The disease occurs when a person sleeps a lot. If you want to sleep

Daytime sleepiness is an alarming symptom

Chronic lack of sleep is a common problem. Hard work and lack of time to sleep lead to the fact that you constantly want to sleep during the day. But it also happens that daytime sleepiness occurs without “apparent reasons.” It seems like you get enough rest at night, but you still want to sleep during the day.

Why is this happening? The answer is given by functional diagnostics doctor, head of the Somnology Center of the MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Krasnaya Presnya Tatyana Surnenkova .

How does it manifest?

The pathology is accompanied by a number of characteristic signs. The most common is doubtfulness.

During the day, a person is overcome by frequent yawning, weakness, apathy, and reluctance to work. The desire to lie down and sleep prevails. Sometimes symptoms of doubt are perceived as a manifestation of laziness.

Insomnia occurs during the night period. The patient spins around in bed for a long time and does not fall asleep. It turns out that there is no proper rest at night and drowsiness overcomes during the day.

Symptoms of hypersomnia without somnolence, when the patient sleeps at night but feels sleep deprived during the day, include:

  • decreased performance;
  • headache;
  • uncontrolled “sticking” of the eyes;
  • fragments of sleep during wakefulness;
  • heaviness in the head;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • the acuity of perception of external information is noticeably reduced;
  • state of half-asleep at the “height” of the working period;
  • constant feeling of heat and increased sweating;
  • yawn.

It is important to note that in the presence of such symptoms, one can think about sleeping sickness and sleep disorders at night.

The desire to sleep can arise at different times, overwhelm you after a heavy meal, or come upon you after sunset. Regardless of what the signs of hypersomnia are, the patient is advised to get proper rest.

If this turns out to be ineffective, it is necessary to look for the cause of the pathology and a method for eliminating it.

Physiological causes of headache and drowsiness

In 25% of patients who go to a medical facility with headaches, doctors diagnose migraine.

Nervous strain occurs in 70% of cases, and the remaining 5% are due to other pathologies and diseases. It is worth considering them in more detail.

Manifestation of migraine

Migraine headaches are always pulsating and localized in the eyes, forehead and temples. Such sensations most often occur after sleep and can last from an hour to several days.

Migraines are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and an inadequate reaction to light and sharp sounds.

Pathology can be triggered by several factors: poor nutrition, changes in weather, changes in atmospheric pressure, frequent stress, poor heredity and a specific smell.

But it is worth considering that the etiology of migraine development has not been fully studied by specialists, so the exact causes of the pathology are very rarely identified.

But despite this, according to statistics, migraines more often bother the fair sex.

This indicates that the pathology in question may directly depend on hormonal levels, which fluctuate during menstruation or menopause.

Problems with cerebral circulation

Initially, such a disease does not produce any symptoms. Signs appear only when the problem begins to progress.

The most important symptom of circulatory disorders is headache and frequent drowsiness. It is not recommended to ignore such manifestations, as this can lead to life-threatening complications.

Common symptoms include the following: nausea, vomiting, frequent dizziness, tinnitus, memory problems, absent-mindedness, convulsions, insomnia.

Tumor in the brain

There are situations when a headache is the only symptom that a malignant or benign tumor is growing in the brain.

In this case, the head hurts during sleep and weakens somewhat after waking up. The pain may go away completely within a few hours of sleep.

The pain is throbbing all the time, often becoming more acute when coughing and changing body position. A brain tumor provokes general malaise, drowsiness, and decreased sensitivity.

Often the patient experiences complete or partial paralysis of one part of the body.

A malignant tumor that grows can cause specific symptoms. A benign tumor grows slowly and may not manifest itself for a long time.

If the pathology is diagnosed in a timely manner, then it is possible to prevent the degeneration of a benign neoplasm into a malignant one.

Infectious diseases: meningitis and encephalitis

The pathologies are interconnected and differ in the location of the inflammation. Meningitis affects the hard and soft membranes of the brain, and encephalitis affects the brain itself.

Patients often experience a feeling of tightness. In addition, they are bothered by nausea, which is relieved after vomiting. The first symptoms appear already on the first day after infection.

