Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Normosthenic is one of the types of typology of physiques and characters proposed by Kretschmer. Of all the other body types, the normosthenic body type is evolutionarily the best type for survival in conditions of physical reality. Usually these are strong, vital, athletic people. Their inherent strength is manifested not only in the somatic plane, they are quite mentally stable, have a social orientation, are extroverted, can show persistence in their chosen work and leadership qualities, and without much stress, representing natural traits.

Who are asthenics: distinctive features of ectomorph people.

A typical sign of asthenics is thinness. Even a rich diet that includes a significant proportion of sweets and baked goods does not always contribute to weight gain. Ectomorphs are usually tall, but occasionally people of average, even very short stature are also found. They have a poorly developed muscular frame, and there is almost no fat layer. The torso, face and limbs are elongated, elongated, and the shoulders and pelvis are narrow.

Asthenic men always suffer from underweight. Their bones are thin, their chest is sunken, and their ribs protrude. Female representatives with an asthenic body structure look more like teenagers. Such persons age early - due to too fast metabolism, muscles and skin atrophy untimely.

Surprisingly, the type of physique also affects the psychological characteristics of a person.

External signs of asthenic type

  1. One of the main signs of an asthenic body type in people is a thin physique. Their deposition of subcutaneous fat is insignificant. Due to accelerated metabolism, they do not gain weight.
  2. Even enhanced nutrition including sweets and flour products does not always contribute to weight gain.
  3. The torso and face of asthenics are elongated, their shoulders are narrow. The limbs are too long, making the body appear disproportionate. Disharmony is enhanced by being too short or too tall. Asthenics are characterized by low muscle mass and underdeveloped muscles. The skin of such people has a pale, sickly appearance with increased dryness.

Asthenics are characterized by the following distinctive character traits:

  • punctuality, scrupulousness and accuracy;
  • conscientiousness and decency towards others;
  • emotionality;
  • shyness (even modesty), a tendency to instantly “flush” in awkward or tense situations;
  • delicacy;
  • sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • suspiciousness and thoughtfulness;
  • lack of self-confidence, increased susceptibility to stress.

Interesting! Among asthenics, introverts and artistic natures are more common.

A hyposthenic body type creates a predisposition to diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs. For example, asthenics are often diagnosed with gastrointestinal ulcers and gastritis with reduced acidity. There is a high risk of arterial hypotension and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

What factors prevent an ectomorph from accumulating muscle mass?

Asthenics, as you know, find it more difficult than other people to build muscle mass and develop its strength. There are reasons for this:

  • Firstly, initially there is a noticeable lack of muscle and fat tissue - their starting volume is significantly lower than normal.
  • Secondly, all asthenics have an accelerated metabolism (metabolism), which is why consumed carbohydrates are instantly burned without having time to transform into a fat resource. This happens even in a state of complete rest.
  • Thirdly, the muscles of an ectomorph are not particularly prone to growth due to anatomical and physiological characteristics.

A person with a hyposthenic physique is forced to make significant efforts and spend a lot of time so that his muscular frame acquires relief outlines. In addition, the achieved result fades away much faster than for people of other types of constitution.

To increase the volume of muscle tissue, you need an integrated approach. It involves adjusting your diet and choosing the right sports exercises.

The right foods for an ectomorph

It is advisable for asthenics to reduce the amount of high-fat foods in their diet. We are talking about pork meat, mayonnaise, fast food, chips, overly sweet and fatty desserts, sausages, whole milk, etc.

The menu is formed with an emphasis on proteins and other healthy nutrients. Their optimal ratio is considered to be: 1) complex carbohydrates - from 50 to 55%; 2) proteins (proteins) – from 30 to 35%; 3) healthy fats – about 15%.

You can satisfy an asthenic person’s need for carbohydrates with nuts, various vegetables, and rice. The source of high-quality protein in this case is poultry (turkey, chicken), eggs, and kefir. Olive and flaxseed oils, shrimp, mussels and sea fish are rich in quality fats.

By maintaining a balance of essential nutrients, a person helps his body synthesize in more or less sufficient quantities its own protein, which is necessary for the formation of the muscular frame.

What exercises should you pay attention to?

Training for asthenics should be combined with long periods of rest. This is due to the fact that ectomorphic people take much longer to regain strength. Excessively intense and frequent exercise can lead to exhaustion of the body, instead of making the figure fit.

Important! “Lazy breaks” during sports are simply necessary for asthenics - they help increase the effectiveness of the exercises.

The complex of mandatory exercises includes adequate strength training. Thanks to them, you can significantly increase muscle mass. Varieties and features of such exercises:

  • monotonous muscle work with free weights;
  • gradual increase in intensity of loads;
  • improvement of execution technique.

Endurance and strength need to be trained regularly, since muscle mass in ectomorphs is lost faster than it is gained.

Cardio exercise will also be useful, especially for eliminating stress to which asthenics are susceptible. In this case, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Perform aerobic exercise for 15 (maximum 30) minutes no more than three to four times a week.
  2. The training is carried out in a “corridor” of values ​​from 60 to 80% of the personal maximum heart rate (or heart rate) in order to prevent burnout and loss of valuable calories.

