Regressive hypnosis as a method of psychotherapy

Regressive hypnosis is a state in which the hypnotherapist puts the patient in order to return him to events and experiences of the past. You can return to the past without resorting to hypnosis, but using psychotherapy. But in regressive hypnosis it is easier to do this, especially if you need to remember the forgotten past and distant, dim memories. Hypnosis is a state of extreme concentration on one's own inner world and complete disconnection from external stimuli. This is not a dream, as Pavlov wrote, and not a flight of the soul to the stars. This is precisely disconnection from external stimuli and sources. And when a person focuses on himself, he becomes his own best doctor.

Life story

Olga was haunted by spirits all her life. They gave her no rest day or night. Sometimes her lights went out, and in other apartments everything was fine. Nightmares tormented me. Returning from work, she found broken dishes.

When health problems began, Olga could not stand it and turned to a healer. She quickly found the reason - a family curse, but was never able to figure out the details in order to cleanse Olga’s soul. After some time, the desperate heroine met a psychic practicing regressive hypnosis. He promised her help. During the session, Olga plunged into the projection of her past incarnation.

It turned out that in a past life she was a male soldier and during the war she acted dishonestly with one woman, paying for it with a curse. Upon returning, Olga was able to find the grave of the deceived peasant woman and asked her forgiveness for the past. She also lit several candles for the repose of the offended soul. Since then, spirits no longer bother her.

Method capabilities

Parapsychological technique as an opportunity to immerse oneself in past lives allows one to achieve the following results:

  • identify the causes of neuroses, panic attacks and depressive states, if they are caused by karmic debt;
  • complete the unfinished business of the ancestors, correct their mistakes, so that their souls find peace;
  • remove a family curse;
  • gain new knowledge from the experience of ancestors;
  • use the method against enemies by forcibly immersing yourself in hypnosis;
  • using practice to learn the intricacies of entering the Akashic Records;
  • meeting with the dead.

All these goals are achievable, but with long-term practice and the assistance of a recognized master of regressive hypnosis, acting as a tool for immersion.


In medicine:

  • pain syndromes;
  • skin diseases (psoriasis, allergies, eczema, urticaria);
  • preoperative premedication;
  • CVD: hypertension, cardiac neurosis, heart rhythm disturbances, angina pectoris;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system;
  • digestive disorders: ulcers, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • fibroids;
  • stuttering;
  • neurological problems: migraine, facial paralysis, tic.

In psychotherapy:

  • phobias;
  • addictions: gambling addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, kleptomania;
  • depression, increased anxiety, stressful and obsessive states, panic attacks;
  • eating disorders;
  • post-traumatic and obsessive-compulsive disorders;
  • spasmophilia;
  • hysteria, neuroses, psychoses;
  • schizophrenia;
  • elimination of muscle tension (bodily armor);
  • sexual disorders: impotence, frigidity.

In psychology:

  • adaptation;
  • aggressiveness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • low self-esteem;
  • excess weight;
  • preparation for important events in life;
  • smoking, nail biting and other bad habits;
  • all types of stress: intrafamily, professional, personal;
  • accumulated negative emotions, mental discomfort;
  • pathological jealousy, unrequited love, experiencing the state of divorce.

We suggest you read: How to cleanse a house from damage, evil eye, and negative energy with salt or a candle

If hypnotherapy is used in medicine or psychotherapy, it should only be performed by a person with medical training. Its use for weight loss or to quit smoking is allowed by certified specialists.

  • Recently suffered a stroke, heart attack, heart failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • affective insanity;
  • delayed mental and mental development, dementia;
  • paranoia;
  • organic brain lesions.

Temporary contraindications for hypnotherapy are:

  • infectious or chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • taking powerful medications on a regular basis: tranquilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication;
  • malaise, physical weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • digestive disorders (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  • cough;
  • injuries that temporarily limit movement;
  • I trimester of pregnancy;
  • children up to 9 years old.

In each of the doubtful cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Pros and cons of regression

The main advantages of the technique lie in the possibilities already presented. Perhaps we should take a closer look at the existing shortcomings.

