General characteristics and classification of central nervous system stimulants

The performance of the brain depends on its blood supply. The organ receives much-needed oxygen from the blood. If it is lacking, a person suffers from cognitive impairment. Under conditions of extreme stress that require increased mental activity, natural resources are not enough, and the brain requires replenishment. If there are problems with blood circulation, this need increases many times over.

In such a situation, drugs to increase brain activity help. We'll look at how they work, who should take them, and how to choose the right ones.

Safe and popular "Glycine"

"Glycine", or aminoacetic acid, is used against general weakness, drowsiness and anxiety.
The drug can be used in pediatric practice. Parents note that the drug has a gentle effect on children and helps calm them. It is especially important to use tablets during mental overload at school and stressful situations. The medicine has a low cost and a mild therapeutic effect. Prescribed in courses lasting 1-2 months. As a result of therapy, you can reduce anxiety, improve memory processes and some other brain functions.

Is it possible to become smarter

There is a fairly popular misconception that by using central nervous system stimulants you can become smarter. As the doctor's reviews confirm, this is far from true. At the same time, taking nootropics, it is possible:

  • improve memory;
  • increase concentration and thereby absorb more information.

It has been proven that taking nootropics can improve your response. That is why athletes love such medications so much, but in professional sports anti-doping commissions prohibit these types of medications. You can't assume that CNS stimulants are some kind of miracle pill. Using them without sound medical indications can lead to many complications.

Vitamins to improve brain function

If no serious disturbances in brain function have been identified, you should not abuse medications. You can solve the problem of increasing concentration or learning ability with the help of vitamins:

  • beta-carotene, which protects neurons from premature aging;
  • B1, a neuroprotector that supports good memory and clarity of consciousness;
  • B6, which supports concentration and prevents depression;
  • B9, which is taken to prevent stroke;
  • B12, a deficiency of which increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease;
  • C, slowing down degenerative processes;
  • K, which speeds up the processing of signals entering the brain.

There is no miracle pill that will solve all cognitive problems at once. But correctly identifying the cause of the violations allows you to choose the appropriate remedy for their correction.

Cheap medicines

The pharmaceutical market offers drugs based on gamma-aminobutyric acid. Examples of such drugs are Phenibut and Picamilon.

Experts note that such medications have a similar principle of action on the brain with the popular piracetam. However, there are additional properties that neuropsychology takes into account when prescribing:

  • cope with headaches;
  • relieve hangover symptoms.

Among the advantages that are important for patients is the budget cost. A package will cost 150-200 rubles, but a doctor’s prescription is required to purchase the medicine.

Down with fatigue

Freelancing is a popular area of ​​activity among young people. To ensure productive work, many have started taking Modafinil, because sometimes they have to work at night. People claim that the safety of the drug, combined with its effectiveness, guarantees enhanced performance over a long period of time. Moreover, only 1-2 tablets per day are required.

The drug has been subjected to a number of studies. Clinical experiments have not confirmed the occurrence of dependence and withdrawal symptoms. Another advantage of the drug is the absence of pronounced side effects. It can be considered by many to be the best central nervous system stimulant. But it is worth considering that since 2012 its use has been limited and is under control in the Russian Federation due to its strong effect on the nervous system.

Prohibited drugs

Other popular types of medications from pharmaceutical CNS stimulants are Ritalin and Adderall. The substances are used for attention deficit disorder in young patients in the USA and were developed specifically for these purposes. Both groups of nootropics affect the brain almost identically and, according to experts, are strong psychostimulants.

Experts in the field of neurobiology have concluded that this group of medications is similar in action and composition to amphetamines, which is why they are illegal in Russia. Moreover, not only specific drugs are prohibited, but also all drugs based on active ingredients.

What does increased brain activity give a person?

Nootropics are called cognitive enhancers. Taking such medications or vitamins enhances learning abilities due to the complex activation of the central nervous system:

  • memory improvements;
  • increasing concentration;
  • enhancing perception;
  • ensuring clarity of consciousness;
  • preventing mental exhaustion;
  • reducing excitability;
  • overcoming asthenia (neuropsychic weakness).

Depending on the active substance, additional effects may be observed. Some have a sedative effect, others help get out of depression. There are medications that help regulate sleep and wakefulness.

Brain activity stimulants are often grouped together with neuroprotectors. They protect the organ from the severe consequences of circulatory disorders, prevent cell destruction, and help slow down dementia.

