How does covert hypnosis help persuade a woman to have sex? Sex under hypnosis read online I took off all my clothes under hypnosis.

Features of the emergence of love

To better understand the possibilities of hypnosis in matters of love, you need to clearly define what kind of feeling it is, and also understand what criteria are used to generate it.

Love is a feeling of deep sympathy characteristic of a person, which manifests itself in deep affection. It arises from a natural desire for unity with a loved one.

From a physiological and psychological point of view, love can be considered as an evolutionary mechanism aimed at finding a partner for joint procreation. The criteria for choosing a love object are consciously or unconsciously formed under the influence of:

  • example of parents, other authorities,
  • public ideas and rules,
  • children's stereotypes and fantasies,
  • education,
  • social status and other factors.

This entire complex of external influences forms a person’s general idea of ​​a potential chosen one. In the process of life, it is transformed under the influence of lived experience, while maintaining the foundation laid in childhood.

What ideas influence the emergence of love:

  1. Appearance, facial features, eye and hair color, body structure, height.
  2. Features of the voice.
  3. Behavior.
  4. Interests.
  5. Fashion style.
  6. The main occupation in life.
  7. Features of thinking.

There are quite a lot of such representations. When we meet a person whose properties are close to our ideas, sympathy arises, which develops into love with further communication.

Love is an evolutionary mechanism formed by our consciousness and subconscious, aimed at finding a partner for joint life and reproduction.

love hypnosis

Sim-salabim: Maestro in action

A few days later we met with the Maestro one-on-one. For the sake of the purity of the experiment, I went to the meeting maximally charged for sex (thanks to everyone who bathed me in pleasure the day before). No skepticism or bias. There are zero doubts. Do with me, Maestro, whatever you want! She even put on the most vicious set of scarlet lingerie - to maintain, so to speak, the desired mood!

First, the Maestro wanted to demonstrate to me the technique he showed at the master class. When the subject is asked to imagine that in one hand he has a ball with relaxation, and in the other with excitement. I sat on the sofa with my eyes closed. The maestro is half a meter away from me, commanding what exactly I should imagine.

Orgasy and hypnosis

“What color are these two balls of yours?” - Stas asked me. My relaxation turned out to be pale yellow, and my excitement turned out to be crimson. Yep, I'm a creative person, so I approached the task accordingly! The second shade either turned out to be unfamiliar to the Maestro, or the word itself made him laugh, so we had to rename it “red” for simplicity.

First, we mentally enlarged the ball with relaxation. And yes, there was relaxation. In principle, I have no problems with this. Plus, I didn’t get much sleep the night before, so it was just a thrill to sit with my eyes closed and relax. Then they began to “grow” the ball with excitement. I didn’t feel any special changes in my body, although I tried very hard. And then - taaaaam! — I started coughing. And we had to take a break.

While I was mentally sending rays of “gratitude” to those who had given me cold white wine the day before, the Maestro was reasoning out loud that, “this happens, but it’s okay, we’ll come out the other side now.”

Love Hypnosis

Hypnosis is a state of consciousness caused by another person, independently, spontaneously, which is expressed in a high degree of suggestibility and focusing attention on something.

The main characteristic signs of hypnosis:

  1. Trance is a state that is not like sleep.
  2. Cannot manifest itself against the will of the hypnotized person.
  3. Can form false memories in the subconscious.
  4. The influence depends on the degree of susceptibility to suggestion. There are people who are completely immune to hypnosis.
  5. In a state of hypnosis, memory, the ability to lie, and resistance to suggestion are preserved.
  6. It is impossible in a hypnotic state to force a person to say or do things that are unusual or contrary to his essence.

As a result, hypnosis is a mechanism for influencing certain ideas, and love is a complex of ideas. With the help of hypnotic influence you can influence a person’s love aspirations.

The mechanism of action of hypnosis in love affairs

Love hypnosis refers to the transformation of a sensual relationship towards a specific person. Hypnosis is used to make a person fall in love with you. It can also be used to reduce love addiction.

From the point of view of attitude to the problem of hypnosis and love, science in this area has no contradictions. With the help of suggestion, you can transform certain conscious and subconscious ideas regarding your attitude towards a specific person. Hypnosis is actively used to treat mental disorders, including those of a love nature.