  1. The main disadvantage is the extreme difficulty of conducting a session alone. No matter how experienced an esotericist a person is, without a hypnotist it will be extremely difficult for his soul to penetrate into a past reincarnation.
  2. The method requires great skill and skill on the part of the master. He must have the ability to penetrate the Akashic Chronicles, because reincarnation occurs precisely through them.
  3. At the same time, many pseudo-teachers pose as enlightened gurus. In the case of the regression method, turning to a charlatan is fraught not only with loss of money and time, but also with serious mental disorders. The most important thing in regression hypnosis is the ability to return to your body. If the hypnotist is not knowledgeable enough, his client may become stuck in the past and go crazy.
  4. With all its advantages, the capabilities of the technique are limited to only one scroll of the soul of the person who came to the session.
  5. Obtaining true information is difficult due to interference in the form of one’s own experiences and conjectures.

Let's look at the pros and cons of the technology using specific examples of application.

Beyond visible space there is a whole world of knowledge

Where and how else can you learn regressive hypnosis?

Upon request for training, the Internet provides links to numerous courses conducted almost throughout Russia, by specialists of various skill levels. Among them are doctors of medical sciences and people who have independently mastered the techniques of regressive hypnosis. Advertising and recommending someone is not the purpose of this article.

As a recommendation, when choosing a teacher, take into account work experience, reviews of people who have completed training, and cost. Try to find out how close the technique is to the classical one. Give preference to followers of Michael Newton's school, as this will guarantee that you will master the method in the right way.

10 situations for using regression hypnosis

The technique can solve specific problems in treating a person from problems associated with the pollution of his soul. Also, a hypnotic session can be a source of additional experience and provide useful information.

Let's consider specific situations of using the method.

  1. Energetic cleansing of the soul from the accumulations of the past: unfinished business, grievances, stress, spiritual disorders.
  2. Learning the ability to leave your physical body and travel through the Akashic Library.
  3. Getting rid of energy parasites - phantoms that can penetrate the soul and infuse it with their destructive experiences. For a person, this is expressed in psychological disorders.
  4. The fight against phobias, subconscious barriers, old taboos, the reasons for which lie in the experience of past lives.
  5. Correction of your mental states, treatment of diseases of the physical body.
  6. Studying the causes of love conflicts. Help with separation. Regressive hypnosis is effective if in past incarnations the souls of these people met each other and an unfinished conflict occurred between them.
  7. Help with grief of loss: immersion in hypnosis will help you once again relive the best moments with the departed person and finally say goodbye to him.
  8. Eliminating addictions embedded deep in the soul.
  9. Clarification of your ancestral destiny, determination of the goal and mission imposed on the next earthly incarnation.
  10. Removing from the subconscious hidden ancestral talents that were available in past lives.

Thus, the method is universal, but still limited to a narrow scope. It allows you to receive information that is deposited on only one soul.

Regressive hypnotherapy techniques. Hypnosis training

Seven keys to unlocking doors that lead to the cause of a psychosomatic symptom.

Back in the 70s of the last century, a classification of potential causes of psychosomatic disorder was developed. And the works of Chick and LeCrone (1968), as well as Hunter (2010), describe a theory according to which most of the reasons that can cause problems with a person’s emotional perception correspond to seven situations. In psychology, the list of attributions is known as the “seven psychodynamic symptoms.”

1. Directive impression. This is the name of a belief that was imprinted in the brains of your interlocutor due to the undoubted authority of the source. This could be a parent, teacher, church, government, doctor, etc.

2. An old, unresolved problem. Many psychosomatic diseases (urticaria, migraine, gluttony, smoking, etc.) are symptoms of the accumulation of negative emotions. This is the situation when the subconscious (read – body) of the interlocutor seems to tell him: “I don’t like what you are doing,” but he does it, obeying the mind. Emotional burdens require emotional resolution.

3. Secondary benefit. Sometimes a symptom offers a “prize.” For example, a person is sick and receives a prize in the form of attention, which he receives as a sick person. The desire to gain sympathy, affection, and protection can act as a so-called “secondary benefit.” There is a known case where a woman, frightened by a man in childhood, changed her hormonal levels and gained weight in order to gain protection from the attention of men. However, anything can act as a “prize”.

4. Self-identification. Here there is a desire to be like a literary or film character, a real person (mentor or celebrity). Thus, your interlocutor determines who he is in this world, taking some model as a model.

