Disorders and diseases
People tend to fear death: from AIDS or cancer, from an accident or the actions of another
Causes of the crisis The period itself, when a child just starts school, is characterized by certain features. Newly minted
In medicine, a vegetative crisis (panic attack) is usually called a spontaneously arising state of anxiety that flows into
The work of all muscles in the body of a healthy person is innervated by nerve endings, that is, the nervous system
✅ What to do if you had a bad dream and it doesn’t get out of your head, it’s distracting
Meningitis: types and differences Meningitis causes inflammation of the membranes of the spinal cord or brain. It leaks
Meningococcemia (meningococcal sepsis) is a generalized form of meningococcal infection. The disease is characterized by the arrival of meningococci from the primary
/rak-mozga/ Tumors of the pineal gland (epiphysis) The pineal gland (epiphysis) is an organ that performs endocrine
Mechanism of development Mental automatism syndrome develops as follows. Due to the wide amplitude of the so-called swing
What is West syndrome? West syndrome is a collection of symptoms characterized by epileptic/infantile spasms, pathological