The mechanism of love hypnosis includes:

  • identification of key criteria influencing the formation of feelings of sympathy or antipathy,
  • modifying these criteria using hypnotic suggestion so that the person becomes sympathetic or antipathetic.

Suggestion is carried out using speech, tactile manipulation, and behavior. Every person is capable of mastering the skills and elements of love hypnosis. This requires knowledge of the general principles of suggestion, understanding of the characteristics of the human psyche, experience and skills.

Scenarios for using hypnosis in love affairs:

  1. A woman, with the help of self-hypnosis, rebuilds her ideas about a man.
  2. A man, under the influence of feelings, strives to get rid of love addiction by changing his attitude towards the lady of his heart.
  3. The girl instills attitudes in the man, and he adjusts his behavior to suit her wishes.
  4. A lover strives to control his partner through psychological manipulation.

Hypnosis for love addiction

Love is a happy and positive feeling only when there is reciprocity. In case of refusal, the person in love begins to suffer. His feelings of attachment and beliefs in sympathy are so strong that he cannot independently get rid of emotional and sensual dependence. Failure can become a traumatic factor and lead to depression or mental illness.

Often a person cannot cope with love addiction on his own. In such situations, the use of hypnosis seems to be an effective and useful way out of the situation. The correct attitudes, which are formed by suggestion, make it possible to eliminate dependence on the object of love.

love hypnosis

Love... is like a kind of hypnosis.

Chapter from the book by Grimak L.P. “Secrets of hypnosis. A modern look."

Love acts as an affirmation of human existence. S. L. Rubinstein

Many researchers who have studied hypnosis have been quite amazed by the fact that a number of its manifestations are to a certain extent intertwined with the biological quirks of sexual behavior. This seemingly strange relationship has not escaped the attention of not only hypnologists, but also other specialists.

Thus, in the literature there are indications that suggestion and hypnosis are already widespread phenomena in the animal world. It is believed that hypnosis apparently arose as an auxiliary function during mating and initially served to immerse the female in a state of lethargy [1].

The presence of an implicit deep connection between hypnosis and the sexual sphere, as we noted above, in one way or another complicated its therapeutic and medical reputation throughout the history of its scientific development.

The very word “magnetism,” which was originally used to describe hypnosis, had an underlying sexual meaning. The first to draw attention to this was E. Jones (1925), a biographer of Freud, who pointed out that the word magnes (magnet) comes from the Phoenician mag (strong, strong person) and naz (that which flows and is transmitted to another) - sexual symbolism here obvious. Jones also notes that the English word coition originally meant the union of two magnetized objects. Thus, the word “magnetism” was first used in relation to people, then to inanimate objects, and only then, in combination with “animal magnetism” (Mesmer’s term), began to mean a hypnotic phenomenon.

E. Jones also speaks of the special power that folk beliefs have traditionally attributed to the gaze; he believed that the shine of the eyes “expresses male sexual power” [2]. Some magnetizers believed that magnetic fluid emanated from their eyes. It is well known what an important role in hypnotism the bewitching effect of the gaze plays in the future.

[1] Scheler M. The position of man in space // Problems of man in Western philosophy. - M., 1988. - P. 46. [2] Jones E. Traite theorique et pratique de psychanalise. - Paris: Payot, 1925. - P. 467.

The idea of ​​the identity of the phenomena of love and hypnosis has dominated the minds of some magnetizers since the time of Mesmer. However, it was first expressed very openly by Puysegur’s student, Charles de Villers, in his book “The Magnetizer in Love” (1787). This work, according to L. Shertok, has become a bibliographic rarity and its only copy is in the library of the Faculty of Medicine in Besançon.

The book states that magnetism (hypnosis) consists of a “strong desire” to cure the patient and the power of the doctor is based on warmth and love. Speaking about the influence on the patient, Wheeler said that it always depends on our greater or lesser internal disposition and especially on the cordiality that the magnetizer puts into his will.

In general, Wheeler’s romantic work, as L. Shertok claims, is replete with statements about the main role of love in hypnotic treatment, an example of which is the following phrase: “I carry within myself that which can relieve my neighbor: the most sublime part of my being is devoted to this role , and it is in this feeling of ardent interest that my friend is confident that he will find a cure for his illnesses” [1].

By the way, these words directly echo the statement of the French psychoanalyst of our time S. Nasht: “No one can cure another if he does not have a real desire to help him. And no one can have the desire to help if he does not love in the truest sense of the word” [2].