5. Internal conflict. The symptom keeps a person in the state of someone who does not allow himself to satisfy his needs or wants because they conflict with his ethical beliefs. For example, the interlocutor may resist his own sexual desires through a subconscious desire for a repulsive appearance.

6. Past experience. This refers to past events that left traumatic memories. In psychology, they are considered as impressions that have formed false defensive reflexes, which are observed in your interlocutor in the role of psychosomatic symptoms. Thus, a false result allows us to determine the initial impression as also false, that is, caused by an incorrect interpretation. The standard psychocorrection strategy is based on this approach.

7. Self-punishment. This door leads to a situation because of which the interlocutor experiences a feeling of guilt, and the symptom itself is nothing more than the implementation of a subconscious attitude towards self-punishment. Sometimes self-punishment acts as a subconscious attempt to avoid proper punishment.

◖Treatment of allergies through reliving psychotraumas in hypnosis. Regressive hypnosis and hypnotherapy.◗ ◖Psychosomatics of allergies: when does an allergy have an emotional cause?◗

The ABC model in cognitive therapy. Treatment methods for phobias

Psychosomatics of allergies | Review of the treatment of allergies through reliving psychotraumas in hypnosis.

How to find the right door?

To classify the case you are dealing with, you need to conduct a test with your interlocutor based on his ideomotor reactions. This is a game whose rules determine the body language in which you should receive answers. Usually the interlocutor does this using his index finger. Its position should clearly indicate one of three possible answers: “yes”, “no”, “difficult to answer”. Accordingly, your questions should be formulated in such a way that the answer has only two options: “yes” or “no.” Having thus agreed, you begin the game.

The toolkit might look something like this:

- Now I will ask your subconscious a series of questions, and you will answer “yes” or “no” or “I’m undecided”, giving the appropriate signal with your finger.

1. Does the cause of your disorder relate to the suggestion you received from an absolute authority?

2. Is your distress caused by the burden of unexpressed emotions?

3. The reason for your symptom lies in the benefit that the position of a person with such a symptom provides?

4. Is the cause of your distress due to the fact that you are an exact copy of someone you really want to be like?

5. Is the reason you're upset because you can't afford what you really want?

6. Is the cause of your disorder in the past?

7. Is the reason you are upset because you punish yourself?

In some cases, the answer “I don’t know” should be considered “yes”. Game is game, but no one bothers you, if necessary, ask for voice clarification or clarification. Let this be a technical break.

Analysis of test results

If your interlocutor answers “yes” to question No. 2, then no further testing is required. You just need to clarify: does the interlocutor’s “inner mind” want the problem to be solved using hypnosis? If the finger shows “yes”, then regression therapy can be planned. If “no,” it’s better to try to connect the interlocutor’s consciousness with his subconscious. This is done directively, ordering the interlocutor’s subconscious to convey the cause of the disorder to his mind. Then you need to bring your interlocutor out of hypnosis and discuss future plans with him. The fact is that emotional burden as a load of unresolved problems may well require psychotherapeutic intervention. The interlocutor should know about this before deciding to do anything.

A positive answer to question No. 1 requires clarification. Figure out what kind of “authority” this is, get the whole picture without missing a single detail. Typically, in such cases, temporary regression is indicated to find, process or remove the traumatic impression.

The answer “yes” to question number 3 about the subconscious benefit that the interlocutor receives from the status of the patient requires studying the details. They will help you understand what help he needs to get rid of the disease.

Question No. 4 (about self-identification) usually requires regression to the impression that became the trigger point in the development of a painful symptom. As a rule, we are talking about the sacrifice that the interlocutor made in order to become like or become closer to the subject of imitation.

A positive answer to question No. 5 will require your interlocutor to make a decision: either “parts therapy” or “regression.” Let him choose at the subconscious level, which will determine exactly what is best.

Question #6, if yes, usually requires regression.

