When I lie on my back my head hurts and I feel nauseous

Causes of nausea and lower back pain

Nausea and lower back pain are not always signs of spinal disease. Signals from the stomach, kidneys, and lungs are transmitted to the back. Based on the nature of the pain syndrome, the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. After the initial examination, the causes of vomiting with back pain are identified:

  • diseases of the urinary system - pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, cystitis, kidney stones;
  • pathology of the digestive system - stomach ulcer, pancreatitis, colitis, enteritis, inguinal hernia, intestinal infections;
  • male urological diseases – prostatitis;
  • gynecological problems - uterine fibroid, adnexitis, colpitis;
  • sexually transmitted diseases – trichomonas, gonorrheal, chlamydial infection;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system - vertebral protrusion, osteochondrosis, scoliosis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve.


Back pain accompanied by vomiting occurs with gallbladder diseases. Exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis is characterized by bitterness in the mouth after eating fatty foods. Aching pain is localized on the right hypochondrium, radiating under the scapula and collarbone on the same side. The patient feels nauseous, dizzy, and takes a forced position to reduce discomfort.

Pain and vomiting are relieved after taking antispasmodics - Baralgin, No-shpa, Atropine, Platiphylline.

In the treatment complex, drugs are used that increase the flow of bile - Cholenzym, Allohol, Hologon. Infusions of St. John's wort, corn silk, and tansy are used. To eliminate vomiting and back pain, medicinal herbs are infused together with rose hips.


The pancreatic (pancreas) gland is located in the back close to the back behind the stomach, which is where it gets its name. The organ produces juice with enzymes necessary for processing food. The symptoms of chronic pancreatitis are mild.

The main cause of exacerbation with pain and vomiting is the closure of the ducts with disruption of the flow of juice from the gland into the small intestine. Lingering inside the organ, enzymes process their own parenchyma. Inflammation quickly develops and spreads to adjacent tissues.

There is vomiting and pain in the lower back and both hypochondriums, of a girdling nature. The disease is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • heartburn;
  • increased gas formation;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

Vomiting and back pain for a long time may indicate the development of pancreatic necrosis. At this stage of the disease, surgical treatment is required. Otherwise, death occurs.

In acute pancreatitis, medical tactics include three components - cold, hunger and rest. Antisecretory, painkillers and antibiotics are used. Electrolyte solutions are administered intravenously to reduce intoxication.

Inguinal hernia

When intestinal loops are pinched, a sharp pain appears in the area of ​​the hernial protrusion, transmitted to the lower back. At the same time, vomiting and nausea occur. It is typical that a strangulated hernia does not reduce when pressed while lying on the back. Pain in men is transmitted to the scrotum. The patient must be taken to the surgical department.


When the appendix is ​​inflamed, nagging pain appears in the iliac region of the abdomen on the right. The cause of nausea and back pain is the atypical location of the appendix. Along with weakness, the temperature rises and vomiting occurs once. Such symptoms require hospitalization in the surgical department.

Stomach ulcer

Frequent epigastric pain with vomiting usually accompanies a stomach ulcer. Sometimes a burning sensation occurs in both hypochondriums, and very rarely in the back. With an ulcer in the stomach, pain and vomiting appear during meals, and if the defect in the mucous membrane is located in the duodenum, it occurs 1–2 hours after a meal.

They are used together with Clarithromycin and bismuth preparations. If the disease is not associated with infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, only antacids are prescribed in combination with H2 receptor blockers.

Intestinal infections

Back pain and vomiting are also typical for intestinal infections. The source of infection is poorly washed fruits and drinking water. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body with food and multiply quickly in the stomach. Signs of infection:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • aches in the lower back when poisoned by toxins produced by bacteria;
  • the patient is chilling;
  • the temperature rises.

Children often suffer from rotavirus infection. Frequent vomiting and diarrhea occur. In a small child, the infection is complicated by dehydration.

First aid consists of giving the patient plenty of fluids. Sips of water should be given every 20 minutes.

Powders Regidron, Oralit, Glucosolan, diluted in water, quickly eliminate dehydration. The removal of pathological microflora and toxins from the intestines is carried out using sorbents: Smecta, Polysorb, activated carbon, etc.

Nausea at night when lying down

There are dozens, if not hundreds, of causes of Nausea and vomiting nausea. Among them there are quite obvious ones: food poisoning, overeating especially when it comes to fatty foods, training on a full stomach, hangover, motion sickness or toxicosis of the first trimester of pregnancy.

