How to develop positive personality traits in a child? psychology article on the topic

Antonyms and synonyms

To better understand the meaning of this character trait, it is worth learning its synonyms and antonyms. Thus, terms that have a similar meaning to the word “neatness” are cleanliness and neatness. The above expressions are synonymous when it comes to hygiene.

But accuracy in work has other synonyms: scrupulousness, thoroughness, meticulousness, conscientiousness, diligence, punctuality, and scrupulousness.

The number of antonyms for this term is huge. Here are just the most famous of them: sloppiness, negligence, negligence, dishonesty, inaccuracy, negligence.

How to cultivate neatness in yourself?

This is quite easy to do, you just have to approach the process with all seriousness. The main thing here is not speed, but consistency. If a person wants to become more clean, he needs to reconsider his own habits. For example, it is important to train yourself to put every thing in its place, and to clean your home or workplace once a week on a clearly defined day, regardless of the degree of dirtiness.

It is also important to cultivate accuracy in work. To do this, you should train yourself not to be late for the start of the work day, and also to arrive on time or in advance for business meetings.

The same applies to the process of doing the work itself. Special actions that require precision should be learned to be done slowly at first, and as a person gets the hang of it, you can speed up the pace, but try not to let the quality suffer because of this.

When cultivating accuracy in yourself, at first you need to constantly conduct self-examination. It would be a good idea to get a diary in which you can write down your plans for the day, week, month and year. Every evening it is necessary to conduct a short analysis of completed and unfulfilled items, as well as make a plan for the next day.

Human character by behavior

Behavior is a purposeful, systematic set of actions. Depending on the situation, stimuli and related factors, a person's behavior may differ. Only constant observation can formulate a vision of a person’s character based on his behavior.

Of course, you won’t get a complete picture of character when observing behavior. However, repeated gestures, facial expressions, etc. can help you formulate a set of qualities of a certain person.

When observing pronunciation, you need to pay attention not to the words, but to the correspondence of the phrase with the person’s facial expressions and gestures. For example, if a person expresses regret, but the emotions of joy are recognized on his face, then the true emotion is joy. In addition, the analysis must take into account:

  • intonation;
  • verbal pace;
  • hesitation;
  • reservations;
  • hidden meaning of words.

By observing speech, you can unmistakably learn about a person’s interests, hobbies, likes or dislikes, level of intelligence, and emotional maturity.

By observing a person's facial expressions, you can learn a lot. Movements of the facial muscles are the first indicator of emotions and feelings. The most informative facial expressions are:

  • astonishment;
  • disgust;
  • fear;
  • joy;
  • anger;
  • sadness.

Depending on what emotions are most often observed on a person’s face, we can draw a conclusion about his emotional-volitional sphere, dominant feelings, mood, attitude to life, character and temperament.

Purposeful people have a fast gait. They stand straight and look forward. They are not at all insecure people. They are characterized by a leisurely shuffling gait. The face is down. If a person keeps his hands in his karmas even in the heat, this may indicate his secrecy and power. If a person often looks back while walking, he is cowardly and anxious. When walking slowly and looking “into nowhere,” you can recognize a passive or pessimistic person.

Separately, you need to observe how a person walks in a pair or group. If he tries to impose his pace on others, he is used to taking the lead. If he walks alongside, keeping the pace of his companion, the person is concentrated or hiding his excitement.

A person's perspective can be the most informative. In this case, you need to observe the reaction of the pupils. For example, if a person hides delight or a smile, then the pupils will dilate in any case. This reaction is also observed with sexual arousal, joy, happiness, and fear. Constriction of the pupils can be noticed if a person experiences irritation, anger or hatred.

If the interlocutor avoids eye contact, then he experiences negative emotions. However, this can also be evidence of shyness. A shifting gaze indicates a lie. Frequent blinking is a sign of anxiety. But if a person looks intently into the eyes during communication, this indicates aggressiveness or interest in information.

Tilt of the body and head forward, combined with turning the toes of the shoes towards the interlocutor, indicates the interlocutor’s interest in communication. Even more indicative of affection is copying the posture and gestures of the interlocutor.

If a person moves away, crosses his arms in front of him or behind his back, and also crosses his legs, then this means his hostility or a sign of a negative assessment of what is happening.

When communicating, certain information about a person’s character can be learned from his behavior:

  1. 1. A confident person who achieves success in life without difficulty, an independent, proactive person, when talking with other people, keeps his head straight, looks him in the eyes, and does not fuss.
  2. 2. A shy, insecure person tries to avert his eyes to the side, lower his head and shoulders, as if trying to hide.
  3. 3. Expressive people are characterized by an abundance of wide gestures.
  4. 4. A squeezed, complex person is distinguished by angular, small, uncertain gestures.

