Atarax: instructions for use, patient reviews, price, radar, side effects

Atarax for headaches

It is not for nothing that VSD is called the disease of the century, although in essence it is not even an independent disease, but a complex of symptoms that indicate a violation of the autonomic function of the cardiovascular system.

Under such a diagnosis, another dangerous disease may be hidden, as a result of which a person’s blood vessels are affected, the functioning of the nervous system and heart is disrupted, and mental disorders occur.

That is why medications related to tranquilizers or anxiolytics are often used to treat symptoms.

One of these remedies is Atarax for VSD, the action of which is aimed at eliminating increased irritability, anxiety, and panic attacks. This drug has its own characteristics, which you should definitely know about before you start using it.

Atarax is a potent substance that helps get rid of the symptoms of VSD

Tranquilizers for VSD

However, it is initially necessary to understand why various tranquilizers are often used to treat VSD.

Sometimes this very word causes some fear in a person, because most people associate tranquilizers with medicine that people with mental disorders take.

In fact, when translated, the word means “to calm”; naturally, these are quite strong and powerful remedies, but there is nothing terrible in their use if such treatment is prescribed by a professional doctor.

As you know, vegetative-vascular dystonia has many different symptoms, among which the most common are:

  • increased irritability;
  • causeless anxiety, fear;
  • emotional instability;
  • insomnia, sleep disturbance;
  • frequent headaches.

In such situations, tranquilizers act as a sedative. These are not drugs, but simply potent drugs that normalize the functioning of the human nervous system.

In any case, tranquilizers are prescribed by the attending physician, and they cannot be used at will, because only a specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the necessary course of treatment.

Any tranquilizers for VSD should be prescribed only by the attending physician

What is Atarax? Properties of the drug

The clinical and pharmacological group of the drug is a tranquilizer. Its main active ingredient is hydroxyzine dihydrochloride. The product has several distinct functions: hypnotic, sedative, anti-anxiety and relaxing. It is not an antidepressant, but at the same time helps to cope with depression and other anxiety conditions.

Generally speaking, Atarax differs from other tranquilizers in the following qualities and characteristics:

  1. Has an antispasmodic effect.
  2. Normalizes sleep.
  3. Eliminates fatigue and prevents overwork, reduces muscle tone.
  4. Eliminates a person's feeling of causeless anxiety.
  5. Removes increased nervousness and irritability.
  6. Improves human memory, activates brain function.

Atarax for depression is as effective as for VSD, neurosis, panic attacks and other mental disorders. In addition, the product is used for various allergic reactions, urticaria, eliminating itching and stopping inflammatory processes.

This information is not advertising or calling for any action. The drug, which is classified as a tranquilizer, can be used for medicinal purposes only after consultation with an experienced doctor.

Atarax relieves irritability, nervousness, dizziness

Indications and contraindications

The remedy is indicated in the presence of the following signs and diseases:

  • Anxiety states observed in adult patients.
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Itchy skin.
  • The period of premedication, when there is a need for a high-quality sedative.
  • Panic attacks.
  • Prolonged insomnia.

Despite the fact that short-term use of the product does not pose any danger, its use should be avoided in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy.
  • Breastfeeding period.
  • Allergic reaction or hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • Glaucoma (a group of diseases of the organ of vision).
  • Galactose intolerance.
  • Myasthenia gravis (neuromuscular disease).

As you can see, there are some contraindications that cannot be identified at home, for example, intolerance to components. That is why it is recommended to contact a specialist who will initially conduct an examination and only then give advice on the use of the product.

Taking Atarax during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated.

Release form and storage of the drug

Atarax is produced in the form of tablets, all tablets are packaged for convenience in packs of 25 pieces. It is advisable to store the product in a dry place, protected from children; the shelf life expires after 5 years. The room temperature should not be more than 25 degrees.

Use for VSD and side effects

Atarax tablets are used for VSD as follows:

  1. Adults are prescribed tablets 25-100 mg per day 2-3 times a day. Typically, the average dosage is 50 mg per day. In exceptional cases, the dosage is increased to 250 mg.
  2. This drug is also prescribed to children, but the dosage in this case should not be more than 1-2 mg per 1 kg of the child’s weight per day.
  3. Atarax is taken orally; in the first days you need to carefully monitor it to ensure that there are no side effects.

