Features of the cells in question

The entire human nervous system consists of two types of cells:

  • neurons that transmit basic impulses;
  • glial cells, which create optimal conditions for the full functioning of neurons, protect them, etc.

The sizes of neurons vary from 4 to 150 microns. They consist of a main body - a dendrite - and many nerve processes - axons. It is thanks to the latter that impulses are transmitted in the human body. There are many more dendrites than axons, and the impulse response extends from them to the very center of the neuron. The processes of neuron formation begin during the period of embryonic development.

All neutrons, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • unipolar. Contain only one axon (found only during embryonic development);
  • bipolar. This group includes neurons of the ear and eyes; they consist of an axon and a dendrite;
  • multipolar ones contain several processes at once. They are the main neurons of the central and peripheral nervous system;
  • pseudounipolars are located in the skull and spinal cord.

This cell is covered with a special membrane – neurilemma. All metabolic processes and transmission of impulse reactions occur in it. In addition, each neuron contains cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and endoplasmic reticulum. Among the organelles, neurofibril ones can be distinguished.

This cell in the body is responsible for certain processes:

  1. Sensory neurons are located in the ganglia of the peripheral system.
  2. Intercalators take part in transmitting impulses to the neuron.
  3. Motor, located in muscle fibers and endocrine glands.
  4. Auxiliary, act as a barrier and protection for each of the nerve cells.

Concept of neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neuron cells. Its most active phase is intrauterine development, during which the formation of the human brain occurs.

Not so long ago, all scientists argued that these cells are not able to recover. Previously it was believed that there was a constant number of neurons in the human brain. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, studies began on songbirds and mammals, which proved that there is a separate area in the brain - the hippocampal convolutions. It is in them that a specific microenvironment is found in which the division of neuroblasts (cells formed in front of neurons) occurs. During the division process, about half of them die (programmed), and the second half are converted into neurons. However, if some of those destined for death survive, then they form synaptic connections between themselves and are characterized by long-term existence. Thus, it has been proven that the processes of regeneration of human nerve cells occur in a special place - between the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus of the brain.

Depression: Causes, Biochemistry, What to do

Hi all! Every person has moments in life when it becomes very bad. Sometimes this condition lasts for more than one week and significantly complicates the normal course of life. Today we will talk about depression, its stages, differences from a banal temporary bad mood, its biochemistry and what to do?

Philosophy of depression

Almost everything in our world has a cyclical, wave nature. Birth and death, summer and winter, day and night. In nature, there are no eternally unhappy or happy people. However, a lot is decided by a person’s attitude to the situation.

It is this attitude that shifts the balance, and it turns out that one person is always unhappy, gloomy and sad, and the second, who has approximately the same appearance and social status, and perhaps even worse, is happier.

The differences between them are in character!

It is clear that there are different cases, if the first one broke his arm, but was preparing for a mega-important competition, then it is more difficult for him to change his attitude to the situation. Dramatic films and books are made from such cases. And there is also a cheerful dude who trolls everyone with his cast and, laughing, tells everyone around how hilariously he broke it, and this is already a plot for a comedy.

In general, try, if possible, to have a positive attitude towards everything that happens around you.


As for the causes of depression, there are a lot of them. In general, they are divided into external and internal.

External ones are just injuries, deaths, dismissals, separations from one’s other half and any other bad phenomena that can fall on a person out of the blue. Everything could be fine in the morning, but in the evening severe depression would begin to develop.

There are about 65% of such reasons. Of which, by the way, there is much less outright negativity, which is difficult to relate to positively. It’s one thing to have an arm amputated, but it’s another thing entirely: “I can’t repay the loan, the collectors are calling, how complicated everything is.”

To understand where there is pure negativity and where a person’s attitude plays a role, you need to look at the problem on a universal scale. This was discussed in the issue about NLP. We present our favorite planet as seen from space and a cry from the heart from any point on this planet.

If what you hear makes you smile, then this is not a problem.

Internal ones arise due to malfunctions in the body itself: infections, conditions after illness, the consequences of drug addiction or alcoholism. Even a simple chronic lack of sleep or poor nutrition can lead to depression over time. Read the stories of how hard it is for some to get off phenazepam or Lyrica. A little later in the biochemistry of depression we will touch on hormones and mediators.

What is depression?

There are many classifications of depression, so as not to turn everything into a lecture and list definitions based on the opinions of various scientists, we will focus on the distinctive features. So:

  1. Loss of strength, weakness, lethargy lasting more than a month. It is especially worth noting the long-lasting nature. Even a completely healthy person can experience a week of weakness due to a cold, bad weather, atmospheric pressure and other reasons.
  2. Bad mood for more than 2 weeks in a row. A week of bad mood, then a couple of days everything is great and again everything is bad - not depression. It sucks in the morning, cool in the afternoon, the same thing.
  3. Loss of pleasure from previously loved activities. You liked tinkering with cars or playing the guitar on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, but now everything seems meaningless, and there is nothing new that fascinates you - depression.

