Useful foods for the nervous system: list, recipes

Useful foods for the nervous system: list, recipes

Today, stress and tension are an integral part of our lives. It has long been known that the state of the nervous system is influenced by substances entering the body along with food. Scientists have conducted research and provided a complete list of organic compounds, trace elements, vitamins, the use of which will allow a natural and safe way to put human nerve cells in order. We offer several recipes for dishes that are healthy for the body, and we will also talk about the effect that various foods have on the nervous system.

General recommendations

In order to maintain the health of the nervous system, the food load on the body should be significantly reduced. The best way to do this is to eat more often (at least 4-5 times) and in small portions. It is recommended to eat in a comfortable environment to get more pleasure.

If you have some ailments from the nervous system, doctors recommend reducing the consumption of fats and proteins, and giving preference to those products that have a high content of vitamins and fluids.

In case of disorders or malfunctions of the nervous system, products should be chosen with special care: limit fruits and vegetables with coarse fiber. In addition, it is necessary to exclude all salty, spicy foods, as well as any foods that are difficult to digest.


Vegetables, mostly dark greens, have many benefits for the nervous system. Green vegetables, like fruits, are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. There are two ways to maximize the benefits of green vegetables. The first method is the most popular - delicious and healthy salads. You can also add green vegetables to your morning smoothie.

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Lettuce and watercress are excellent choices. Arugula also has many health benefits. Spinach is a rich source of vitamins and supports the nervous system.

Benefits for the body

There are a number of macro- and microelements, without which nerve and other cells of the human body cannot fully function. Here is a list of the most useful products for the nervous system. For a better understanding, we decided to present all the data in the form of a table.

Nutrients in products

Substances Where are they kept? What impact do they have?
Vitamin A In legumes, nuts, fruits, vegetables, carrots, green leafy vegetables, fish oil Normalizes sleep, prevents damage to the body's nerve cells by free radicals
B vitamins In cereals, fruits, black bread, vegetables Relieves psycho-emotional stress, increases stress resistance, is responsible for protein metabolism
Vitamin C In citrus fruits, rose hips, black currants, red peppers, strawberries Protects nerve cells from toxic effects, promotes the production of anti-stress hormones
Vitamin E In canned spinach, fried eggs, hazelnuts, almonds, legumes, sprouted wheat Has a calming effect, neutralizes stress
Phosphorus In legumes, tongue, brains, cereals, liver, dairy products Supports the nervous system, reduces muscle tone
Iron In seafood, beef, buckwheat, liver, white cabbage, melon, turnip, spinach Responsible for vitality and clarity of mind
Magnesium In cereals (pearl barley, millet, buckwheat, oatmeal), nuts, mineral water, legumes, egg yolk, bran Responsible for muscle relaxation, receiving and transmitting nerve impulses
Calcium In beets, cabbage, dairy products, legumes, almonds Regulates the transmission of excitatory impulses in muscles and nerves
Iodine In seaweed, fish, seafood Stabilizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalizes overall hormonal balance
Potassium In vegetables, millet, fruits, legumes Responsible for the stable functioning of the heart, influences the interaction of nerves and muscles

Vitamins for healthy nerves

In order for nerve cells to function correctly and brain activity not to be disrupted, it is necessary to consume foods rich in B vitamins. With their help, proteins are exchanged in the body, they will help relieve nervous tension and help resist stress.

Vitamins B1 will help nerve cells function normally. Therefore, the diet for the health of the central nervous system should include rolled oats, buckwheat, beef liver, pork, and rye bread. This menu will help with emotional stress and convulsive conditions.

Useful foods for the central nervous system that contain vitamin B12, which will help restore cell health, are eggs, beef, seafood, offal, and milk. The vitamin helps the formation of the membrane of nerve cells, normalizes blood pressure, and regulates biological rhythm. A prolonged absence of this substance in the body should not be allowed; this has an extremely detrimental effect on the human nervous system.

Eggs also contain vitamin B2, which will help with fatigue and bad mood. This vitamin is also found in milk products, greens and brewer's yeast.