Elderly patients most often reduce the dosage by half, even if they have pronounced symptoms of VSD.

Side effects include possible tachycardia, dry mouth, increased sweating, mild fever and even convulsions.

If you notice these or other side effects, be sure to tell your doctor at your next visit.

Atarax is a potent drug, and therefore patients need proper supervision by specialists.

Increased sweating can be one of the side effects of using Atarax

Reviews from doctors

Reviews of Atarax for VSD from doctors create one general opinion regarding this drug. Experts especially note the following points:

  • As befits a high-quality tranquilizer, Atarax has an excellent calming effect. If you have symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks, stress and depression, you must take the drug for a certain period of time.
  • Atarax performs a hypnotic function. This has a beneficial effect on a person who suffers from insomnia due to vegetative-vascular dystonia. However, you should be careful when driving a car while using the drug, since it has a direct effect on a person, reducing his reaction speed and reducing his concentration.
  • Patients taking this drug should refrain from drinking alcohol, otherwise not only will the treatment itself be delayed, but the person may also experience unwanted side effects.

Reviews from patients with VSD

Reviews of Atarax for panic attacks and VSD from people suffering from these disorders can tell the whole truth about the effectiveness and quality of the drug. Most reviews are positive, and negative aspects are associated only with those cases where the drug had negative side effects due to intolerance to certain components.

Patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia note the following characteristics of Atarax:

  1. The tranquilizer successfully eliminates anxiety, calms, relieves stress and nervousness. For symptoms of VSD, this is one of the most required actions, which allows you not only to get rid of the signs of the disease directly, but also from the cause of its occurrence.
  2. The drug is multifunctional, so it can be used for completely different diseases.
  3. Atarax is an effective and reliable remedy for the treatment and prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Atarax can be used both for the treatment and prevention of VSD

Many people say that VSD cannot be cured; it will take a lot of money and effort.

In fact, scientists continue to develop more and more new remedies that can eliminate the symptoms of the disease and successfully combat anxiety, panic attacks, depression and other mental disorders.

Atarax is just one of these drugs, which relieves the symptoms of VSD and improves the overall health of a person.


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Hives...(long) | Beauty | Medicine and health

  • I'm asking for advice, has anyone had this was it treated? who treated you? what was treated, etc. I am not allergic myself. Last July spots began to appear while I was on vacation. First the back, then the stomach, not big ones. True, if they are nearby, they merge into one big one... they appear in the morning, go away in the evening... if you don’t scratch, they don’t itch. I blamed everything on the sun, sea, wine, food, etc. Upon arrival home, everything continued... but over a larger area. Hands, feet, palms...they itch - especially at night(((. I went to the local police department to give myself up, the first thing she did was send for tests + an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. The ultrasound revealed a cyst in the liver. Later they discovered an hydatid cyst, but it was dead and all the allergists immediately blamed it on him. Well, ok, they did additional things.
    tests, surgery, and drug therapy with nemozol. The spots were as they were (((, sometimes more, sometimes less. Now the surgeons say it’s not from the liver, go to the allergist again. I went to the hospital, they again prescribed antihistamines, a diet, and calcium injections. The spots remain (((( .

    Moreover, on a strong diet, they come out huge, leaving bruises and go away not in 5-8 hours, but in a day. And everyone says to get tested at Invitro or somewhere else for a fee for allergens. To be honest, there is no money to rent for a fee. There aren’t even 1000 rubles to spare. A year ago, my husband and I were left without work, and only the husband got a job, while he was getting a job, they ate up all the money they had saved.

    This is a financial black streak. And now I can’t even get a job anywhere, since I’m spotted like a leopard, I can’t even wear a T-shirt in this heat to go outside, it seems that everyone is shying away from me. Now what I treated with - during this time I excluded all foods one by one - it doesn’t help .Isolated from animals - it doesn’t help. I changed shampoos and cosmetics - it didn’t help.

    Suprastin in the butt + atarax + enterosgel + glycine - does not help. Zyrtec, Erius, Cetrin (tried everything) + calcium in the butt - does not help. Diet - does not help, it only gets worse, swelling appears on the face, legs. I don’t eat everything, which can trigger allergies. Nothing helps. Here I am again on the 17th, going to the CVD, after treatment with cetrin + glycine + calcium + diet + ketotifen - 0 results.