Another French author J.-J. Vire, in his work “An Impartial Consideration of Magnetic Medicine” (1818), noted the important role of sensory contacts through vision in the process of forming a hypnotic state. He believed that the feelings themselves could have a miraculous effect on all receptive people, and there was no need to assume the presence of any special kind of influence. He viewed magnetism as a natural result of emotions caused either by imagination or by affection between people, especially that which characterizes sexual relations [3].

Somewhat later, A. Binet wrote about the loving nature of the patient’s relationship with the magnetizer in his “Etudes of Experimental Psychology.” “The magnetized person,” the author pointed out, “is like an enthusiastic lover, for whom nothing in the whole world exists except the object of his love” [4]. The prominent French neurologist Pierre Janet also spoke about “somnambulistic passion” and saw in it “a very special form of love” [5].

3. Freud's acquaintance with suggestion, as mentioned earlier, also began with the fact that in his mind hypnosis became firmly associated with manifestations of sexual love. Much later, having already comprehensively analyzed the psychological characteristics of these phenomena, 3. Freud continued to be convinced of their unusual phylogenetic proximity: “From falling in love is clearly not far from hypnosis.

[1] Shertok L. Hypnosis. - M., 1972. - P. 68. [2] Nacht S. The curative factors in Psychoanalysis // Int. J. Psychoanal., 1962. - No. 43. - P. 206. [3] VireyJ.-J. Examen impartial de la medecine magnetique. - Paris: Panckouce, 1818. - P. 23-24. [4] Binet A. Etudes de Psychologie experimentale: Le fetichiame dans l'amour. - P., 1888. [5] Janet PMF Nervoses et ideas fixe. - Paris: Alcan, 1898. - P. 465-466.

The correspondence of both is obvious. The same humble submission, compliance, lack of criticism both in relation to the hypnotist and in relation to the beloved object... In hypnosis, all relationships are even more distinct and intense, so it is more expedient to explain falling in love with hypnosis, and not vice versa” [1].

It must be assumed that Freud himself and subsequent generations of psychoanalysts experienced an unaccountable deep fear of hypnosis because they intuitively felt that he found the broadest and most “productive” natural application in love and not only human love: very beautiful and pure forms of love-hypnosis can often observe in animals. It was precisely this circumstance that Freud alluded to when he spoke of the “mystical” element contained in the hypnotic relationship.

At the same time, it would be a mistake to think that hypnotic phenomena cover only the sphere of sexual behavior. Hypnoregulation of human functional states extends to the entire vast range of life activities and developed in the early stages of phylogenetic development.

As previously mentioned in our work, among the many behavioral stereotypes (analogues of hypnotic innate programs), the constantly active desire to live is undoubtedly the most fundamental stimulus of the subconscious sphere [2]. It is this impulse that contributes to the preservation of individual life.

The innate hypnotic program of sexual behavior is essentially a continuation of the previous one, but is already responsible for the preservation of the species. This quality, according to S. L. Rubinstein, makes it “an affirmation of human existence.”

The dominant, which ensures adequate reflection in the consciousness of the object of sexual need, can be formed in different ways, but always using the laws of hypnotic “seduction”. Very often, especially in adolescence, love is formed through the mechanism of imprinting (“love at first sight”). This process occurs quickly, often at the first meeting with an object, without any additional reinforcement, and is characterized by very high persistence. Jean de La Bruyère in his book “Characters or Morals of the Present Century” stated that “the most difficult thing to heal is the love that flared up at first sight.” In the animal world, sexual behavior is determined primarily by a similar mechanism.

It is characteristic that “love at first sight” is more typical for childhood and adolescence, when the ultimate goal of the feeling is not yet realized or remains in too distant a future. By the time attraction receives the opportunity for its direct physical realization, the mechanisms of active seduction are activated, manifested in courtship, charm, and conquest of the subject.

[1] Freud 3. Mass psychology and analysis of the human “I” // Basic instinct. - M., 1997. - P. 291-292. [2] Grimak L.P. Wakefulness as an active phase of hypnosis // Applied psychology. - 1998. - No. 5. - P. 87.

