Why does alcoholic insomnia occur and what to do about this problem?
Insomnia after heavy drinking can be explained simply: ethanol, which enters the body over a long period of time,
Dose of penicillin for meningococcal meningitis
Antibiotics for meningitis: list of drugs, indications, prevention HomeBrain diseasesMeningitis Antibiotics for meningitis: list
Dizziness and loss of consciousness. Why does this happen to you?
There are extremely many reasons for this. A long list of diseases, some actions of the person himself, and possibly
Lesions of the nuclei of the oculomotor nerves. Persistent violation...
Causes of gaze paresis: how dangerous is this condition?
What is ophthalmoplegia, its types and methods of treatment? The optic nerve belongs to the cranial peripheral
Arachnoid liquor changes. Arachnoid changes of a liquor cystic nature: description, causes, therapy
What causes a cyst in the head Benign spherical formation - cyst in the brain
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizoid personality disorder in adults and children
Dissocial personality disorder, when a person achieves his goals through other people, completely ignoring them
What injections are given for a concussion? What pills will help after a concussion?
All patients with a concussion must be admitted to the hospital for 2 days for examination,
Treatment of autism in children: how to determine autism in a child, how to treat autism in children
Can autism be treated if the child is 4 years old? Why does autism occur and is it treatable? Structured training theassn
11 16 459 0 Quite often, a child’s inability to speak at the age of three years and
Brain evoked potentials
Short-latency auditory evoked potentials (SLEPs)
Under certain external influences, bioelectric signals appear in the brain, appearing with a constant time
Can Afobazole be taken during pregnancy? Is it possible to take Afobazol during pregnancy?
The process of bearing a child proceeds differently for each woman. Some expectant mothers experience this
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