Habits that lead to poverty: how to get rid of them and improve your relationship with money

How to distinguish a rich person from a poor one. 30 differences between the poor and the rich

There are several differences between the poor and the rich that may lead to interesting conclusions. Maybe they will help you become richer...

How to distinguish a rich person from a poor one. 30 differences between the poor and the rich

They say that money does not buy happiness, but, nevertheless, we all want to have as much money as possible. Some of us know how to earn enough to live a pleasant life, while others have no idea where to get money for lunch.


We can say that all rich people are thieves and swindlers, and the poor are extremely honest and noble people. Perhaps purity of soul and natural simplicity are precisely the qualities that prevent poor people from acquiring the required amount of money. But, according to smart psychologists, not everything is so simple.

So what are the main differences between rich people and poor people in terms of their attitude towards money? Here are 30 differences that may lead us to interesting conclusions. Maybe they will help us become richer...

  • The rich save money and time.
  • The poor spend everything they earn; the rich invest what they earn.
  • The poor give generous tips, while the rich are restrained in this.
  • The poor buy for the price that is offered to him, the rich demand a discount everywhere.
  • The poor always pay twice - he pays for his stinginess.
  • A rich person never has extra money, a poor person always has it.
  • A rich person cannot afford to make sudden purchases.
  • The rule of a wealthy person is “we are not rich enough to buy cheap things.”
  • The rich man lives within his means, and the poor pretends to be a Persian sheikh.
  • The poor earn money as best they can, but the rich look for how to make money on everything.
  • The poor help the poor, the rich help the rich.
  • The rich invest in what will bring income, the poor invest in what will provide expenses.
  • Give a rich man a ruble and he will earn a million, give a poor man a million and he will lose it.
  • The rich control their spending; the poor never know where their money went.
  • The poor man thinks and talks about money, but the rich man is silent about it.
  • Money for the poor is the goal of life, money for the rich is opportunity.
  • The rich are ruled by money, and the poor are ruled by money.
  • The poor live on credit.
  • A rich person thinks in specific tasks and numbers.
  • The poor are always in need.
  • “Neither money nor power can hinder a spiritual person.”
  • A poor person is poor in everything.
  • Give the poor man wealth and all his weaknesses will be revealed.
  • A truly rich person, having lost everything, does not change.
  • The poor hate the rich, the rich do not react to the poor.
  • The rich listens to the poor, but the poor does not listen to the rich.
  • For the poor, everyone is to blame except himself; the rich look for reasons in himself.
  • There is a rich hidden in every poor person.
  • The poor are characterized by haste and lack of patience.
  • Not everyone who is rich is truly rich.
  • From the book “Business Advisor”Andrey Makritsa and Alexander GoldenbergPhoto - Lee Jeffries


    published onnovostiifakty.ruaccording to the materialscluber.com.ua

    Entry 30 differences between the poor and the rich taken from the site News and Facts.

Poverty Mindset

1. Cheap food

© kuarmungadd / Getty Images Pro

People who live on the minimum wage base their food choices on two factors: price and expiration date, which should be the lowest and the highest, respectively.

Manufacturer? Taste? Quality? Let the gourmets who shop at the store of the same name think about this. A poor person buys food once a week, of which about 90 percent is canned food. Vegetables? Fresh fruits? It is very expensive! Meat? Sometimes offal.

How to identify a poor person. Test - are you rich or poor? 5 signs of a rich person

Sometimes people who can rightfully be called rich do not seek to flaunt their wealth:

  • They don't need expensive houses, cars or watches to show off or stroke their ego.
  • Their neighbors may live next to them for years, unaware of the enormous capital they have.
  • Interestingly, you may also not be aware of your wealth. Yes, yes, in fact, you may be literally one step away from becoming a wealthy person.

    How to distinguish a rich person from a poor one. 30 differences between the poor and the rich 01

    Do you want to know what signs can be used to identify a potential millionaire? Then read this article to the end.

    1) Rich people are resourceful and inventive.

