What to drink to fall into a restful sleep quickly and for a long time?
Dear friends!
Have you ever felt so tired that you couldn't sleep? Don't know what to do with it? and here! Let's read then...
Healthy sleep lengthens life and reduces working time. But how can you lie down on time and get up cheerfully if you had to be nervous the day before or your body is simply not tired and does not want to rest? At such moments, we think about what to do or what to drink to fall asleep. I have several such methods in my arsenal that I will gladly share with you. I don't feel sorry!
Ways to fall asleep quickly
To fall asleep quickly if you have insomnia, it is not necessary to resort to medications with a sedative effect. Many of them are addictive.
First, it is necessary to exclude diseases of the heart, blood vessels and endocrine system. Therefore, before you start applying new knowledge, consult your doctor. Below we will look at 12 proven ways to fall asleep quickly.
To fall asleep and get a good night's sleep, take at least 30 minutes for a walk before bed. You may be terribly busy, but there will always be a free half hour. Walking at a calm pace allows you to relax, free your head from anxious thoughts and get ready for bed. For a walk, choose cozy clothes and comfortable shoes. If the area is safe and there are paved sidewalks, take headphones to listen to music. The music doesn't have to be energetic. Pay attention to the ready-made playlists for those who want to relax and get rid of anxious thoughts.
Relaxing bath
This is an ideal way for those who do not want to go for a walk and are very tired all day. The water should be at a comfortable temperature. Not hot, but warm. You can drop a little lemon balm, chamomile or valerian oil into the water. Add your favorite bubble bath or bath bomb with relaxing herbs. But remember that you need to take a bath 1.5-2 hours before going to bed.
Room temperature
A person falls asleep much faster in a cool room. Just imagine that you are in a room that has just been let in fresh air. I just want to wrap myself in a blanket and fall asleep sweetly.
Reverse blinking
This method will allow you to drive away heavy thoughts. Close your eyes, count to 10 and open your eyes. Close them quickly. Count again. You can continue the exercise as long as your body needs. Blinking on the contrary will help you fall asleep in 5 minutes.
Perhaps this is the most pleasant way. Close your eyes and remember a pleasant dream or daydream a little. Focus your emotions on feelings of happiness, calmness, and security.
Lie on your back and try to feel the muscles of your back, neck, arms and legs relax.
Brew yourself herbal tea with lemon balm, chamomile or fennel before bed. Pour half a cup, not a full one. You don’t want to increase the likelihood that you will need to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
Boring activity
Every person has an activity that puts them to sleep. Reading a boring or complex book or knitting will help you fall asleep quickly at home. The activity should be monotonous.
Skin contact
How to quickly fall asleep at night - hug your soulmate. Yes, physical contact allows you to fall asleep faster because it gives you a feeling of security, peace and unity.
Perfect cleanliness
Perfect cleanliness will help you fall asleep in 10 minutes. There should be no foreign odors in the room where you sleep. It is more comfortable to fall asleep in a cozy room.
Go to work
How to fall asleep if you can’t sleep - imagine that it’s already dawn and you need to get ready for work. Imagine getting out of a cozy, soft bed, going to the kitchen to turn on the kettle, brushing your teeth. You will instantly want to sleep.
Give up gadgets
How to quickly fall asleep at night - put away your phone and turn all light sources to minimum. By the way, it doesn’t hurt to turn down the volume on the TV either. This way you will calm your nervous system and set your body up for relaxation.
Natural sedatives?
If you don’t tolerate milk well, then replace it with herbal teas or tinctures . I love sleepy teas not only because they relieve insomnia for a long time, but also for their taste. Therefore, sometimes I buy herbal teas such as chamomile, mint, lemon balm, and oregano from the pharmacy. I brew it in the standard way (half an hour in boiling water), enjoy the tea, and then sleep like an elephant.
If emergency measures are required, for example, you cannot sleepon a plane
, then try tinctures based on motherwort or valerian. 40-50 drops will be enough.
And my friend drinks this mixture to fall asleep: 15 drops of different tinctures (peony, hawthorn, valerian and motherwort). Before he can reach the pillow, he is already in the arms of Morpheus.
Tips to fall asleep quickly
Sleep in comfortable conditions
First of all, you should pay attention to the room in which you sleep. The temperature should be maintained at an optimal temperature - not too hot and not too cold. Avoid drafts.