By the way, the method of hypnotization through gaze fascination is still sometimes used in hypnological practice. Let us remember that the “classic” activity of lovers is to “eat” each other with their eyes. There are countless ways of courtship in life. But the most interesting circumstance is that similar forms of “love” behavior can be found even in relatively simple organisms. Seducing the object of adoration with gifts is the most common way of capturing his attention, internal disposition, and a means of his temporary mental demobilization. As Konrad Lorenz reports, this kind of courtship ceremony for the “lady of the heart” is very widespread among animals and insects. For example, some species of dancing flies have developed a very beautiful (and expedient) ritual, which consists in the fact that the male, immediately before mating, hands his chosen one an insect of a suitable size that he has caught. While she is busy tasting this gift, he can fertilize her without the risk of being eaten himself. Similarly, in one North American fly species, the male weaves a beautiful white ball that attracts the female optically and contains several small insects, which she eats during mating [1].

Russian folk traditions did not consider love trances as fatal events not subject to psychological intervention and deliberate correction. Only the famous collection of M. Zabylin “The Russian people, their customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry” (1990) contains 32 love and anti-love (cool) conspiracies. However, these are only those influences that are intended for independent use. Even more occult and magical means of this kind were at the disposal of “specialists”: various kinds of enchanters, sorcerers, herbalists, and traditional healers.

By the way, occultists have developed perhaps the most adequate view of sexual feeling. “Love is the most magical part of human life,” writes modern-day practicing “witch” Laurie Cabot. — Falling in love is a certain type of trance that changes our lives and makes us feel so good that, contrary to common sense, we hope for the eternity of this feeling... Since love is magic itself, those who wanted to find themselves always turned to the magic of witches lover or needed help to attract the attention of some other specific person...” [2].

In occult practices, there are a number of specific means to control the affections of the heart: special love potions and spells, symbolic actions, magical properties of smells, clothing, special love holidays.

For example, a common magical remedy among all nations was the influence of knots that bind a person and complicate his actions, especially in love. Thus, until the 18th century, in Europe it was believed that a marriage could be upset by anyone who, during the wedding ceremony, prohibited the lock or tied a knot on a rope and then threw away the lock or rope. Witches also used knots to tightly tie their lover to themselves or another woman. At the same time, a network with countless nodes was considered a very effective remedy against witchcraft. Therefore, residents of some regions of Russia put a fishing net on the bride’s wedding dress to protect her from misfortunes.

[1] Lorenz K. The reverse side of the mirror. - M., 1998. - P. 106-107. [2] Cabot L. The Power of Witches. - M., 1995. - P. 225.

In principle, the set of corrective means that was at the disposal of folk traditions for influencing the object of love passion was unusually rich. And one must think that regardless of the type of means (spell, divination, potion, etc.), in the overwhelming majority of cases they helped, since their suggestive effect always turned out to be adequate to the hypnotic nature of love itself.

There is another magnetic aspect to sexual feeling, which is almost unknown to a wide circle of readers. The fact is that the programming effect of the hypnotic phenomenon called love is not limited to the relationship of its two direct participants. It turns out that the imprinting power of a woman’s first love is so great that no matter what fathers she then has children from, they can resemble her first lover, the one who deflowered this woman.

What is cognitive therapy and how does it work?

Experiments in hypnosis: hypnotic phenomena in deep hypnosis (somnambulism). Hypnosis training

The connection between virginity and the quality of the offspring was explained by geneticists who discovered in the 19th century the phenomenon of telegony, which manifests itself in the priority influence on the offspring of a woman by her first man in her life. It is he, and not the future father of the child, who determines the gene pool (biological basis) of the offspring of every woman, regardless of when and from whom she gives birth to children. The subject who breaks his virginity is forever imprinted in the woman’s psyche and becomes, as it were, the genetic father of her future children.

To be fair, it should be said that soon after the discovery of the principle of telegony, it was disavowed in encyclopedias with the phrase: “the phenomena of telegony have not been confirmed.” However, subsequent experiments on animals, and rich life practice, force us to take a more careful look at this theory.

Since love is hypnosis, then, apparently, it should be easily susceptible to suggestive correction, up to and including cases of “radical cure.” However, in the literature on clinical hypnology there is almost no indication of the possibility of psychotherapeutic intervention in the sphere of manifestations of sensual interpersonal relationships. Only A. Moll, in his book “Hypnotism” (1909), casually mentions “the probable possibility of a suggestive influence on the feeling of falling in love.”