Based on everything that is written above, we can conclude: frequent headaches and drowsiness should be the reason for an urgent visit to a medical facility. Delay can be life-threatening.


Hypersomnia is caused by 2 factors: physiological and pathological influence on the patient.

Lack of iron in the blood

An insufficient amount of this essential metal in the body leads to serious disruptions in the normal functioning of all organs and systems. According to medical data, iron deficiency not only impairs the quality of night's rest, but also provokes restless legs syndrome. Manifestations of iron deficiency often coincide with symptoms of other pathologies. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to pass the appropriate tests. If the diagnosis is confirmed, it is recommended to first increase iron levels with the help of foods: beef liver, pomegranate juice, green apples and vitamins.

Restless legs

This condition often occurs during night sleep, and occurs much less frequently during the day - constant movement of the legs, which prevents you from resting peacefully while sitting or lying down. This syndrome is called restless legs, and can cause a lot of trouble for people, and this occurs in about 10%. Often this disorder is accompanied by various diseases: diabetes, arthritis or hormonal system disorders, so it is very important to consult a doctor in time for diagnosis and treatment.

Vitamin D deficiency

A lack of this vitamin leads to chronic fatigue, decreased concentration and sleep problems. In addition, deficiency can lead to metabolic disorders and apnea. In winter or for residents of the Far North, it is recommended to take additional vitamin D, since it is formed in the body in the sun. It is best to consult your doctor before taking it.

Brief cessation of breathing

Temporary interruption of the breathing process during sleep is called apnea. It causes poor circulation, chronic fatigue and lack of sleep. A short-term attack leads to a sharp contraction of the airways and insufficient air supply. Among the factors that provoke apnea are: excess weight, smoking, snoring.

The following will help reduce the occurrence of attacks: complete cessation of alcoholic beverages and smoking, sleeping in a side-lying position and weight control. You should also stop taking sleeping pills and sedatives that relax the pharyngeal muscles and cause snoring and holding your breath.

Thyroid disease

Often, daytime sleepiness can warn of an illness related to the function of the endocrine system. This disease is often accompanied by weight gain, changes in stool, and hair loss.

Also, the patient may feel chills, fatigue, cold, although it will seem that the body has had enough sleep. If the functioning of the endocrine glands is upset, you should contact an endocrinologist.

Seasonal endogenous depression

This disorder is not associated with any stressful situations or external causes. It usually happens in the autumn-winter period, when it rains constantly and the sun shines much less and less often. It goes away in the spring and differs from other types of disease in that it does not require drug treatment. If problems with night rest occur every autumn, then you should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits and try to walk during daylight hours.

Impact of addictions

Alcohol intoxication is quite common. After drinking alcohol, a stage of excitement begins. When it passes with mild intoxication, the dream stage is designated. The person is lethargic, his head feels heavy, he wants to go to sleep.

During smoking, vascular spasms occur, oxygen is poorly supplied to the cerebral cortex, which leads to inflammation and excitation of the inner lining of blood vessels. That’s why almost a third of smokers are sleepy and lethargic.


The disease often develops in people over 40 years of age who have bad habits and suffer from excess body weight and diabetes. Place of residence and hereditary predisposition also play an important role.

List of symptoms warning of the presence of this disease:

  • regular increase in pressure at rest;
  • insomnia at night;
  • daytime lethargy;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea.

If such a condition develops, you should immediately contact a doctor.


A decrease in blood pressure often occurs with various serious disorders: heart problems, significant blood loss, prolonged overexertion or long-term stress. In addition to drowsiness, the patient often complains of a constant feeling of fatigue, nervousness, paroxysmal headache, dizziness, and weakness. Treatment of the underlying disease or elimination of the condition that causes it, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, will help normalize blood pressure.


A very serious mental illness is depression, a condition that requires immediate professional help. People may not know they have this disease. They experience lack of energy and constant drowsiness. At the slightest suspicion, you should not self-medicate, but consult a doctor.

Habit of daytime rest

It may also be a matter of getting used to a special daily routine. If you sleep for some time during the day, and then deprive yourself of this and stay awake, then during the day you will have a desire to sleep at certain hours. Daytime sleepiness significantly reduces physical and mental performance.