Having studied the features of drawing up an idea of ​​​​a person’s character based on his appearance, it is possible to constructively develop a line of communication with him when meeting him. This allows you to avoid problems in further cooperation or establishing good neighborly relationships.

Article “Industriousness as a personal quality”


Hard work is a character trait that denotes a person’s desire, desire and inclination to work. Is a positive quality necessary for successful activities; reasonable distribution of time devoted to work and rest. Becomes the reason for productivity and efficiency of work.

To assess the development of this personal quality, a survey was conducted in the first-year group.

The results were as follows...

The resulting result prompted me to develop corrective measures.

In order for the process of labor education to proceed successfully, it is necessary to use various methods. The most effective, in my opinion, are:

I. Organization of activity (imitation, assignment, educational situation, situation of free choice, situation of moral success, collective creative activity, requirement, project activity)

II. Formation of consciousness (example, personal demonstration, story, ethical conversation, clarification, persuasion, self-education)

III. Stimulation (approval, praise, encouragement, request, discussion, competition, self-analysis).

Examples of implementation of corrective measures.

  1. When planning lessons

Set a development goal:

Developing students’ ability to organize educational work through: observation, memorization, work at the right pace.

II. Extracurricular activity - ethical conversation “Recipe for laziness”

How to cultivate hard work?

The first rule of cultivating hard work is a strong desire! Without it, it will not be possible to achieve the desired success. It is necessary to develop willpower and persistent character. This will require a lot of effort and patience. You can cultivate hard work in yourself in different ways. For example, when you don’t feel like doing something very important, immediately get down to it and start fighting your reluctance. Then by your actions you will prove to yourself that you are stronger than circumstances. This will increase your self-esteem and you will be satisfied with yourself.

Be prepared for the fact that it will be quite difficult. You may give up or have bouts of laziness. But don’t despair, just set yourself a specific goal and confidently go towards it. When the going gets tough, you will need the support of your loved ones. And your understanding of the situation: why and for whom you are doing this will help you cope with the task. Remember, the very fact that you asked yourself such a question means that you are a very brave and strong person, you want to develop and are moving in the right direction!

Labor ennobles.

As everyone knows, it was he who made a Man out of a monkey. If at this stage of your development something doesn’t work out for you, it doesn’t matter! The main thing is that you act smoothly. The hard work of a person lies in his actions, actions and behavior. They say: “Do it well, or don’t do it at all”! It is precisely how well and diligently a person performs any of his work that characterizes him as hardworking or lazy. It is clear that unhardworking people do nothing at all.

What makes up hard work?

Fairness, perseverance, responsibility and diligence are some of the main qualities that are valued in society, in employees (at work), and in everyday life (at home). Of course, being a hard worker is not easy. However, it is an essential condition for a successful career and a happy life.

We can see examples of hard work in all spheres of human activity. Hardworking people are people who spend most of their leisure time not on rest and pleasure, but on doing necessary things. Hard work manifests itself especially clearly under unfavorable conditions for work and action. Simply put, doing the necessary things at a time when there is no desire to do anything at all. For example, a hardworking employee at work uses his personal time not for his own benefit, but for the benefit of the company, in order to finish his work. Hard work also lies in how a person distributes his time: people usually get up early in order to have time to do as much as possible.

But problems with hard work can arise if you have no regrets at all, fully devote and give your all to your work. Then comes inexhaustible hard work. “Workaholics” have no measure and sometimes overload their body, which can lead to undesirable consequences. Namely: exhaustion of the nervous system, depression, apathy, etc. Unfortunately, people who encounter such problems do not always identify its true cause. Then it makes sense and the only rule begins to apply: “Don’t overdo it.”

The Benefits of Hard Work

  • Hard work gives energy - the more soul a person puts into work, the more energy he receives.
  • Hard work gives confidence - a hardworking person knows that in any situation he will certainly find use for his abilities.
  • Hard work gives an understanding that sometimes one should not expect immediate returns from labor investments; everything has its time.
  • Hard work ensures well-being - given equal opportunities, a hardworking person is better able to provide for himself and his loved ones than a lazy one.
  • Hard work gives joy - from the work process itself and from its results.

