Disorders and diseases
Head injuries are considered the most dangerous because they can be accompanied by serious consequences and complications.
It is difficult to find at least one person in modern society who is not familiar with what
Description: Peroneal nerve neuropathy. One of the mononeuropathies of the lower extremities, accompanied by foot drop syndrome -
RU2100037C1 – Method for treating neuritis of the facial nerve – Google Patents The invention relates to medicine,
Over the past two decades, studying the effects of stress on the body has become one of the most important
Anyone can experience insomnia or sleep disturbance. In most cases, the problem is eliminated with drug therapy,
Today in our article we will talk about sexually transmitted diseases. Or more precisely about one of
How is the appearance of acne related to nerves? Biochemical processes occur in the body that are provoked by overexertion
Insomnia before menstruation: main causes As medical statistics show, 70% of the fair sex, although
Causes of disorders Among the most common causes of the onset of the disease, experts call traumatism of the trunk area