    They say that “the need for invention is cunning,” but resourcefulness is a sign of future wealth.

    The ability to earn money in different ways, masterly management of one’s finances, and careful and thoughtful use of them are the characteristics of rich people.

    2) Rich people know how to highlight what is most important.

    Wealth is, of course, great. But millions mean nothing if money becomes an end in itself.

    Wealthy people care about the well-being of their family and try to earn a lot just so that their loved ones can feel comfortable and safe.

    3) Rich people live within their means.

    Living within your means means soberly assessing your strengths. Drive a car that you can actually afford, live in a house that won’t take up all your time/energy to care for.

    Living within your means, you can afford luxury purchases, but you don’t need to show off your wealth to everyone around you.

    4) Rich people are friends with money from an early age.

    Starting to work from their youth, these people get used to earning money on their own and fully supporting themselves:

    • Plus, in practice they learn not to spend everything they earn, but to save part of the money in order to increase it.
    • Thanks to this, they always have an emergency reserve (which is constantly growing and over time turns into financial capital of impressive size).

    5) When investing, rich people trust only themselves.

    Millionaires don't play the lottery because... there is practically no chance of winning big. Millionaires go to casinos only for entertainment, not to earn money.

    Rich people don't chase fleeting trends and new-fangled hype because they know very well that the vast majority of start-ups are doomed to fail (i.e., won't survive).

    That's why millionaires keep most of their wealth in safe investments (which keeps them in the black in the long run).

    PRACTICE. How to discover the “wealth gene” in yourself.

    To always be “with money”, it is not at all necessary to be a hereditary millionaire - it is enough to instill in yourself the right money habits.

    Try to start with the most basic ones, and you will soon notice that your financial life has changed for the better:

    1) Always make a list of upcoming purchases. Don't forget about small expenses that quietly “suck” money out of your wallet.

    2) Every salary you receive should pay “tribute” to your happy and wealthy future. Disciplinedly deposit a certain part of your salary into a bank deposit - 10-20% will be enough to start with.

    3) Money should not “sit idle”! Train your savings to work and bring you income. Learn to wisely increase your savings.

    4) Regularly buy currency, stocks, precious metals and other financial instruments.

    These steps will allow you to gradually form significant financial capital, the income from which will fully provide for you and your entire family.


    1. Read my other article “What skills do you need to become rich”.
    2. Read my article “Where NOT to invest your money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.”

    Correcting injustice

    It is much easier for the rich than for the poor to cope with temporary difficulties on the road to personal success. But those who are not yet basking in luxury should not despair and give up. It is enough to understand what actions lead to poverty, literally and figuratively grabbing you by the legs and preventing you from climbing the ladder leading to well-being.

    All these obstacles begin with wrong thoughts. Liberation from them will correct the injustice of fate. Getting rid of harmful habits that interfere with your relationship with money will lead to true independence and wealth. These are the main habits of poverty.

    1. Unreasonable spending

    The desire to disguise one's poverty and mislead others often leads to unnecessary waste. If people take out loans for expensive phones and cars, and try to show off various luxury items to everyone, money problems will haunt them ad infinitum.

    All the things acquired at the cost of debt are not so necessary in reality. It would be quite possible to do without them. But the inability to correlate expenses with income leads to captivity in poverty. A smarter course of action might be to look for ways to attract money into your life, rather than get rid of it. By starting the movement towards self-realization, you can actually become financially successful instead of just appearing rich.

    1. Harmful procrastination

    Poverty is caused by endless procrastination of important things and fear that nothing will work out. The accumulation of unsolved problems turns into a serious obstacle to personal growth. And this means adding money problems. Even when experiencing fear, you need to fight despondency.

    By cultivating responsibility and strengthening willpower, you can find ways to reveal your talents, learn, and gain new skills. And then the ability to solve urgent problems will come, a good position will be found that will get you on your feet, freeing you from need.

    1. Shifting the blame

    Envious people are often poor. The habit of repeating that the rich are lucky leads to the introduction of destructive programs into the subconscious. Luck will flee and turn away from individuals mired in envy. If you do not give up the habit of being offended by those who are better off in life, you will not be able to get rid of poverty.

