The best positive books. 10 books that make you want to live

Circumstances often occur in life that cause psychological trauma. In such situations, books on positive thinking can provide undeniable help. They help people share their spiritual experiences, believe in the best and never give up.

The ability to think positively is one of the signs of self-improvement. Thinking only about the good does not mean looking at the world through rose-colored glasses, incorrectly assessing real events. To think positively is to have the ability to get out of a difficult situation, not to get lost or lose heart.

Benefits of Positive Thinking

The psychology of positive thinking, as described in books, suggests that people with a positive attitude are more able to cope with obstacles that arise in their path. When a person believes in the best, solving problems is easier. Thoughts are focused on success, and this helps in achieving the intended goal.

A person becomes strong, persistent, and does not retreat under any circumstances. Getting what he wants is his main task. Thoughts and the physical state of the body are interconnected. When a person is depressed, heavy thoughts oppress him, and this directly affects his health and leads to disruption of most important processes in the body. An optimistic and cheerful person is less likely to get sick.

Thanks to positive thinking, you can set and achieve high goals. Optimism helps achieve success, while pessimism promotes inaction. A positive-minded person will never experience depression, nor will he be overcome by despondency and melancholy. He will be able to withstand difficult experiences without mental impairment.

An optimistic person willingly takes on all things, as he is completely confident in his success. The ability to think positively helps to establish relationships in the work team and in the family. Such people easily communicate with others, quickly find friends, know how to avoid conflict situations and treat a person’s shortcomings with understanding.

Positive thinking helps you focus your attention on the positive side of events. Pessimistic people see only problems, while optimists look for ways out of difficult situations.

A cheerful person instills calm and confidence. Such people are less likely to suffer from mental illness. They easily cope with excitement and anxiety. Positive people live free lives. Heavy and depressing thoughts block the production of energy in our body, which is necessary to improve the quality of life.

At the same time, a negatively-minded person can always change his thinking if considerable effort is made. You need to work on yourself, and books about positive thinking can help with this. Through perseverance and work, you can change your vision of the world and improve your quality of life.

The best books can teach you to think positively, provide lessons in mental influence to increase self-esteem and the ability to cope with difficulties.

Change your environment

So, start your day with gratitude. Say “thank you” to life for everything you have: a good friend, a little kitten, your favorite job, a cool blouse, and continue in the same spirit. Be sure to thank for more global things: for family, for the opportunity to see, hear, and so on. The more good we are in the present, the better we feel. Thinking in terms of the present teaches us to value time and use it for its intended purpose.

Surround yourself with people who make you happier and promote personal growth. It is known that the environment influences the formation of a person by 90%. This factor cannot be discarded, therefore, if you cannot completely clear your life of negative-minded people, just make it a rule to compensate for one conversation with a pessimistic person with three conversations with cheerful people. Show compassion for people too. We get what we give. Become a volunteer, take part in a charity event, help someone in need - do good, and it will make your soul warmer.

To be cheerful, do what you love. It’s great when it’s your main job, but an interesting activity as a hobby is also good. Listening to music, reading books, knitting, drawing, football, basketball - choose your hobby and enjoy it every day. Every person experiences periods of uncertainty, and it is not always possible to immediately receive sincere support. To inspire yourself to move on, find and write down an optimistic quote and carry it with you.

Contact a specialist. We rarely have the habit of visiting a psychotherapist in order to solve our personal problems. By the way, such specialists help a person quickly understand himself, offer him practical advice and exercises that are aimed at changing thinking and behavior in the direction we need. In addition, a psychotherapist knows how to eliminate past traumas that often pull us back.

A selection of books about positive thinking

List of books that have high ratings:

  1. “The subconscious can do anything!” (John Kehoe). This book is for those who want to analyze and change their life for the better. It provides accessible and simple advice for achieving your desired goal using internal reserves and positive thoughts.
  2. “Heal your life” (Louise Hay). After reading this book carefully, you will be able to find answers to many questions. It talks a lot about the relationship between mental and physical states. Louise Hay shares her experiences about her work with people and healing methods for getting rid of illnesses.
  3. "The New Positive Psychology" (Martin Seligman). The book offers a new approach to psychology and human feelings. Thanks to real scientific research, a system of influencing human feelings has been developed, with the help of which you can achieve prosperity, self-improvement, success and spiritual harmony.
  4. "Pollyanna" (Eleanor Porter). This book clearly tells about the positive attitude of its heroine, who discovered a unique way of seeing only the positive sides in all life situations.
  5. “Transurfing of reality” (Vadim Zeland). The book is written for self-confident people who have a great desire to change the world around them for the better. This material is quite difficult to master, but those who succeed will be able to bring many of their ideas to life.
  6. "The Secret" (Rhonda Byrne). This book is one of the most popular, it talks about the secret of achieving happiness, success and prosperity.
  7. "The Power of Positive Thinking" (Norman Vincent Peale). The author is not only a famous writer, but also a clergyman. Those who read the book will discover an interesting principle that can completely change their life. Without faith in one's abilities, a person cannot be a successful person. Peale preaches the power of Holy Scripture.
  8. "Way to success. 101 lessons for a happy life" (Robin Sharma). The book will help develop leadership qualities and the ability for career growth. She is a guide to achieving success.