At the same time, when considering the nature and mechanisms of development of neurotic states caused by the impossibility of irresistible love desires, the latter cannot be underestimated as the strongest stress factor. In this regard, I. P. Pavlov said that “... a long series of life blows, such as the loss of dear persons, deceived love and other “deceptions of life” associated with the torment of self-esteem, cause in a weak person the strongest reactions with various abnormalities. , so-called somatic symptoms" [1].

[1] Pavlov I.P. Twenty years of experience in the objective study of higher nervous activity (behavior) of animals. - M., 1957 - P. 225.

According to I.M. Sechenov, such an irresistible passion “fatally leads to all sorts of so-called self-sacrifices, that is, it can go against all natural instincts in a person, even the voice of self-preservation,” and “... this kind of phenomenon, in essence, is reflexes, only complicated by an admixture of passionate elements” [1].

K.I. Platonov showed that in cases of impracticability of desire, which often acquires the character of an irresistible obsession, a disease develops in the form of neurosis. He was the first to obtain systematic clinical material characterizing the effectiveness of hypnosuggestive intervention in the sphere of intensity of sexual passions as specific emotional states.

Hypnotic treatment was carried out on 52 patients (12 men and 40 women), who, according to the author’s terminology, had “erogenous” neurotic states due to “unrequited love” caused by various circumstances.

From a clinical point of view, all these cases occurred as severe neuroses, often accompanied by depressive symptoms, including suicidal thoughts.

These difficult conditions, as a rule, were based on insurmountable obstacles to the fulfillment of sensual desires, for example: love for a husband’s brother or brother’s wife, passion for an immoral person, divorce from a husband, breakup with a loved one, homosexual troubles, etc.

It is characteristic that the originality of therapeutic efforts in these cases was manifested not by the desire to stop the developed neurotic symptoms, but by the elimination of the root cause of the disease - unacceptable sexual passion. In all cases, first of all, the feeling of being in love fades and weakens, then an indifferent attitude towards the subject of the former passion develops, and then “complete liberation from the unthinkable nightmare” occurs.

This kind of sensual “transformation,” according to K. I. Platonov, occurs, on average, after 8 sessions of hypnotherapy and is realized not only in cases of relatively short-term love contacts, but even after long-term marital relationships.

Confirmation that the problem of falling in love lies in the mainstream of autohypnosis and the phenomena of “imprinting” is provided by many cases when the “victim” is fully aware of the unworthiness of the object of his desire. One of the patients, for example, characterized his condition this way: “I decided not to think about her, but I couldn’t forget her; I couldn’t imagine life without her, although I was aware that in terms of mental development she was not a match for me and, moreover, ugly, but... I was drawn to her, and I was powerless to leave her...” And the same person after eight sessions of successful hypnotherapy says: “I often sit and think: how can a person be reborn! It's like he never loved her! And it’s somehow strange to think: how was I able to get rid of my nightmare state”2.

All of the above allows us to assert that many extreme forms of love (or, conversely, dislike) should be considered not as “fatal phenomena”, but as a normal mental state, which, if necessary, can be subject to significant correction by mental means, methods of hypnosis.

In our time, oversaturated with life’s adversities, there is a need to bring to the attention of those experiencing “love shocks” that their psychological stress is completely controlled by hypnotic correction, and in combination with modern methods of neurolinguistic programming, it allows for a radical positive restructuring of the emotional sphere of the individual.

[1] Sechenov I.M. Reflexes of the brain. - M., 1961. - P. 86. [2] Platonov K.I. The word as a physiological and therapeutic factor. 3rd ed. - M., 1962. - P. 216.

◉ Influence on reflexes in hypnosis. ◉ Scientific experiments on hypnosis. ◉ Using hypnosis for pain relief ◉ How and in what ways is hypnosis effective in sports? ◉ About autogenic training. What is self-hypnosis?◉ The power of the mind over instincts. ◉ Comparison of the self-preservation instincts of the individual and the species as a whole. ◉ Experiments in hypnosis.

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Methods of suggestion in love affairs

Women often use hypnotic methods. To achieve their goal, they use various systems of tricks:

  • intonation,
  • gestures,
  • characteristic behavior
  • breath,
  • combination of words and phrases,
  • sight,
  • touch.

