Phenibut or Anvifen. Which is better to choose?

Description of drugs

Anvifen and Phenibut are medications that have both nootropic and sedative effects. The main active substance of these medicines is aminophenylbutyric acid. Does it turn out to be the same thing? To find out what the difference is, let's take a closer look at each of them.


It has a sedative and anti-anxiety effect, resulting in improved memory performance, increased concentration and performance, normalized blood circulation in the brain and oxygen saturation of cells. Anvifen is prescribed:

  • In states of anxiety, constant fear or worry, excessive irritability;
  • For the treatment of neuroses;
  • To improve sleep quality;
  • To relieve neurotic problems during alcohol withdrawal;
  • To prevent dizziness and motion sickness;
  • In pediatrics to get rid of hyperactive behavior, stuttering, enuresis, nervous tics.


It is also an anti-anxiety and nootropic agent. It is prescribed in the same cases and has the same therapeutic effect as Anvifen.

Phenibut and Anvifen equally influence the functionality of the body and have the same therapeutic properties.

Anvifen and Phenibut do not differ in pharmacological properties; they are complete analogues and generics. Both are nootropics that have a positive effect on brain function, improving blood circulation, memory, attention, concentration, and performance. They also have an anti-anxiety effect - relieve symptoms of anxiety, fear, neuroses, increase initiative, mood, and normalize sleep.

Which is better, Anvifen or Phenibut. Differences. — updated 03.19

The abundance of stress and high nervous tension in most people in modern life contribute to the fact that some of the most frequently prescribed drugs are tranquilizers and nootropics.
Among them, the most common is Phenibut. This drug, unlike other tranquilizers, does not have an inhibitory effect, but, on the contrary, improves brain activity. But many who are prescribed this drug are trying to find out which manufacturer is better.

Reviews of Phenibut note that this medicine is not always effective, but it depends on the manufacturer.


Among drugs designed to relieve the effects of stress and depression, Phenibut, developed back in the 20th century by Soviet scientists, occupies a special place. A prescription is required to purchase.

This article talks about reviews of the drug Phenibut. This remedy turned out to be so effective that the astronauts’ first aid kit was equipped with it.

What is the difference between Phenibut and regular tranquilizers? The first, while helping with stress, did not deprive a person of his ability to work, although it had a relaxing effect on the body. We will look at this drug in more detail below, and also try to determine which one is better to purchase.

Briefly about Adaptol

The medication is considered a tranquilizer and, affecting the brain, stimulates the production of serotonin. Adaptol does not have a hypnotic effect and can be taken during the day to treat the following conditions:

  • unmotivated anxiety;
  • stress;
  • fears;
  • emotional stress;
  • neuroses.

Unlike Phenibut, which is contraindicated for certain gastrointestinal diseases, Adaptol cannot be used only in case of individual intolerance to the main component of the drug (Mebicar), as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In case of hypersensitivity to mebicar, the doctor selects a substitute for Adaptol, which has a different active ingredient and has a similar effect on the body.

Adaptol is used not only to treat anxiety, but is also used to reduce withdrawal symptoms when quitting smoking.

Phenibut and Adaptol are not recommended for use in early childhood. Phenibut is prescribed to children over 8 years of age, and Adaptol - from the age of ten. But, in pediatric practice, there are cases when Phenibut is prescribed to children. In this case, the medication is taken under strict medical supervision.


Reviews from patients claim that Phenibut (aminophenylbutyric acid) is indispensable for sleep disorders. It is prescribed if every night the patient suffers from insomnia, a state of emotional arousal, and nervousness.

The original drug helps with stress, anxiety and difficult life situations.

The effect of the tablets is similar to a sleeping pill, eliminating insomnia, reducing the number of night awakenings, reducing the period of falling asleep and guaranteeing a state of morning vigor. We'll tell you how to take medicine correctly for insomnia:

  • For men and women, the medicine begins to act 1-2 hours after administration.
  • The therapeutic dose is 1 tablet (250-500 mg) 2-3 times throughout the day - in the morning, at lunch and at night.
  • You should drink plenty of liquid.
  • If necessary and by order of the attending physician, the number of tablets is increased to 3-4 tablets (750-1000 mg) per dose.
  • You should take the medicine an hour after eating.
  • The duration of the course is from two to six weeks.