The reason for the constant desire to sleep can be intoxication of the body due to chronic or acute poisoning. The state of lethargy is aggravated by taking medications.

Increased drowsiness can be caused by:

  1. Alcohol. The feeling of drowsiness is associated with the degree of intoxication. Retardation appears after the middle stage. First there is a desire to sleep, then the body “switches off”.
  2. Psychotropic medications. Antidepressants, tranquilizers or antipsychotics can not only cause prolonged drowsiness, but also make it chronic. The same effect can appear after a long period of taking sleeping pills and a large number of sedatives, which causes inhibition of the central nervous system.
  3. Smoking. Because of this habit, oxygen supply to the cerebral cortex is poor. 30% of tobacco users experience regular loss of strength. This condition does not go away even at the stage of trying to give up a bad habit.
  4. Morphine-based drugs.

Heart failure

In heart failure, a circulatory disorder occurs, causing the brain to experience oxygen starvation.

Liver and kidney diseases

In both cases, toxic substances accumulate in the body, which disrupt metabolic processes. This leads to increased sleepiness.

Violations of work and rest schedules

This is most clearly manifested in people forced to work night shifts with periodic schedule changes: sometimes during the day, sometimes during the night. The body does not have time to adapt, which is why drowsiness occurs during the day.


Fatigue can periodically set in during periods of cloudy rainy weather. Firstly, this is determined by physical factors, since there is a relationship between low atmospheric pressure and a decrease in blood pressure.

Secondly, the general “grayness” of the environment affects, which does not have the best effect on a person’s psychological state. This makes you feel sad, your interest in life decreases, and as a result, you feel tired during the day.


During the day you want to sleep (the causes of drowsiness are not always harmless) if a neoplasm develops in the body. Oncology is a disease in which toxic substances also accumulate in the body and the functioning of organs is disrupted. The immune system, forced to constantly fight the tumor, is gradually depleted, and along with it, energy reserves.

18. Disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus

This body system is responsible for maintaining balance. If any imbalance occurs, and it may not be caused by pathological reasons, but, for example, by motion sickness in transport, then weakness appears, reactions slow down, and dizziness occurs. If daytime sleepiness occurs while traveling, then this is the cause.


I want to sleep during the day, the reasons for this phenomenon are physiological, during pregnancy. Drowsiness is caused by hormonal changes. The feeling of constant fatigue is accompanied by absent-mindedness, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, and dizziness.

Adrenal insufficiency

With this disease, the production of hormones is disrupted, which leads to dystrophy and poor appetite. The overall energy tone of the body decreases.

21. Daytime sleepiness as an effect of taking medications

Almost all medications affect dreams, disrupt them at night (a person cannot get enough sleep) or cause daytime sleepiness. To maintain proper rest, you should decide with your doctor the time and dosage of the medications you take.

First of all, this applies to drugs that provoke asomnia.

  1. Beta blockers.
  2. Bronchodilators.
  3. Corticosteroids.
  4. Decongestants.
  5. CNS stimulants.
  6. Difenin.
  7. Thyroid hormones.

Since insomnia often accompanies depression, people who have difficulty falling asleep use antidepressants. It is these drugs that occupy an important place in influencing the structure of dreams.

Amitriptyline, Sinequan, Trazodone reduce the duration of REM sleep and increase the slow-wave dream cycle. Medicines cause a feeling of drowsiness, affecting activity during the day.

During depression, monoamine oxidase inhibitors are prescribed - Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine, which can cause fragmented, restless rest with frequent waking up. Drugs reduce the duration of REM sleep and lead to daytime lethargy.

Why do I always want to sleep

The desire to fall asleep often occurs in those who do not get enough sleep at night. Therefore, a person seizes every minute to take a nap. He can sleep in the transport while going to work or after lunch. But if this continues constantly, then you need to contact a specialist.


The tension that a person experiences during the day leads to the fact that after lunch the eyes begin to close. The condition is due to the fact that the work area is stuffy. There is not enough oxygen, brain hypoxia begins. Smoke in rooms from tobacco smoke leads to increased drowsiness.