Quick diagnosis

Here's what you want but don't have:

  • a pure heart, free from hatred, envy, fear and generally any abomination;
  • the ability to build relationships so that no bad feelings arise;
  • the opportunity to love disgusting sensations and not indulge in self-criticism.

Here's what you can strive for and achieve:

  • set standards for yourself that are not distorted or discredited by negative feelings;
  • behave in a dignified manner, regardless of true feelings;
  • respect your honorable behavior when you are overwhelmed with anger; courageous actions - when you are afraid; determination - when you are tired, etc.;
  • accept the pain that is inevitable when living with ugly feelings. This is better than criticizing yourself for having them or criticizing others to prevent them.

Here's how to do it:

  • Get to know your inner asshole better so you don't let it come out;
  • As soon as that asshole starts to raise his head, remind yourself of your own standards and the factors that provoke loss of control;
  • try to avoid these factors, even if it means taking a longer route home around the expressway;
  • Get tolerant friends and a tolerant coach.

What is their strength?

With the help of books, a person can train his consciousness, feel the energy and power of words. If a person is accustomed to treating himself with disdain, then all events will support this way of thinking. To transform your state of mind, you need to pay attention to the words that you pronounce. Every word and every thought has energy that does not disappear without a trace. The word can bring both harm and benefit.

Successful people think only in positive terms; they are always confident in the success of all their endeavors. Any aggressive and rude statements create chaos and disrupt harmony.

To get started with books on positive thinking, you can read about

Drive away negative influences

We have already talked about the importance of the environment in the process of change; choose your friends wisely too. Of course, a friend is known in trouble, we have no right to condemn him for a seemingly incorrect worldview, but we can try to direct his thoughts in a positive direction! Moreover, try to become cheerful with your friends, teach them healthy optimism. But if they do not want to change their way of thinking, and it is easier for them to complain about fate, perhaps it is worth moving away from them, for your own good.

Filter negative thoughts. Even better, challenge them. Another unpleasant thought has arisen in your head (about yourself, about someone else) - first, contrast it with 3 positive attitudes. For example, “You are stupid,” and the answer is “You recently finished a difficult project, you love documentaries, and in general you are a really smart person.” And then start debunking the negative opinion, look for its logical flaws.

Do not be sad over trifles and about objective negative situations. Yes, there is war in one country, famine in another, climate change, global warming, and the like. But it's not your fault. There is no need to get stuck in the swamp of global injustice: it is ineffective. It is much more effective to try to change the world. It's time to start with yourself.

And the main thing that you must understand is that you and only you are responsible for your life.

You are responsible for what your day will be like, how you will react to a negative event, how you will act in a given situation. You are completely responsible for your life and only you can decide what you will do with it.

Greetings, dear reader! Are you happy? Apparently not very much, since I opened this article. I don’t want to upset you, but here you won’t find mysterious secrets that will make you happy in an instant. On the path to happiness you will have to work hard and work on yourself. But it's worth it! I have collected useful recommendations and practical tips. And now I can’t wait to quickly tell you how to become a happy person.

Find joy in being with friends

  1. A person can become happy thanks to simple things. This includes communicating with friends and family. The recommendation becomes especially relevant for introverts who prefer to be alone more.
  2. Learn to take the initiative in communication, do not refuse an offer to go to the cinema or have lunch at a pizzeria. Getting together together will add color to your daily routine, making you feel better.
  3. It is difficult to lead a full existence without interpersonal communication. If you close yourself in your shell, depression will begin to manifest itself much more often. Loneliness causes self-doubt, apathy, and irritability.
  4. Even if your work day is scheduled by the hour, make time for your loved ones. It is not necessary to see them every day, 3 times a week is enough. Try to turn to friends not only in difficult moments of life, but share joyful events with them.
  5. Create your own traditions. Make it a habit to go to a pizzeria on Saturdays or go to the cinema on Tuesdays. Let these days be only yours, freed from boring bosses and boring grumbling of household members.
  6. Avoid communicating with people who obviously doom themselves to failure. This includes depressed (particularly negative) people who cannot find joy in their lives. Don’t listen to constant complaints about your husband/colleagues/brothers, don’t believe the words: “You won’t succeed!” You will succeed, try!
  7. Refuse to communicate with hypocritical people who talk a lot behind their backs and smile in your eyes. Do not borrow money from strangers, avoid “bad” company. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated, attract only sincere and kind people into your life.

