50 subtle manipulations on how to fall in love, control and use a man for your own purposes

What kind of women do men love?

There are as many preferences as there are people; there is no uniquely correct model of a girl that will appeal to 100 guys out of a hundred. There is a connoisseur for every type of appearance and character.

But there are qualities that almost all men value - femininity and healthy self-love. Such ladies look good: they have clear skin, shiny, fluffy hair, a toned figure, and an energetic gait.

A young lady’s adequate self-esteem has a positive effect on her character. Such a woman is well aware that there are more beautiful, successful, young competitors, but she knows how to present herself from the best side, knows her personal positive qualities, regularly improves her existing skills, is ready to learn new things, and is open to the world.

Most men admit that to create a long-term relationship, they would rather choose a lady who is economical, sensual, intelligent, with a light disposition and a sense of humor, than an arrogant, luxurious super-beauty of a bitchy nature, although the importance of appearance should not be diminished, first of all, young people react to a visual picture. To attract attention, it is enough to have a neat appearance without unnecessary tuning.

Talk about important things directly, without hints

Men understand hints, but more often these are hints from other men or those hints that are beneficial for them to understand. It is not customary for them (except perhaps the Japanese) to talk about the essence of the matter in Aesopian language. When your husband wants to sell a batch of motorcycles to a client, he says: “We have a well-known brand, the warranty period is average in the market, and for wholesale we will discount you 7%,” and not: “The autumn leaf has withered on the lonely elm that grew on the sad hill , and it’s time to harness the iron horse to intelligent creatures and quickly run to the south from these places.” Therefore, state it simply, but not globally, not “tell me straight, you stopped loving me, right?”, but “I’m tired of collecting your worms for ice fishing all over the house, this is not what my mother raised me for, hire a housekeeper.”

Remember every minute what the purpose of your relationship with a man is.

For normal people, the goal of a relationship is to provide maximum comfort for a long time, that is, to make yourself and your partner happy. So repeat this to yourself every time you want to teach, treat, criticize your boyfriend, take it out on him during PMS, be violently jealous, inquire about his leisure time, express an opinion about his friends, argue about politics, religion and the color of his pants. Is your rightness or interest in a particular situation worth the peace and joy that you deprive your partner of? During therapy sessions, I listen to the couple and each individual separately, and so, without going into anti-ethical specifics, but in keeping with the spirit of freedom, I can say: approximately two-thirds of the sources of conflict are described by the scheme “the woman came up with a problem out of the blue and inflated the man’s lack of response to it to scale.” tragedy."

Don't humiliate him or make trouble in public

Showdowns in public places are taboo, because the public image of respectability and reliability is much more important for a man than for a woman, who, under the current social system, can still afford to be a beautiful, frivolous dummy. When the “other half”, the most trusted person, begins to undermine a man’s authority in front of his friends, colleagues or the crowd in the subway, it is perceived as a knife in the back. This is often forgiven, but never forgotten. Making a man lose face is one of a woman's biggest strategic miscalculations in a relationship. This will come back to haunt you, no doubt about it. So wait until you get home with your complaints, and at the same time cool down and comprehend them, see point 1.

How to make someone fall in love with you? 4 receptions.

Sometimes following theories can be difficult and time-consuming. Or there is too little time left to try to fall in love. Then you can use a few short, almost imperceptible techniques that will leave a pleasant impression of the meeting.

Temperature conditions.

Cold brings comfort not only to the body, but also to the emotional state. But warmth pushes towards friendliness, openness, good mood and an involuntarily arising disposition.

If you have the opportunity to choose a place for meetings, it is better to make sure that it is comfortable. If it’s cold outside, then warm drinks and food will save you from colds and emotional detachment on a date.

Awkward frankness.

In the first stages of dating, everyone is afraid of not seeming smart, beautiful, or interesting enough. For this reason, people try to show only their best sides, and possible incidents (their own) are perceived as the end of the world. But as soon as one of the interlocutors reveals some secret, talks about an absurd incident, shares something that he is ashamed of, the conversation immediately takes on a different tone. The conversation becomes more sincere, trusting, and relaxed.

However, there is still a catch. It is advisable to talk about your failures in the past in a cheerful tone, as if they were funny, curious events. If you present stories in a very sad, angry, irritated manner, then it will look more like whining or aggressiveness.