It all starts with continuous yawning when the body tries to replenish oxygen reserves. Ventilating the room will help in this case. Fatigue also sets in when a difficult task is completed that requires the concentration of all forces. If the threshold of physiological capabilities is exceeded, then the desire to sleep arises.

Biorhythm failure

When you cannot fully rest at night due to a shift work schedule or a long flight to another country, you will want to sleep during the day. In rare cases, the failure causes wakefulness to become normal during the night. Then drowsiness sets in during the day.

Desynchronization of biorhythms occurs in autumn and spring, winter. It is associated with short daylight hours during the transition from one time to another. In winter, there is little sun for those who live in regions with cold climates. For urban residents, the entertainment industry leads to desynchronization. Visiting nightclubs, where there is no influx of fresh air and sunlight, will become an impetus for hypersomnia during the daytime.

These causes of drowsiness lead to depression. Doctors believe that when biological rhythms fail, disturbances occur in the functioning of the digestive tract, heart function, and a decrease in performance, quality, and life expectancy.

Infants are characterized by a state where they are active at night and sleep during the day. In this case, the child may develop irritability and tearfulness. It is necessary to gradually return him to a normal sleep pattern.

Wrong lifestyle

Lack of physical activity is typical for the majority of the planet's inhabitants. Sitting at a computer every day for office workers leads to poor blood supply to areas of the brain and a lack of oxygen. That's why you always want to sleep at your desk.

But here you can overcome drowsiness by doing exercises, taking a short walk around the office or a nearby park, which is even more useful. A driver who spends most of the day behind the wheel often falls asleep. And this is dangerous for the life of both himself and those around him. Obesity caused by poor nutrition can lead to constant sleepiness.

Daytime sleepiness occurs due to a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body. During transition periods, there is a deficiency of vitamins C, B12, B6, E. As a result, attacks of drowsiness occur. You can cope with them by including seafood, vegetables, and fruits in the menu. You need to increase the amount of foods rich in vitamins.

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Sleeping sickness

Diseases that cause pathological sleepiness include narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. The diseases are serious, dangerous and incurable. In some states, patients are assigned one of the disability groups if they have these diseases.


The causes of the disease have not been established. There is an opinion that the provoking factors are severe nervous disorders or latent forms of diseases of the cerebral cortex.

Narcolepsy manifests itself in the form of muscle fatigue, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and a state of half-asleep with speech retardation.

Idiopathic hypersomnia

Occurs among teenagers and young adults.

The source of idiopathic hypersomnia has not been fully established, but nervous system disorders are considered a provoking factor.

Daytime excessive sleepiness occurs in the form of aggression, irritability and loss of interest in the external environment. At a more mature age, family values, socialization and performance are lost.

Causes for women and men

The reasons why a person constantly lacks sleep are the following:

  1. Neurological disorders and frequent stress. If a person constantly wakes up at night, does not dream, and also often gets nervous, this indicates a deterioration in the functioning of the nervous system. In this case, the brain works slowly, which causes serious harm to health.
  2. Incorrect or unbalanced diet. If people overeat at night, it causes heaviness in the stomach, which interferes with a comfortable night's rest.
  3. Frequent intake of alcohol, coffee and other strong drinks, which tonify the body, thereby interfering with sleep. Some drinks lead to alertness and activity, which interferes with a normal night's sleep.
  4. Development of child syndrome, which is characterized by daytime sleepiness. If the syndrome lasts for a long time, the patient notices an increase in activity at night and a decrease in performance.
  5. Smoking before bed increases nervous excitability, which also causes daily deterioration in sleep quality.

Additional reasons that, judging by reviews, cause sleep disturbances include:

  • lack of air (oxygen) in the room;
  • pain in the legs or body;
  • snore;
  • full moon;
  • worsening breathing (for example, with a runny nose or during the course of respiratory diseases).

Systematic violation of proper rest over time leads to a serious deterioration in health, which will have to be compensated in order to normalize the quality of life.

The danger of pathological drowsiness

If you constantly feel a strong desire to sleep, but this condition has nothing to do with physiological reasons or stressful situations, you need to think about your own health. Most likely, pathological hypersomnia (increased need for sleep) is caused by problems in the body.