It is believed that two of these three signs are sufficient, along with secondary ones, such as: impenetrable pessimism, suicidal thoughts, feelings of fear or helplessness, and reduced self-esteem. The more coincidences, the stronger the supposed depression.


So, explanations for depression, in addition to those that we have all heard about: a lack of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine (called the monoamine hypothesis). Besides them, the most interesting are:

A) Changes in synaptic transmission. We know that when a person eats, say, fish, he receives tryptophan, an amino acid.

It enters the blood and further into the brain, and with the help of enzymatic reactions it becomes the mediator Serotonin.

There are calcium ions, accumulating in the presynaptic membrane, they, as a catalyst, force the release of serotonin and other mediators through phospholation of substrates by protein kinases.

In short, a lack of the crap that is written on mineral water can lead to depression.

B) Violation of the reuptake of neurotransmitters. Peculiar transport proteins inactivate neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft into the presynaptic membrane. That is, the necessary substances are produced, but do not work as they should, the body removes them, it’s like throwing away a battery with half a charge.

B) Changes in monoamine receptors. It’s more or less clear here, before there were more serotonin receptors, but now you’ve become swollen, and there are fewer of them. Previously there were 3 taps from a barrel with a mediator, now there are 1. There seem to be fewer mediators flowing.

How to restore brain cells

Dying occurs due to weakening of the connection between them (thinning of the dendrites). In order to stop this process, doctors recommend the following:

  • Healthy food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and beneficial microelements that improve reaction and concentration;
  • actively engage in sports. Light physical exercise helps improve blood circulation in the body, improve coordination of movements and activate areas of the brain;
  • do brain exercises. In this case, it is recommended to solve crossword puzzles more often, solve puzzles or play games that help train nerve cells (chess, cards, etc.);
  • load the brain more with new information;
  • avoid stress and nervous disorders.

Salvia officinalis

The name sage comes from the Latin word “salvere,” which means “to save.” This herb is widely used in medicine and helps cope with a large number of diseases.

Sage has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This plant thins the blood, dilates blood vessels and improves blood circulation. In addition, sage is a sedative that helps relieve symptoms of depression and reduce anxiety.

Long-term studies of the properties of sage suggest that this plant is useful for preserving and optimizing brain functions. Sage not only improves, but also restores memory. Therefore, tea with this plant will be useful for the prevention and treatment of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In 2001, the International Herbal Organization named sage Herb of the Year.

Decide! Play! Remember!

Attention is the main component of good memory

To maintain a good memory for many years, you need to regularly play chess, cards, lotto, solve crosswords and Sudoku. In short, train the brain directly. Your main task is to develop attention. After all, it is precisely this that is the main component of a good memory.

To remember better, you need to understand the essence of the subject, imagine it figuratively, using simple associations. For example, to remember a phone number, break down its numbers into the numbers of apartments you know and people’s birthdays. This number can encrypt your weight, age, hair length and even the number of marriages.

What did Pythagoras do?

At the end of each day, Pythagoras asked himself questions

The great mathematician every morning replayed all the events of the past day, remembering them down to the smallest detail. In addition, he assessed his own actions, asking himself questions: “What did I do today? What did you not do that was useful? What actions deserve condemnation and what actions deserve praise?

Why do nerve cells die?

The slow destruction of brain cells begins to progress around age 30. This is caused, first of all, by physiological processes: throughout a person’s life, this organ is subjected to enormous stress, due to which its structures wear out and cease to function properly.

This in turn leads to a reduction in the number of neural connections: their number by the age of 60 is reduced by about 15% compared to the age of 20. One way or another, aging of nervous tissue is a natural process that cannot be stopped.

The formation of brain structures begins from the first days of conception, and by the 7th week of pregnancy, all parts of the organ can be distinguished in the embryo: terminal, intermediate, middle, oblong and posterior. At birth, they contain the maximum number of neurons that will be sufficient for the effective functioning of the brain throughout life.

In addition, some nerve centers are capable of taking over the tasks of neighboring structures if they have been lost. Therefore, the physiological aging of nervous tissue goes unnoticed.

In a healthy person, brain cells are destroyed daily under the influence of external factors that affect the state of the nervous system. It is believed that this process is accelerated many times over in moments of psychological overstrain and stress. Also, degeneration of nervous tissue can be a consequence of head injury, intoxication of the body, internal diseases and disruption of blood supply processes.

However, despite the influence of the above factors, parallel to the process of destruction, the process of restoration of brain cells occurs. This is proven by the fact that, even in adulthood, any person is able to adapt to the external environment, changing his activities in accordance with life conditions.

