Insomnia after heavy drinking can be explained simply: ethanol, which enters the body over a long period of time,
Antibiotics for meningitis: list of drugs, indications, prevention HomeBrain diseasesMeningitis Antibiotics for meningitis: list
There are extremely many reasons for this. A long list of diseases, some actions of the person himself, and possibly
What is ophthalmoplegia, its types and methods of treatment? The optic nerve belongs to the cranial peripheral
What causes a cyst in the head Benign spherical formation - cyst in the brain
Dissocial personality disorder, when a person achieves his goals through other people, completely ignoring them
All patients with a concussion must be admitted to the hospital for 2 days for examination,
11 16 459 0 Quite often, a child’s inability to speak at the age of three years and
Under certain external influences, bioelectric signals appear in the brain, appearing with a constant time
The process of bearing a child proceeds differently for each woman. Some expectant mothers experience this