Drowsiness can be caused by head injuries, concussions, liver intoxication, dehydration, kidney or heart failure. You will constantly be in a half-asleep state if you have certain thyroid dysfunctions (hypothyroidism) or metabolic disorders. Such a condition should alert you and serve as a reason to seek medical help. Here you will no longer have to solve sleep problems, but direct your efforts to identifying the disease and fighting it.

An unusually strong craving for sleep during the day is observed in depressive states, when a person feels a particularly strong loss of strength. In this state, he does not react to anything, nothing interests him, and he does not even have the desire to get out of bed. A dangerous symptom is the need to sleep more than twelve or fourteen hours a day, if the person has not previously experienced such a desire.

Why is it bad to sleep a lot?

Thus, according to numerous studies, excessive sleep can lead to a decrease in socio-economic status, as well as provoke mental and physiological disorders in the body. In particular, American researchers from Yale University, who have been studying the relationship between sleep duration and the risk of various diseases for 15 years, have found that people who sleep more than 9 hours a day have a 50% higher risk of developing diabetes.

than those who sleep 7 hours.


By collecting complaints, questioning and examination, the doctor collects all the necessary information to find out the true cause of drowsiness, conducting a differential diagnosis between psychophysiological drowsiness and pathological hypersomnia.

In addition to the clinical examination, the patient is recommended to undergo as many laboratory and instrumental research methods as necessary for a thorough diagnosis. They may be:

  1. General urine analysis.
  2. General blood analysis
  3. Biochemical blood test.
  4. Blood test for hormones.
  5. ECG (electrocardiogram).
  6. Electroencephalogram.
  7. Polysomnography.

Sleep study using a special device

Depending on the cause and type of drowsiness, the doctor decides what treatment to prescribe.

Excessive amount of sleep

If we consider the problem from a scientific point of view, then oversleeping

- This is the excess time that a person spends in a state of sleep.
First of all, we are talking about more than 9.5 hours.
However, it is not always possible to adhere strictly to the established norm. Depending on your lifestyle, the amount of sleep your body needs changes. So, if you lead an active lifestyle, or are depressed, or have a cold, your body will need more sleep than the usual 7-9 hours.

Remember how often you wanted to get some sleep after a hard week of work. Yes, so that sleep lasts 12 hours? And how did you feel in the morning? In most cases, instead of the expected vigor and activity, there is a feeling of weakness


If you really want to rest and recharge, limit activity to the evening and try to get up early. And don't forget to make sure that your sleep duration is 8-9 hours.

How to deal with daytime sleepiness?

Analyze all life factors and make adjustments:

  1. To the home medicine cabinet. The cause of drowsiness may be taking anti-allergy medications, painkillers, antipsychotics and antidepressants, anti-cold complexes such as Theraflu due to the sedative component, as well as sedatives, including herbal ones.
  2. Nutrition. Drowsiness is caused by eating carbohydrate foods (potatoes, bread, pastries), after which the blood glucose level rises sharply and quickly decreases, causing drowsiness caused by the action of insulin.
  3. Obtaining oxygen. In a closed and unventilated room, yawning often begins, which is associated with a lack of oxygen. Anemia, caused by a decrease in red blood cells that carry oxygen in the blood, also provokes weakness, lethargy, and a constant desire to sleep.
  4. Physical activity. Movement eliminates the three main causes of fatigue and drowsiness: depression, obesity, diabetes. Increased levels of inflammatory molecules in the blood can cause drowsiness and weakness. Regular exercise reduces levels of C-reactive protein, tissue necrosis factors and interleukins, reducing the risk of heart disease, arthritis and other inflammation.

Everyone chooses their own way to correct their lifestyle. Someone purchases a subscription to a fitness center with a full range of services, from a gym, swimming pool to yoga classes and a sauna for 4-8 thousand rubles per month.

Someone undergoes a comprehensive examination of the body, shelling out up to 30 thousand rubles in clinics, and receives familiar recommendations on proper nutrition and exercise.

Some people track activity and rest using a sleep diary, a pedometer, or a convenient fitness bracelet that reads the amount of sleep and movement throughout the day. The assistant cannot be deceived: it displays the exact time of sleep on the mobile application, indicates the duration of deep (healthy) and light sleep, the number of awakenings and the time spent falling asleep.