The air in the room should be fresh. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed. If the room has little oxygen and is filled with unpleasant odors, you are unlikely to be able to fall asleep quickly. To taste, you can use lavender, linden and chamomile oils in the bedroom.
Very bright light often leads to insomnia. It is worth remembering that the hormones that regulate sleep are produced only in the dark. Make sure the windows are tightly closed and there are no other light sources in the room. You can buy a special sleep mask.
If you need silence to fall asleep, then buy earplugs. Subtle noise, such as the monotonous sound of a fan, helps some people fall asleep. To fall asleep quickly, you can also use relaxing music or record natural sounds.
Sometimes a person cannot sleep because he is in an uncomfortable position. Lie down so that you are comfortable. It is better to use a medium-hard pillow. Also, try wearing loose pajamas to sleep.
Do not forget about hygiene, change your bed linen regularly. It is not very pleasant to sleep on pillows and sheets soaked in sweat. The blanket should be chosen so that it is not too light or heavy, too warm, or, conversely, poorly protected from the cold.
Nutrition is the key to good sleep
Look at what you eat for dinner. It is not recommended to eat before bed, but, on the other hand, going to bed on an empty stomach is also not the best solution. There are foods that promote good sleep: bananas, milk, nuts, whole grain bread, salad. However, proteins can affect sleep, as can caffeine, spicy, fatty, sugary, nicotine- and alcoholic drinks. A warm cup of milk or herbal tea at night often helps you fall asleep.
What to do during the day to sleep well at night
If you play sports, your last workout should be at least three hours before bedtime. However, going to bed is very helpful for insomnia.
Night water treatments are also a good way to relax. The best way to help in this case is a bath with special soothing additives - sea salt, eucalyptus oil, pine. If you have problems falling asleep at night, it is better not to sleep during the day, but to wait until the evening and get some sleep.
Find ways to cope with stress. Stress is the main problem of insomnia. Find a hobby that relieves stress. Try following the pattern: go to bed at the same time. If you want to change the routine, change it gradually, starting with 10 minutes. Before going to bed, do not look at your phone or sit for a long time in front of the TV or monitor.
Whose dream is confused and disturbing?
If you manage to overdo it with alcohol, then suffering from a hangover, you can suffer from insomnia. The fact is that alcohol causes intoxication, that is, poisoning of the body. It also creates a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The result is depression, various pains, and inability to sleep.
First of all, pay attention to whether you have an alcohol addiction. And in order to improve your health and finally get enough sleep, you can cleanse your body of alcohol breakdown products and replenish the deficiency of essential substances:
Take modern sorbents - activated carbon, polysorb, enterosgel. It is best to do this after gastric lavage.
Drink succinic acid, honey or citric acid. They stimulate cleansing processes.
Rowan infusion will reduce tissue swelling.
Drink water and a diuretic at the same time. This will redistribute the fluid in the body as needed.
Mineral water or baking soda will restore the acid-base balance.
St. John's wort infusion will help cope with anxiety.
Replenish vitamins with fruits, vegetables or dietary supplements.
All these measures will help normalize the functioning of your organs and sleep soundly. But next time, take care of yourself and think twice before you drink another glass.
So, how to fall asleep if you don’t want to sleep, and tomorrow you need to get up early. There are several basic sleep tricks that can help you fall asleep soundly in no time. However, the main principle of all these methods is maintaining a sleep schedule. In addition, it does not matter whether a person adheres to the basic rules of a healthy lifestyle or not. Often, patients who ask their doctor a question about how to quickly fall asleep if they do not want to sleep expect the doctor to prescribe sleeping pills. However, a good specialist will not rush to prescribe medications until he has calculated the cause of the ailment and collected a complete medical history of the patient.
Essential medications are a broad group of medications that are used both to regulate sleep and to provide anesthesia during surgery. Archaeologists believe that people used natural sleeping pills, such as a plant like Belladonna, two thousand years ago. Egyptian manuscripts indicate that healers prescribed opium to their patients as a remedy for insomnia. Native Americans used alcohol as a sleep aid and a simple method of pain relief about a thousand years ago.
Sleeping pills also reduce the level of excitability of the nervous system, thereby ensuring sound sleep. It is worth noting that drugs based on barbituric acid (pentothal, phenobarbital, thiopental, amobarbital), which for decades were the most popular sleeping pills, are now being widely replaced by new generation drugs, for example, cyclopyrrolone derivatives or melatonin.