Considering the mild effect of Phenibut, the absence of toxicity, and the minimal number of negative side effects, on the recommendation of doctors, it is prescribed not only to adult patients, but also to children.


Depression is a stage of stress with an accompanying depressed state.

How appropriate is it for adult patients to take Phenibut for depression? According to reviews from those who, as prescribed by a doctor, practiced taking them as a sedative for nerves, the daily dosage is 2-4 tablets (500-1000 mg) per 24 hours, and as a complex medicine, supplemented with other drugs. Take it after meals to avoid pain in the stomach. When taking the product:

  • the mental and emotional state is normalized;
  • sleep improves;
  • appetite is restored;
  • interest in the surrounding world appears.

At the same time, we must not forget about the individual characteristics of the body and the neglect of the pathology; before use, it is better to consult with your doctor.


Patients also use Phenibut to solve several atypical problems. So, with its help they get rid of motion sickness and are used for weight loss.

To avoid problems while traveling, Phenibut is taken 60 minutes before departure, a single dose ranges from 250 to 500 mg. Feedback from patients after using the product is positive even in cases of attempts to lose weight.

The fact is that gamma-aminobutyric acid contained in the product stimulates the production of growth hormone, which affects metabolism and helps with fat burning.

Despite all the positive qualities of the drug, negative manifestations may also occur. Thus, according to reviews, taking medication in large dosages and driving a car are incompatible, given the possibility of a feeling of euphoria. With long-term use of maximum doses, withdrawal syndrome is possible, so you should stop taking the medicine gradually.

Characteristics of Phenibut

Phenibut is a drug that has anxiolytic and nootropic effects. It was developed in the USSR and was included in the list of equipment that cosmonauts took with them on flights. The benefits of Phenibut are due to its mechanism of action, which allows it to eliminate stress without affecting performance.

The active substance of the drug is aminophenylbutyric acid. It is a derivative of GABA, the main neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for the inhibitory effect. Once in the body, aminophenylbutyric acid inhibits the reactions of the nervous system, while mildly affecting some other receptors in the brain, which is why a slight activating effect is observed.



Using these drugs:

  • Circulation and tone in the vessels of the brain are optimized.
  • Anxiety, overexcitability, and excitement go away.
  • Functionality increases and learning becomes easier.
  • The transmission of impulses to the central nervous system increases.

Both drugs have the same contraindications, such as:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation period;
  • Individual intolerance to substances.

The side effects are also the same. Against the background of improper medication use and overdose, symptoms such as:

  • Drowsiness;
  • Nausea or vomiting;
  • Allergic reactions.

For what indications is it used?

According to the instructions, Anvifen is prescribed for the following indications:

  • during nervous system disorders of the anxious, neurotic, asthenic type;
  • with retention or vice versa urinary incontinence, nervous tics in children;
  • during feelings of anxiety, fear;
  • during sleep problems and insomnia;
  • with Meniere's syndrome;
  • during motion sickness with kinetosis;
  • when dizziness occurs, which manifests itself in connection with disorders in the vestibular apparatus.

In addition, the drug is used during complex therapeutic treatment of withdrawal syndrome and alcoholism to relieve developing somatovegetative and psychopathological disorders.

Course and dosage

The instructions for use of Anfiven and Phenibut indicate identical dosages of use and course of treatment, since these are analogues, there are no differences. Most often, the course of use of the drug is 2-3 weeks, but can be increased to 6-8 weeks. The drugs are taken three times a day. Adults and children over 14 years of age are prescribed 250-500 mg per dose, children over 8 years old - 250 mg, children over 3 years old - 50-100 mg per dose.

It is recommended to take these medications before meals.


The drug "Phenibut" is produced by several pharmaceutical companies:

  • JSC "Olainfarm", Latvia.
  • Belmedpreparaty Group, Belarus.
  • Mir-Pharm LLC, Ozon LLC and Organika LLC, Russia.
  • NPO Antiviral, Russia - developer of the drug.

Latvian and Russian and Mir-Pharm preparations have the best quality. An analogue of Anvifen is produced by Pharmproekt CJSC, Russia.