Vitamin B6 will help improve mental performance and restore memory. Therefore, beef, liver, fish and other seafood, bananas must be consumed regularly.

Vitamin A can prevent damage to nerve cells by oxidants. Fresh vegetables, especially carrots, nuts and fish oil, are friends of the human nervous system.

Ascorbic acid can help synthesize joy hormones, so the list of useful foods for strengthening the nervous system includes oranges, lemons, tangerines, currants, rose hips, peppers, etc.

Vitamin E, which is found in various nuts, eggs, and vegetable oil, will help calm your nerves.


The most important source of energy for nerve and brain cells is glucose. If the blood sugar level is less than normal, the cells do not receive enough glucose, causing them to increase in volume. For this reason, a person experiences a feeling of anxiety. That is why it is necessary to maintain normal sugar levels in the body. To do this, you should include “slow carbohydrates” in your diet - potatoes, unrefined bread grains, fruits, grapes, green salad, raisins, raspberries, honey, cherries.

Harmful products

We'll tell you which foods are harmful to the nervous system. Please note that if you are under stress or other nervous conditions, you must completely avoid or limit the consumption of the following products:

  • carbonated drinks and sweets - they help saturate the body with “empty” carbohydrates;
  • coffee and tea - they contain large amounts of caffeine, which causes excessive stimulation of the nervous system;
  • alcohol - drinking such drinks causes a short-term effect of relaxation, but has an extremely negative effect on the nerves.
  • In addition, smoked and spicy dishes, semi-finished and fast food, and energy drinks have a negative impact on the nervous system.

Lemon verbena.

This plant is a natural tranquilizer. Calms nervous tension, helps fight insomnia and anxiety. For centuries it has been used as a remedy to improve the digestive system and bloating.

Lemon verbena also has an antispasmodic effect. Excellent taste in the form of tinctures or as an addition to juices. If you combine it with valerian, it will work even more effectively.


Valerian is a widely used herb. It owes its fame to its calming properties. Helps fight insomnia and relieve menstrual pain.


This flower is a natural relaxant for the muscles and nervous system. Due to these properties, drinking infusion of the martyr is recommended for people with excessive nervousness. Essence of Martyr Flowers can be found in herbal stores. This is a great addition to tea and orange juice.

Diet for the nervous system

Many people use a diet that will make your nerves healthy and strong in just a couple of weeks. Nutritionists recommend not to overeat, to eat more often, but in smaller quantities, this will help store more protein raw materials in the brain and nerve cells. It is necessary to include egg yolks, unrefined grains, nuts, green vegetables, meat, poultry, dairy products, fish, and fresh vegetables in your diet. We offer a sample menu for the day:

  1. It is recommended to start the morning with food rich in proteins, and therefore tyrosine and phenylalanine - low-fat ham, cottage cheese, cold chops, roast beef. You can serve them with freshly squeezed lemon juice, which is rich in vitamin C.
  2. For second breakfast or snack - curd cheese, fresh fruit, chicken salad, nuts.
  3. Lunch may consist of dark green vegetables or salads, a piece of fish or meat schnitzel.
  4. For dinner, you should avoid carbohydrates; it is preferable to use turkey and a large portion of raw vegetables for this meal.

If stress is your constant companion, you need to increase your intake of vitamin C; in addition, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid. Let us note that vitamins are extremely necessary for the nervous system of an adult.

Discover 11 foods that will help you cope with nervous tension.

People who have difficulty controlling their emotions and who get nervous easily need to use a variety of techniques to improve their well-being and functioning. However, this does not mean that only a visit to a specialist and therapy can help them! Sometimes eating right is enough to calm your nerves.