It’s good to do yoga, Pilates, martial arts, tai chi. They help tonify and stretch muscles, optimize local blood flow and muscle trophism.


Due to increased metabolism, asthenics are slim, which is often excessive. For the body to look harmonious, nutritious (mainly carbohydrate-protein) nutrition alone will not be enough. It is necessary to play sports, but this also has its own nuances. In most cases, asthenics are not faced with the task of losing excess weight, but aerobics is just as necessary as strength training.

Why, exactly, do we need to know our body type? The answer to this question cannot be monosyllabic. Firstly, it is easier for people who know the characteristics of their figure to choose their wardrobe. In addition, every self-respecting athlete or coach knows that each person’s healthy eating principles and training habits depend on their body type. Just as the same clothes do not fit people with different body types, people with different body types do not fit the same workout programs, even if they have the same goal. Let's learn more about body types!

Prohibited and permitted products

Despite a good metabolism, the caloric content of foods must be controlled. Fats, carbohydrates and proteins should be within reasonable limits. You should always feel slightly hungry after eating. You should drink at least 2 liters of water per day, in small doses. The last meal should be no later than 18 hours.

Healthy protein products for normosthenics:

  • chicken;
  • white fish;
  • lean beef;
  • eggs;
  • yogurt;
  • lentils;
  • seafood.

Carbohydrate products:

  • brown rice;
  • oatmeal;
  • legumes

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Vegetables fruits:

  • asparagus;
  • cauliflower;
  • leafy greens;
  • spinach;
  • any berries;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • citrus.

Recommended spices: coriander, cinnamon, mint, dill.

Undesirable products:

  • red meat;
  • nuts;
  • ginger;
  • saffron

Body types

The physique of both men and women depends on a number of parameters, among which are the following:

  • body dimensions;
  • proportions of body parts;
  • characteristics and composition of fabrics;
  • muscle shapes;
  • features of the development of tissues, organs, body parts.

For the most part, nutritionists and fitness trainers proceed from the classification of body types proposed by Professor Chernorutsky V.M. There are only three of them: asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

Determining your body type

Asthenic type:

  • the chest and neck are extended;
  • the diaphragm is low;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • long limbs;
  • average or above average height;
  • muscles are poorly developed;
  • little adipose tissue.
  • Fat accumulation is slow or absent

Normosthenic type:

  • the muscles are better developed than in a person of the hyposthenic type;
  • strong bone skeleton;
  • broad shoulders;
  • proportional length of arms and legs;
  • adipose tissue reserves are at an average level.
  • Fat accumulation is adequate to the loss of adipose tissue.

Hypersthenic type:

  • short neck;
  • the diaphragm is located high;
  • the amount of body fat is above average;
  • short stature.
  • The accumulation of adipose tissue occurs quickly.

In general, the description is quite vague, but in general you can get an idea of ​​your type of build.

Another way to determine your body type is by the circumference of your wrist. If you have already been pregnant, then you probably remember how the doctor, when registering, measures the so-called Solovyov index. You can determine a woman's body type using a flexible measuring tape. Measure your wrist circumference and now look at the results. The circumference for a height of 160-175 is:

  • 15-17 cm – for normosthenic;
  • from 17 cm - for hypersthenic;
  • up to 15 cm - in asthenic.

Body type, what is it?

What is a person's body type?

Each person has a unique appearance , depending on many factors, including health status, race, nationality, degree of mobility, eating habits in childhood and adulthood.

Each person’s physique is also individual, but in general, similar characteristics can be noted and a typology can be created based on them.

The creators of most theories about the constitution and human physique distinguish three main types:

  1. Asthenic (or hyposthenic ). They are also called ectomorphs , according to another typology. What does it mean? These are thin, even fragile people with long legs and arms. They tend to be tall (however, women can be short), have narrow shoulders, and a long neck. Most hyposthenics remain frail throughout their lives, since it is more difficult for them than representatives of other types to become thicker or more muscular. They are predisposed to osteoporosis in old age due to thinness and high stature, especially women. Hyposthenics usually include men whose wrist girth is less than 17-18 cm, and women whose girth is less than 14-15 cm.
  2. Normostenic. Another common name is mesomorph . Their bodies are strong and harmonious, they have a sufficient amount of muscle mass and a low level of adipose tissue. Normosthenics make excellent athletes, since they can easily increase muscle volume, and they are practically not prone to gain weight due to their good metabolism (but they can gain weight if they actively overeat or eat excessively high-calorie foods). They usually have average height, broad shoulders, and are able to cope with increased loads. In mesomorph men, the wrist girth is about 18-20 cm, in women, 15-17 cm. Women of this type may look masculine.
  3. Hypersthenic, or endomorph according to another theory. These are large people, usually with excess fat tissue and low muscle volume. They get fat easily, and it is extremely difficult for them to lose weight due to their slow metabolism. Gaining muscle mass is also difficult. Endomorphs find it difficult to exercise, so when trying to lose weight, they prefer to choose the path of dietary restrictions.
    A typical endomorph is a plump person with a large belly, a round face, short limbs with extremely little muscle volume.