The norm for the average adult is 7-8 hours of sleep with a minimum number of awakenings (no more than two) and falling asleep within 30 minutes.

Sleep a lot - sleep diabetes on yourself

Scientists came to these conclusions thanks to a study in which a thousand male volunteers who did not suffer from diabetes were divided into three groups: Group 1 - participants who did not get enough sleep (sleep less than 6 hours a day); Group 2 - participants who slept 7-8 hours a day; Group 3 - people who spent more than 8 hours sleeping. As a result, it turned out that the incidence of diabetes mellitus in members of the third group is three times higher than

cases of this disease among participants in the first two groups. Moreover, this pattern occurred regardless of other factors of the disease - such as weight, age and smoking habit.

How to get rid of sleepiness at work?

Give a light head massage to speed up blood circulation and stimulate brain function. Eating an apple, which is better than a cup of coffee, fills the body with energy and vitamins. Get up and walk if you feel lethargic and drowsy - endorphins will help you come to your senses faster. Listen to your own body: a sudden desire to eat chocolate may indicate a drop in blood sugar levels, and it is worth listening to your body and returning your brain to fighting capacity - just do not eat a cake, cookies, butternut squash or waffle. Excess carbohydrates will have the opposite effect - increased drowsiness after twenty minutes. Coenzyme Q10, together with B vitamins, will become a source of vigor in every cell and renew the nervous system.

How to avoid headaches and drowsiness

In order for the headache to recede and drowsiness to never appear again, you need to constantly adhere to a few simple rules. They are:

  1. People who have headaches all the time should study their body's needs and find out how much time it needs for proper rest. If you know exactly the hours for sleep, then you should observe them both on weekdays and on weekends.
  2. You need to adhere to a certain sleep schedule: fall asleep and wake up at the same hours.
  3. It is recommended to create a daily routine that includes time for rest.
  4. Be in the fresh air more often, walk, do gymnastics. If you constantly do everything correctly, the headache will quickly go away.
  5. Do not overwork the body with excessive physical and emotional stress.
  6. Every day, a person who has a headache and drowsiness should drink at least 2 liters of fluid.
  7. Nutrition should be correct: avoid spicy, fatty, fried foods. Limit consumption of foods rich in light carbohydrates. Include more vegetables, fruits and berries in your diet.
  8. Completely give up alcohol and smoking. It is worth remembering that headaches and weakness often occur against the background of bad habits.

Another important point is drinking coffee. Due to the fact that this drink can greatly overstimulate the nervous system, all people who have a headache, weakness and drowsiness should stop drinking it.

It is better to give preference to green tea, which has a sedative effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of all internal organs.

If you follow all the above advice constantly, then headaches, insomnia, weakness or drowsiness caused by pathological factors will never bother you again, and questions as to why there is a constant desire to sleep will not arise.

What should you not do if you feel excessively sleepy?

Many of us, in the absence of time to visit hospitals, independently purchase medicines, which are presented in huge quantities and are sold without prescriptions. You can't do this!

We talked about the fact that there are a lot of reasons why you want to sleep and they lie in different areas. Uncontrolled use of drugs can only aggravate the course of pathologies and will not bring the desired result. The composition of sleeping pills includes mainly sedatives, i.e. sedative components. But they cannot help, for example, with circulatory problems. You will be able to fall asleep at night, but during the day you will be even more sleepy.

It is widespread among people who want to sleep during the day to take drugs that stimulate the nervous system: from banal coffee to energy drinks. Indeed, caffeine will help you cheer up for a short time, but it is not able to solve the problem of sleep disturbance.

Energy drinks have negative effects on the heart and liver, and they are also addictive. The condition can only get worse.

Why shouldn't you drink coffee?

Doctors do not recommend fighting the feeling of fatigue with coffee. Coffee can both raise and lower blood pressure, but not everyone knows about this. Coffee contains not only caffeine, which has a vasoconstrictor property and helps increase blood pressure. This effect is observed only in the first 60 minutes after drinking a cup of coffee.