Question No. 7, if the answer is yes, there may be options: regression, and/or “parts therapy,” and/or verbalization, and even a referral to a marriage or family therapy specialist. Keep in mind that punishing another person may be perceived by your interlocutor (or rather, his subconscious) as a “secondary benefit.” Thus, question No. 7 may correspond with question No. 3. If suspicion arises, clarify


Regression (Latin: Regressus - reverse movement) is a defense mechanism, which is a form of protective behavior in a critical situation, when an adult unconsciously acts like a child who is confident in his safety. The regressive state is characterized by infantile perception - trusting and unconditional, therefore the phenomenon of regression is used in hypnotherapy as a way to access subconscious reactions with the help of which psychocorrection is carried out. This method is called age regression. The hypnotic phenomenon of regression consists of the interlocutor reliving events from his past. In the case of intense age regression, the event is re-experienced with such force as if it were happening in the present moment, which is accompanied by the release of repressed emotions. It is believed that they form the plans for future pathologies at the somatic (bodily) level, therefore, getting rid of unhealthy mental energy since ancient times was considered the basis of any healing, and the getting rid procedure itself was called catharsis (ancient Greek κάθαρσις - “exaltation, purification, healing” ).

In hypnology, there are many techniques for achieving regressive states in a person. They all boil down to a search in the memory of the suggestive recipient for the starting psychotrauma, which in the specialized literature is called the “initial sensitizing event” (PSE). The techniques are different, because the individuality of the interlocutor, ideally, requires the creation of a new unique technique for her, intended only for this soul. Experienced and most talented hypnotherapists do this, but we will look at the classic version here. Its authors are Konstantin Platonov and Alexander Luria, who back in the 20s of the last century invented time regression, which was used as part of the study of changes in a person’s personality under the influence of hypnosis. According to some reports, this level of hypnology still remains unsurpassed, but for us it remained unknown, since these works were strictly classified in the Soviet Union. They found a second life in the work of American psychologists John and Helena Watkins, who in 1997 published a method of mental travel that another American psychologist, Charles Tebbets, called a “sensual connection,” and another classic of American regressive hypnotherapy, Roy Hunter, called an “affective bridge.” The latter name has become established in the specialized literature.

Hypnosis: a doctor's review of the treatment of allergies and social phobia using hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy training: immersion in hypnosis, search for psychotrauma, abreaction and rethinking

Affective bridge

This technique is used when the client's current problem is associated with strong emotions. As a rule, it returns the client directly to the psychotrauma due to the ability of a person’s feelings to return him to the time when he experienced them for the first time. In other words, the “affective bridge” technique is based on the ability to activate a memory due to an emotional, sensory or affective impulse. It includes three steps:

1. Suggestion to the interlocutor that he feels an emotion or feeling that accompanies attacks of his current disorder.

2. Suggest that this feeling/emotion will become more intense as you count from 1 to 10.

3. Guide the client to the moment when he first experienced this emotion/feeling by counting down from 10 to 1.

The Affective Bridge is based on the idea of ​​connecting our feelings and emotions to our past. Emotions/feelings are like a rope on which associations are strung, which we establish between the impressions we receive. Often we remember events based on the mood we were in at that moment. This phenomenon is often experienced automatically when a person listens to an old song or looks at an old photograph. The feelings at this moment can take him back to the days and hours when he experienced them for the first time. Considering that feelings and emotions are forms of psychic energy that sets a person in motion, we must understand that feelings and emotions, like a flame, can exist not only in a fireplace and in a lighter. They can be wild in nature, engulfing a person like a fire, which completely paralyzes his life activity, if habits have not been developed through which this energy is utilized. There is a theory (Cal Banyan, Callahan and Trubo, Watkins) according to which feelings and emotions vibrate at different frequencies and amplitudes. Due to this, each emotion/feeling resonates with similar emotions/feelings stored in memory as memories. This principle was used by S. Freud in the free association technique he created, which still remains the cornerstone of psychotherapy: the patient makes free associations about his own complaints, answering questions like “What does this remind you of?” Feelings and emotions that continuously connect the past with the present allow him to bring associations and memories to the surface.