There are the following techniques for female love hypnosis:

  1. "Hidden injection" In a conversation, the girl consciously uses a certain phrase. In the subconscious of the interlocutor, this phrase is fixed with the help of a pronounced pause, changes in voice and timbre, gestures and touches. The information contained in the phrase must be clear and concise. The replica may concern feelings, desires, conditions, aspirations, desires.
  2. Anchor. Instilling certain feelings occurs with the help of positive phrases and compliments directed at the interlocutor. The meaning of the phrases may lie in the desire to hear a pleasant voice again, to see beautiful eyes again, to have dreams, etc. The constant use of such positive techniques makes a man more often think about the girl in a positive way. With constant repetition, this approach will lead to the emergence of feelings, since passion will be subconsciously associated with good and pleasant emotional sensations.
  3. Speech traps. Pronunciation of veiled desires in a conversation, secretive speech focusing the interlocutor’s attention on something.
  4. Metaphors. Explaining your desires and thoughts in words and phrases in a figurative sense.
  5. Surprise. Abruptly stopping a conversation, leaving a date without explanation. This behavior will make a man think about the reasons for such an act.

Another effective technique for achieving a love goal is changeability. Today the girl is gentle and affectionate, and tomorrow she is strict, indifferent and distant. This change in behavior is a subconscious signal for a man to take action. He must do things that will make the girl kind and considerate.


As an effective means of broadcasting your desires in love hypnosis, clothing and appearance play an important role. The girl inspires the object of interest with her attitude towards him through hairstyle, makeup, color and style of clothing.

Every man and every woman has established ideas about external beauty. Through communication on social networks, you can find out the preferences of the target and adapt to his sympathies.

So, styling your hair in a certain way, using a specific color of lipstick, avoiding makeup, dyeing your hair a certain color - all these are behavioral markers that can be used for suggestion. If the appearance coincides with subconscious ideas, the likelihood of sympathy will increase significantly.

Confidence in behavior

People value confident people, so this behavior increases the chances of making a person fall in love with you. Confidence signals to the object of interest the presence of positive characteristics that will be useful in the case of building a joint relationship. A self-confident person is distinguished by purposefulness, determination and an active character. He knows what he wants.

love hypnosis


Elements of love hypnosis are actively used in the communication process. With words and phrases you can attract interest and capture the attention of your partner. The nature of speech subconsciously signals to the interlocutor about certain internal personality traits.

Tactile contact

An important element of love hypnosis is touch. Touching your shoulder with your palm when meeting, hugging your waist while walking, stroking your fingers while talking - all this subconsciously influences a person. Tactile contact speaks of openness and trust.

Is hypnoorgasm dangerous?

Our first meeting with the hypnotist (hereinafter, for brevity, I will call him Maestro, but actually his name is Stanislav Malakhovsky) took place at his open master class on trance orgasm. I still decided to look at the person in person first before letting him into the contents of my head.

The whole truth about hypnoorgasm

I laughed it off. But deep down, of course, I doubted it a little. And to raise morale, I asked for the expert opinion of my friend, a psychologist, who also works with hypnosis. “I don’t think you should worry,” Ulyana wrote to me. “If during the session you don’t like something, you simply won’t listen to him, because you won’t agree internally. This even works in a trance state.”

So, the first impression of the Maestro... Well, actually the guy is like a guy. Quite young (looks about 30 years old). Subtle. Light-eyed. He jokes a lot. Smiles a lot (a little tensely, but overall quite sincerely). In short, it looks “not dangerous.” By the way, this is how the Maestro invites people to study with him.

The only thing that confused me was the audience who came to his master class, in fact, to comprehend the wisdom of hypno-orgasms.

There were several psychologists in the hall. Several fellow hypnotists. But there were also just men. Moreover, you know, these specific men... look very uptight, outwardly not particularly presentable, i.e. hardly having overwhelming success with women. “Damn... is it worth giving them SUCH an armor-piercing weapon?” - I thought. I caught myself thinking that I myself would like to end up with none of them. Not the old fashioned way, i.e. from sex, nor under hypnosis.