Then caffeine is broken down and other vasodilating substances - theophylline theobromine, vitamin PP - begin to affect the body. This is why some people complain of low energy after a short burst of energy caused by drinking coffee.

In addition, coffee is addictive, which is why in order to achieve the desired effect - a feeling of vigor - you have to gradually increase the dosage and drink not one, but two or three cups of coffee. Higher doses of caffeine stress the cardiovascular system, which causes palpitations and poor health.

If the body gets used to caffeine, then the opposite effect is observed, since the nervous system is not excited; on the contrary, a hot drink creates a feeling of fullness in the stomach, relaxes, and creates a feeling of comfort. As a result, one begins to feel sleepy.

You can get rid of a state of drowsiness caused by external reasons, if you want to sleep during the day at an inconvenient time, by normalizing your work and rest schedule. But for systemic diseases, correction of the regime and diet will help little. In such cases, serious drug treatment and sometimes surgical intervention are required.

Long sleep as an object of scientific research

Much has been said about the impact sleep has on the human body and quality of life in general. In addition to replenishing the energy spent during the day, a good night's rest helps regulate hormone levels, restore internal organs, and help fight infections. However, from year to year, somnologists make new discoveries regarding everything related to sleep. Thus, the question of why a person sleeps a lot and does not get enough sleep, although he falls asleep on time, has been studied in detail. But, despite the large number of instrumental studies conducted in this direction, the results obtained are surprising in their inconsistency.

According to some sources, a long night's rest for an adult (more than 9 hours) helps to increase life expectancy. According to others, long sleep at night negatively affects health, reducing mental abilities and contributing to the development of a number of diseases.

Empirical studies involving volunteers were conducted at different times by scientists from leading universities in the USA and Europe. And they all agree that sleep that lasts more than 8-9 hours inevitably leads to health problems.

These include diseases such as:

  • diabetes;
  • stroke;
  • cardiac ischemia;
  • metabolic disease;
  • overweight;
  • depression.

In addition, according to the data obtained, people who like to sleep longer, regardless of their age category and gender, experience a significant decline in cognitive abilities, which increases the risk of developing dementia (dementia) and Alzheimer's disease with age.

In general, the normal duration of night rest decreases as we grow older. Thus, the longest sleep is observed in newborns and children of preschool and primary school age. The older a person gets, the less time he needs to sleep. Under the age of 25, sleep can be 7-9 hours, and in old age people sleep about 6-7 hours.

What should be the “correct” daytime sleep?

Sleep hygiene has been thoroughly studied in the scientific world. One of the leaders, somnologist Sarah Mednik, gives instructions in her essay on the benefits of daytime rest:

  • Approach the issue consistently and regularly, i.e. go to bed at approximately the same time all the time (how much and when should you sleep? - preferably from 13.00 to 15.00);
  • Getting half an hour's sleep should be your priority. Staying in bed longer is tiring;
  • Create an intimate atmosphere, use night curtains or an eye mask. This way you will relax faster and speed up the first stage of falling asleep;
  • The warm cozy cocoon of the blanket will not allow you to worry in vain and interrupt your rest. Our bodies tend to cool down while we sleep, so it's a good idea to put something down to cover yourself.

Long and prolonged sleep increases the risk of stroke

All scientists believe that sleep disorders increase the risk of stroke within 10 years of their onset. “How much and how a person sleeps,” says Dr. Quareshi, “is not just a habit that is easy to change. Sleep disorders are physiological disorders that require specialist intervention.”

According to medical research, sleeping too much—more than 8 hours a night—can also cause headaches, which can also affect people who sleep a lot during the day and little at night. In addition, the habit of sleeping long hours can lead to excessive weight gain. According to scientists, people who sleep 9-10 (11,12) hours a day are more prone to obesity in the next 6 years than those who sleep 7-8 hours. Recent research by scientists also shows that among those who sleep long hours, 15% suffer from depression


Thus, long-term research by scientists has made it possible to determine what serious violations can occur if a person sleeps for a long time. Thus, it was discovered that whoever sleeps from ten to twelve hours every night can acquire diseases such as diabetes, obesity, depression

, and thus increase the risk of stroke and heart problems. In addition, according to scientists, long sleep shortens life. Researchers have found that those who get only five hours of sleep live much longer than people who are accustomed to sleeping ten to twelve hours.