This is interesting: Hexalization for diseases of the throat and oral mucosa


Despite the above similarities, the drugs are not identical. Let's look at how the means differ.

  • Release form. Anvifen is produced in the form of capsules, and Phenibut is produced in different forms - capsules, tablets, powder.
  • Dosage of one capsule. Phenibut is mainly available in 250 mg doses. Anvifen has a wider choice - 25, 50, 125, 250 mg. If the drug is prescribed in doses less than 250 mg, administration is more convenient, since there is no need to divide the tablet.
  • Production. The drugs are produced by different manufacturers. Anvifen is produced in Russia, and Phenibut in Russia, Belarus, Latvia, and the USA. Products produced in Latvia and the USA are of higher quality, since they pay more attention to quality control of the raw materials used and compliance with the standards of each production process.
  • Price. Depends on production and dosage. Prices for drugs from Russian manufacturers Phenibut and its analogue in the same dose are different, the price of the second is higher.
  • Time-tested. Phenibut has been produced for quite a long time, it has managed to prove itself over the years of medical practice, Anvifen is relatively new, but at the same time it is a modern drug of a new generation.

The differences between the products are not significant, so it is possible to consider them generics or analogues.

Anvifen or phenibut

Phenibut is a nootropic drug whose active substance is aminophenylbutyric acid. The drug has no psychostimulating, antioxidant and tranquilizing effects on the human body.

Simply put, the drug has a sedative effect, improves memory, performance, vision, stabilizes coordination of movements, and also normalizes blood circulation in the brain, due to which it is saturated with oxygen.

Due to these effects on the human body, Phenibut is prescribed in the following cases:

  • In case of disturbances in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus. In this disease, the drug is used to prevent dizziness and motion sickness during travel;
  • For older people to normalize sleep;
  • For Meniere's disease;
  • In long-term anxiety states, accompanied by feelings of fear and anxiety;
  • Psychopathological disorders occurring against the background of withdrawal syndrome, which occurs after withdrawal from drugs and alcoholic beverages;
  • Primary open-angle glaucoma;
  • Phenibut can be prescribed for such phenomena as nystagmus - involuntary and frequent oscillatory eye movements;
  • Prevention of stressful situations before operations or serious diagnostic tests;

The drug is also used in pediatric practice for the treatment of nervous tics, stuttering, enuresis of inorganic nature, and hyperactive behavior.

Course of administration and dosage

As it was already found out earlier, Anvifen acts as an analogue of Phenibut, therefore the dosage and course of treatment for both drugs will be the same.

Due to the fact that the drugs have a strong effect on the body, you should never take them yourself. After all, with the wrong dosage, in addition to side effects, addiction and withdrawal symptoms can occur. Therefore, only a doctor will be able to assess a person’s condition, identify the presence of indications and concomitant diseases, and prescribe the correct dosage.

Basically, the amount of the active ingredient of the drug is calculated as follows:

  • Adults, as well as children over 14 years of age, are prescribed 250-500 mg/3 times a day. For certain diseases, this dosage can be increased to 500-750 mg;
  • Children over 8 and under 14 years old take 250-300 mg/3 times a day;
  • Children under 8 years of age are prescribed to take 50-100 mg/3 times a day. The maximum one-time dosage is 150 mg;

Anvifen and Phenibut should be taken before meals. The course of treatment depends on the disease, but on average ranges from 1 to 1.5 months.

Drug differences

Despite the fact that both drugs contain the same active ingredient, the drugs have some differences:

  • The main difference between Anvifen and Phenibut is the release form. The first drug is available in the form of capsules, and the second in the form of tablets. Thanks to this, Anvifen can be considered more convenient to use, because the capsules are much easier to swallow;
  • Dosage. Phenibut is available in a dosage of only 250 mg. Anvifen has many more dosage options. The drug is available with an active substance content of 25, 50, 125, 250 mg. This also makes administration more convenient, because when prescribing a dosage below 250 mg, there is no need to split the tablet. At the same time, Anvifen’s capsule with a certain dosage is painted in its own individual color;
  • Country of Origin. Anvifen is produced in Russia. Phenibut is not only produced in Russia, it is also produced in Latvia and Belarus;
  • Price. This indicator depends on the manufacturer. If we compare the Latvian production of Phenibut with the Russian Anvifen in a dosage of 250 mg, then the price is practically no different. But if you compare Phenibut of Russian and Belarusian origin with Anvifen, then the price is completely different. The drug Anvifen in the same dosage will cost a little more than Phenibut from Russia and Belarus;
  • In addition to all of the above, Anvifen is considered a more modern drug.