Countering love hypnosis

Anyone can fall under the influence of love hypnosis techniques. To protect yourself from such exposure, you need to follow some rules:

  1. Don't give in to emotions. Always act wisely. Weigh your actions and evaluate the consequences.
  2. Understand the mechanism of suggestion - any phrase, touch, glance can be aimed at exerting influence.
  3. Evaluate the behavior of your interlocutor. Catch repeated phrases, monotonous actions, emotional messages.
  4. Do not look long and intently into the eyes of your interlocutor. Do not allow your hand to be stroked or manipulated with light touches.
  5. Maintain your comfort zone—be at a comfortable distance from your interlocutor.
  6. Monitor your interlocutor’s breathing, speech and phrases - you can’t let them adjust.

love hypnosis

To protect yourself from influence using love hypnosis, you cannot subordinate your will to the desires of another person. One must always adhere to established personal views and opinions.

Stranger Things

Attempt number two was supposed to be like a journey into the wilds of my subconscious.
First I was told to relax. Here I (or he? Or we together?) coped with a bang. Therefore, when the phrase was heard: “You are relaxed to such a state that you are not able to open your eyes. Your eyelids just won’t lift” - I really couldn’t unstick them. My inner mystic rejoiced: “Hurray-Hurray! Miracles have begun! But then, when I needed to imagine a staircase leading down (like to my subconscious), I started coughing again. I don’t know what the reason was - a hypothermic throat or the fact that in this way, i.e. with the help of a cough, my body resisted what was happening (my friend Ulya warned me that if I sensed something was wrong, I simply would not give in), but the process clearly did not go according to the planned scenario.

The session was paused.

Hypnosis. Orgasm. Young woman

I, honest Vintkinskoe, did not hide anything. Well, that is, if he had asked me what position I had sex in the day before or what color of underwear I’m wearing now, I would answer as it is.

The maestro thought and thought... (he didn’t look into the magic ball, as far as I could see) and said something like the following. That, they say, some clients don’t need all this swing around the bush - relaxed, aroused - but need, I quote, “pump them up with sexual energy.” And actually work only with erotic sensations. “Okay,” I said, “pump up!”

How to hypnotize a woman

If you want to hypnotize a woman, then first it is useful to know some features of the female psyche.

  1. Girls tend to have a more active right hemisphere. People with a dominant right hemisphere of the brain have more developed imaginative thinking. Such individuals are more emotional, impulsive and easier to hypnotize. If you can hypnotize male friends, then hypnosis will most likely work on a girl too.
  2. Many girls are curious. And you can take advantage of this quality. For example, offer to show the girl you like a magic trick. If everything happens at a party or in another environment familiar to her, then she is unlikely to refuse.

Hypnosis of women is not much different from hypnotic suggestion to men. The same trance and encoding techniques are used as in conventional hypnosis.

Adjustment technique

Used to establish trusting contact. In order for a woman to let you into her personal space, you need to put her subconscious to sleep. To do this, with the help of a building, you need to synchronize your physical state with your interlocutor. Mirror her posture, gestures, adjust to the rhythm of her breathing, the pace of speech. If a girl is in a bad mood, don't make jokes. It's better to fake your emotional state. Talk more quietly, calmly and on more serious topics. Observe those around you: people who have established a connection constantly unconsciously adapt to each other.

Template tearing technique

Follow the social courtship ritual, and then do something unexpected. For example, instead of the expected goodbye kiss, formally shake the girl’s hand with a feigned serious look. At first she will be confused. Make it clear that you were joking and kiss the girl for real. The comedy of the situation will defuse the situation and farewell will take place on a completely different emotional note.

The “near-far” method is also widely used in the pickup truck. First, show increased interest in the girl, demonstrate a desire to get closer. And then sharply reduce interest in the object of courtship. Don't be rude. Just reduce your attention and react to the girl neutrally. Having become accustomed to a certain amount of attention, she will be confused and want to return your affection. The power in the relationship will shift to you.

Anchoring technique

Using anchors will help set a girl in a romantic mood. Having noticed her once in a good mood, perform a certain action: touch her in a special way, hug her, turn on a certain song. Hearing the same music in the future or feeling the same touch again, the girl will automatically plunge into the same state.

Speech hypnotic techniques

There are seduction techniques that use special linguistic structures to hypnotize a woman with words. Use:

  • uncertainty and vagueness of expressions;
  • hidden commands, highlighting them with intonation, pauses and gestures;
  • suggestion of doubt (first express a thought that reflects the girl’s mood, then for a moment express uncertainty in your words, demonstratively driving the doubt away).

What else can you do to hypnotize a girl? You can put a girl into hypnosis with the help of soothing touches, a gaze, and calm monotonous music.

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