, a decrease, and sometimes, on the contrary, an excessive increase in appetite. The condition of the skin, hair, and nails worsens. Dissatisfaction with oneself and others grows. And - please - a direct path either to depression (not just low mood, as this term is often understood by the people, but a rather serious mental illness), or to somatization - that is, to the development of diseases of various organs.

Listen to music for calm and relaxation

Studies have shown that people who prefer classical music deal with stress more effectively. It is believed that it normalizes blood pressure and generally relaxes a person after a hard day or emotional shock.

But you don't have to force yourself to listen to something based on scientific facts. If you don't want to listen to classical music, turn on something else that you like. A cheerful melody or a calm piano playing will distract you from your problems and bring a feeling of peace and comfort.

How to relieve stress for a woman at home

It is impossible to completely eliminate “nerves” from our lives, and not every woman is ready to go to a psychotherapist mentally – and often due to lack of time and money. Therefore, the problem of how to relieve stress for a woman at home is very relevant.

So what can you do if you find yourself in a stressful situation?

  1. Become your own psychotherapist. Put everything “on the shelves”. Analyze whether everything is really as terrible as it seems, because often this is absolutely not the case. Very often people tend to take things personally that don't really apply to them. For example, the boss suddenly shouted, undeservedly criticized the work done. The natural reaction to this is both resentment and anxiety for the future. But in fact, most likely, the reason for this behavior of the boss is not anger at a specific subordinate, but that the boss has a toothache, he had a fight with his wife, or his car was scratched.

    It's another matter if he always behaves this way. Or the husband behaves like this. In this case, you need to choose, evaluate the pros and cons of whether it is worth continuing to remain in a stressful situation. If the advantages outweigh, then you need to develop stress tolerance: remind yourself more often that difficulties make us stronger; that you have to put up with certain negativity in order to obtain benefits that are important to you; that there are also a lot of positive things in your life and think about them in stressful moments. And that a person who spoils the nerves of others or tries to assert himself at their expense is simply not worthy of worrying about him.

  2. Use relaxing and calming techniques such as autogenic training, meditation or Jacobson's relaxation. A detailed description of these methods can be easily found on the Internet. There is no difficulty in learning it on your own. In order to calm down, such elementary tactics as calm deep breathing with a smooth inhalation and a slow exhalation, exceeding the duration of the inhalation three times, can also help.
  3. Exercising is a sure way to relieve stress. A person not only calms down - during physical training, endogenous endorphins are produced, popularly called “hormones of joy.” In this way, negative emotions are transformed into positive ones.
  4. Taking a walk in nature, breathing in fresh air, enjoying the beauty of the world around you, listening to birdsong is a sure way to put your nervous system in order. After all, man is a child of nature, although lately we are increasingly forgetting about this - and the noise of the big city, the bustle, the hustle and bustle, to which we seem to be so accustomed, do not allow our already tense nerves to fully relax.
  5. Another answer to the question of how to relieve stress for a woman at home is to pamper yourself. A woman is a woman to love herself and enjoy many small joys. Buy yourself a beautiful dress or seductive underwear, take a bath with aromatic oils, go to the cinema, read, treat yourself to something delicious - all this is so simple and at the same time so pleasant, and reliably relieves stress.
  6. And, of course, a method considered purely feminine, but no less effective for relieving nervous tension, is tears. There is no need to be ashamed of tears or try to hold them back once again. Women's tears are not a sign of weakness, but of greater emotionality than in men. So cry your heart out. Just for health. What is not cried out will remain inside and can later result in illness.

    A woman's life is full of stress and it cannot be avoided. But don't let stress take over you and only let you enjoy being a representative of the fair sex.

Causes of constant tension

If you realize that you are not experiencing emotional turmoil, but still feel tense, there is a logical explanation for this. A person does not have to be in difficult life situations or deal with serious problems in order to experience stress.

The body is a complex mechanism that should be treated with due attention. If you delay getting ready for bed every night and end up waking up unrefreshed, then this may be the cause of your tension. A person needs eight hours of sleep, and if you do not provide yourself with the necessary amount of time for proper rest, do not count on the body’s gratitude in the form of a great mood and peace of mind.

It's no secret that people need to eat to carry out the life process. But it is not enough to simply use food as fuel and consume it whenever you want. How can you relax when your stomach is empty or, conversely, full of junk food? Proper nutrition is the key to health. By eating small meals five or six times a day, you will always be full, your body will not be stressed, which means you can be calmer.

Negative thinking and the belief that only worse things are ahead make a person nervous and withdrawn. Constantly expecting bad things turns into fear that accompanies you throughout your life. To avoid this, you should learn to think positively.

Mindfulness practice

Ways of mindfulness training, such as meditation, can help a person take a fresh look at his work and find a sense of happiness and harmony in the workplace. Most people prefer the “illusion of control,” the belief that each of us has the power to control our colleagues, bosses, clients, and work outcomes to a much greater extent than is actually the case. The truth is that many people are only truly in control of themselves. On the one hand, it’s scary, but on the other, it’s liberating. Thus, the first way to protect yourself from stress is to try to forget about the “illusion of control.” Instead of tormenting yourself for every failure, it is better to learn to accept yourself and what is happening, no matter what it is. This gives you the opportunity to learn from any new life experience. If you want to better understand the principles of mindfulness, use a step-by-step method for developing the right approach to work.

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