    But having freed yourself from unjustified anger, having accepted yourself, it will be easier to find your own path to prosperity, so as not to deviate from it ever again.

    1. Stinginess under the guise of saving

    Rich people live frugally, but it does not occur to them to deprive themselves of what they need. And poverty is unable to distinguish justified spending from completely useless ones. The poor think that they are saving money by purchasing goods of poor quality at a minimal cost.

    Habits that lead to poverty: how to get rid of them and become rich

    But in the end, you can easily go broke just by replacing low-quality items, and the costs turn out to be prohibitively huge. It is worth learning a rational approach to shopping. You can save money by purchasing items of normal quality at promotions and discounts that will serve without causing additional waste.

    1. Self pity

    The tendency to self-examination leads further and further from the feeling of happiness. And it's a bad habit in the queue to get rid of it. Endlessly feeling sorry for yourself instead of focusing all your energy on finding ways to become happier and richer is no good.

    1. Least favorite job

    Another misconception of the poor is to choose an activity that brings neither income nor joy. They continue to work without pleasure out of fear that they will not find anything better. But bringing your dream closer every day by improving your skills and self-education is a reliable key to happy changes. It opens the door to self-esteem-enhancing areas of activity and income growth.

    1. Lifetime waiting

    Dreaming about the best passively, without doing anything - this is the sure way to spend your whole life building castles in the air that will not give independence and will not relieve poverty. Waiting for a miracle will not bring you up the ladder of prosperity unless you take action.

    The main difficulty of the poor is to switch their thinking to trust in their own strengths, to get out of vegetating in their personal comfort zone. Only efforts made in a timely manner will become a ticket to positive changes and money.

    Characteristics of rich people. Take a closer look at yourself, maybe you are rich

    The hallmarks of a rich person are not just a portfolio of high-yielding stocks and the latest iPhone model. It’s easy to identify a real rich person, armed with knowledge of physiognomy - the science of the influence of appearance on fate and financial well-being.

    We found common features in the arguments of physiognomists about the influence of the shape of the nose on the financial success and appearance of real rich people and tell us what the connection is between the face and money.

    Face shape

    Physiognomy says that those with oval and trapezoidal face types are most susceptible to enrichment. They are smart and insightful, their light, agile intellect is capable of generating amazing ideas.

    Characteristics of rich people. Take a closer look at yourself, maybe you are rich

    Oval and trapezoidal face shapes

    If you look closely at the shape of the face of the greatest investor, Warren Buffett, you will find something between an oval and a trapezoid:

    Fortune Conferences / flickr.com

    Warren Buffett began earning money at the age of 11, and at the age of 31 he became a millionaire thanks to his innate gift of being in the right place at the right time and buying stocks, which soon rose in price.


    Physiognomists consider the nose to be the epicenter of interpretation of human characteristics. Scientists consider the ideal nose for a rich man to be one with a straight back, a well-rounded tip and beautifully shaped wings. A long nose indicates creativity rather than commercial success. But a bony nose with a pointed tip indicates the financial independence of the owner.

    If the bridge of the nose is flat, large and well balanced by both wings, then this indicates wealth and a cold, calculating nature.

    The ideal shape of a rich man's nose

    The most favorable tip of the nose is the “dangling gall” (ink nut). That is, the tip of the nose hangs like this nut hangs.

    The perfect tip of a rich man's nose

    The round shape of the tip of the nose of this type speaks of a prosperous personality occupying a strong position in society, and a small hump promises inevitable financial success. With such a nose, Mark Zuckerberg simply could not help but get rich.

    The perfect combination of nose shape and length for wealth. Brian Solis / flickr.com


    The general rule for reading the shape of a mouth is: the larger the mouth and fuller the lips, the better the person’s character and the easier it is to earn a comfortable life. And if the mouth is large, but cannot close tightly, this means carelessness and excessive wastefulness. The ideal version of a rich man's mouth is moderately thin lips, a large mouth and straight teeth, ensuring good diction in negotiations. For example, like the founder of Amazon.