Getting rid of overloads

To prevent the incoming information flow from causing harm to the body, it is necessary not to adapt to the given situation, but, on the contrary, to carefully filter the incoming data. The human brain is capable of paying attention to important things and pushing some garbage into the far corner.

Neuropsychologists believe that this possibility gradually adapts a modern person to a large information flow and allows him to highlight only the most important things from it. In such cases, you will not have to use nootropic drugs to maintain your performance.

Ginseng Root: Natural Stimulant

Ginseng root is considered a natural nootropic. Tinctures based on it increase the body’s resistance to various physical activities and harmful environmental influences. If a patient consumes any form of medicine containing ginseng root extract, a feeling of euphoria is experienced. The substance responsible for the feeling of vigor is glycosides. It provides better permeability of cell membranes, as a result, brain cells receive more nutrients.

Ginseng contains a large number of different minerals and vitamins. Scientists know that the plant takes everything valuable from the soil, so it completely depletes it. Of course, central nervous system stimulants of plant and animal origin have the fewest side effects compared to analogues from the chemical industry. However, there are also contraindications. It is prohibited to use tablets or tincture with ginseng root:

  • at high blood pressure:
  • heart disease;
  • pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Reviews show that the drug is not suitable for chronic insomnia and frequent headaches, because it leads to excessive excitability.

Groups of tools to improve brain function

Piracetam was the world's first nootropic. It was developed back in 1963 as a replacement for psychostimulants, benefiting from the absence of side effects. This substance became the founder of the racetam group, which improves memory.

In the nootropics category you can also find:

  • correctors of cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • dimethylaminoethanol derivatives, which help absorb oxygen and improve thinking skills;
  • derivatives of pyridoxine (vitamin B6), normalizing metabolism in neurons and stabilizing the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • neuropeptides that promote the formation of long-term memory.

Neuroprotectors are sometimes identified with nootropics, but there is a difference between them. Neuroprotectors are drugs of mixed action. They have a wider range of effects.

Features of stimulants

CNS stimulants belong to the category of nootropics. Drugs like these are designed to support the signals that brain cells transmit. However, it is known that no medicine serves as a nutrient for brain structures. Glucose, which is found in sweet foods and, in particular, chocolate, is intended for this.

Clinical studies of nootropic drugs are not carried out in the required quantity. The effect of such drugs has not been thoroughly studied. Experts point out that insufficient funds are allocated for laboratory experiments, and pharmaceutical companies have no interest in conducting these studies.

The principle of operation of nootropic medications

It is known that the human brain consists of many neurons. They are connected to each other by electrochemical signals. Receptors and neurotransmitters play a major role in these processes. While the latter transmit signals between cells, the former are special proteins that serve as signal receivers.

A chain reaction distinguishes the action of neurons. If there are fewer inhibitory signals than excitatory signals, neurons are independently capable of transmitting awakening impulses. The following phenomena are associated with brain activity:

  • sadness;
  • depression;
  • joy.

In addition, the human brain is responsible for memory and attention.

Currently, Modafinil is considered a very popular drug for brain stimulation. The nootropic is the development of French scientists who, back in the seventies of the 20th century, created this drug for the treatment of narcolepsy. Private pharmaceutical companies located in the United States bought the rights to produce the drug.

At the moment, it is the most popular medicine among people of creative and intellectual professions. Patients claim that by using these tablets, they can maintain excellent performance for three to four days, which is necessary when working on a large project, writing a scientific article, dissertation or coursework.

The drug consists of biologically active neuropeptides. Substances go directly to nerve cells and the brain. The result is neuroprotection and metabolic regulation. According to experts, during the reception:

  • the energy function of the brain increases;
  • intracellular protein metabolism in the brain improves.

Cerebrolysin has clear medical indications. The drug is prescribed for:

  • ischemic stroke;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • damage to the spinal cord and brain;
  • attention deficit;
  • mental retardation in children.

The drug should only be prescribed by a specialist. As reviews show, multiple adverse reactions are possible, manifested in the form of nausea, arrhythmia, insomnia, increased blood pressure and excessive excitability.

The medication has its contraindications. It is not prescribed for:

  • presence of status epilepticus;
  • severe renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to incoming components.

Possible use in pediatric practice. However, treatment must be strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Auxiliary medications

The drugs of the main therapeutic group are described above. They give the best results in the treatment of VSD. The combination of appropriate tablets in each individual case may vary greatly. Self-medication is unacceptable.

To combat associated symptoms, auxiliary medications are also used. The choice of one or another drug depends on the clinical picture and form of VSD in a particular patient.