He can also learn new skills and acquire characteristic habits. And stimulating nervous activity using any of the available methods will help speed up the process of cellular restoration.

Memory restoration after anesthesia: remedies and exercises for the brain

According to medical statistics, not all patients who have undergone surgery experience immediate memory recovery after anesthesia.
Approximately 25% of patients experience symptoms of cognitive dysfunction, which is expressed not only in a deterioration in the ability to learn and remember new information, but also in a decrease in concentration and partial speech disorder, which negatively affects a person’s quality of life and his professional activity.

In the presence of severe damage to brain cells, significant signs of pathology associated with the use of general anesthesia often appear after 2-6 months and can progress rapidly.

Timely rehabilitation therapy allows in the future to avoid such serious complications as dementia in the elderly, developmental delays in children and various central nervous system disorders in adults.

Causes of postoperative amnesia

Currently, doctors use the most modern and, as far as possible, safe means for general anesthesia.

And, since easier analogues of these drugs have not yet been created, in a situation requiring urgent surgical intervention, the doctor and patient have no other choice.

For this reason, general anesthesia is widely used in practice, despite the fact that its effect on memory and human health has not been fully studied.

Short-term memory loss after anesthesia can also be due to the slow elimination of the drug from the body, as a result of which the brain continues to be under the influence of the anesthetic.

However, faced with the fact of persistent memory impairment in some patients, Canadian scientists conducted a fairly large-scale study and came to the conclusion that anesthesia actually has a destructive effect on the brain.

Several theories have been put forward that could explain why a person loses memory:

  1. Ischemia of the cerebral cortex. It is known that during the use of general anesthesia, blood pressure can sharply decrease, as a result of which blood circulation is disrupted and hypoxia of brain tissue is observed. Even a short episode of oxygen starvation can cause damage or necrosis of a group of cells responsible for memory.
  2. Inflammatory process. The use of certain anesthetic drugs, especially if they contain various auxiliary components (for example, propofol), can provoke inflammation of brain tissue with the subsequent development of dementia, even in young people.
  3. Destruction of neural connections. After the introduction of an anesthetic, the balance between molecules localized in the interneuronal space is disrupted, which triggers the process of neuronal destruction. As a result, memory and intellectual capabilities deteriorate.

The severity of symptoms of postoperative cognitive dysfunction can range from minor manifestations to obvious functional disorders of brain activity. The following risk factors may affect the clinical picture:

  • high dosage of painkiller;
  • duration of general anesthesia;
  • extent of surgical trauma;
  • age (the older the patient, the more complications).

Progressive memory loss after anesthesia is most often observed in cardiac surgery patients. Thus, according to the latest data, about 70% of all patients who have undergone heart surgery have complications associated with central nervous system disorders and deterioration of brain activity.

As for children, the main cause of memory problems after anesthesia is the destructive effect of anesthetic drugs on the child’s imperfect neural system, which is still in the process of formation. Anesthesia can temporarily slow down mental development due to the blocking of some memory cells and other groups of cells responsible for intellectual capabilities.

Methods for restoring memory after anesthesia

With a competent approach to the problem, even in the presence of serious complications after anesthesia, it is possible to stabilize a person’s condition, preventing the pathology from progressing.

The first thing you should do is seek qualified help, but you cannot limit yourself exclusively to drug therapy, shifting all responsibility to the doctor.

Treatment, the main goal of which is to restore memory and cognitive functions, must be carried out comprehensively. Below are the main ways to restore memory and eliminate other functional disorders of the brain.

Drug therapy

If spontaneous memory recovery does not occur within 3-6 months, it is advisable to consult a neurologist as soon as possible. The doctor will prescribe a series of necessary studies to determine the cause of the disorders that have occurred in the brain and the location of the damaged cells.

This will make it possible to take a big step forward towards recovery, however, it is necessary to understand that the connection between cognitive dysfunction and anesthesia was established relatively recently, and therefore there are still no specific drugs that can quickly return the patient to his previous state.

Thus, to correct current functional disorders of the brain, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  • neuroprotectors;
  • dopamine receptor agonists;
  • antioxidants;
  • nootropics;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.


During the treatment process, it is advisable to adhere to a diet that involves expanding the diet with healthy foods. It is also necessary to exclude the use of harmful substances that interfere with the normal recovery and functioning of the brain . So, if memory has deteriorated after anesthesia, you urgently need to stop:

  • alcoholic drinks, as well as soda, energy drinks;
  • smoking;
  • fast food;
  • spicy, smoked, pickled and canned dishes.