Simple rules for achieving happiness

So what exactly do you need to do to become happy? I offer you a few simple rules, following which every day, you will become cheerful, healthy and cheerful:

  1. Look for happiness in simple things . Forget at least for a while about your problems and look around. The world is beautiful! The gentle light of the sun, the rustling of leaves, snow-white clouds in the bright blue sky, the roaring laughter of children in the yard. Just the fact that you can see, hear, feel it makes you happy. Doesn't he? Blindfold your eyes with a tight bandage, through which you can’t see anything, and try to live in complete blindness for at least 20 minutes. After this exercise, many begin to appreciate the ability not only to see, but also to feel the simple beauty of this world. This approach is the basis of Buddhist philosophy.
  2. Find something you like . Easier said than done. You may have to go through more than one passion or hobby before you find an activity that lights you up, something you will do with pleasure. But such a thing will make your life successful, interesting, and rich.
  3. Change your attitude towards problems . It is impossible to be positive all the time. You have the right to be upset and upset. But this state should not consume you. Focus on the positive. Namely, remember that any difficulties are temporary. They are given to us in order to become stronger, grow and learn to overcome them.
  4. Set goals for yourself and achieve them . According to the observations of psychologists,
    people who know how to set goals correctly and achieve them are happier than those who do not strive for anything at all. When you have a goal, you become motivated to move forward, despite the problems that arise.
  5. Let go of what you can't change . Some people are so used to being in control of everything that as soon as something gets out of control, they become depressed. In each specific case, think about whether you can solve the problem. If yes, then act, otherwise, just let the situation go.
  6. Goodbye insults . Sometimes people hurt us. And the closer this person is, the stronger the resentment towards him. This feeling is a real mental trauma. The longer you get angry and cry, the more this wound will hurt. Learn to forgive. This will help relieve pain. You can forgive the offender in your heart. You don't have to meet him in person.
  7. Give thanks . Don't focus on what you don't have yet, what you're missing. Every day be grateful for what you have here and now. This will turn you towards the positive and teach you to appreciate every moment.
  8. Walk more . Walking in nature helps you relax, clear your thoughts, and saturate your body with oxygen. Sunlight improves your mood. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which helps fight fatigue and stress. By the way, when you become a parent, you start to walk a lot with your child. This qualitatively changes life for the better.
  9. Play sports, eat well and rest . This will help maintain health, without which it is very difficult to be happy. Physical exercise stimulates the production of endorphins (happiness hormones). Wholesome and healthy food improves skin condition, body function, and increases productivity. And proper sleep is the key to good health. I really hope that you are a non-smoker, because it is better to quit this habit. Any addiction prevents you from becoming fully happy.
  10. Get a pet . If you can take responsibility for caring for a pet, then in return your pet will become your best friend, a source of smiles and laughter. Cats, for example, help their owners relieve stress. As soon as you stroke a purring soft cat, all negative emotions evaporate.
  11. Help others . By doing good deeds, helping people and animals, you become a better person. Helping others generates warmth.
  12. Smile more . Scientists have noticed that when a person smiles sincerely, the brain begins to produce serotonin, a substance that elevates mood. After all, a smile is a symbol of happiness.

Find something you like

  1. First of all, a cheerful person should feel happy. To do this, he needs to do what he loves, which will bring him pleasure. Get out of the “robot” state that lives according to the “work-home” principle.
  2. Do you prefer to create cute things with your own hands? Learn landscape design or enroll in a cutting and sewing school. Take a wood carving class, start beading or embroidery.
  3. To become a cheerful person, you can learn the art of photography. Through the lens you will see all the beauty of the world around you and the people who entrusted you with capturing their lives. Take photos of animals, landscapes, friends and family. Print out the pictures and hang them around your apartment.
  4. Physical activity is known to boost energy. Start playing sports. Buy a club card for the gym or start visiting the pool. Dance lessons are suitable for girls, mixed martial arts, kickboxing, karate, etc. are suitable for men.
  5. If you don't have the opportunity to spend time actively, read fiction at home. Get rid of the habit of spending hours on social networks. Instead, develop spiritually, learn a foreign language or psychology (history, pedagogy, law, and so on).
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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