Sleeping pills

Helps normalize sleep rhythm. Representatives:

  • Zolpidem;
  • Melaxen, which affects melatonin metabolism;
  • Phenazepam.

Used only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antihypertensive drugs

Reduce blood pressure (BP), normalize heart rhythm. Representatives - mainly beta blockers, ACE inhibitors:

The use of antihypertensive drugs is coordinated with the use of other medications to prevent the progression of severe adverse reactions.

Drugs that increase blood pressure

Used in people suffering from the hypotensive form of VSD. The following drugs are used:

Other products are available in the form of tinctures and drops. This group of medications is contraindicated in patients with cardiac dysfunction. It is prohibited to use them on your own.

Metabolic tablets, vitamins, mineral complexes

They create a favorable background and increase the effectiveness of using the basic group of drugs. The following medications are used:

  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrum;
  • Complivit;
  • Multi-tabs;
  • Actovegin;
  • Merz;
  • Centrum;
  • Meldonium (capsules);
  • Asparkam and others.

They are used as adjuncts against the background of the use of the main group of medications.

Despite the extensive selection of medications, tablets for VSD should not be abused. Often the problem is solved using a non-drug method. Each drug is a burden for the body. Pharmacological agents should be used wisely.

“All diseases come from nerves,” doctors said in the mid-20th century. However, the 21st century has arrived, and nothing has changed in this regard. The pace of life is still accelerating, demands are becoming higher, and fatigue is becoming more and more. In this regard, advice on normalizing rest and sleep patterns, improving nutrition, and avoiding stressful situations alone helps little. To help, they need to take medications that help the exhausted nervous system restore tone and return to normal.

It is gratifying that modern pharmacology does not stand still and regularly supplies new and more advanced sedatives to the drug market. Their effect on the body manifests itself much faster, they have fewer contraindications and do not cause the side effects that drugs of past generations were famous for. And in order to keep up with the times, each of us should know which sedatives are considered the best today.

The principle of operation of nootropic medications

Stimulants that affect the central nervous system must be truly necessary. It is not recommended to use them for the sake of writing a thesis or general interest in fashionable pills. It makes sense to turn to nootropics if human activity is associated with the receipt and processing of a large amount of information. However, consultation with a doctor is necessary if the patient does not cope well with his duties.

Neuropsychologists warn that any medications that affect brain activity are tenants of sorts. In any case, the brain may at any time demand a certain fee for providing excess resources.

If hard work was completed under the influence of medications that affect the functioning of the central nervous system, then a person may experience drowsiness for two days and be irritable and suffer from apathy for a week.

Sedatives or sedatives

Usually prescribed for depression, attacks of fear and panic, self-doubt, obsessions, and depression. These drugs inhibit the reactions of the nervous system and thereby reduce symptoms such as tearfulness, irritability, and excessive agitation. In addition, they affect the functioning of the autonomic nervous system: they eliminate tremor (shaking hands), sweating, rapid pulse and rapid heartbeat. There may be a slight hypnotic effect due to this, although the effect of sedative drugs does not extend to the cerebral cortex.

Russian development

There are legal CNS stimulants available in pharmacies that are sold legally. Thus, Phenotropil is in great demand. It is especially often used by knowledge workers. The substance was developed by Soviet pharmacists and is a modification of the popular piracetam, but previously produced only for cosmonauts and pilots. The drug is known to be a very strong psychostimulant. According to patient reviews, the medication:

  • Allows you to concentrate on highly complex tasks for a long time, despite fatigue.
  • Causes a surge of energy and strength.

However, doctors confirm that the use is due to the occurrence of multiple side effects. Thus, irritability and pronounced aggressiveness often occur. The central nervous system stimulant is sold in pharmacies strictly according to a doctor's prescription. The cost is relatively small, packaging will cost 500-1000 rubles.

Rating of the best drugs to improve brain function

Despite the large selection of nootropic drugs in pharmacies, among them there are firmly established leaders. First of all, this is the mentioned Piracetam. It is produced in the form of tablets, capsules and injections.

But there are many more good remedies with a similar effect. They differ in active ingredients and dominant effects. The top five, along with Piracetam, includes:

GlycineThe amino acid of the same name helps to cope with the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia and mental overload.
CavintonCerebrovascular corrector vinpocetine, which restores blood circulation and neutralizes the effects of hypoxia.
FenotropilA psychostimulant that helps improve concentration, improve performance, and is a mild tranquilizer.
SemaxA neuropeptide that activates learning processes and helps adapt to a lack of oxygen.
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