Manifestations of hard work in everyday life

  • Labor activity. A person who enjoys doing his job is hardworking.
  • Change of activity. A person who prefers a change of occupation to inaction demonstrates hard work.
  • Education. A person who is responsible for his studies shows hard work.
  • Housekeeping. A hardworking person always keeps the house in order, not out of coercion, but out of his own free will.
  • Volunteering. Only a hardworking person is able to be a volunteer, since this activity involves not so much financial as moral return.
  • Parenting. By allowing children to do simple work that is accessible to their age, parents develop their diligence.

How to achieve hard work

  • Hard work is an important quality of a person’s character, which can be developed through self-education and self-improvement.
  • Training. Often, visible changes for the better in the quality of work that a person is able to do stimulate him, helping him develop a work ethic.
  • Education. The learning process helps a person develop hard work.
  • "Assignments for yourself." A psychological exercise for developing diligence is to set specific tasks for yourself in writing (dig up eight beds, iron 10 sets of linen, etc.) and then diligently complete them.
  • Optimistic attitude towards work. Spiritualization of work, passion for oneself in the process or the results that work will bring, helps the formation of diligence.

Hard work is a moral quality that characterizes a person’s disposition towards his work activity. Parasitism is a negative moral quality that characterizes.”

Hard work is a character trait that denotes a person’s desire, desire and inclination to work.


1. Every day, in the morning, drink on an empty stomach a drink of smiles, good mood and a few drops of the elixir of hard work.

2. During the day, an hour after eating, stretch several times and say out loud in a loud voice everything that needs to be done that day.

3. Before going to bed, you need to remember everything you did during the day and make a plan for the next day.

4. Next, you need to drink a glass of warm pleasure drink with a few mints for a good night's sleep.

Let's summarize.

Which is better to be: hardworking or lazy? Why? Do you need to finish what you started? What character traits are developed during the labor process? How to deal with laziness?


“A kind word also pleases the cat”

How often do we say simple words of gratitude and praise? But it’s so simple - to praise a person, to say just a few pleasant words.

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Based on the results of the implementation of corrective measures, a control test will be carried out at the end of the semester, which will make it possible to give a final assessment of the selected methods.


Accuracy as a character quality

As for neatness as a personal character trait, it is irreplaceable and very important for everyone. Unlike an ear for music, a talent for drawing or writing poetry, this quality is not innate and is not determined by genetic predisposition.

Accuracy is the fruit of proper upbringing (by parents in childhood) or self-education (by the individual himself at a conscious age). For this reason, the sooner parents begin to instill in their child the habit of taking care of their own neatness, the greater the chance for him to grow up to be a neat person.

Unfortunately, even with the cleanest parents, sometimes their child grows up to be a disorderly creature, creating disorder and chaos around him. However, you should not despair, unlike other character traits, it is never too late to start cultivating accuracy in yourself, it is only important to do it carefully and systematically.

The meaning of a person's character

Character is a stable structure of mental properties that predetermine a person’s behavior, life goals, his reaction to stimuli and communication.

In psychology, a person’s character is considered an individual combination of certain personality traits. A set of qualities determines the attitude of an individual to the entire environment, which is manifested in the actions and behavior of a person.

Character means a lot in a person's life. Knowledge of the typological picture of characters is necessary not only to build communication with the chosen person, but also to predict his goals and possible reaction. This is important, for example, when hiring, when the candidate is assessed from all sides.