    Hypersthenics include men whose wrist girth is more than 20 cm, and women whose wrist girth exceeds 17 centimeters. They are characterized by small stature, especially for women.

What is body type and what is it like?

At the same time, it is difficult to find classical hyposthenics, normosthenics and hypersthenics: any person can combine the characteristics of each type .

The above types of constitution help in selecting the optimal training and nutrition regimen, which will help you quickly gain weight or lose weight and gain muscle mass.

Asthenic body type

Women of this constitution are characterized by general thinness, a long and thin neck, narrow shoulders, a flat and narrow chest, elongated thin limbs, an elongated face and a thin nose. Height is often above average. The muscles of such women are poorly developed, so they lack strength and endurance. But the representatives of this group are energetic, light and graceful, and have little weight.

One of the obvious advantages of an asthenic physique is the minimal tendency to be overweight. The downside is a frequent feeling of weakness and a drop in blood pressure.

When choosing sports disciplines, it is better to give preference to those that are aimed at developing missing skills: strength and endurance. These include swimming, aerobics, and dancing. Typical representatives of an asthenic physique are Keira Knightley, Nicole Kidman and Kate Moss in her best years.

Hypersthenic body type

Women of this constitution have heavy and wide bones, voluminous shoulders, a wide and short chest, and slightly shortened limbs (as a rule). Height is often below average. By nature, such ladies have strength and endurance, but are deprived of flexibility and grace. Therefore, the recommended sports disciplines are as follows: yoga, Pilates, martial arts, etc.

The disadvantages of a hypersthenic body type include a low metabolic rate, which implies an increased tendency to be overweight.

Ladies with this body type are singer Beyoncé and the most famous plus-size model Jenny Rank.

Body types in women are variants of the normal human constitution.

This means that the constitution determines the appearance and health of its owner. Basically, the structural features of the female body are hereditary in nature, but initially knowing your body type, you can make timely adjustments from an early age.

Body Features

Body harmony is one of the criteria for health. In case of disproportion, the question arises about the violation of growth processes and the reasons that caused it.

Based on this, medicine distinguishes three main body types:

  • mesomorphic;
  • brachymorphic;
  • dolichomorphic.

Normosthenics belong to the first type.

Body proportionality, relative to physique:

Body typeRatio of body parts relative to body length in %
TorsoLower limbsUpper limbsShouldersPelvis

These bodily proportions are one of the criteria when assessing a person’s health status. In women of the normosthenic type, if there are extra pounds, they are evenly distributed throughout the body. Metabolism occurs quickly, it is not difficult for them to build muscle mass, but high muscle density will not make it possible to obtain a thin figure relief.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight
The figure lists the features of a normosthenic physique in women.

The advantage of the body is a high metabolic rate and physical endurance. When excess fat accumulates, it is distributed evenly throughout the body. The main dimensions are proportional; such people naturally have good coordination and quick reactions.

Normosthenic physique in women implies the presence of dense muscle tissue, especially in areas such as the hips, waist, and calves.

Women with this body type have:

  • average height;
  • equal ratio of hips and shoulders;
  • strong bones;
  • rectangular skeleton;
  • clearly defined chest;
  • thin waist;
  • reinforced muscle corset;
  • good ratio of fat and muscle tissue;
  • harmonious figure.

After the birth of children, the athletic physique of normosthenic women, as a rule, remains normal. Their metabolism in the body is excellent, they easily burn fat and build muscle. Due to this, they rarely gain more weight than normal.

Variations of the female figure

There are several systems for grading the appearance of the female body. The most common is a very simple and understandable way to determine body shape:

  • asthenic (or hyposthenic);
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

If you think that knowing your body type is not particularly important, bet. Certain body types have different problem areas, which you can “sweat” in the gym, change your diet, rhythm of life and choose the best clothes.

Asthenic body type in ectomorph women

  • According to generally accepted opinion, these are the very happy owners of slender and thin figures. According to other ladies, these women are witches who eat a lot and practically do not gain weight. Note that there are two sides of the same coin. In their youth, asthenic ladies are slender, but with age, fat is still deposited in the most unattractive places: on the back and waist, which forms an untidy and disproportionate image.
  • It is easier for such women to maintain good physical shape, because their lipids accumulate slowly. Of the minuses, we note that although these girls are wiry, thin and energetic, untrained young ladies have the lowest level of endurance and strength indicators.
  • Muscle development turns into pure torture for ectomorphs. Since growth processes are slowed down not only in fat, but also in muscles. That is why it is very difficult to give a sporty, pumped-up look to the silhouette.
  • The appearance of such ladies is not particularly popular among men, because they are angular, lack pleasant roundness and look like teenagers. Any model on the show is a prime example of this body type.
  • The shortened “upper” part of the body and long limbs create the illusion of “legs from ears”. Poorly developed lipid tissue often affects the size of the bust, and sometimes causes its absence.
  • Narrow shoulders and chest, narrow feet and hands and a narrow waist! The Solovyov index, which helps determine your body type based on your wrist, is less than 15.
  • As for training, it is easier for such ladies, since they almost never have to struggle with excess weight. An ectomorph woman can immediately begin strength training in the form of a split, avoiding aerobic counterparts.
  • After achieving the desired results, you should definitely undergo an unpleasant but effective “drying” procedure.
  • With possible weight loss, these young ladies first begin to “lose” their muscles, so calorie restriction will not help with figure correction. The panacea is a special diet and strength training.