    Jeff Bezos's mouth is ideal in all aspects of physiognomy. Jeff Bezos Seattle City Council / wikipedia.org


    Experience has shown that if the upper part of the ear is higher than the level of the eyebrows, then the individual has a very high intelligence. Such a person can achieve widespread fame or exceptional financial success. Well-rounded ears, close to the head, indicate a courageous, determined person with an independent mind. Such people literally conquer their destiny and successfully build a career.

    Ears of a Potential Rich Man

    Those with long lobes and small ears are less fortunate - they are predicted to have hard work and years of hardship.

    Carlos Slim Helu, head of America-Moville, and his ear, the upper part of which is above the level of the eyebrows. UN Geneva / flickr.com

    Eyebrows and eyes

    Long, graceful eyebrows usually indicate a person with a marked capacity for longevity, good reputation and financial prosperity. In addition, if such eyebrows are longer than the eyes and have an elegant texture, then this indicates outstanding intelligence.

    People whose upper eyelid creeps into the middle of the eye will never miss their own benefit. According to ancient Chinese texts, such eyelids indicate maturity and considerable insight.

    Practical business advice

    People who have the talent to lead large corporations and institutions are more likely to have the “Phoenix eye” - long eyes with double eyelids and small “fishtails” running up and down. The irises certainly have a strong shine.

    The shape of the eyebrows and eyes of a rich man

    Take a look at Pavel Durov’s face - it fits perfectly into all the characteristics of a rich man invented by physiognomy.

    Pavel Durov is a standard. Physiognomists rejoice. @durov/instagram.com

    Of course, appearance matters. But in order to become rich and successful, it is much more important to master financial literacy, and not plump lips. Stop being complex - your nose is beautiful, and to increase your income, read our articles:

    1. How to raise your salary.

    Signs of a poor person. Signs of the psychology of poverty

    To understand whether a person really has the psychology of poverty, it is important to know its main signs. They may be present simultaneously or appear selectively. The main features of the psychology of poverty are as follows:

    • Envy and hatred of more successful people. It can be present not only in relation to acquaintances, but also to complete strangers. A person envies show business stars, politicians, and those simply passing by in an expensive car. The rich are accused that they got their money dishonestly, or that someone helped them, or that they were simply incredibly lucky in life. At the same time, other people's failures bring joy to such people and allow them to feel more successful;
    • The desire to create the illusion of imaginary wealth. Such people try to live beyond their means. They use their last money to buy expensive things in order to look successful in the eyes of friends and acquaintances. This is exactly where the situation with “iPhone on credit” can be attributed. Loans become an integral attribute of such people. After all, you want to buy everything at once, and it doesn’t matter at all how and what to live on later;

    Signs of a poor person. Signs of the psychology of poverty

    • The habit of discussing your problems and complaining about life. Usually a person with the psychology of poverty chooses a similar environment for himself. The entire dialogue in a friendly company comes down to discussing problems and expressing dissatisfaction with this life. Often such people like to discuss their mutual more successful acquaintances in a negative way;
    • Laziness and unwillingness to leave your comfort zone. People with a mentality of poverty do not want to go to a higher-paying job, since they will have to work harder there. There is no question of owning your own business, because your own business requires dedication 24/7. They hide behind imaginary stability, fear of losing what they have, or find other excuses and justifications for themselves and others.

    Signs of the psychology of poverty are much easier to see in other people. However, it can be very difficult to discern and admit their presence in oneself.

    Habits of the Hereditary Poor

    Wealth and poverty are inseparable. However, one can fight against material need quite successfully. Experts in bioenergetics and psychology argue that material independence is hampered by the wrong attitude. Among the habits that block the path to prosperity, there are 7 main ones that do not give any chance of development.

    To overcome them and achieve success, you must first understand what obstacles are created by incorrect thinking. Recognizing the main enemies gives hope for energetic liberation. Victory will begin to attract the necessary benefits.

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