1). The male character trait “anger” corresponds to the female character trait “touchiness” . Resentment is the feminine form of the same quality: anger. Just a female form. And you’ve probably met families like this where the wife is always “like this” and the husband is yelling all the time. This is because they have the same character quality, it’s just manifested differently, in different forms - male and female. This is the form in which a woman is allowed by her internal “censor” to show anger. You see, what a woman actually feels is anger! But it manifests it in the form of resentment. 2). If a man is jealous (you know, jealous, aggressive men are like that) - I’ll tell you 100% that his woman is secretive . The male character trait “jealousy” corresponds to the female character trait “secrecy.” And do you know why? These are also unconscious mechanisms. The man unconsciously thinks like this: “Well, in principle, I would forgive her everything. This is what I would never forgive - I will not forgive betrayal. If she’s hiding something, the dog... it means she’s cheated after all!” And a woman who, perhaps, hides how much her blouse costs, or she hides the fact that after work she went to her friend’s house and not to her mother, she comes across the fact that the man begins to be jealous of her, begins to treat her very viciously - You know, there is, in general, very severe jealousy, there are very different forms... 3). A man’s penchant for cruelty ... You know, there are such men: he will kick the neighbor’s dog, and his father, the old man... Do you know what female character trait corresponds to this? Gossip. When we gossip—a feminine form of cruelty—we use words. Let’s put it in words, it’s just not always in person, sometimes it’s in absentia (“wash Pugacheva’s bones - she’s with Galkin again”), right? All forms of gossip develop all forms of cruelty in our man. 4). There are men like that, you know, you've probably met them: quarrelsomeness, boringness, pickiness , such... He spreads rot like that, finds fault, you know? And do you know what a woman’s quality is? Rough speech. A woman’s rude speech, in any form - in the form of jokes, in the form of sarcasm, in the form of malice, in the form of ridicule, in the form of direct abuse... It turns out that a woman who uses swear words automatically pulls her husband into quarrelsomeness, like this purulence, that’s the quality of character. 5). If a man is greedy, stingy, this means that the woman is deceitful and does not respect her husband . Deceit and secrecy are two different things. It’s one thing to sit and be silent, and another thing to lie specifically, right? And, in principle, deceit is also a form of disrespect. But if you don’t respect your husband, your husband will be greedy. This is the law. And there are a huge number of these forms of disrespect. I was visiting once: a very nice woman, you know, how she talks to her husband? "Sashka!" [sounds sharply, abruptly] If a woman calls her husband - Petka, Vaska, Vovka, Sashka... this is very unfavorable. This is one of the steps, one of the forms of disrespect. Even if she calls him Petyunechka, Vasyonochka, like a son... This is also disrespect. He is a husband, he is more important than you. Because the theory, in principle, says that outside the marital bed you should address your husband, like I do: “Yuri Vladimirovich”... Nikolai Alexandrovich... The “you” was, “daddy, you...” Yes. This is adequate, this is actually correct. But when you are alone, you can address him in different ways, for example - “oh hero of my dreams”, “oh king of our kingdom”... If you care about “what the neighbors will say” - you can spend your life on your neighbors! 6). If the husband drinks , yes, this happens very often in Russia... Do you know why? Because maybe a woman has love, but she doesn’t know how to give it! Can not. This is called, the term is “dryness of the heart.” Reluctance or inability to give love. It’s very painful, you know, when you look at how your husband has some kind of shortcoming, and it’s very painful to say to yourself: “It’s my fault...”. It's unbearably painful. 7). If the husband is irresponsible ... Do you know which wife has an irresponsible husband? Independent and naughty. The more independent a woman is, the less responsible her man is. He will stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut!.. You understand, responsibility, right? Her man... lies below the baseboard, in a ditch... Absolutely irresponsible. You can only take responsibility for someone who listens to you. This is how nature works. And so says common sense. The same thing happens in marriage: a disobedient wife instantly (she’s 6 times stronger!), she instantly - even if completely by accident, through the prayers of her great-grandmother-nun, a man is generally golden, responsible - well, instantly, it doesn’t take several months before he ceases to take responsibility at all. What forms of male irresponsibility do you know? Laziness. Reluctance to do anything. I don't care. Forgetfulness. Failure to keep promises. Inability to think: “What am I going to think, you’ve already thought about everything!” I have someone to think about all this.” Inability to keep one's word. Inability to support a family. Inability to even be at least somehow respected person, a member of this society... Direct and indirect forms of irresponsibility...

What are professional qualities

Professional or business qualities are directly related to the performance of one’s job duties.
This may include level of education and experience gained. Professional qualities allow the employer to evaluate efficiency, competence, and acquired skills. Recruitment specialists recommend writing 5-7 key qualities. This will allow you to see that the applicant knows how to set priorities, knows his weaknesses, and also knows how to evaluate his strengths from a professional point of view.

Strong professional qualities for a resume:

  • analytical thinking;
  • ability to persuade;
  • increased performance.

The lack of experience is complemented by such qualities as the ability to learn and quickly assimilate material, and result orientation. Thus, the employer understands that although the applicant has no experience, there is a possibility of developing him into a competent employee. Professional qualities should be listed based on the position
that the applicant plans to occupy. It would be useful to study the internal requirements of the company.

Resume template

Origin of the term

Like many other tricky words, this one also came into the Russian language from Latin. The term “accuracy” comes from accūrātus, which translated from the language of the proud Romans means “thoroughness, meticulousness, diligent execution and thoughtfulness.”

In Russian, this word began to be widely used in the 18th century with the coming to power of Peter I. Probably, trying to bring the country to the European level and trying with all his might to eradicate laxity, the tsar began to popularize this term in order to accustom his subjects to discipline and conscientiousness.

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