What ointments help with pinched sciatic nerve?

Today, there are many medications for external use that help quickly get rid of pain caused by any neurological disease. Often, patients “prescribe” them to themselves, having seen enough advertising, and in the hope that such treatment will be enough. This article will consider the question of which ointment can really help with a pinched sciatic nerve, as well as what traditional methods can be used to combat this neurological disease.

Classification of nerve entrapment by location

There are many nerves in the human body, and many of them can become pinched. The most common types are pinched sciatic and cervical nerves.

NameWhere does it hurt
LumbodyniaLower back pain, back pain
SciaticaPain in the sacral area, in the buttock, radiating to the leg
SciaticaPain in the back, lower back, in the gluteal region, radiating to the leg
CervicalgiaNeck pain
CervicobrachialgiaNeck, shoulder, arm hurt

Irritant drugs

Ointments in this group have distracting and irritating properties. The active ingredients of the drug irritate the skin receptors. Against this background, the pain that occurs when nerve roots are pinched decreases. This leads to the production of biologically active substances in the epidermis. An ointment for sciatica with an irritating effect allows you to fully combat pain.

During the application of medications, normalization of blood circulation is ensured. With the help of medications, the inflammatory process is eliminated. This effect is typical for bee venom, turpentine ointment, essential oils, and capsicum tincture. The composition of medicines includes not only natural ingredients, but also synthetic substances.

The use of drugs that have an irritating effect is recommended if the patient has experienced stressful situations. They are widely used after decompression and hypothermia. Sciatica treatment is carried out:

The use of ointments for sciatica with a warming effect is recommended in courses. The duration of one of them is 5-7 days. The medicine is applied in a thin layer to the affected area.

Causes of a pinched nerve

What can cause pinched nerve endings:

Hereditary predisposition. Osteochondrosis of the spine, protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs.

Tumors of the spine, mediastinum. Local or general hypothermia. Prolonged exposure to low temperatures.

Hormonal changes, acute or chronic stress. Viral infections. Sedentary lifestyle, sudden movements, injuries.

Vertebral instability. Spondylolisthesis (slipping of a vertebra). Osteoarthritis, poor posture.

Muscle strain and prolonged stress on the spine. Sleeping in an awkward position, being overweight. Work involving heavy lifting.

Hypertonicity of the muscles surrounding the spine. Intercostal neuralgia and herpes zoster. Pregnancy.

The effectiveness of ointments for sciatica

Infectious processes, allergies, hypothermia, decompression, poor posture, and hard work can provoke inflammation of the nerve. If you start treating the disease on time, you can eliminate the disease with the help of drug therapy. If the problem is ignored, the pathology quickly becomes chronic. It can cause complete or partial paralysis.

Medicines in the form of tablets and injections are used to relieve symptoms. Various ointments are actively prescribed for the treatment of sciatica. Their use has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Reduced allergic reaction. Even if the patient exhibits individual intolerance to a component of the product, it will be safe for the general condition of the body. A rash will appear on the skin, which quickly disappears when the drug is discontinued. General adverse reactions in such cases occur extremely rarely: the active elements are not absorbed into the blood, they irritate receptors located in the skin, increase blood microcirculation, relieve swelling, and effectively relieve inflammation.
  • Preventing overdose. Excess creams and ointments are not absorbed and remain on the surface. When you need to quickly and safely numb a specific area of ​​inflammation, ointments work faster than tablets. They get where they need to go, bypassing the stomach and intestines. This helps to significantly reduce the drug load on the body.
  • Reducing treatment time. Local therapy works faster than oral therapy, and the risks of side effects are significantly lower.

Due to low absorption, pain-relieving gels are approved for pregnant and breastfeeding women. In some situations, this form becomes the only salvation from severe pain. All ointments have an affordable price. They are presented in a wide range in pharmacies.

You cannot use local medications at your own discretion; you must consult a doctor. Only after establishing the causes of the malaise, the extent of the pathological process and its localization, can an effective treatment regimen be drawn up.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve

Symptoms differ somewhat in location, but general signs of the disease can be identified.

The occurrence of pain - acute, burning in nature, or aching, intensifying with movements.

When a nerve is pinched in the neck - when tilting and turning the head, raising the arms.

In the chest - during breathing and coughing.

In the lower back – pain in the lower back, buttocks and back of the thigh.


  • Limitation of motor function.
  • Muscle weakness, paresis.
  • Cramps.
  • Numbness of the skin along the damaged nerve.
  • Hyperemia, slight swelling, tingling.
  • Change in sensitivity - decrease or increase.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The drugs are characterized by a high level of effectiveness during the treatment of sciatica. The use of drugs without prior consultation with a doctor is prohibited, as they are characterized by the presence of a large number of undesirable effects.

Before using a particular medication, the patient is advised to determine contraindications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prohibited for use by women while pregnant. If the patient has diseases of the digestive system, then the use of drugs in this group is not recommended. Patients with kidney disease should avoid them.

During sciatica, patients are recommended to use Diclofenac. The drug eliminates pain and fights the inflammatory process. The medication contains special substances that suppress the production of prostaglandins. This leads to an improvement in the patient's condition.

NSAIDs are universal medications that provide effective treatment for sciatica.

How to relieve pain from a pinched nerve

Relieve the affected area as much as possible and ensure complete rest. It is better to lie down on a hard surface and not move.

Place a warm heating pad on the damaged area - this will relieve the accompanying muscle spasm and improve blood flow in the affected area. If possible, take a warm bath.