But it happens that you feel sick, and why is completely unclear. Feeling sick before an exam or a serious conversation with your boss? This is completely normal. Fear, overexcitement, anxiety - all this can seem nauseating to our body. Anxiety, Stress, and Stomachaches.

This reaction often occurs in children and adolescents. What to do about it. First of all, calm down. Take a deep breath. Perhaps take valerian. Once the acute stress is relieved, the nausea will subside. Nausea is a common sign that the body does not have enough fluid. As a rule, the second symptom in this case is dry mouth. In the inner ear, among other things, the vestibular apparatus is located. The brain loses orientation in space, which makes it seem as if the ground is disappearing from under your feet.

To stay upright, our body triggers reactions, some of which affect the vomiting center in the brain. And an attack of nausea occurs. Nausea is one of the most prominent symptoms of traumatic brain injury. In general, a concussion is an extremely difficult thing to diagnose.

As a rule, it is detected not by tests and studies, but by subjective complaints of patients. So, if you feel sick for no reason, try to remember if you hit your head today or yesterday. Perhaps they were playing football and made a pass with the top of their head? Or maybe, on a sharp turn, the back of your head hit the handrail or your temple hit the wall of the minibus? Even the most insignificant, at first glance, blow can lead to a concussion. If you did not lose consciousness upon impact, your possible concussion is likely not dangerous.

Just relax: lie down or sit in a comfortable chair, relax. If nausea, which could be caused by a blow, especially if it was accompanied by loss of consciousness, continues, go to a therapist.

It is necessary! A concussion is fraught with serious complications. This is one of the consequences of ignored concussions.

The fact is that brain injuries can have a cumulative effect. In some people it is less pronounced; their brain removes toxins formed during injuries faster, in others it is more pronounced; toxins accumulate and seriously affect brain functions.

Which category you belong to can only be determined through genetic analysis. If in the past you may have had regular head injuries - for example, you are fond of extreme sports and have fallen more than once, box, engage in wrestling, take part in military operations - and at the same time at some point you began to feel bouts of nausea accompanied by fatigue and headache, it could be chronic traumatic brain injury. Go to a neurologist Chronic traumatic encephalopathy.

You will need to undergo a number of tests, possibly including different types of MRI. Lie down and rest. You can drink a couple of glasses of water or eat something salty - these methods will slightly increase blood volume and help raise blood pressure. Fortunately, low blood pressure is rarely dangerous.

However, it may impair quality of life, so you should consult your GP. Even before the icteric period, viral hepatitis is often manifested by decreased appetite and seemingly unmotivated, naturally occurring nausea.

A little later, these symptoms are joined by itching of the skin, discomfort in the liver area, and sometimes an increase in temperature…. Go to a therapist or a hepatologist - a specialist in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract. By the way, nausea accompanied by discomfort in the right side of the abdomen can also be a sign of biliary dyskinesia - this is the name for a violation of the outflow of bile. Both hepatitis and dyskinesia are deadly. So it is important to identify them at an early stage, which is often indicated by nausea.

Get the best by email. Health Educational program. Ekaterina Komissarova. Perhaps brain problems or hepatitis are to blame. Everything to ensure that you don’t miss dangerous symptoms, buy medications that work, and take care of yourself correctly. Acute stress Feeling sick before an exam or a serious conversation with your boss? But it often affects adults too. It all depends on individual characteristics and stress levels.

Dehydration Nausea is a common sign that the body does not have enough fluid. Drink a glass of cool water. Diseases of the inner ear The inner ear, among other things, contains the vestibular apparatus. Mild Concussion Nausea is one of the most striking symptoms of traumatic brain injury.

Chronic Traumatic Brain Damage This is one of the consequences of ignored concussions. Viral hepatitis Even before the icteric period, viral hepatitis often manifests itself as a decrease in appetite and seemingly unmotivated, naturally, nausea.

A little later, these symptoms are joined by itching of the skin, discomfort in the liver area, and sometimes fever... What to do about it. Podcast of the day. Show more.

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Pathology of the genitourinary system

Most often, nausea and lower back pain occur due to urolithiasis. Even at the stage of remission, people almost always feel their back aching.

Signs of urolithiasis:

  • pain in the groin, back, and genital area intensifies as the stone passes;
  • burning during urination;
  • symptom of congestion - when the stream is interrupted, urine flow continues when changing position;
  • temperature rises;
  • blood pressure rises high.