Normosthenic physique in women implies good physical shape. With these parameters you can practice any kind of sport. Normosthenics achieve particular success in bodybuilding, as they easily gain muscle mass.

They benefit from the following activities:

  • fitness;
  • strength and cardio training;
  • running, cycling no more than 35 minutes, three times a week;
  • volleyball;
  • basketball;
  • tennis;
  • swimming;
  • power yoga.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

General training recommendations:

  • You should exercise 3-4 times a week. If possible, it is better to divide the training into 2 parts: 20 minutes in the morning, aerobic exercise, and evening exercises to work out all muscle groups.
  • The total duration of physical activity should not exceed 1.5 hours. Before and after training, you need to do a 15-minute warm-up.
  • Change the set of exercises more often to avoid muscle addiction to the same exercises.
  • In your free time from training, you should lead an active lifestyle. Walking and swimming are suitable for this.

To rest and restore muscles, you should take 24-hour breaks. Night sleep is also very important, it should be at least 8 hours.

Nature has endowed women with a normosthenic physique with good characteristics, but they should be protected and improved. In order to be in good shape, to be slim and fit for many years, you need to put in a lot of effort.

Author: Belyaeva Anna

Normosthenic body type - mesomorphs

  • No matter how fickle youth fashion dictates the demand for skinny young ladies, the figure of a mesomorphic (normosthenic) woman is considered the classic ideal of beauty. They don't appear emaciated or compass women. Their body is proportional, with well-developed muscle tissue and a minimum of fat. Such girls are naturally athletic and sculpted.
  • Mesomorph instantly loses fat reserves if desired and gains muscle mass at lightning speed. By nature, their metabolic rate is high, but with age, in the absence of adequate physical activity, metabolic processes slow down significantly, and weight rapidly creeps up.
  • The part of the body at the top is slightly smaller than the one at the bottom, i.e. the legs are not too big, but they are not short either. At the same time, the sizes of the chest, hands and feet are average.
  • Solovyov index for wrist size 15-17.
  • Often the figure resembles the notorious hourglass, and if you are overweight, it resembles a pear or an apple.
  • Young ladies with similar parameters can achieve records in sports in the shortest possible time.
  • The problem of a “wasp waist” is quite acute in this case, because curvy ladies will have to sweat in the gym to achieve the desired shape. Among sports disciplines, it is worth paying attention to game types: basketball, volleyball, aerobics and tennis.


Physique is the characteristics of body parts, proportions, a reasonable ratio of bone, fat and muscle tissue. Body habitus is the medical term for "body type." Various factors can determine body proportions.

According to medical classification, there are 3 physique factors:

  • asthenic;
  • normosthenic;
  • hypersthenic.

All types are inherent in human genetics. But already in childhood, if any external factors change, a violation of the inherent genotype in nature is possible. This could be physical activity, eating habits, various diseases suffered in childhood.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Internal and external features of the normosthenic structure:

  • good development of muscle mass;
  • well-developed bone skeleton;
  • the amount of adipose tissue corresponds to the average;
  • the chest is convex;
  • broad shoulders;
  • the length of the limbs is proportional.

Hypersthenic body constitution - endomorphs

  • Endomorphs (people with the hypersthenic type) are precisely those individuals whom sculptors and artists lovingly praised in their works. “Venus de Milo” by Botticelli, “Danae” by Titian, modern beauty icons Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Beyoncé and other ladies “in the body” are a vivid personification of this type of “body structure”. Curvy young ladies are famous for their femininity and sensuality.
  • Such girls justify their excess weight by heredity, by the fact that there should be a lot of good people and by the fact that men do not throw dice, but there is a fundamental difference. From birth, endomorphs have more adipose tissue than muscle tissue, but this does not mean that such ladies are doomed to eternal obesity. This variation of the fair sex should only be given more time and effort to bring the figure back to normal. Only laziness prevents such girls from being pumped up and elastic.
  • Transverse dimensions predominate over longitudinal ones (legs and arms are short). The chest is wide, the waist is the same, massive hips, large joints, feet and hands.
  • The Solovyov index is more than 17 positions.
  • Fat mass predominates over muscle mass.
  • The combination of feminine curves and good muscle tone will give trained endomorph ladies a seductive and exciting image.
  • But if such a young lady suddenly decides to lose weight and turn into a withered roach, she will have to make titanic efforts, which are unlikely to be crowned with success.
  • Even if losing weight is successful, the girl’s appearance will turn out to be painful and disproportionate. In such individuals, muscles grow beautifully, but they are difficult to see under a dense layer of fat, which must first be burned. The latter is problematic, since metabolic processes in this form are significantly inferior in speed to the previous two.
  • Stored fat is difficult to lose, and for training we advise you to choose intense cardio workouts with moderate load and change your diet to low-carbohydrate. Remember that breakdowns and relaxations will lead to an immediate return of lost kilos.

