What vitamins are good for scalp hair growth?

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Today absolutely everyone knows that children need vitamins. It is difficult to overestimate their influence on the normal development and functioning of each organ and system. Strong bones, beautiful skin, good memory, resistance to diseases, high intelligence - these are only a small part of the effect that consuming enough vitamins has on a child's body! But their lack leads to impairments not only in physical but also mental development.

A child who receives age-appropriate doses of vitamins for the mind:

  • has a higher level of intelligence;
  • better assimilates and remembers educational material;
  • copes with tasks more easily;
  • knows how to concentrate.

The brains of such children are more active than those of their peers, therefore, learning is much easier for them and they achieve better results.


...Then it’s even more difficult: college, then work, responsibility, the volume of intellectual tasks increases by an order of magnitude. This means that the brain needs support again.

A special category is people over 60 years old. Their brain neurons gradually “freeze”, the number of connections between them and the intensity with which these tiny “paths” are activated decreases.

Vessels in adulthood lose elasticity. A period of memory fading begins, attention decreases, and the need for new knowledge decreases.

And taking vitamins and other elements that keep the brain in good shape becomes mandatory for those who want to maintain cognitive abilities at the same level.

The best monovitamins for hair

Not all situations require the use of vitamin complexes. Sometimes it is enough to purchase single drugs. It is better if a doctor gives recommendations on their use.


The product contains synthetic vitamin A, corn oil, gelatin and sorbitol. It returns shine to hair, moisturizes, and protects against harmful factors .

The course of treatment is 1 month.


Solgar: Vitamin E, Premium Tocopherol

Replenishes vitamin E deficiency, which prevents cell aging, restores damaged hair, and, like the previous product, protects against harmful environmental influences.

Why do we need vitamins for the brain?

Vitamins for the brain affect the quality and speed of thought processes, reaction speed, and increase the intellectual quotient IQ.

By helping the brain and central nervous system through proper nutrition and taking certain supplements, we develop and train ingenuity, increase logical and imaginative thinking capabilities, can remember large pieces of information and think more quickly.

At the same time, regular intake of substances into the body that improve brain function makes a person calmer, balanced, and less irritable.

All this happens due to the fact that proper blood circulation is restored in the brain, active tissue regeneration occurs, and brain cells are saturated with oxygen.

The best complex vitamins for hair and nails

What medications are needed if brittle nails are added to hair problems? There are several options.

Solgar for hair, skin and nails

The vitamins and microelements included in the composition have a general strengthening effect on the body:

  • enhance nutrition of hair follicles;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • protect hair from harmful environmental influences;
  • strengthens hair and prevents hair loss.

Attention! Another plus is the prevention of early gray hair.

Doppelhertz Active

Produced in capsule form. The set of substances in them contributes to the formation of a healthy structure of hair, skin and nails. They moisturize and nourish, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The main indication for use is dry scalp, hair loss, and fragility .


Prevents hair fragility and loss. Effectively combats dryness and disruption of the sebaceous glands. Helps in the treatment of seborrhea, psoriasis, dermatitis .

The complex includes vitamins, salts, microelements, as well as plant extracts. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Multivitamins Revalid

Replenishes the deficiency of nutrients. Strengthens hair, protects it from breakage, and has a softening effect on the scalp.

In addition to vitamins (B, A, E, H, C), the composition contains amino acids, medicinal yeast, trace elements and cereal extracts .

Vitrum Beauty

The vitamin complex restores the structure of damaged hair after operations and complex treatments, such as chemotherapy. Contains vitamins B, C, E, as well as mineral salts, a set of amino acids and horsetail extract.


The drug also refers to a multivitamin. Normalizes blood circulation in the skin, improves oxygen supply to tissues, and restores damaged hair.

What vitamins does the brain require?

As scientists have established through numerous studies, the main vitamins that have the greatest impact on brain function include B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), vitamins D, E (tocopherol) and P (rutin).

Each of these vitamins plays an important role and works most effectively in combination with the others. Let's take a closer look at the effects of individual vitamins on brain function.

Do you know that…

...is it advisable to take brain vitamins after consulting a doctor? The fact is that some substances, which we call vitamins, affect blood circulation in tissues, so it is better to foresee their possible effect on the body in advance.

Vitamins in tablets, injections and capsules - which is more effective?

It is desirable that a sufficient amount of nutrients enter the body with food. But what to do during periods when vitamin deficiency occurs? What vitamins should I take to improve hair condition?

You can buy different vitamins at the pharmacy. Each release form (tablets, capsules, injection solutions) has its own characteristics.