How to help yourself with dizziness

If dizziness occurs repeatedly, you should definitely contact a neurologist, who in most cases is able to cure the disease that causes this condition. However, before going to the doctor, there are several ways that will help reduce dizziness or even temporarily eliminate it. These methods include:

  • light self-massage of the head and neck;
  • breathing exercises (put your hand on your stomach and breathe slowly through your mouth, inflating your stomach as much as possible when inhaling and drawing it in when exhaling) for several minutes;
  • pressing with a finger in the center of the forehead for several seconds (about 10);
  • open the window and ventilate the room well;
  • remove or unfasten tight clothing or belt;
  • determine the level of blood pressure using a tonometer;
  • refrain from making sudden movements, including sudden turns of the head, get up from a lying position carefully, slowly.

Lifestyle changes can greatly help in the fight against dizziness. Therefore, you should balance your diet, follow a routine (the main thing is rest and sleep), take active walks in the fresh air for at least an hour every day (a few walking circles in the park are enough), and do physical therapy.

Heart diseases

With angina pectoris, pain in the heart is transmitted under the shoulder blade and arm on the left. The pain syndrome in “angina pectoris” is paroxysmal in nature, lasting about 5 minutes, and is relieved by Validol and Nitroglycerin. Nausea and vomiting occur in case of high blood pressure.

Acute myocardial infarction is characterized by a strong squeezing feeling of pain behind the sternum. Nausea occurs; back pain is transmitted to the arm, neck. Accompanied by severe sweating and a feeling of fear.

The diagnosis of a heart attack is confirmed by changes in the ECG. The patient is hospitalized in the cardiology department.

Dizziness, loss of balance: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Nausea is a painful sensation of discomfort in the upper abdomen, esophagus and mouth; anticipation of vomiting. Nausea is often accompanied by weakness, sweating, and increased salivation. A person experiencing nausea may experience a decrease in blood pressure, become pale, and feel cold in the extremities. Diseases in which nausea is observed may relate to pathologies of the digestive, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Nausea is often complained of simultaneously with recurring headaches.

Let's say right away: in most cases, dizziness is not dangerous. They carry only one risk: if you feel vertigo, as scientists call this sensation, if you are very unlucky, you may stumble, fall and earn a sprain or abrasion.

VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: I vomited to be slim


Inflammation of the meninges can be caused by bacteria (meningococcus), enterovirus, protozoa in toxoplasmosis and malaria. The infection often affects young children. The disease begins with a severe headache. Other signs of meningitis soon follow:

  • vomiting does not bring relief, unlike food poisoning;
  • temperature rises to 38.0–39.0 °C;
  • Tension of the neck muscles occurs, in which the patient cannot raise his head.

If the infection spreads to the brain, the disease is complicated by blindness, deafness, paresis, and paralysis.

If meningitis is suspected, hospitalization in the infectious diseases department is necessary.

Types of dizziness

Every person is familiar with the feeling of dizziness, but, in fact, sometimes this condition is considered false, since the occurrence of such sensations is in no way connected with the vestibular apparatus. In this regard, there are several types of dizziness.

  • True (vertigo). It is this type of dizziness that is associated with pathologies of the vestibular apparatus or stimulation of its organs. With such dizziness of the head, the rotation of the body in space, of objects that surround the person, is felt.
  • Psychogenic. Experts do not actually call this condition dizziness. Psychogenic dizziness is accompanied by many other symptoms, such as anxiety, darkening of the eyes, and a feeling of unsteadiness. This condition usually occurs against the background of severe stress and depression.

It is worth distinguishing between these two types of dizziness, since depending on this it will be much easier to quickly make the correct diagnosis. Even if the patient cannot distinguish psychogenic dizziness from true dizziness on his own, a doctor will help.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Office workers sitting at a laptop in an awkward position often develop osteochondrosis. Dystrophic processes of the discs lead to a decrease in the height of the vertebrae. As a result, the nerve roots and vessels passing between them are infringed. The flow of nutrients and oxygen to the brain is disrupted through narrowed vessels. Changes make you feel dizzy.

Back pain and vomiting are more pronounced with a spinal hernia or disc protrusion. Cartilaginous formations that extend beyond the vertebral bodies compress vascular and nerve bundles. The pain is transmitted to the shoulder girdle and intensifies with minimal physical exertion on the arm, sneezing, coughing.

Complex treatment includes massage, physical therapy, and physiotherapy. To reduce pain, chondroprotective drugs are used - Teraflex, Alflutop, Movalis, Artra.