    I can only say that when I get nervous, it always gets worse.

    Should I go to the hospital? In general, tell me, if anyone has had it, how this nasty thing was treated. Thanks for reading.

  • What powder do you use? And what bed do you sleep on? I had these symptoms until I completely changed everything: mattress, pillows, blankets, bedding. Underwear is only cotton. In general, I removed all synthetics from my wardrobe. There were symptoms even in plain water when swimming.

    Soapy soap only for children. How I sympathize with you, I went through all this myself. I think it's all nerves. When I put them in order everything calmed down. But there are breakdowns. Especially in the spring, when I put on nylon tights - I itch - I get nervous - hello hives.

    A week of diazolin and I'm in shape. Good luck to you!

  • Thank you very much for your answer).
    I constantly change powders, linens, etc. I can’t understand after 10 months of urticaria why it occurs (i.e., a connection between something and urticaria. Well, there is no connection). I also think it’s probably nerves, and besides, I wrote that the last year has been difficult. There was also an operation. Eh, I’ll go see a neurologist) if allergists throw up their hands.) They send me like a ball to each other - dermatologists - allergists - hepatologists and in a circle again. Thank you).
  • for ten years she appeared for no apparent reason. She was treated, looked for the cause, but couldn’t find it. I think it was nerves
  • You won’t believe it, but one doctor told me that any disease in our body can be caused by parasites. She advised me to donate blood for lambia and parasitosis. She said that people can be treated for asthma, heart disease, adhesions, runny nose, they can develop cysts, etc., but in fact, somewhere in the body the parasite has laid eggs or sucked.
  • I'll believe it). In addition, I had this parasite, which causes hives and severe allergic reactions, removed in December. Then all the allergists said it was from him. But now 4.5 months have passed since the operation and a month after chemotherapy, and the hives remain.
  • There is urticaria, the cause of which cannot be found out - idiopathic. I have had urticaria twice in my life: when I was tearing bay leaves (I was covered in spots, it went away in a day) and when I went to my neighbor’s dacha, who was smoking a cigarette at that time (Muratti – I later specifically clarified).
    She was covered in spots all over, except her body under the sundress, but her ears were swollen, her face turned into a pancake, her eyes into slits. The main part went away with a loading dose of antihistamine in a few hours, the rest went away within a day. So the allergen can be so wonderful that it cannot be conveyed
  • What is this parasite called? And how did you remove it? How did you find out that you have it? Maybe we need to somehow boost our immunity? Take vitamins. It’s strange that hives don’t appear... Maybe I should drink mud, drink water... I don’t even know, maybe it’s damage? Yes, in such cases everything comes to mind))
  • Echinococcus is this parasite. I found out when I went to the therapist with the spots, and she prescribed an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. An ultrasound revealed a cyst in the liver, and off we go. CT scan, tests, surgery. Deleted on inst. them. Sechenov., had an echinococcectomy. Then on inst. Parasitology prescribed treatment. It seems that everything is over, but the stains remain(.
  • So for me it’s apparently idiopathic. What’s interesting is that for the last 2 days I’ve been on a diet (water, cucumbers, cabbage) and drink glycine and atarax at night, in addition to cetrin kanesh... and there are few spots, in the morning there are only a few. 5...pass by lunchtime.
  • Institute of parasitology in Moscow? Where exactly is it located? I think everyone should get checked for these parasites. Otherwise, the mother has cysts, the child has allergies... Do you need a referral from the district clinic? What treatment was prescribed? What did you drink?
  • in Moscow. Research Institute of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine named after. Martsinovsky on metro station Pirogovka. A referral is needed from the clinic. BUT everything there is paid through the terminal (((. i.e. they are like a consultation center. blood for 1 helminth - 400 rubles + 200 rubles for blood sampling. Conversation with a professor - 3000 rubles.

    primary, 1700 secondary and whatever you like ((((. That is, even after surgery, they prescribe treatment - but you have to pay for the appointment. Unfortunately, echinococcosis can only be treated surgically, i.e. first it is removed, then Nemozol is prescribed (I have 2 courses)….

    and then every six months you donate blood for antibodies and see when negative tests appear.