In tablets

Vitamins for stimulating hair growth in tablets usually consist of several substances. They have a general strengthening effect on the scalp and hair .

Attention! Not all vitamins mix well. Some enhance each other's effect, while others, on the contrary, weaken it.


To get maximum benefit, it is important to know the compatibility rules:

  1. You can add some vitamin C and E to vitamin A.
  2. B2 can be combined with B3, B6, B9, and B3 can be combined with H.
  3. B5 can be combined with vitamins of the same group or ascorbic acid.
  4. For ascorbic acid, A, E, B5, B9 are suitable.
  5. B7 can be mixed with vitamin E, folic acid, zinc.
  6. D is well absorbed along with calcium and phosphorus.
  7. E works great with vitamin C, selenium.
  8. K is added to vitamin B2 and calcium.

It is better not to use some vitamins and microelements at the same time:

  1. B1 does not combine with its “neighbors”, for example B2, B3, etc.
  2. B5 and B2 do not work with copper and iron respectively.
  3. B9 is not effective when combined with zinc.
  4. Weaken the effect of each other D and E.
  5. Vitamins K, E, A are also incompatible.
  6. B12 has the most “enemies”: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E.

Ignoring these rules when taking vitamin complexes has extremely unpleasant consequences. The body does not absorb the necessary substances ; on the contrary, their deficiency develops.

Admission rules and schemes

Vitamin complexes, like conventional medications, have their own application characteristics. Each remedy is different. But there are a number of general rules :

  1. It is better to take the tablets before lunch. It is preferable to drink B vitamins before bed, as they have a calming effect on the body.
  2. Two-component drugs should be taken as written in the instructions. Usually one tablet is taken in the morning and the second in the evening.
  3. Do not drink the product with coffee, tea or other drinks. The best option is plain water.
  4. Vitamins for hair and nail growth should not be taken on an empty stomach. It is better to do this during or after meals.
  5. During the treatment process, it is recommended to drink more clean water. It will help maintain the balance of water-soluble vitamins. Otherwise, hypervitaminosis is possible.
  6. Duration of taking the complexes is 1 month. In rare cases, it can be extended to 3 months.

The interval between courses must be at least six months.

Vitamins in ampoules, capsules

Injection solutions do not have to be used for their intended purpose. It is enough to add them to shampoo, conditioner or simply apply to the scalp .

There are also no special instructions regarding taking complexes in capsules. Like tablets, they need to be taken in courses lasting from 1 to 3 months.


Vitamins produced in ampoules or capsules have an extremely positive effect on hair:

  • reduce hair loss;
  • begin the process of skin healing;
  • stimulate the growth of new hairs;
  • soothe irritated skin;
  • help get rid of dandruff;
  • moisturize hair, restore shine and elasticity.

Noticeable results from using such products appear after about 2–3 months.

Vitamins necessary for the brain

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 (another name is thiamine) helps with memory problems, improves coordination of movements, reduces fatigue, unmotivated anxiety, fights insomnia and depression.

What does it contain? Vitamin B1 is found in whole oatmeal (not flakes!), hazelnuts and walnuts, green peas, buckwheat, beef, pork, eggs and fish (river and sea).

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (its other name is riboflavin) helps speed up mental reactions. Counteracts drowsiness, weakness and headaches.

What does it contain? Most riboflavin is found in natural dairy products and meat.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 (nicotinic acid) regulates the speed of memory recovery, activating memory capabilities, affects the ability to concentrate and ensures a cheerful state.

What does it contain? This element is found in whole milk, liver, fresh herbs, chicken yolk and chicken, as well as in yeast, any nuts, and buckwheat.

Vitamin B5

This vitamin, also called pantothenic acid or calcium pantothenate, is involved in the transmission of information impulses between neurons, deepens neural connections between nerve cells of the brain, and is responsible for long-term memories.

Antibodies that help fight the effects of alcohol and nicotine are also produced with the help of this vitamin.

What does it contain? Vitamin B5 is found in many foods - fish roe, hazelnuts, buckwheat, eggs, milk, cabbage. However, one must take into account its ability to decompose during heat treatment of products.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) speeds up thought processes and increases intelligence in general. Irritability, unreasonable anxiety, depression are the main signs of vitamin B6 deficiency.

This vitamin is successfully synthesized in the body itself, but to ensure normal functioning, it is important to additionally saturate the diet with products containing pyridoxine.

What does it contain? The main sources of vitamin B6 are liver, beans, whole milk, white cabbage, chicken eggs, potatoes, bananas.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) has a positive effect on memory stability. Helps overcome insomnia, protects against apathy and increased fatigue. A pronounced deficiency of vitamin B9 is observed when smoking or drinking alcohol.