Treatment of discomfort

There is no need to self-diagnose and try to determine why your head hurts and feels dizzy. Only the attending physician will be able to correctly determine the cause of the ailment and prescribe the correct treatment to the patient.

Therapy for the disease directly depends on the characteristics of its course. Dizziness cannot be treated on its own - in order to get rid of this unpleasant symptom, it is imperative to identify the main cause of its occurrence and eliminate it as soon as possible. Treatment of the disease may include both non-drug treatment methods and medications:

  1. Carrying out manual therapy. It is very important that such therapy is carried out only by a professional specialist, otherwise it will be difficult to avoid complications.
  2. Reflexology and physiotherapy. In reflexology, the doctor performs acupuncture, which is especially effective for certain types of pathologies.
  3. Application of the Shants splint.
  4. Health-improving physical education.
  5. Use of medications. Depending on the type of lesion, medications may be prescribed to improve brain function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, etc.

In severe cases, the specialist prescribes therapy from several methods to the patient at once. This treatment allows you to get faster results in the fight against pathology.

The development of dizziness in a horizontal position may directly indicate the presence of a serious illness. Therefore, it is very important to consult a doctor at the initial stage of pathology and carry out a comprehensive diagnosis to find out its causes.

Self-medication in this case can lead to serious problems - the real disease will begin to progress noticeably, and the patient’s condition will only worsen.

Diagnosis of back pain

If you experience weakness, nausea, or back pain, it is better to first make an appointment with a therapist. Anamnesis will allow the doctor to suggest a diagnosis of the disease and conduct the necessary examination:

  1. The diagnosis of gastric and duodenal ulcers is established after endoscopic biopsy of the inner wall of the stomach. The modern technique excludes the oncological nature of the mucosal defect and confirms the presence of Helicobacter pylori, a common cause of ulcers. This bacterium is also detected by PCR analysis of feces and saliva. An X-ray of the stomach with barium and a study of gastric juice are performed.
  2. If pancreatitis is suspected, blood and urine are tested for enzymes - amylase, trypsin, lipase. An analysis is carried out for the content of sugar and bilirubin. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the organ and esophagogastroduodenoscopy are used.
  3. During the diagnosis of urolithiasis, urine, blood tests, ultrasound and kidney x-rays are performed. If ureteral or bladder stones are suspected, the urologist performs a cystoscopy.
  4. Examination for prostatitis includes tests of urine, blood, and prostate secretions. Ultrasound determines the size of the organ.
  5. For pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are performed. Radiography of the limbs and spine is used in the same way as before.
  6. The diagnosis of meningitis is confirmed by spinal puncture, bacteriological culture of mucus from the nasopharynx for pneumococcus, meningococcus.

Analyzing the results of instrumental and laboratory tests, the therapist prescribes treatment or refers the patient to a specialist.

How to relieve nausea and back pain?

Attacks of pain and nausea during angina pectoris are eliminated by dissolving Validol under the tongue, as well as drugs that lower blood pressure - Captopril, Nifedipine.

If your stomach hurts, your back hurts, and you feel sick due to a stomach ulcer, acid-reducing agents – Rennie, Phosphalugel – help.

To relieve nausea, vomiting and back pain due to pancreatitis, you should refrain from eating, apply an ice pack to the upper abdomen, and observe bed rest. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis with nausea is treated with non-steroidal drugs.

Nausea while lying down. Anyone who has had this or has been treated for reflux, come in!

I took Nexium for six months and went on a diet, but nothing helped. The examination showed only the reflux of bile from the intestines into the stomach - duodeno-gastric reflux. I stopped taking Nexium, and everything returned to normal, there was no more heartburn. But a year later, nausea appeared, only in a supine position. Not pregnant: - It’s worst if I eat later than an hour before bedtime, or if I’m lying on my back. But lately, in any horizontal position and regardless of food, I feel sick. Apart from this, there are no problems with digestion or health in general, but it is very unpleasant.


Vomiting and back pain due to spinal pathology can be prevented by regular moderate physical activity and proper organization of the workplace. Neck exercises during breaks are mandatory.

The best prevention of meningitis is vaccination against meningococcal and pneumococcal infections. Vaccination is not included in the scheduled vaccination schedule; parents can give it to their child individually.

To avoid getting intestinal infections, you must maintain personal hygiene and follow basic sanitary rules in the kitchen. It is necessary to wash vegetables and fruits.

If you experience nausea or pain in any part of your back, be sure to consult a doctor. These signs sometimes indicate severe heart or internal organ disease. If you seek medical help in a timely manner, you will stay healthy.

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