How to attract sleep
While counting sheep to help you fall asleep is generally useless, distractions like these have some merit.
So, Kerstin, on the advice of a psychologist, learned, if necessary, to imagine an image that promotes relaxation.
Lying on the couch in Stefan's office, she described in words and pictures a perfectly relaxed state.
She imagined herself diving over a coral reef, feeling weightless and hearing only the sound of her breathing.
“I see myself swimming over the corals, surrounded by fish, and I hear myself breathing. And then I start to zone out,” she says.
Kerstin recalls this image once or twice a day if it’s a calm day, and up to ten times a day if she needs to calm down or take a nap.
“I try my best not only to see this picture, but also to feel myself there. Now I can do this automatically. It only takes me a few minutes [to calm down],” she says.
Sleep medications
If you have followed various methods but have not figured out how to fall asleep quickly, it is recommended to use medications. However, this must be done carefully so as not to cause addiction. It is best to consult a doctor to select a drug.
What to drink to fall asleep quickly:
Based on herbs - valerian, motherwort, mint, hops, chamomile.
Tranquilizers: drugs that depress the nervous system. If your insomnia is caused by extreme stress, this may be the only solution.
Sleeping pill: affects nerve receptors and stimulates the production of sleep hormones.
Preparations containing the main sleep hormone: melatonin.
Vitamins. Often, chronic insomnia develops due to a deficiency in the body of vitamins B and D, microelements - magnesium and calcium.
The most common method
One of the popular methods that will help quickly
To fall asleep, a warm drink of milk or water with a spoon of honey is deservedly considered. You should drink it 15-20 minutes before bedtime in a calm, cozy environment. For example, listening to soothing music in a comfortable crib. I recommend this selection to you: Personally, this kind of music really relaxes me!
This combination (I’m talking about a drink made from honey and milk now) has several effects:
The amino acid tryptophan contained in milk stimulates the production of serotonin . This is the so-called happiness hormone, which will improve your well-being and calm you down.
Dissolving in milk, honey strengthens the heart muscles, the immune system, and has an antitoxic effect.
Fructose and glucose contained in honey normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the nervous system, and create a feeling of peace and relaxation. Makes sleep at night deeper and more even.
As you can see, drinking honey with milk is not only pleasant, but also healthy.
How to fall asleep quickly in 1 minute
It will be quite difficult to fall asleep in a minute if you have trouble sleeping. Probably, only the right sleeping pills or very severe daytime fatigue can help you.
There is also something called “reverse psychology.” You have to take the opposite action of what you want - in this situation you need to try to stay awake. Lie in bed, open your eyes wide and mentally repeat: “I don’t have to sleep, I don’t have to sleep.” According to some scientists, this method helps you fall asleep quickly. Obviously, this method cannot be called the most effective, but sometimes it still works.
Yoga method to fall asleep quickly
In turn, Indian yogis use this technique, which is also called “4-7-8”:
Inhale calmly through your nose for 4 seconds.
After this, breathing should be held for 7 seconds.
Exhale slowly through your mouth for 8 seconds.
Many experimenters note that this method helps you fall asleep quickly!
What else to drink for a good night's sleep?
Research by scientists has shown that some juices and compotes also contribute to a quality night's rest. For example, cherry juice. The fact is that cherries increase the concentration of melatonin. This is a hormone that is responsible for our body's sleep.
Volunteers participating in the experiment and drinking cherry juice fell asleep better, woke up easier and were generally more cheerful than before. Of course, this method will not work if you lie down haphazardly or otherwise disrupt your daily routine.
Readiness for change
But no psychologist on his own can make a client sleep. According to Sibylle Chaudhuri, a psychologist from the German city of Ratingen, who works with the problem of insomnia individually and in groups, the desire to change something must come from the person himself.
Image copyright Getty Image caption No one can make you sleep unless you change your attitude
One day, Chaudhuri refused to help a client who was caring for her sick mother, raising children and running a household without the help of her husband, and even working.
She didn't want to change anything and wasn't ready to look for ways to reduce her workload. The woman often woke up at night and could not fall back to sleep.
To sleep soundly, you need to exercise both your soul and body
Chaudhuri remembers her saying, “Can’t you just make me sleep? You’re a [certified] specialist in neuro-linguistic programming, can’t you just turn off my brain?”
But the psychologist is adamant: “You need to work on yourself and be ready to change your attitudes. Psychology is about change, and most people find change hard.”