  • Wow! Even operationally... Well, the prices are significant, especially if the whole family is checked (((but it’s necessary, maybe we’ll do it in the fall. Thank you very much for the detailed answer!
  • Check your liver and gastrointestinal tract (celiac disease).
  • I had something similar, and the itching was terrible, I scratched everything until it bled, the skin on my body was bumpy... they prescribed intravenous injections of sodium thiosulfate, immediately after 1 injection the itching went away, there were no new rashes, the old ones were healing, the course was 10 injections
  • My husband also develops hives.
    The body is covered with red spots. Sometimes she’s gone for 2 years, and then she’ll show up. In the 12 years that she’s been married, she’s been married 4 times. She may not disappear for 3 to 5 months. We noticed that it manifests itself when he gets nervous. He was examined, nothing was found, everything was normal. Only prednisolone and suprastin tablets help him. At first he drinks two a day, and then one. If he sees that the spots do not appear, he stops taking the pills.
  • I had exactly this situation for a couple of years. She was examined and treated at the Institute of Allergology and Immunology in Moscow. The doctor told me that most likely we will not find the cause of urticaria - these urticaria are generally poorly understood. But she had no doubt that the hives would go away. And so it happened - I took a bunch of tests, was examined for parasites. Everything was fine.

    Allergy tests are negative. When there were large spots and completely unbearable itching, dexamethasone was injected. Elokom relieves itching well. and after about six months everything went away on its own. I myself associated the appearance of this hives with the discontinuation of oral contraceptives for Diana 35.

    I read a lot of information about it on the Internet - it is not used at all as an ok, but only as a medicine for the treatment of acne.

  • I’ll write how it was for me, so to speak, for the general picture. I also had hives four years ago.
    It’s not even clear why. I underwent a bunch of tests, including an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and kidneys (they found a gallstone). It got to the point where I could wake up in the morning with a swollen eye or lip. So it was not far from swelling of the throat. The first aid kit included dexamethasone (4 mg IM) and tavegil (2 ml IM). This lasted for me for about six months; I actually started treatment only two months after the first spots began to appear. Then everything went away. Whether the treatment helped or it all went away on its own, I still don’t know. I still think the reason was nerves. The treatment was, I think, standard: Filtrum, 2 tablets. 3 times 1.5 hours before meals Creon 10000 1 capsule 3 times during meals Telfast 180 1 t. in the morning (there is a cheaper drug with the same main component fexofenadine) Ketotifen 1 t. 2p. I also did IVs, like with dexamethasone. All spots and swelling disappeared as if by hand. Diet of course: EXCLUDE citrus fruits, exotic fruits, fish and seafood, poultry, smoked meats, mushrooms, no more than 2 eggs per week, chocolate, caramel, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, radishes, radishes, vinegar, mustard, horseradish, mayonnaise, spices, unleavened milk, butter dough, honey, strawberries, wild strawberries, melon, alcohol. POSSIBLE boiled meat (lean beef), cereal and vegetable soups in recycled beef broth, vegetarian, butter, boiled potatoes, porridge (buckwheat, rice, rolled oats), one-day lactic acid products, parsley, dill, fresh cucumbers, baked apples, watermelon, compotes of fresh fruits and dried fruits, tea, sugar, white bread. Something like this. Treat yourself, first of all, take care of your nerves, it’s corny motherwort with valerian in tablets, 2 tablets of both 3-4 times a day help me. The cumulative effect is very decent. (judging by myself, there were specific problems, not just fatigue from life and routine). Try Telfast 180, it also helped me a lot, or Fexadine 180 has a much lower price. I apologize for being anonymous. Yes, and I didn’t remove cats from my life, so the furry allergen had nothing to do with it).
  • Source:

Effect of the drug on the body

The advantage of Atarax over other tranquilizers and sedatives is that it is not addictive.
You can stop taking the medicine at any time; this will not cause a negative reaction from the nervous system. The active substance of the drug is hydroxyzine hydrochloride, a derivative of diphenylmethane. Hydroxyzine reduces the activity of some subcortical areas of the brain, which leads to:

  • muscle tone decreases;
  • blood pressure decreases moderately;
  • sleep duration and quality improves;
  • anxiety level decreases;
  • Pain symptoms are moderately reduced.