Standard script “Affective bridge”

Imagine that you are in a situation where (brief description of a psychosomatic attack). As I count from 1 to 10, go deep into the feelings and emotions you experienced during the attacks and feel them strongly and safely when I say “10.” Number 1 – let’s delve into our self-esteem! 2 – let your emotions and sensations increase their strength with each new number! 3 – even more! 4- even stronger! 5 and 6 – you experience emotions, feelings and sensations more and more fully as each new number is pronounced: 7,8,9,10! You are filled with this emotion and this feeling in full, brightly and recklessly, while remaining in complete SAFETY... Now, when I count from 10 to 1, remember the last time you experienced this state. 10,9,8 - open the attack closest in time, then the next one, which occurred earlier, then even earlier 7,6,5 - you move from attack to attack, delving into your past from today's age to youth and infancy. 4,3,2 - along the chain of attacks during which you experienced the same feeling, emotion, sensation, you come to the very first case when you first experienced this state. 1! You are who you were that year and that day. You think and feel the same way you thought and felt then. What do you see and hear? What's going on around you? Where are you at?

It is necessary to carefully observe the interlocutor. If he quickly enters a state of abreaction, he must count faster. If the interlocutor resists, tends to suppress emotions, one must count more slowly, filling the countdown with verbal images that are designed to awaken the imagination and emotional-sensory sphere of the interlocutor.

An example of an “Affective Bridge” script for an interlocutor with a skeptical (analytical) mindset who experiences an irrational fear of air travel.

Imagine that right now you are sitting on an airplane that is about to take off from the ground. You KNOW what it's like! And now, when I count from 1 to 10, you will deeply feel what you feel and feel at this moment. You will experience these emotions and sensations as intensely and absolutely safely as I call the number 10.

So, number 1 - the plane is approaching the taxiway to take off. You hear the noise of an airplane, see a piece of the takeoff field in the window, and feel the approaching unpleasant state that you always experience during takeoff.

2.3 – you dive deeper into this state. The speaker in the cabin says greetings, and you feel the shocks from the movement of the plane.

Number 4.5 - with each new number your sensations become thicker, denser, they fill you like water like a sponge, leaving no empty space.

Number 6.7 - You hear the sound of the engine in afterburner when the plane is ready to take off.

Number 8.9 - feels shocks and shaking when the plane takes off for takeoff. They accelerate as their takeoff speed increases.

Number 10 - the shaking suddenly stops, and you are pressed into your seat as the plane goes higher and higher into the sky. You experience the peak sensations associated with takeoff. Your feelings and emotions are open, they are not restrained by anything and at the same time safe. Your emotions are not a threat.

Now I will count from 10 to 1, you will remember all the times when you experienced this state, starting from the nearest time. 10,9,8 - we remember the previous one, which was before the last one 7,6,5 - we move along the chain to the earlier ones 4,3,2 we reach the very first one, when you first experienced this bad state. 1! BE THERE...feel what you felt then. Feel what you felt at that moment! What do you see and hear? Where are you at? What's going on around you?

If the interlocutor does not react, you need to change the technique of achieving regression. This could be, for example,

“Time Tunnel” (Eimer), which is used when the “Affective Bridge” does not work.

Example of a Time Tunnel script

Do you want to be forever freed from the feelings and sensations that you experience during attacks of (insert as appropriate)?

Please wait for an answer. - Fine. Then immerse yourself in this feeling. You are safe here. Focus on the feelings, sensations, and emotions you experience when the attack hits you. If you want, you can describe them out loud. Make what you feel strong and resilient. Let this dense, strongly pulsating creature open its middle, which will expand so much that there is a tunnel in front of you. Tunnel to the past. You go inside and thereby enter your past. You move deeper, feeling the state of your attack around you, but without experiencing fear or anxiety. You are calm because nothing threatens you, since my voice is with you. He is always with you. Therefore, you move deeper through the tunnel of your sensations. When you see the end of the tunnel, raise your index finger up. Wait for the finger signal. Then say: Okay. Now that the tunnel is over, describe your impressions. Further questions: Are you indoors or outdoors? Are you alone or with other people? Is it day or night? What are you doing? How old are you? What do you feel? What are you thinking about?

Before using the tunnel technique, make sure the client is comfortable with the idea of ​​a tunnel.

Hypnosis: a review of the treatment of dog phobia (cynophobia).

About hypnotherapy. What is regression hypnosis and hypnotherapy? Review of treatment for fear of the dark

● VK. Hypnosis: hypnosis training and hypnotherapy reviews. ● FB. Psychosomatics. Treatment of fears and phobias with hypnosis. ● Instagram. Hypnosis and psychosomatics. Reviews.