With the exception of minor differences that do not in any way affect the effectiveness of the drug, we can say that the drugs Phenibut and Anvifen are complete analogues of each other.


This is a nootropic drug. Stimulates brain function, thinking, memory, attention. The active substance is piracetam.

What's better? Since Phenibut has a higher anti-anxiety effect than nootropic, it is recommended to choose this drug in the following cases:

  • anxiety and depression;
  • for sleep disorders;
  • dizziness, motion sickness;
  • nervous tics;
  • stuttering in children;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • agitation or aggression during withdrawal from substances containing alcohol.

According to reviews, it is an analogue of Phenibut, a nootropic agent containing aminophenylbutyric acid. The drug also has antiplatelet, tranquilizing, antioxidant and anticonvulsant properties. Applicable in case:

  • anxious, neurotic state;
  • irritability, anxiety, sleep disturbances;
  • to improve memory and attention;
  • for motion sickness and dizziness.

The difference between Anfiven is the release form - the product is available in capsules of 25 mg, 50 mg, 125 mg and 250 mg.

Which is better Anvifen or Phenibut? The drugs have only one active ingredient. The difference is in the release form - the choice of capsules of different dosages from the analogue allows you to take the dose of the medicine more accurately. At the same time, according to patient reviews, Phenibut is a more effective, time-tested drug.


The next analogue of Phenibut is Noofen. The composition contains the main component - aminophenylbutyric acid, available in capsules, tablets, and powder. Produced only in Latvia.

Both products have similar effects. What is the difference between the drugs? The difference between drugs is in the composition of excipients, as well as in the quality of raw materials and the production process. The quality of raw materials for the production of Phenibut is much better, and in addition, the drug is cheaper in terms of the number of capsules and active ingredient.


Also refers to anti-anxiety drugs, the main component of which is fabomotizole. This antipsychotic is prescribed:

  • with emotional instability;
  • for anxiety conditions;
  • with asthenic syndrome (alcohol or drug);
  • for somatic diseases (ischemia or myocardial infarction, asthma, lupus erythematosus), oncological tumors.

What's better? Although the effect of administration is similar, the drugs are not analogues; they have different compositions and active substances. The effect of Afobazole is milder; according to patient reviews, it is noted that the effect of Phenibut is more effective.


The anti-anxiety drug is an anxiolytic, has an inhibitory effect on the structures of the brain and nervous system, relaxes muscles, and gives a hypnotic effect.

What is the difference? Which remedy is better Phenibut or Phenazepam? The drugs differ in composition and mechanism of action.

The second is stronger, but causes addiction; in case of an overdose, it leads to a state close to the symptoms when taking narcotic drugs. It has many side effects and more contraindications.

It can be purchased only as prescribed by a doctor, and it is prohibited in childhood.


Just like Phenibut, it has an anti-anxiety effect. This is a tranquilizer containing a benzodiazepine. It is used for:

  • nervous system disorders, anxiety;
  • moderate depression;
  • withdrawal symptoms after alcohol/drugs.

What is better Phenibut or Grandaxin? Both drugs have an anxiolytic effect - they reduce anxiety and emotional stress. Moreover, these drugs have different compositions. The second drug is more narrowly targeted, it has more contraindications and side effects, it causes excitement, and according to reviews, the positive effect comes more slowly.


This drug belongs to the group of anxiolytics and is used:

  • with increased irritability and nervousness;
  • to reduce feelings of fear, panic attacks;
  • for alcohol syndromes;
  • for itching.

What's better? The drugs have different effects. Atarax is a sedative. Phenibut has a stronger and broader effect, it copes with insomnia, increases concentration and attention. According to patient reviews, it is better as a sedative and nootropic than its analogue.


This is a nootropic drug, with aminobutyric acid, but in different proportions. It is prescribed for decreased mental activity, vascular diseases, dizziness and headaches.