As a result of chemical reactions, hydroxyzine is metabolized in the body to form cetirizine, an effective antihistamine (antiallergic) that helps in the treatment of itching of various origins and other allergic reactions. The effect of taking it occurs within an hour after taking the tablets. The calming effect of Atarax begins to appear after 30-40 minutes.

In case of withdrawal symptoms (hangover), it should be noted that the drug is prescribed after the elimination of ethanol breakdown products from the body. If you neglect this requirement, harm will be caused to the body, which will be discussed below. Atatarx relieves negative reactions during a hangover, including panic attacks and hand tremors.


It is necessary to avoid using Atarax for high blood pressure and arrhythmia if the patient is allergic to the components of the drug, has seizures, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, in childhood under 18 years of age, and also when diseases such as are diagnosed:

The drug should not be taken by patients with glaucoma.

  • porphyria;
  • glaucoma;
  • renal and liver failure;
  • prostatitis;
  • myasthenia gravis.


Analogues or substitutes are drugs that have a similar effect to the original.

The best Atarax substitutes include:

  1. Hydroxyzine. A Russian drug, in composition and action, absolutely identical to Atarax. The main difference is the cost; the analogue is cheaper. The approximate price for a package of Hydroxyzine is about 260 rubles.

  2. Fluoxetine. A Russian-made antidepressant used in the treatment of nervous tension, depressive syndrome, stress, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disorders. The cost is within 35 rubles.

Like the original, analogues are sold from pharmacies strictly according to a doctor’s prescription.

Atarax tablets are a reliable aid for patients suffering from various manifestations of mental disorders.

Requires strict adherence to the therapy prescribed by the doctor; spontaneous increase in dosage by the patient is fraught with adverse reactions, overdose, and death (mainly when combined with alcoholic beverages).


The average cost in Russia is 330 rubles for 25 tablets .

A tranquilizer belongs to group B drugs - potent drugs dispensed from pharmacies strictly according to a doctor’s prescription.

Therefore, to purchase Atarax, you must have a recipe in Latin.

Side effects

The exact dosage and course of treatment is determined by the doctor after studying the patient’s medical history. When self-medicating, exceeding the recommended dosage, or taking the drug for a long time, certain body reactions may occur:

A person's reaction to such a drug may be stomach pain.

  • heart - tachycardia, arrhythmia, decreased blood pressure;
  • CNS - drowsiness, weakness, headache and dizziness, confusion, disorientation, fatigue, tremor, convulsions, insomnia;
  • digestive system - stomach pain, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • visual organs - glaucoma;
  • urinary system - urinary retention.

Prescription restrictions

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the elements included in the composition.

It is strictly prohibited for use in pregnant women.

If it is necessary to take the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended during therapy.

What happens in case of an overdose?

When simultaneously taking a large dose of Atarax with high blood pressure, the following symptoms may appear:

  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • tremor;
  • vomit;
  • hallucinations;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • arrhythmia;
  • convulsions;
  • hypotension;
  • lack of coordination;
  • lethargy;
  • chest pain;
  • increased irritability;
  • enlarged pupils;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • irritation;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If there are one or more signs of a drug overdose, it is necessary to immediately perform gastric lavage by taking potassium permanganate and artificially inducing vomiting. In case of severe poisoning, it is necessary to administer physostigmine, thiamine (vitamin B1), glucose and Naproxen.

Important Tips

In order to prevent even the slightest manifestation of health problems due to taking Atarax after drinking, doctors advise using the following information. With their help, you can figure out when to start therapy after drinking.

For men (taking Atarax):

  1. Before drinking alcohol: 24–26 hours.
  2. After drinking: 14–16 hours.

For women (taking Atarax):

  1. Before drinking alcohol: 32–34 hours.
  2. After drinking: 20–22 hours.

For representatives of both sexes, after the successful completion of the course of treatment with Atarax, you can relax with strong drinks only 15–20 days after taking the last pill. This time is enough for the body to remove all remnants of the drug. This period was taken taking into account the fact that the active components of Atarax have the ability to accumulate in cellular tissue.

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