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Thoughts from skeptics

Paranormal science has always been condemned by skeptics. Without trying to understand the basics of wisdom, short-sighted ill-wishers laugh at this knowledge. The main argument of the critic is the unscientific nature of esotericism and parapsychology.

Indeed, this knowledge cannot be proven within the framework of limited “earthly” scientific theories. But even in space the axioms of classical geometry, physics and other exact sciences do not apply.

Examples of this can be obtained from the official Non-Euclidean geometry that is accepted by modern scientists. By the way, the very existence of space was disputed until the 17th-18th centuries, and people were able to get there only in 1961. Who knows, maybe in a few decades material scientists will be able to travel to the world of the Akashic chronicles, and also dive into their past lives.

Projection of a portal to the Akashic Chronicles

The main argument of skeptics regarding regressive hypnosis is that the person immersed in it cannot determine whether he received what he saw from the experience of his soul's past or whether the information was suggested to him by the hypnotist. It should be recognized that the danger of self-deception or directed influence on a person exists. But an experienced practitioner can install a protective barrier and special energy filters that allow him to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Regressive self-hypnosis

The technique of self-hypnosis is available only to experienced specialists. However, everyone can learn to masterfully control their subconscious. Having acquired such skills, you can begin regression, since in this case the method will give the maximum result:

  • the possibility of distortion of information by the hypnotist is eliminated;
  • no one will know the secrets of your soul;
  • personal experience can be honed at any time, without depending on other people.

The best way for self-hypnosis is the eye movement and countdown method in combination with the “Corridor of Past Incarnations” technique.

The session is carried out in the following way.

  1. Take a comfortable position and relax as much as possible.
  2. Focus on your problem or what you want to remove from their past experience.
  3. Close your eyes and after maximum relaxation, slowly rotate your eyeballs counterclockwise.
  4. Having renounced this world, start counting from 5 to 1.
  5. As the countdown progresses, your astral body will penetrate the energy flow and ascend into the world field.
  6. A projection of a corridor with doors will appear in front of you, behind each of which is one of your previous lives.
  7. Having gained knowledge, you will return back, counting from 1 to 5.

After completing the session, rest for an hour and be sure to eat, because the self-regression session takes a lot of mental and physical strength.

Answers to readers' questions

Readers ask many questions about the method. Let's look at the most common ones.

Regression as an altered state of consciousness.

By immersing himself, a person transforms his consciousness into new forms that could be forgotten in the process of transformation into a new life. Using the method, you can regain lost talents, gain new practical skills and get rid of undesirable character traits.

Regression and boundaries of consciousness.

Within the framework of our physical existence, consciousness is limited by the generally accepted rules and laws of the natural world. Regression into the past requires entering an energy portal, which is impossible without expanding these boundaries. Spiritual self-improvement is carried out through prayers and meditation. However, even a person who does not have special skills can be immersed in regressive hypnosis by an experienced master. This is the benefit of practice.

Regressive psychology.

This purely scientific concept is often confused with regression to the past. However, the method used by psychologists is limited by the physical existence of the body. It allows you to immerse yourself exclusively in the experience of the past of only one specific person after his birth.

Regressive hypnosis and the Akashic Chronicles.

The Akashic Chronicles are the Universe that contains all the information about existence. Our physical world is only a grain of the Akashic Chronicles. Therefore, exiting it through an energy portal allows you to acquire real knowledge and touch the truth. When engaging in regression, a person immerses himself in his past experience, information about which is contained in the Akashic scrolls. Thus, these concepts are related like a library and the book received in it.

Leaving the body during regression.

During the session, a person leaves his physical shell, as with any other immersion in energy space. This is achieved through the influence of a hypnotist or through meditation or prayer during self-regression.

Is the method dangerous?

Of course, for an uninitiated person, independent attempts to leave the physical body can lead to serious psychological and mental disorders. However, when working with an experienced specialist, the likelihood of complications is minimized.

Regression and past life.

When studying the methodology, it is necessary to understand that we can only read the past, but not change it. Therefore, regressive hypnosis only allows you to touch the book of life in order to extract important information from it.

You can read about the benefits of the method in reviews

Tips for working with the subconscious

It doesn’t matter which type of self-hypnosis you are most interested in - self-hypnosis for fulfillment of desires, self-hypnosis for means, self-hypnosis for success or some other - before you start practicing, study the following tips.