Let's try to compare drugs: which is better, Phenibut or Picamilon? Both improve brain function and are sedative. The difference is in the action of these drugs. For anxiety, worries, stress, and insomnia, the first drug is more effective. It is also more popular and more widely used.


This nootropic dilates blood vessels in the brain, improves cerebral circulation and brain condition, and also has an antioxidant, antiplatelet, psychostimulant, anti-migraine and tranquilizing effect.

What's better? Both drugs improve memory and thought processes, but there are differences. Phenibut is more effective in treating anxiety conditions.


This is a drug belonging to the group of nootropic drugs. The active substance of the nootropic has the same name – phenotropil. This medicine is used for:

  • diseases of the central nervous system;
  • increased loads;
  • deterioration of memory and attention.

What's better? The effects of the drugs are similar. But if you compare them, you can see the difference in composition, active ingredient and indications for use. For anxiety disorder, neurosis, and disrupted sleep cycle, Phenibut will be more effective.


This anxiolytic drug, which stimulates the production of serotonin, is used for neuroses, heart pain not associated with ischemia, menopause, and in the treatment of nicotine and alcohol addiction. Produced only in Latvia.

These medications have different compositions and different effects on the body. The first has a wider scope of application and has a stronger effect on the human body. According to doctors, it eliminates symptoms of nervous disorders better and faster. It is also better to choose Phenibut for treating a child than its analogue.


This antipsychotic is used for:

  • anxiety, phobias, feelings of fear, panic;
  • excitability and imbalance, hysteria;
  • for allergic reactions.

Phenibut and Teraligen give a similar effect, but differ in their pharmacological group. The second drug has a narrower sphere of influence, but its effect on the body is stronger, and there are more side effects and contraindications. The first one is much better due to its milder effect on the body and minimal side effects.

When choosing between Phenibut and its analogues, we recommend basing it on the indications for use, contraindications, doctor’s recommendations for your disease, the quality of production and raw materials for the manufacture of the medicine and the effectiveness of the action.

Phenibut is an effective anti-anxiety and nootropic drug. If patients follow the recommendations of the attending physician, the instructions for the method and dose of use, the result is a quick, effective and lasting long-lasting effect.



Here are reviews from doctors who use these drugs in their practice and from patients taking them:

  • “I use Anvifen in treatment because of its more convenient form and dosage for children.”
  • “I prefer to prescribe Anvifen, as it is a more modern drug; in my practice, it causes less side effects.”
  • “The actions of the drugs are no different; I choose the prescription based on ease of administration, depending on the required dosage.”
  • “After the introduction of Anvifen, I switched to a more convenient dosage form.”
  • “I have been prescribing Phenibut to elderly patients for a long time to normalize sleep and prevent memory loss, the drug successfully copes with the tasks” (gerontologist).
  • “Anvifen has a wider range of dosages, so it is convenient to use, the effects of the drugs are identical” (neurologist).
  • “I have been taking Phenibut in courses for a long time, it helps me greatly to increase concentration, attention, memory, and at the same time my performance does not decrease while taking the course.”
  • “I take Phenibut and notice improved memory and sleep” (patient).
  • “I like Anvifen, it’s conveniently divided into capsule doses, it helped solve my problems.”
  • “I had constant anxiety and irritability, the doctor prescribed me Anfiven, and I very quickly noticed an improvement in my condition.”
  • “Phenibut helped me in treating motion sickness; after using it, traveling was no longer a torment.”
  • “I’ve been taking Phenibut courses for a long time, it helps me keep myself in fighting condition, quickly restore strength, and sleep well” (athlete).

In reviews and comparisons of these medications, users note the convenience of taking Anvifen, especially when prescribed in low dosages. Others prefer to use Phenibut as a time-tested remedy. In terms of treatment effectiveness, both drugs are effective and work equally.

It is impossible to determine which drug is better, more effective. The only advantage of Anvifen is its ease of administration and variety of dosages. In cases where the dosages are non-standard, for children, it is best to choose it. In other cases, they can be replaced with each other. This will not affect the course of the treatment process.