You have learned the main female body types, we have described their features, advantages and disadvantages. As you may have noticed, there is no “bad” or “good” physique, each has its own flavor. But we note that there is a common feature for everyone - beauty and women’s health directly depend on the regularity of her visits to the gym.

Remember, no matter what your silhouette is, only proper nutrition and increased physical activity will preserve female attractiveness for a long time.

Video: Typology of female physique

An asthenic physique implies natural thinness and thin bones. People with this body type have little to no muscle mass, but they also find it difficult to gain muscle mass. Usually such people have narrow shoulders and chest, and are often too tall, which does not harmonize with thinness. Long limbs, elongated face, pale skin. Pallor is caused by low blood pressure; asthenics have constantly cold extremities.

Asthenics have an accelerated metabolism, which also complicates the process of gaining weight. If such a person wants to gain weight, he needs to eat very often and in large quantities. These are sick and weak people, but they sleep very little. By nature they are sensitive and impressionable, often with low or painfully high self-esteem.

They are easily offended, but they are not prone to torment and analysis of what happened. Asthenics are not prone to shocking behavior and do not strive to show themselves in society. In a difficult situation, they get lost and do not like changes in their usual life situation or unfamiliar people. Positive traits include meticulousness and conscientiousness in work, decency and care, and balance.

Body types according to Sheldon

The Sheldon method body types are currently considered the most popular.


An endomorph is distinguished by the presence of fat deposits . The fact is that people in this category suffer from slow metabolism , so it is most difficult for them to get in shape.

People tend to accumulate fat, which makes it much harder for them to exercise or bodybuild.

Distinctive features:

  • broad shoulders;
  • high aperture position;
  • short arms, legs and neck;
  • rounded chest shape.

In order for endomorphs to get in shape, they are advised to eat smaller meals , lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise and rest.

types of male figures



It is considered the most sporty option. Mesomorphs can easily build muscle mass . Such people often engage in bodybuilding . Mesomorphs have:

  • strong tendons and bones;
  • relief muscles;
  • broad shoulders;
  • medium or tall height;
  • proportional body;
  • fast metabolism;
  • a good appetite;
  • stocky figure.


Such people have a rather slender, lean body.

It is quite difficult for them to gain muscle mass . The fact is that they have an accelerated metabolism. But among ectomorphs there are those who manage to pump up their muscles .

Ectomorphs have:

  • thin and fragile bones;
  • narrow shoulders;
  • long limbs;
  • natural thinness and angularity;
  • large supply of energy;
  • medium or tall height.

skinny guy


Normosthenic physique

A normosthenic has a proportional muscular figure, and the muscle tissue is naturally developed. It is easy for these people to achieve an athletic figure. Their metabolism is also fast, but with a sedentary lifestyle, fat will be deposited. They need to eat more protein foods than fat and carbohydrates. In this case, they will not get better.

By nature, normosthenics are quite proud and strive to become leaders in everything. They are not afraid of dangers and quickly find a solution in a difficult situation. Many of them are aggressive and tough, and behave relaxed and noisy in society. They are usually full of emotions, they are quick-witted and witty.

Recommended Diet

Normosthenics burn fat deposits much faster due to increased appetite, so they need protein foods at the rate of 2 g per kg of weight. You should eat 5 to 7 times a day.

Amount of nutrients per day:

  • fats (mainly of plant origin) – 15% of the daily diet;
  • carbohydrates – 50% of the total diet;
  • proteins – 30-40%.

People of this type lead an active lifestyle and always have an excessive appetite. An accelerated metabolism allows them not to be afraid of excess weight, but in case of sedentary work they should engage in physical exercise.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Recommended food:

  • limited fat intake;
  • avoid foods high in sugar and starch;
  • do not abuse salty, fatty foods, smoked foods;
  • include more seafood, ocean fish, and foods with Omega fatty acids in your diet;
  • include lean meats, turkey meat, fruits, natural milk, yogurt, and nuts in your diet.

Each meal should contain 40% protein, 35% carbohydrates and 15% fat.

Hypersthenic physique

Hypersthenics have rounded shapes and have a wide skeleton. Fat mass predominates over muscle mass. Limbs are usually short, metabolism is slow. They easily gain extra pounds and have difficulty building muscle mass. These people tend to shy away from sports, but they need it. Without physical activity, their figure will inexorably blur over time.

At the same time, their appetite is moderate, they are prone to diseases of the digestive and circulatory systems. By nature, they are good-natured and sincere people, calm and self-confident. They become strongly attached to people close to them and care about them, sometimes to the point of possessiveness. Hypersthenics need to monitor their health more carefully than others.

There is a clear relationship between a person’s psychotype, as well as his emotionality and temperament. There are three main psychotypes: asthenic, normosthenic, hypersthenic. An asthenic person is distinguished not just by certain proportions of figure and body, but also by his attitude towards people, himself, and a specific way of thinking.

Body types of men according to Chernorutsky

The classification of figures according to Chernorutsky is similar to the description of the main characteristics of Sheldon.


People who belong to this type have:

  • wide chest;
  • high fat content;
  • medium or short height;
  • an elongated body, against which the arms and legs appear short;
  • high or average body mass index;
  • good character;
  • high aperture position.

