Personal growth: how to start growing as a person?

I think almost everyone today knows that personal growth has a direct impact on the quality of life. But at the same time, many do not clearly understand what this “personal growth” is in general, what exactly it is and what exactly it consists of.

Well, let's figure it out together.

Today I propose to discuss:

  • What is personal growth and why is it necessary?
  • How to effectively engage in self-development and what to pay special attention to;
  • Why do some succeed and others don’t;
  • What promotes personal growth and what methods are best to use;
  • How are personal growth and spirituality related?

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Now let's get back to personal growth. Let's start by answering the question “Why do we even need to grow and work on ourselves?”

Admit it, does it ever happen to you that you are not satisfied with yourself and your own life? And it seems that, by standard standards, everything is fine - life has turned out well, and you are doing everything right. But there is a green melancholy in my soul...

At the same time, you sincerely do not understand where despondency and apathy come from. After all, it would seem that everything is stable, you are confident in the future. But it seems to you that you are not living your life, as if in a dream.

It’s like you’re watching the same, rather boring movie.

You know perfectly well what will happen to you tomorrow - the same thing that happened yesterday. You will go to work along your usual route. Once again you will drink disgusting coffee from the machine and scold your boss. And in the evening you will pick up your child from kindergarten and walk through the old park, where you have walked a thousand times already.

And every new day is a copy of the past day. The exception is some holidays and unexpected events. And even those - we are trying to plan and control! It feels like there is complete “stagnation” in life, you are plunging into a swamp.

Sound familiar?

If yes, then do not rush to become discouraged, be disappointed in yourself, or put up with this state of affairs. I will help you understand the reasons and understand what to do about it.

But first, realize an important thing: get a new result by doing
the same ! To change your life, you need to change something urgently.
This is exactly where personal growth will help you.

Think about it, is there something that you have long dreamed of, but have been putting off all the time? Maybe you wanted to take up dancing, study marketing, or get your driver's license? Or maybe move to another city or change jobs?

All I suggest to you is to stop putting up with everyday life, start living by your own rules and engage in personal growth.

personal growth

What is personal growth

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Personal growth is the result of significant positive changes in a person’s personality, the realization of internal potential, thanks to which a person improves himself, achieves new goals, and repeatedly improves the quality of his life.

Personal growth also presupposes self-realization: the development of one’s natural talents and abilities, their practical application.

Speaking about personal growth and self-development, it should be noted that certain areas of psychology (primarily humanism) gave the term special meaning. So by personal growth they meant not just personality changes for the better, but a specific way of personal development.

This approach was followed by the aforementioned Rogers and Maslow: they found human nature to be unconditionally positive, and viewed personal growth as the manifestation by people of the talents inherent in them from birth .

In the words of Abraham Maslow:

“Teacher or culture does not create a person. They do not instill in him the ability to love or be curious, or philosophize, create symbols, create. Rather, they enable, facilitate, encourage, help that which exists in embryo to become real and actual.”

Personal growth: from words to deeds!

In this article, I told you about personal growth and explained why it is so important to pay attention to self-development at any age.

Now the most important thing is that it’s time to move from words to deeds. Take the step-by-step instructions, draw up an individual plan for personal growth and... act!

If you liked the above tips and found them useful, please write about it in the comments.

What do you do for personal growth? Share! I am sure your experience will be useful to others.

How is personal growth different from personal development?

Due to misunderstandings between representatives of different schools of psychology, confusion often arises: personal growth does not mean the same thing in all cases. After all, in fact, it can happen in various ways.

For example, thanks to the process of personality formation due to external influence (upbringing). It turns out then that personal growth as such has not occurred, but its results are there.

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “growth” - as something natural, natural and “development” - as a process largely determined by the influence of the environment. For the fathers of this term, Maslow and Rogers, personal growth meant the cultivation and manifestation of initial inclinations, and not the development of abilities dictated by society.

Important! Psychologists, in order to avoid confusion, suggest that in situations where only the result of personal growth matters, but no matter how it happened, use another term - personal development.

The main signs of personal growth

The topic under consideration was deeply interested in and studied by a domestic psychologist, Vladimir Lvovich Levi. In his works one can find the main signs of what happens when a person grows as a person:

  1. The flow of his interests is expanding.
  2. Life views, principles, positions become stronger.
  3. He is aware of his inner needs and desires.
  4. He defends his opinion and his interests.
  5. Fully accepts himself as a unique individual.
  6. Gains inner freedom, becomes more liberated in thoughts and words.
  7. Looks for his innate talents and develops them.
  8. He is aware of his shortcomings and does not stop working on them.
  9. Takes full responsibility for the actions taken.
  10. Begins to understand why others behave in one way or another, makes connections.

Have you been diagnosed with at least one of the listed symptoms? Great, you are going in the right direction towards growth and improvement of your personality. Don't turn off the path, don't stop the positive transformation, having coped with one peak, start to storm the next one.

Let's start our personal growth: recommendations

Improving yourself is not easy; you will need to work through your personality shortcomings every day, as well as develop your strengths and reveal your innate potential. If you don’t want to get stuck at the same level and want to make improvements, use the tips below.

Tip 1. Start studying yourself

Personal growth cannot occur when self-knowledge is lacking. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to compare the results obtained and understand the picture of changes.