You need to find a quiet and measured room in which you will feel comfortable. Even insignificant extraneous sounds can be very disturbing for you. Therefore, pay special attention to this nuance and be sure to turn off your own mobile phone. Trust your own body. It is entirely possible that during a self-hypnosis session you will experience various unusual feelings in your body.

This is a symbol for you in which direction you should move. Trust yourself and enjoy the action. For self-hypnosis to be truly effective, you will need to devote a lot of time to your studies. Regularity is very important, especially at first. Therefore, plan your practices so that self-hypnosis sessions occur at the same time.

Many people, in order to solve psychological problems, turn to specialists who know hypnosis techniques. Among such techniques, regressive hypnosis has become popular - traveling into past lives through an altered state of consciousness.

What it is?

Regressive hypnosis is a temporary state that involves entering a trance. The technique allows a person to see the incarnations of his past lives and thereby help him solve problems in his psycho-emotional state.

The goal of regressive hypnosis is to make the patient re-experience moments and periods that were unpleasant for him, as a result of which he can get rid of them and neutralize their impact on real life. Regressive hypnosis is used to relieve psychological trauma, phobias and emotional turmoil.

The technique of regressive hypnosis shows its effectiveness only when the causes of fears and psychological trauma lie in past reincarnations, and not in the patient’s childhood. Usually, fears manifest themselves and prevent a person from leading a full, active life closer to middle age. Such patients complain of neuroses, panic attacks and unreasonable anxiety.

Immersion technique

Today, the most common and effective technique is regressive hypnosis according to the method of Michael Newton. He argued that high-quality hypnotic regression is achieved only in deep trance.

According to his methodology, the introduction to trance should take at least an hour and a half, and the remaining time should be allocated to working through problems. For a high-quality result, a minimum of three hypnotic meetings are required.

During regressive hypnosis sessions, the patient goes through several stages:

  1. Explain your problems to a specialist. A person clearly formulates a goal, what he wants to achieve and talks about his problems;
  2. Preparation. The hypnologist puts the patient into a trance for a short period of time. In this way, a person’s susceptibility to hypnosis and his ability to experience past emotions and events without consequences are tested;
  3. immersion in an altered state of consciousness. It is carried out during the second or third therapy sessions. During this procedure, the hypnologist communicates with the patient, asks questions and helps to get comfortable in a new situation for the person. In addition, the specialist is convinced that the cause of all anxieties and fears lies precisely in the patient’s past lives;
  4. identifying the source of problems. The hypnologist asks leading questions, thanks to which he reveals the roots of psychological trauma;
  5. correction of information in the subconscious. The specialist analyzes problematic situations that occurred in past lives, “corrects” them and records the changed version deep in the patient’s subconscious;
  6. exit from trance. Smoothly, easily and painlessly, the hypnologist takes a person out of trance.

To consolidate the result and understand all the origins of the problems, several sessions of regressive hypnosis are necessary.



I am a fairly qualified medium, so I am sure that all this is not fiction. But recently I began to learn the basics of regressive hypnosis. So far it’s not working out very well - the picture is too distorted by my imagination. But the master says that it’s a matter of time, so I don’t lose heart.


After the session, I didn’t remember anything, but the hypnotist wrote everything down from my words. It turns out that in a past life I was a famous robber and ruined many lives. Perhaps that is why I am haunted by failures now. Now at least I know the reason for my problems. I’ll go to psychics, maybe they’ll tell me what to do now.

The mechanism of action of self-suggestion

the body triggers a reaction to taking a placebo and self-hypnosis that the pacifier is a panacea. Those who believed in the effectiveness of the treatment began to actively produce endorphins in the brain. Being natural narcotic substances, they are able to relieve pain by blocking nerve endings. As a result, the patient instantly felt relief.

We suggest you read How to hypnotize people with your gaze training

It is a generally accepted fact: during evolution, humanity has not learned to use 100% of the capabilities of its brain, so it is not surprising that elementary self-hypnosis in some cases makes one believe in a miracle, eliminating even the most complex forms of cancer. However, auto-training is not always able to bring benefits.

Self-hypnosis and self-hypnosis can induce in a person a sensation, perception, emotional state or volitional impulse, as well as influence the autonomic nervous system of the body.

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