Contrary to popular belief, sugar is not a necessary substance that nourishes the brain and improves its functioning; on the contrary, excess glucose and sucrose often causes the development of various diseases, including the central nervous system. In this regard, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of sugar and foods containing it.

Healthy foods that stimulate brain activity and healthy intracellular metabolism include:

  • fatty fish, steamed or oven-cooked;
  • flax oil and seeds;
  • walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • olive and coconut oils;
  • sugar-free peanut butter;
  • Cod liver;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits and berries.

The diet during the treatment of cognitive dysfunction largely corresponds to the basic concepts of a healthy diet, but do not forget about the caloric content of food. It is necessary to consume your daily calorie intake without overeating at night, since excessive consumption of even the healthiest food can cause significant harm to the body.

Folk remedies

Treatment of amnesia in folk medicine is based on the use of infusions and decoctions prepared exclusively from natural ingredients. Below are several useful recipes to improve brain activity and eliminate pathological processes that interfere with the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

  1. 100 gr. dried clover heads are poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused in a dark place for 14 days, preferably in a glass container. Every day you need to consume 1 tbsp. l. tinctures twice a day. The course of treatment is a month.
  2. 20 gr. Boil dry red rowan bark in 0.3 liters of water for 10 minutes, then close the broth with a tight lid and let it brew for about 7 hours. The finished medicine is taken 1 tablespoon per day for no more than one month.
  3. Valerian root, poured with boiling water, is infused for 8-9 hours, after which it is taken once a day, 1/5 cup. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Traditional treatment also involves drinking freshly squeezed juices (pumpkin, blueberry, carrot and beet) and herbal teas based on coltsfoot, hawthorn, and oregano . When choosing this type of therapy, it is necessary to notify the supervising doctor about this so that he can adjust the dosage and duration of the course of treatment in order to avoid the development of negative consequences.

Brain exercises

To correct the patient’s condition and restore normal brain functioning, doctors and scientists recommend daily practice of special exercises that train memory and increase intellectual abilities.

Tasks that require logical thinking to solve have a stimulating effect on the brain. These include:

  • Crosswords;
  • mathematical equations;
  • chess, checkers, cards.

Memorizing poems or song lyrics by heart trains your memory well. Drawing, learning foreign words, and frequent changes in environment have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

Restoring memory after general anesthesia is not a matter of one day, but with due diligence and a competent approach, destructive processes can be reversed, significantly improving the patient’s quality of life.

The best preventive measure to prevent relapses of cognitive dysfunction is regular mental and moderate physical activity, proper nutrition, and healthy sleep of at least 8 hours a day.

Also, do not forget about the drinking regime (at least 2 liters of clean water per day) and timely treatment of current pathologies.

Source: https://otravilsya.com/ochishhenie/detoksikatsiya/kak-vosstanovit-pamyat-posle-narkoza/

How to restore brain cells

The processes of neurogenesis, which are the reproduction of precursor cells, their movement to the site of destruction and the differentiation of new structures in the affected area, are responsible for updating the number of neurons.

The centers responsible for the restoration of nervous tissue are located in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb. Drugs that improve brain activity - nootropics - can activate their work.

Their action, as a medicine that restores the number of nerve cells, is aimed at improving metabolism and blood circulation in the brain. The use of nootropics must be approved by your doctor, so you should not try to take them on your own.

However, you should not completely shift the work of regenerating nervous tissue to drugs that restore brain cells. Only an integrated approach will help slow down the process of its destruction.

Preventive measures to combat it include:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Moderate physical and mental stress.

Regular walks in the fresh air and healthy sleep will help you avoid problems in old age.

Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba has not only an ancient history, but also incredible healing properties. Since the Mesozoic era, ginkgo biloba has remained the only surviving species of its numerous genus. Having survived the most unfavorable conditions on the planet, this plant has developed resistance to fungi, viruses, parasites and is not susceptible to disease. Ginkgo biloba is a long-lived plant: some specimens are more than 2000 years old.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract stimulates blood circulation, which helps supply oxygen to the brain and peripheral areas. Thanks to its chemical composition, ginkgo effectively restores the vascular system, blood flow and damaged tissues. Therefore, the leaves of this unique plant are used for the treatment and prevention of strokes, Alzheimer's disease and other brain pathologies.

Ginkgo biloba contains powerful antioxidants that slow down the aging process, improve memory and prevent the onset of dementia. The leaves contain large quantities of natural active compounds that can influence enzymatic activity and regulate the complex process of human metabolism. Preparations with ginkgo biloba extract are called “anti-aging medicine.” They can be found freely available in the pharmacy chain.

However, this plant also has contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, tendency to bleeding, children under 12 years of age, pregnancy and lactation. It is especially not recommended to take products with ginkgo biloba extract along with anticoagulants and in preparation for surgery. This is due to the blood thinning properties of this plant.

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