Tablets for pain caused by a pinched nerve

To relieve pain for a short time - Tempalgin, Neurodolon - a fairly strong non-narcotic analgesic and Nise with a minimum of side effects.

A good effect is observed from taking salicylates - Aspirin, sodium salicylate. A good option is to use combination drugs containing aspirin - Sedalgin.

In addition to the analgesic effect, they have a thrombolytic effect and reduce blood viscosity, which allows them to be used for the prevention of thrombosis, especially in the elderly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs derived from isopropionic acid - Voltaren, Ketoprofen, Brufen - are widely used for pain caused by a pinched nerve. For faster pain relief, Voltaren capsules are recommended, which have more liquid contents and are absorbed more quickly in the stomach.

What ointments help with pinched sciatic nerve?

Gels and ointments with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are often used to treat sciatica. There are quite a lot of them. What ointments help with pinched sciatic nerve and which one will be better and more effective, a neurologist

. In addition, ointment alone is not enough to treat such a disease. Massage, exercise therapy or other treatment methods may also be required. Therefore, at the first signs of sciatica, you should immediately consult a doctor in order to restore your health as soon as possible.


The active ingredients of Finalgon ointment have analgesic as well as vasodilating properties. In areas of the skin where the ointment is applied, skin hyperemia appears (blood flow to this area increases, resulting in slight redness), the rate of enzymatic reactions increases, and the metabolic process is activated. The analgesic effect of Finalgon appears within a few minutes after application. The maximum effect occurs 20-30 minutes after application. These time frames may be different, depending on the complexity of the disease and the degree of compression of the sciatic nerve.


Flexen ointment has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects. In other words, this ointment can be used in cases where a pinched nerve has led to its inflammation and an increase in the patient’s overall body temperature. The active substances of the ointment have a depressing effect on COX (cyclooxygenases) - enzymes that promote the metabolism of arachidonic acid. In turn, arachidonic acid is a precursor to prostaglandins, which cause inflammation, pain and fever.


One of the active ingredients of Viprosal ointment is viper venom. When applied, the ointment has a local analgesic and irritant effect. Local irritation leads to the activation of sensitive skin receptors of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, blood vessels dilate, and tissue trophism (cellular nutrition) improves.


Carmolis ointment includes a wide list of essential oils (menthol, thyme, anise and others). The list of effects of this ointment is also wide - antimicrobial, antiviral, irritant, antispasmodic, and so on. The ointment can be used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of neurological diseases, including sciatica.


Betalgon is an ointment that has a local irritant, analgesic, and vasodilator effect. When applied, it warms, stimulates local blood circulation, and helps reduce inflammation.


Virapin is an ointment with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. The ointment contains bee venom.


Another remedy that can relieve inflammation and eliminate pain when the sciatic nerve is pinched is Naftalgin ointment. Apply to the location of pain or inflammation.

Almost each of the above ointments has a wide list of side effects. These include allergic reactions, dizziness, kidney dysfunction, itchy skin and much more. Consultation with a doctor before using any of the ointments, as well as during its use, is required. If you have a pinched sciatic nerve, you can seek help from the specialists of the Energo clinic. Here, patients undergo a comprehensive examination, their diagnosis is clarified, and other concomitant diseases are identified, which helps to predict the likelihood of some side effects from medications. Our specialists have extensive experience in the treatment of pinched sciatic nerves and are ready to apply it when developing a treatment package in each specific case.

Diagnostic procedure

A pinched nerve without proper therapy takes the form of a long and progressive process. In the most difficult cases, its result can be complete immobility.

Early diagnosis allows you to promptly select the optimal course of treatment for each patient. To develop it, you need to contact a neurologist. Diagnostics is important due to the possibility of mistaking other pathologies affecting the spinal nerve for a pinched nerve.

When carrying out differential diagnosis, the following is carried out:

  • X-ray;
  • MRI (magnetic resonance imaging);
  • CT (computed tomography);
  • electroneuromyography.

Using an integrated approach allows you to accurately determine radicular syndrome. Without the help of a professional, its symptoms can be mistaken for the course of other pathologies.

Reviews about the treatment of a pinched nerve in the back

Rheumatologist with many years of experience and author of the website nehrusti.com. For more than 20 years, she has been helping people effectively fight various joint diseases.


Types of prevention

It is impossible to completely exclude a pinched nerve. This problem can be encountered even if you simply turn your head or body inaccurately.

For prevention, the following recommendations are required:

  • A good muscular frame that protects the spine can reduce the risk of pain. For its formation, regular exercise is necessary.
  • containing foods containing potassium and calcium has a positive effect
  • You should also do small jobs when working for a long time in a static position.
  • It is important to avoid sudden lifting of weights , which negatively affects the intervertebral discs.

Stages of treatment

Treatment of pathology takes place in several stages. Basic treatment procedures are prescribed by a neurologist after a comprehensive examination of the patient:

  1. The first stage is aimed at relieving pain with painkillers. These can be ointments or tablets - analgesics. If symptoms worsen, it is important to exclude vigorous physical activity, adhere to bed rest and follow a diet without salty, spicy and smoked foods.
  2. The second stage of treatment fights inflammation. The doctor prescribes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) by injection, oral medication, or topical medication. The form of release of the drugs depends on the severity of the pathology.
  3. The third stage of therapy is aimed at restoring the functionality of the nerve and the tone of the muscle tissue. Courses of taking vitamins, massage treatments and physiotherapy are recommended. Rehabilitation exercise therapy and manual therapy are also indicated.
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