Scientists are confident that to maintain energy, a middle-aged person should sleep 7 hours a day and in no case more than 9. Therefore, for those who sleep more than seven or eight hours, doctors recommend undergoing a medical examination to determine the cause of oversleeping.

You should also try to adhere to the correct daily routine and follow a few simple rules for proper rest. Thus, doctors do not recommend taking alcohol and caffeine for several hours before bedtime. You should also ensure that the sleeping area and bed are comfortable. Doctors advise ventilating the sleeping room daily thirty to forty minutes before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can read an interesting book, listen to pleasant, soothing music. Regular exercise won't hurt either.

If, despite following these rules, you still cannot fall asleep and have difficulty waking up in the morning, consult a doctor. An experienced specialist will not only return you to healthy sleep, but will also help reduce the risk of developing a number of serious diseases.

Who doesn't like to lie in bed longer? When a person does not get enough sleep, he walks around all day lethargic, in a bad mood or irritated. And, of course, he envies those who got enough sleep that night. On weekends, everyone usually tries to compensate for their lack of sleep during the week and stays in bed longer than usual.

But, as it turns out, long sleep causes some serious health problems in people. Heart disease, diabetes, shortening of life are some factors of prolonged sleep.

The duration of sleep for each person is individual. It depends on your health status, age, work schedule, activity level and the amount of stress in your life. On average, a person should sleep eight to nine hours. But there are people who sleep much longer, and not only on weekends, but also on weekdays. This disease is called “hypersomnia,” which means pathological sleepiness. People suffering from this disease are constantly sleepy, have memory problems, have low energy levels, and get tired easily.

Scientists believe that not all people who like to sleep long suffer from “hypersomnia”, since many other factors can affect the duration of sleep. Alcohol consumption, depression, and the use of certain medications are all symptoms that can make adjustments to a person's sleep duration.

Scientists conducted long-term studies, after which they determined what serious violations can occur if a person sleeps for a long time. Thus, it was discovered that whoever sleeps from ten to twelve hours every night can acquire diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and that long sleep shortens life. It has been found that those who get just five hours of sleep live much longer than people who are used to sleeping ten to twelve hours.

If you understand that eight to nine hours is not enough for you to wake up refreshed and well-rested, then try to help your body.

Try to wake up at the same time, even if it's the weekend. Reduce the consumption of strong coffee and strong tea, and before bed it is better to drink a glass of milk or kefir.

If you play sports, then exercise should be done no later than five hours before bedtime. Don't eat a big dinner before bed. Remember the famous proverb: “Give dinner to the enemy!”

Be sure to make sure your bed is comfortable. Nowadays there is a large selection of orthopedic pillows and mattresses on sale; if you wish, you can choose comfortable bedding for yourself.

Ventilate the room in which you sleep daily thirty to forty minutes before bedtime. Before going to bed, you can read an interesting book, listen to pleasant, soothing music, watch some kind of romantic comedy, but in no case horrors.

If, nevertheless, you still cannot fall asleep, and wake up hard in the morning, then you need to go to the hospital and consult with a doctor, who will ultimately diagnose you and prescribe treatment. I wish you good health and healthy sleep!

Well, who among us doesn’t like to sleep sweetly? At the first opportunity, we try to stretch out our sweet sleep as long as possible. And who would have thought, it turns out that regular, prolonged sleep can be harmful to our health. And what they say is true - what is too much does not always mean good. Everything should be in moderation.

And today’s article is devoted to the consequences that arise as a result of a large amount of sleep in a person’s life.

Is it possible to sleep longer?

Unfortunately, there is currently no quick solution to this problem. Too few studies have been conducted on this issue. In addition, sleeping pills, which are often prescribed to older people, mainly have a calming effect, but do not guarantee a healthy sleep throughout the night. According to experts, cognitive behavioral therapy, which has shown excellent results in treating insomnia, can help. The scientists also advise avoiding caffeine in the afternoon, sleeping in a cool place and exercising regularly, and rest assured that the researchers' hard work to prevent sleep deprivation with age will be successful.

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