Festive salad with chickpeas

It should be noted that this salad prepares very quickly and has a pleasant taste and aroma. To prepare the dish you need to take:

  • 1 PC. bell pepper;
  • 200 g chickpeas;
  • a bunch of spinach (or arugula, mixed salad, Chinese cabbage);
  • 1 PC. sweet onions (preferably red);
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, soy sauce, olive oil;
  • pepper, spices, salt to taste.
  • Cooking technology

    We wash the chickpeas and fill them with water for 3-4 hours (preferably overnight), then boil them until tender. By the way, peas should be salted 15 minutes before the end of cooking. We randomly chop or tear the greens, peel the peppers and cut them into cubes with a cross-section of 2x2 cm, finely chop the onion, scald with boiling water, and then drain in a colander. In a container, combine bell peppers, chickpeas, herbs, onions, and spinach. Prepare salad dressing: mix lemon juice, olive oil, soy sauce, salt. If desired, you can add mustard seeds for added spice. Season the salad and leave to brew for 5-7 minutes. Serve as a separate dish or in combination with any side dish.

    Fried liver

    One of the dishes that has a beneficial effect on the nervous system is beef liver. It refers to by-products, which contain large amounts of protein and iron. It often happens that a prepared dish from this offal turns out tough and not very juicy. How long should you fry beef liver in a frying pan to make it soft and appetizing? Let's figure out the secret of its preparation.

    Before subjecting a product to heat treatment, it must be properly prepared. To do this, the liver should be freed from films, veins, and ducts. If the film is difficult to remove from the liver, soak it in hot water for a minute. Place the product in milk for an hour to make it softer when finished.

    After this, the liver should be beaten a little, rolled in flour mixed with salt, pepper and spices. Fry in a frying pan on 2 sides until golden brown. How long does it take to fry beef liver in a frying pan? In order for it to be soft, the cooking process (on one side) should not exceed more than 10 minutes, otherwise the dish will turn out to be tough. When serving with the liver, you can serve onion rings fried until golden brown.

    What should you limit?

    The most harmful foods for the nervous system are:

    1. Alcohol. They literally destroy nerve cells and prevent their regeneration. It’s worth giving them up first.
    2. Coffee. Although it contains caffeine, if abused it destabilizes the normal functioning of the brain. You don’t have to completely give up this drink, but you should still minimize its consumption. Read more about the effects of coffee here.
    3. Dyes. In particular, tartarazine, which is most often added to desserts (has a red tint). Significantly inhibits the release of endorphins, so it can provoke depression or chronic nervousness.
    4. Monosodium glutamate. In fact, this is the most common flavoring additive, found most often in chips, salty crackers, some sweets, and also in sausages. It also inhibits the release of endorphins.

    Buckwheat with meat in a pot

    In the oven you can cook a fairly simple but very tasty dish - buckwheat with meat. It makes a delicious simple lunch or family dinner. To work we need the following components:

  • 500 g pork;
  • two onions;
  • 9 tbsp. l. with a heap of buckwheat;
  • lavrushka
  • We cut the meat into small pieces, finely chop the onion, and put everything into pots. In each we put buckwheat (3 tbsp.), fill with broth. Place in the oven, cook the meat and buckwheat in a pot for 1 hour at low temperature.

    Pink salmon: beneficial properties

    One of the most valuable fish species is salmon. One of the representatives of this species is pink salmon, the benefits of which are due to its rich chemical composition. Meat contains almost the entire periodic table, i.e. all the substances necessary for the body. It contains unsaturated fatty acids, which help normalize blood sugar. In addition, they act as an antioxidant. Note that pink salmon has particular benefits for the digestive tract, nervous system, mucous membranes of the body and skin.


    This delicious variety of walnuts has anti-depressant effects. It is high in fatty acids, which support the production of serotonin.

    Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that sends information about how you are feeling to the brain, which in turn sends the right signals to all parts of the body.

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    Walnuts are also believed to relieve anxiety and help treat depression. To feel the positive effects, you need to eat just two tablespoons of walnuts per day.