Its own atmosphere.

Who doesn't love to feel special and unique? That's right, no one. The same can be seen in the couple’s relationship. To evoke such feelings in yourself and your partner, it is enough to find/invent/create your own tricks that are understandable only for two people. This can be an unusual greeting that includes various palm touches, hip bumps, hugs, winks, etc.

However, it is best that there is a “cipher” between lovers, which they could use even in front of strangers so that they would not even guess about anything. These are simple verbal constructions, for example:

  • quotes from favorite (by both interlocutors) TV series, books, games;
  • random jokes that naturally slipped into conversation;
  • funny advertising slogans;
  • funny memes or comments from the Internet;
  • a comic distortion of words due to a slip of the tongue by one of the couple.

Such shared secrecy quickly brings people closer together. At the same time, there will be something to joke about or remember if an awkward pause suddenly appears in the conversation.

Play of light.

The key doesn't lie in perspective or even intimacy (although that plays an important role). The essence of this technique is the size of the pupils. The larger they are, the more the opposite sex likes a person. Of course, it’s unlikely to be possible to control the constriction-dilation of the pupils, but there are several tricks to help you get around this inconvenience:

  • candlelight dinner or just a picnic at dusk;
  • evening walks around the city;
  • going to a cafe/restaurant with dim lighting;
  • purchasing lenses that darken the iris, or with an increased diameter of the “pupil”;
  • a meeting on a very cloudy day or a walk along the alleys with significant shade.

This look seems deeper, more penetrating and passionate, so your attention will be 100% guaranteed.

5. Support his endeavors, even the most idiotic ones

When he takes away your wedding rings to play the slot machines a little more, that's one thing. When he is interested in ice fishing, playing the trombone, cross-stitching, biathlon, collecting garden gnomes, selling his own adjika over the Internet - this is completely different. The desire to meet new initiatives with hostility is inherent in the nature of every person, because any system strives to maintain balance, but here you will have to be smarter than nature. Start from a realistic assessment of the maximum possible damage to you personally and to the well-being of your family. Do you feel sorry for a couple of thousand dollars for the happiness of your loved one with Pisces, and after that you are surprised how fiercely he hates your trips to shoe stores? Well, the gnomes have cluttered up the hallway and two loggias, and is it really so terrible? And again: if you don’t appreciate and support, someone else will do it, and at that moment you will move away.

How to understand that a guy is already in love with you?

Experiencing a feeling of falling in love, a young man becomes more active, looking for opportunities to be close to his chosen one, to help her, to do something that presents him in a favorable light against the background of potential competitors. The main characteristics of a man who experiences romantic feelings are to claim ownership, provide and protect.

Peculiarities of character, temperament, and upbringing can leave imprints on the behavior of Cupid, struck by an arrow; some guys show feelings easily, openly, others are shy, shy, soft, but in any case, not a single Romeo will leave his beloved without all possible participation, attention, and care.

Praise him

If he is not worthy of praise and does everything crookedly, what the hell are you doing next to this loser? Leave, do not prolong the agony for each other, see point 1. Do not be a grumpy mother, a strict boss, a capricious daughter for him - from all these hypostases take only positive components: constant but unobtrusive care, interest in his growth, admiration for him steepness. Many in childhood heard the expression “over-praise - spoil”, but this is a myth; it is impossible to over-praise an adult sane person, he has a self-esteem bar. And praising does not mean flattering, it means looking at him with the desire to see the good. Praise is pleasant for everyone; if you don’t take it into account, there will be smarter people with whom he will begin to communicate.

Maintain eye contact

Did you know that loving people look into each other's eyes 30% more often than ordinary interlocutors? At the same time, they hold their gaze for a long time and reluctantly look away. This interesting feature can be used when seducing, fixing your gaze on the person you like for longer than usual. What will it give? The interlocutor’s brain will deceptively mistake such a signal for the formation of love and will begin to produce phenylethylamine, a stimulant that causes emotional uplift, increased heart rate and a feeling of “butterflies in the stomach.” At the very least, you will be noticed and stand out from the crowd!