Hypersthenics are prone to gastrointestinal diseases , have difficulty building muscle mass and suffer from poor thyroid function

In addition, they have a slow metabolism, increased cholesterol and blood pressure .


Considered the ideal of all body types. People included in this category have:

  • high metabolic rate;
  • proportional physique;
  • strong ligaments and tendons.

Normosthenics can successfully realize themselves in sports . They quickly pump up muscles, as they are not prone to systematic accumulation of fat.

sports figure men



Asthenics are not prone to gaining excess weight , as they have a fast metabolism. That's why they always remain thin. Asthenics also have:

  • elongated face shape;
  • fragile bones;
  • narrow shoulders and waist;
  • long arms and legs;
  • tall or average height;
  • low aperture position.

Also, people belonging to this category are prone to psychological disorders

At the same time, they experience various gastrointestinal diseases , low hemoglobin and blood pressure levels.

Features of asthenic

Asthenics look sophisticated and fragile. They are typically thin and tall, have difficulty gaining weight due to their high metabolism, and have a low fat content. The muscles of asthenics are weakly expressed, and the contours of the body are angular. A slight stoop predominates, the face is elongated and narrow. Outwardly, they give the impression of weak people, not only in character, but also in medical terms. The skin of this psychotype of people is dry, thin and pale. Blood pressure – low or normal. Asthenics do not tolerate climate change well; their feet and hands are often cold. People of this type love sweet and sour foods and have a weakness for hot drinks and alcohol.

Menu for diet

Women with a normosthenic physique need to alternate diets and increase physical activity. Strict diets are not recommended for people of this type. To lose weight they need to eat everything, but little by little and often.

The best strategy for normosthenics is to reduce the percentage of fat in the diet and at the same time strengthen muscles. Their bodies do not tend to store carbohydrates as fats, so they may eat a high-carbohydrate diet. To normalize fat metabolism and develop a beautiful figure, women of this type will benefit from a combination of Omega 3 fatty acids + calcium products.

There is no general diet for women with a normosthenic physique. It depends on your health status, diseases, and other restrictions. But everyone should adhere to healthy and rational food.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Sample menu for 7 days:

Days of the weekBreakfastSnackDinnerSnackDinner
MondayOatmeal with fresh berries and almonds, one eggBlack coffee, bread and butterGrilled chicken breast with a side of leafy greens, tomatoes and cucumbers, a little olive oil for the salad and sesame seeds.Fruits or berries (blueberries)
200 g
Low-fat cottage cheese with fresh fruits
TuesdaySteam omelette, vegetable salad, coffeeApple or carrotSalmon with fried vegetables and boiled brown rice, whole grain breadFruits or berries, 200 gBaked fish with boiled potatoes, greens
WednesdayMuesli with fruit,
Green tea
Fresh carrotsRoast turkey, boiled riceCurdled milk, bunBaked cauliflower with cheese and egg
ThursdayOatmeal with water, you can add fruits, nuts, tea, dry crackersApple, fresh berries, nuts (optional)Cauliflower soup, baked potatoes with tuna, whole grain breadFresh cottage cheese with the addition of berries, nuts or raisinsPotato, bean and beet salad, seasoned with sunflower oil, tea
FridayPotatoes baked with cottage cheese, seasoned with herbs, coffee or teaSalad of fresh, grated beets, dressed with sour creamSteamed veal with vegetable salad dressed with olive oil, 1 slice of breadKefir, dry cookiesLow-fat cheese, bread, 1 tomato
SaturdayCoffee, bread, 2 eggsApple and banana smoothiePumpkin puree soup, seasoned with sesame seeds, boiled chickenCurd mousse, crackerBaked fish fillet with green salad, tea
SundayVegetable salad, toast with butter, cheese, teaCurd smoothie with kiwi addedSpaghetti from whole grain pasta, with tomatoes, olives, cheese, vegetable salad, teaSteam omelette with green peasKefir, cracker

The quantity of products is calculated in such a way that at least 2 thousand kcal are received per day. For correct calculation, you should keep a food diary, where you record the foods you eat, their weight, and the calories they contain. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must also be taken into account. There are many programs with which you can keep daily records.


Asthenics are quite vulnerable and impressionable; they can easily faint at the sight of blood or an animal caught under the wheels of a car. They worry for a long time if someone says a rude word to them. Such people are not ready to analyze this or that situation, they do not want to delve into themselves and look for, he must do this and not otherwise. They do not like increased attention to themselves and live secretly. Asthenics simply adore animals, often acquiring a large number or. In the event of a threat or trouble, they do not know what to do, they become as if amorphous, and cannot do anything. Often asthenics become withdrawn and highly vulnerable.

Such people are demanding of themselves and others, so it is often difficult for them to communicate with representatives of a different psychotype. But asthenics are capable of constant and deep feelings for loved ones, relatives, and friends. The sensitive nervous system contributes to fairly rapid fatigue, which manifests itself in the form of hot temper and irritability, suspiciousness and anxiety. This condition is generally called asthenic.