    Baked pink salmon

    This type of fish is great for whole roasting. One of the advantages of this heat treatment of pink salmon is that the fish pulp does not release much juice, so its structure is preserved. Let's prepare the components:

  • 1 pink salmon (1 kg);
  • 2 carrots and onions;
  • 1 PC. parsley (root);
  • spices,
  • sea ​​salt;
  • green onion.
  • Rub the prepared fish with spices and salt inside and out. Cut the greens into any size (optional). Place a small pillow of vegetables on the foil, place the fish on top and stuff with the remaining vegetables. Decorate the top with lemon slices and sprinkle with spices. We wrap the fish in such a way that there is no access to air, but leave room for steam. Bake for one and a half hours at medium temperature. As a side dish, add fresh vegetables and fluffy rice.

    The most useful foods for nerves

    There is an expression that “all diseases come from nerves.” Indeed, when the nervous system is weakened, there is a risk of complications from the cardiovascular, digestive and genitourinary systems.

    Proper nutrition is very important to maintain a healthy nervous system. The following products are especially necessary for the nervous system:

    • Bananas and fresh tomatoes. Strengthens the nervous system and prevents depression.
    • Mackerel, cod, salmon. Contains healthy fats. They tone the liver, which helps protect nerve fibers from toxic substances. Reduces the risk of developing depression by 60 times!
    • Eggs. Rich in lecithin, which helps fight bad mood. English doctors recommend eating one to two eggs a day.
    • Dairy products, cabbage, carrots, apples. They contain calcium and phosphorus in ideal proportions for humans. Calcium helps relieve nervous tension, and phosphorus stimulates the nervous system.
    • Greenery. Rich in magnesium, which is necessary to normalize inhibition processes in the body.
    • Sprouted wheat grains, bread, cereals. Rich in B vitamins, which are necessary to ensure the body's resistance to stress.
    • Vegetable oils, nuts, avocados. Contains vitamin E. They charge the body with energy and stimulate muscle activity.
    • Strawberry is a “good mood” berry. Stimulates the nervous system. It is a good antidepressant.
    • Cheese, potatoes, brown rice, yeast, soy, peanuts, sesame. Contains important amino acids: glycine, tyrosine, tryptophan and glutamic acid. These amino acids increase the body's performance and calm the nerves.

    Folk remedies for normalizing the functioning of the nervous system

    Milk and fermented milk products are very beneficial for the nervous system.

    • In case of nervous overexcitation, it is useful to drink warm milk with a spoon of linden, buckwheat or pine honey at night.
    • Neuroses respond well to treatment with royal jelly (provided there is no allergy to bee products).

    Remedy for insomnia and neuroses:

    1 glass of mineral water; 1 tbsp. honey; juice of half a lemon. Drink this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach for 10 days. To strengthen the nervous system, it is better to take linden, pine, buckwheat, fir or spruce honey.

    To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, some nutritionists recommend undergoing such

    Stages of recovery:

    Stage 1 . Detoxification. To cleanse the body of waste and toxins, vegetable juices and herbal decoctions are used.

    Stage 2 . Nutrition. In large quantities, if there are no contraindications from a doctor, leafy vegetables and greens are consumed.

    Stage 3 . Hepatoprotection. Eating foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids (for example, steamed fatty fish).

    Baking rye bread

    One of the main food products, without a doubt, is bread. It is served with almost any meal. The most useful bread is considered to be made from rye flour, the recipe for which we will present below. This bread has a higher content of fiber, vitamins, beneficial minerals and amino acids. Nutritionists include such a product in every weight loss or healthy eating program.

    Making bread from rye flour according to the recipe is quite simple at home. All components for its creation can be purchased at any store. For baking, you can use a slow cooker, oven or bread machine. We will need:

  • 500 g rye flour;
  • 8.5 g dry yeast;
  • salt to taste;
  • 300 ml water.
  • We will prepare the dough using a straight method. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly until smooth. Place the finished dough into a bowl, cover, and leave to ferment for several hours. Then we knead the dough and start shaping the bun: it can be of any shape, but most often it is made either oval or round. Cuts should be made on top and placed in an oven preheated to 220 °C for half an hour; the readiness of the bread is checked by lightly tapping it. The crust should be golden brown, firm and crispy. Remove the rye bread from the oven, wrap it in a towel and let it cool at room temperature.

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