What does it contain? Folic acid is present in fresh vegetables (especially green leafy ones), hard cheese, mushrooms, whole unboiled milk, pumpkin, apricots, and red meat.

You should know that the synthesis and absorption of folic acid is accelerated by consuming bifidobacteria, which means that natural fermented milk products with short shelf life (no more than 10 days) should be constantly present in the diet.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is involved in the switch between sleep and wakefulness, helping the brain better adapt to each of these states.

It has been noticed that the period of adaptation to a different time zone becomes shorter if the level of this vitamin in the body is increased.

What does it contain? Sources of cyanocobalamin are meat, properly processed seaweed and shellfish, as well as hard cheese and fresh milk.

Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid helps the absorption of B vitamins, has antioxidant properties, and protects the body from destructive physical and emotional overload.

What does it contain? The most vitamin C is found in rose hips, sea buckthorn, red and green sweet peppers, black currants, parsley and Brussels sprouts. Citrus fruits contain less vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D (calciferol or cholecalciferol) prevents brain cancer, maintains the elasticity of the walls of the smallest capillaries and large vessels, and prevents oxidative processes. It is formed in the skin under the influence of ordinary sunlight.

What does it contain? The lack of vitamin D during the period of reduced insolation can be compensated by consuming a variety of dairy products, fresh parsley, eggs and fish oil.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) strengthens the walls of blood vessels, inhibits Alzheimer's disease, and fights destructive processes in brain tissue.

What does it contain? This vitamin is most abundant in natural, unrefined sunflower oil, beef and pork liver, nuts, and milk.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P is the collective name for more than 150 bioflavonoids, in particular rutin, catechin and other substances.

They prevent capillary fragility and brain hemorrhages. The main external sign of deficiency is bleeding from the nose and gums.

What does it contain? Vitamin P is found in young green tea leaves, chokeberry, lemon, rose hips, and black currants.

Top 5 vitamins against hair loss and hair growth

What vitamins should you take if your hair has become brittle, weak, or lost its healthy shine? There are several options.


Release form: capsules. They bring the condition of both skin and curls back to normal. They contain the daily requirement of vitamins and minerals that reduce hair loss and protect hair from harmful effects.

The product enhances the division of follicle cells, which makes the hair thicker.

The course of treatment is 3 months. Daily dose - 1 capsule.


The capsules stimulate growth, strengthen and nourish hair along the entire length. They prevent hair loss and protect against early gray hair .

The product normalizes the blood supply process, making the skin less dry. Evonia complex has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Merz Pantovigar

The active ingredients are keratin, brewer's yeast, a vitamin complex and a set of amino acids.

They restore hair structure and accelerate hair growth . Penetrates inside the follicles, while improving their nutrition.


This complex has a general strengthening effect . The active components included in its composition slow down hair loss, add volume to the hair, increase thickness, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Contraindication: hypersensitivity to the components. The drug is not recommended for women during pregnancy.


The composition includes thiamine, folic acid, B12, PP. They prevent hair from splitting and brittleness, and replenish the deficiency of nutrients necessary to strengthen it. The complex helps get rid of seborrhea .

Important helpers for the brain

When talking about substances necessary for productive brain function, we cannot fail to mention Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

They are a structural component of the brain and are necessary for its normal functioning: they help transmit impulses that carry a signal from one cell to another.

Thanks to this, Omega-3 acids help improve cognitive functions such as memory, attention, thinking, and intelligence.

Vitamins and substances that support brain activity are required by a person throughout his life.

Be healthy and see you again!

The best vitamins for strengthening hair

Like other vitamin complexes, hair strengthening products are recommended to be taken strictly according to the regimen. Only in this case will they bring maximum benefit.


The ranking of the best drugs opens with Priorin from Byer. It restores hair follicles during hormonal imbalances.

The substances included in the composition nourish the hair, increase its thickness due to the regeneration of damaged follicles .

The course of treatment lasts from 3 months to six months.

Phyto phtophanere

The composition contains B vitamins, yeast, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol. They reduce hair loss, improve blood circulation and nutrition of the follicles .

The complex helps in the fight against fragility, prevents dandruff, stimulates growth, and protects against harmful effects.

Complivit Radiance

A vitamin complex that actively replenishes the deficiency of nutrients due to vitamin deficiency, in the autumn-winter period, after treatment of serious diseases.

In addition to vitamins and mineral salts, it contains green tea extract and amino acids. Protects curls from negative environmental influences , solves problems with skin and flaking.

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