Asthenics are susceptible to stress, they are less resilient than other psychotypes, so you should adhere to a certain lifestyle so as not to overload the nervous system, relax and work as efficiently as possible, at a comfortable pace and mode. Excessive physical activity and a busy social life are contraindicated for asthenics. Adequate rest, sleep, and walks in the fresh air are recommended to restore lost mental energy.

This psychotype includes creative people who are prone to painstaking mental work and research; they are focused on the process, not the result. Asthenics are valued for their moral principles, kindness, high conscientiousness, and responsibility.

Ernst Kretschmer (1888-1964) – German psychologist and psychiatrist. Not immediately finding himself, this man began by studying philosophy, literature and art history, but already at the university he turned to medicine. One of his first works, “Sensitive Delirium of Attitude,” was assessed by the famous psychologist and philosopher K. Japers as “close to genius.” E. Kretschmer is best known for his typology of temperaments.

Attempts to classify people according to their psychological characteristics have been made for a long time. The doctrine of 4 temperaments, belonging to Hippocrates, is widely known. I. Pavlov’s typology, based on the strength, balance and mobility of nervous processes, intersects with this classification.

E. Kretschmer drew attention to the fact that the signs that characterize mental disorders - manic-depressive psychosis - are also observed in healthy people, the difference lies only in the degree of their manifestation. This principle was the basis for the typology of temperaments proposed by E. Kretschmer. The researcher called people with varying degrees of severity of signs of manic-depressive psychosis cyclothymics and cycloids, and people with schizophrenic traits - schizothymics and schizoids.

E. Kretschmer associated these psychological traits with body type. In his opinion, schizothymics and schizoids are often distinguished by a leptosomal (asthenic) physique, and cyclothymics and cycloids - by a pyknic one.

Detailed description

Asthenic (hyposthenic)

Main character traits: seriousness, the desire to be alone and communicate with others only when necessary, shyness, daydreaming, immersion in one’s own world, low emotionality, polarity in emotional states.

Asthenics can be either stubborn, energetic, determined and strong-willed, or rather weak-willed and unstable.

Strengths: the desire for justice, orientation towards ideals, in an effort to achieve which an asthenic person is capable of much, perseverance, a high level of activity, especially in things that are important to him, developed intelligence, the desire to stand out from the crowd and improve himself.

Weaknesses: selfishness, tendency to have one's head in the clouds, low development of communication skills and lack of desire to communicate, lack of will (not common to all asthenics), emotional dryness, poorly developed sense of humor, self-will, stubbornness, demandingness.

Peculiarities of men and women: increased emotional coldness, one of the traits characteristic of asthenic men, largely related not only to the type of constitution, but also to the characteristics of gender education. It is more difficult for them than women to express emotions; they are restrained and stubborn.

It is easier for asthenic women to understand others, they usually experience less stress in the process of communication, but they are also cold and tend to prioritize work and favorite activities over family.

Suitable professions: creative field, writers, artists, musicians, poets, dancers. Also, asthenics are well suited to the scientific field, which is closely related to research (physics, chemistry, biology, and so on). Professions that involve active communication are not suitable for them.


Main character traits: increased sensitivity, concentration, patience, the desire to constantly analyze one’s own actions and plans, self-absorption, shyness, incessant doubts about one’s own usefulness and competence, anxiety, a tendency to develop phobias, difficulties in making decisions, indecisiveness, low self-esteem, perfectionism.

Strengths: ability to analyze, reason, high intelligence and thirst for knowledge, restraint, self-criticism (often excessive, unfortunately), desire to make plans for the near and distant future, including work plans, accuracy, love of cleanliness, developed imagination, reliability , but provided that the psychasthenic is in fairly comfortable conditions.

Weaknesses: indecision, lack of self-confidence, anxiety, excessive vulnerability, difficulties when trying to make a decision (the more serious it is, the more time the psychasthenic will spend thinking about it). Psychasthenics have difficulty adapting to new circumstances.

Peculiarities of men and women: psychasthenic girls carefully take care of their own appearance, but usually choose discreet clothes and wear subtle makeup.

It is extremely difficult for both women and men to establish relationships with the opposite sex: they are embarrassed and worry too much.

Suitable professions: It is advisable to choose a job in which there will not be too much stress, constantly changing conditions. It is also difficult for them to work with large numbers of people and speak in front of a crowd.

The artistic field, scientific (but not teaching), and professions that require attention to detail (programmer, proofreader and editor of works of art) are suitable for them.


Main character traits: composure, conservatism, inflexibility, difficulties in adapting to new conditions, the desire to pay too much attention to what is not essential.

Positive aspects: ability to remain calm, poise in difficult situations, fairly low emotionality, friendliness, ability to concentrate, self-confidence.

Negative aspects: conservatism, inflexibility, stubbornness, inability to quickly adapt to changing conditions, pettiness, inertia of thinking.

Features of men and women: athletic girls are often the center of attention due to their visual attractiveness, enjoy playing sports and love to eat delicious food.

Men also strive to play sports, are active, and love female attention.

Suitable professions: areas where there is no need to constantly adapt to changing conditions are suitable. Otherwise, the list of possible professions is quite wide: for example, managers, accountants, athletes, coaches, dancers.