Which is better to take Phenibut or Anvifen: comparison and features

Modern people are susceptible to stress and depression, fatigue and anxiety. A person exhausted by stress is unable to maintain the desired rhythm of life and work effectively.

Recently, nootropic drugs have become widespread, that is, drugs that normalize the state of the central nervous system and affect higher mental functions. Taking such drugs improves sleep, helps cope with stress, and increases mental performance.

Indications for the use of nootropics

Neurologists prescribe drugs of the nootropic class to treat diseases such as:

  1. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  2. Migraines and dizziness.
  3. Obsessive-compulsive neuroses and anxiety disorders.
  4. Sleep disorders and attention deficit disorder in children.
  5. Lesions of the central nervous system, such as ischemia, encephalopathy, myoclonus.
  6. Withdrawal syndrome and intoxication.
  7. Neurogenic disturbance of diuresis.
  8. Asthenic syndrome.
  9. Meniere's disease.
  10. Dementia and oligophrenia of various etiologies.

Often these medications are also recommended for children to take when preparing for school or at the end of the school year. At this time, the child's brain needs enhanced protection.

The most common nootropic drugs are Anvifen and Phenibut.

Comparison of Phenibut and Anvifen

Since the active ingredient of both nootropics is aminophenylbutyric acid, the mechanism of their effect on the body is the same . Preparations based on this substance stabilize the functional state of the central nervous system by normalizing the metabolism of its tissues.

With their help:

  • Microcirculation in the vessels of the brain improves and vascular tone increases.
  • Anxiety, excitability and emotional stress are reduced.
  • Increases performance and improves the learning process.
  • Cell membranes are strengthened.
  • The transmission of impulses in the central nervous system accelerates.
  • The processes of excitation and inhibition are regulated.

The main part of both drugs is broken down by the liver, so they should be prescribed with caution for diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. It is also not recommended to take the medicine during pregnancy and lactation, for children under 3 years of age, and for any forms of allergies.

Both medications should not be used when engaging in activities that require increased concentration or when operating complex or dangerous machinery.

Neurologists claim that both drugs are equally effective, since they are analogues of each other. In this case, it is important to pay attention to the country of origin of Phenibut: patients agree that Phenibut produced in Latvia or Belarus is preferable to domestic ones.

Both nootropics should be taken after meals, and the course of treatment with both drugs is approximately the same - 30-45 days.

Side effects of Anvifen and Phenibut are common and include:

  • Allergic manifestations on the skin: itching, rash.
  • CNS reactions: dizziness, headache, lethargy and drowsiness.
  • Manifestations from the gastrointestinal tract: dyspepsia, nausea.

In general, both products are considered non-toxic and safe for patients.

Fundamental differences

Both drugs must be prescribed by a doctor, but only Phenibut requires a prescription. Anvifen is available without a prescription.

The difference between the drugs is as follows:

  1. The scope of application of phenibut is wider than that of anvifen . For example, it may be prescribed as a sedative before surgery, as well as for the treatment of glaucoma and nystagmus.
  2. Release form and dosage . Phenibut tablet has one dosage option: tablets contain 0.25 g of active ingredient. Anvifen is available in several dosage options; capsules may contain: 25, 50, 125, 250 mg.
  3. Impact on the gastrointestinal tract . Thanks to the use of capsules, Anvifen does not irritate the intestinal mucosa as much as tableted Phenibut, and capsules are more convenient to swallow, especially for young patients.
  4. The use of Anvifen is possible only from 3 years of age, while a doctor can prescribe Phenibut at an earlier age.

Thus, it is impossible to say unequivocally which medication is more effective. The drugs are analogues and act exactly the same.

However, you should choose Phenibut if:

  • The patient is less than 3 years old.
  • The drug is prescribed for the treatment of nystagmus, primary open-angle glaucoma or neurogenic diuresis.
  • Prevention of stress before surgery is necessary.
  • You may have to change the dosage during the course of treatment - a tablet, unlike a capsule, can be divided into any number of parts.

It is worth choosing Anvifen if:

  • The patient may have difficulty swallowing tablets.
  • The required dose is precisely calculated.
  • There is a risk of adverse reactions from the gastrointestinal tract.

It is up to the doctor to decide which medicine is best in a particular case. It is highly undesirable to make a choice on your own.


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