The first thing you need to do is accept yourself as you are with all the pros and cons, type of temperament, life views and principles, way of interacting with the world around you.

Use the following methods to help yourself:

  • start keeping a diary where you write down all the most important things that happened during the day;
  • analyze your emotions - why positive or negative ones arise, under what conditions;
  • Regular meditation practice will also be effective.

Don’t forget that for personal growth it is very important to find your true purpose, to understand what you should do in life.

Remember your most vivid dreams and desires from childhood, think about how far or close your present is from them? Start taking active steps to get closer to your goals (and not those imposed from outside by society).

Tip 2. Learn to be completely responsible for what happens to you

Stop shifting your own mistakes and failures onto others, because by doing this, you remain in a state of victim, in a childish position. One of the criteria of true maturity is the ability to be responsible for your life. And without it, personal growth and development is impossible; you will continue to stand in one place.

Tip 3. You need a plan!

It is not enough to dream and just want, you need to actively act. And it’s much easier to do this if you have a clear plan with written goals. Therefore, your next task is to analyze your desires and create a step-by-step strategy for implementing them in practice.

Don't try to take on overwhelming tasks all at once; it's much more effective to divide a large goal into small pieces (just like a cake) and deal with them one by one.

Let's say you intend to realize yourself professionally in an area of ​​interest, to become successful in your career. But today's reality is work for money, which does not bring much satisfaction. In this case, follow these steps:

  1. First, come to what you really want to do, find your favorite thing.
  2. Then figure out what knowledge, skills and education you need to have.
  3. Start getting the education you need.
  4. When you have a diploma/certificate, start looking for vacancies in this field of activity and going to interviews.
  5. Once you receive a job offer, quit your previous job.
  6. Establish yourself as a good specialist.
  7. Constantly improve your professional knowledge, skills and abilities, thereby ensuring career advancement.

Tip 4. Leave your usual comfort zone

Comfort zone is a person’s habitual way of life, in which he consciously avoids new risks. As a result, he is constantly in a familiar, comfortable environment and does not experience stress. In some ways this is good: useful for rest and recovery.

But if you constantly stay in your comfort zone, personal growth and self-development will become impossible. After all, for them, frequent challenges to themselves, taking risks, and testing themselves for strength are mandatory conditions.

You need to decide to take a step into the void, without having any guarantees of how it will all end. But, who knows, maybe as a result you will get something you couldn’t even dream of?

Leaving your comfort zone is often painful, and is especially acute for people who have always been afraid of change. If you fall into their category, the best advice for you is to take things gradually. Don’t go too far beyond your usual routine, just expand it.

Try not to interfere with yourself with negative beliefs, like “I won’t succeed,” “I’m too old/uneducated/inexperienced, etc.” They exist only in your head, these are your inner fears and insecurities, but you definitely need to fight them!

Look for inspiring stories of other people who, despite obstacles and setbacks, were able to achieve their goals and achieved success. Let them become your best motivator.

| Personal growth factors | Do you know what personal growth factors can influence the development of a real personality from an ordinary person? Most likely, you will give an example that such a factor could be training in a particular educational institution or something like that. That is, you will mean that a specific person has received certain new knowledge.

You can also give an example of a specific person’s possession of certain “superpowers” ​​of his brain (such as, for example, the ability of some to solve mathematical problems in their heads that are extremely complex for an ordinary person). In part, continuous receipt of education in one or another educational institution, improvement, and practical application of the acquired knowledge, of course, is also one, perhaps even the primary, factor in such growth, the formation of an individual from an ordinary person, in the broad sense of the word.

But, the ability to carry out complex computational operations in the mind can rather be attributed to the improvement of previously acquired skills and abilities, rather than to a factor, an indicator that the development of certain personal qualities of a person has not stopped and can be improved further. Since this ability, skill, can hardly have one or another effect on the inner, spiritual world of a person, his character.

In general, the factors of a person’s personal growth can only be classified as those that influence the development and improvement of his internal psychological and mental characteristics, that is, those that contribute to the formation of his personality. It should be noted that this is why education can be considered one of the primary factors influencing the development of a person’s consciousness, contributing to the formation of one or another of his personal characteristics.

But we should not forget that, according to, again, the classical theory in psychology, the “stirring” of our consciousness also occurs under the influence on it from the outside, and not only due to the receipt of any new information for analysis. That is, thanks to the collective of our own kind surrounding us, with all their advantages and disadvantages, communication with them, it doesn’t even matter what topic.

During communication, our brain is still forced to work - analyze what the interlocutor said, analyze it, decide what to answer, and so on. Therefore, even an ordinary, albeit not strictly scientific conversation, can also be attributed to such a factor that can contribute to the personal growth of a particular person.

Just like reading a wide variety of literature, both fiction and popular science, is also one of these factors - the consciousness, when reading, is forced to work, so to speak, “strain.” This tension contributes to the development of both human consciousness, his individual characteristics, and the formation of a Personality from him.

To list all the factors of a person’s personal growth that contribute to his becoming an individual worthy of respect by others, you will need to write more than one page. At the same time, the main thing to take into account is that what this person should ideally be like, we ourselves, and not nature, invented it.

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