Choose a warm place for your first date

Choosing the right place for a date can also allow you to make your chosen one fall in love with you. While studying the characteristics of human behavior, psychologist J. Bargh discovered an interesting pattern: the more comfortable and warmer we are, the more friendly and gentle we are towards others. Use this trick! Don't spend your first date in extreme conditions, don't test your partner's physical capabilities. It’s better to choose a cozy cafe and order something hot. This will help warm the person up, lull his vigilance and make him more attracted to you. The more comfortable we are, the kinder we are.

The most stunning look is for him, not for a meeting of classmates

The syndrome of a victorious hunter losing interest in the game he has caught is no less common in women than in men. The fact that you got him into cohabitation or tied the knot does not mean that now he is forever in love with you. Yes, it’s vulgar, mean and banal, but about half of my male patients complained about facts of a girl’s neglect of her appearance after the relationship had become stable. If he fell in love with a physicist with gray hair, a brown checkered vest and worn-out boots, he knew what he was getting into. But since in your wedding photos you are a blonde in curls and roses, and now you are a cropped woman in a comfortable jumpsuit, then don’t blame me if they stop perceiving you as an attractive lady. Moreover, when at corporate events you put on makeup and buy a new dress, and at home you walk around a la naturel in the same delicate pastel things (which the male eye perceives as faded and asexual). It's very simple, but women don't stop making this mistake.

He's in charge, period

Seriously, this is so convenient. The main problem of feminists is trying to, figuratively speaking, unload the cars when they can dance instead. Whether by evolution, social attitudes or upbringing in most families, a man is raised to be a problem solver, leader, captain, and so on. This does not humiliate you in any way unless you decide that you want to be humiliated. One girl perceives the offered hand as she gets off the bus as gallantry, the other as a hint of her inability to jump over a puddle due to the physical weakness of her short legs. It is clear which of them enjoys communication with the opposite sex, and which suffers from the oppression of chauvinists. And it’s up to you to decide which girl to be. Give him the joy of being strong, acting, thinking and playing first violin. Let the man lead and the dance will work. Even if he is not always right, you can then quietly correct the situation: even when in fact you do the lion’s share, if you love your partner, it will not be difficult to imitate the picture “you are my hero, I am just in the wings.” Carry out your will to power in other places. For example, with gays, they don't care.

Come up with a special communication code

We are talking about those things that only you two will understand - specific jokes, gestures, situations from a movie you watched together. Phrases or poems that no one knows about except you two are the perfect code language! They help create an intimate atmosphere and take relationships to a new level. If none of the above exist, create the "code" from scratch. For example, a spontaneously spoken phrase during a date will do, and an unusual gesture that will indicate your mood, or a song that you will always listen to when saying goodbye. In general, if you want to make a person fall in love with you, work on the little things.

How to interest a man on a date?

An exciting event - a first date. I so want to conquer a man’s heart and mind in one fell swoop, to shine with wit, to dazzle with beauty. A failed approach. A first date is nothing more than a meeting that allows you to get to know each other better, communicate live, and understand whether it is worth continuing further. It is likely that after the event the girl will understand that the gentleman is not her man. So is it worth worrying too much about giving too much importance to the event?

To feel more confident and calm, a lady needs to take care of her attractive appearance. Manicure, pedicure, makeup, hair styling and even beautiful underwear (which does not have to be immediately shown) have a most magical effect on a woman.

Shoes and clothes should be chosen that are beautiful and comfortable, this will allow you not to be distracted from the main thing, instead of dreaming about the speedy end of the walk, experiencing pain from calluses. You should refrain from radical experiments with hair color, haircut, and makeup on the eve of your first date.

A successful first meeting should leave both participants with positive emotions, unsatisfied interest and a feeling of comfort and ease from being close to a specific person.

The main mistakes women make at the start:

  1. Jumping to conclusions based on a guy's appearance;
  2. Excessive frankness, curiosity;
  3. The desire to burden a man with your problems;
  4. Expectation from the gentleman of absolute initiative, the role of a jester-animator;
  5. Perception of a new acquaintance immediately in the role of a future spouse, a “solver,” a breadwinner, and the father of numerous offspring.
  6. Demanding guarantees, gifts, attention.
  7. Intrusiveness.
  8. Ending the meeting with intimacy.

It is preferable to avoid disputes, to gently move away from conflicting topics, looking for common ground and common interests. Men like proactive women; if a lady knows how to make the evening more colorful and memorable, this will remain in his memory.

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