Leptosomal type

People with a leptosomal body type are thin, slender, and have elongated necks and limbs. The lower jaw is small, the nose is clearly defined, the hair is coarse and thick. They are sensitive to some phenomena and completely indifferent to others.

Among people with a leptosomal body type - schizothymics and schizoids - there are many dreamers and connoisseurs of art. In everyday life, they are distinguished by their tendency to conflict, pedantry, perseverance, and concentration on their own interests. Often such people create for themselves a kind of fictional world, built from dreams and ideas, but they can be witty and ironic. Schizothymic scientists most often devote themselves to the exact sciences or philosophy.

Advantages and disadvantages

Even in ancient times, a relationship was found between temperament and physique. Normosthenics are the strongest and most vital people among all other body types. Their constitution promotes “fighting spirit”; they easily gain muscle mass, are brave and have Spartan endurance. They are distinguished by an athletic gait, confident posture, and decisive gestures.

People with this body type have the following characteristics:

  • harshness, aggressiveness;
  • ability to dominate;
  • fear of cramped spaces and enclosed spaces.

Normosthenics include 10–15% of people, most of them professional athletes, fitness models, and Hollywood stars.

Normosthenic physique in women. What is it, weight, photos, nutrition, how to lose weight

Normosthenic physique in women presupposes certain features of physical development and some propensities for pathologies:

  • upper respiratory tract diseases;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • neuralgia;
  • atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

To a lesser extent than other people, they are at risk of obesity, diabetes, and atherosclerosis.

Picnic type

The picnic type is characterized by a dense physique, large bones, and roundness of shape. The face is wide, the head is large, the neck is short, the hair is soft. Such people are often overweight, but at the same time they are distinguished by mobility, smoothness and naturalness of movements.

The pace of life of such people - cycloids and cyclothymics - depends on their mood, which constantly fluctuates between sadness and joy. These are open, good-natured people who easily come into contact with others. The worldview of cyclothymics and cycloids is characterized by realism, and they are characterized by gentle humor. A cyclothymic scientist is an empiricist who prefers visual descriptions, and is often a popularizer of science.

Along with the leptosomal and pycnic types, E. Kretschmer identified an intermediate type - the viscose type. Such people have an athletic build, are prone to emotions and are predisposed to epilepsy.

E. Kretschmer's classification became widespread, but it immediately began to be criticized. The transfer of patterns identified in psychiatric practice to healthy people and the connection between mental traits and physique also raised doubts. By the middle of the 20th century. the theory was considered unscientific. Currently, this typology is considered from the point of view of the history of psychology and is not used in psychological practice.


  • What is the typology of characters according to E. Kretschmer

A woman is given a physique once and for life at birth. With age, your figure may change, but only due to an increase in adipose tissue in certain places. Body type is determined by comparing the ratios of the upper torso, waist and hips with the legs.

All female forms can be divided into four types. Two of them have been compared to delicious fruits, and for good reason. Each body type has “tasty spots”, highlights that allow their owners to attract male partners.

Women whose shapes are called "apple" have medium to attractively large breasts. Their beautiful curvy shoulders are combined with a rounded tummy and narrow hips.

And the dimly defined waist is balanced by beautiful arms and slender legs. It puts on bull's-eye pounds in the upper torso, which allows the wearer to wear short skirts and long slits at the bottom of dresses for a long time.

Body types are also divided into asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic.

To stay in shape, women with an apple-shaped figure need to constantly do gymnastics, as they easily gain kilograms and find it difficult to lose them.

The second juicy fruit that has been compared to a female figure is the pear. The physique of such women is characterized by narrow shoulders, small breasts and curvy hips. Pears have a flat stomach and a defined waist that contrasts with the hips.

Women with such a figure gain weight mainly in the lower part, so they need to wear long, flared skirts and wide belts at a beautiful waist. It will also help to emphasize the advantages of such a figure by adding volume to the upper part of the ensemble: blouses and sweaters with an elegant boat neckline.

A female hourglass figure with a thin waist, slender legs and harmonious chest and shoulders equal in volume to the hips attracts men most of all.

The happy owner of such shapes can wear whatever she likes. These women gain weight evenly, and their pleasant plumpness only adds to their charm. They lose weight as quickly as they gain weight, which is why most models have this type of build.

Athletic, fit ladies with uniform shapes and an undefined waist have a “column” figure. Their flat buttocks are combined with slender legs and small breasts. And the hips and shoulders are the same width.

Body types can have mixed characteristics, and these types of figures are divided into separate types.

The thighs of such women remain slim for a long time, while the upper body gains weight. From clothing, they are recommended things that add volume to the hips and chest, and the waist can be emphasized with a belt or belt.

“Columns” build muscle mass well, are willing to play sports and are easy-going. No matter what type of physique a woman has, nature itself gave her charm and femininity.

The correct selection of clothes will help to emphasize it; it will allow a woman with any figure to skillfully hide flaws and highlight her advantages. And the feeling that you are unique will bring many interesting meetings and exciting events into your life. Men most of all value optimism, a calm character and natural prettiness in a woman, which is characteristic of everyone, without exception.

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