How to overcome laziness and start taking action: 11 ways

Why does desire disappear


Perhaps you have already made a mistake and are afraid of stepping on the same rake.

Uninteresting task

When things are uninteresting, our brain tries to avoid completing the task, including laziness.

Lack of self-discipline

She keeps us moving. Makes us do anything, even if we don't want to. Read more about self-discipline.

I mentioned a few more possible options in this article.

Field bindweed - methods of control

When entering into an unequal battle with an annoying plant, you should be patient. If you approach the issue carefully, you can eliminate the loach within a few years.

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Several proven methods have been identified:

  1. Refusal of the cultivator. The equipment loosens the soil shallowly, spreading the seeds throughout the field. It also leaves remnants of roots in the soil. A small piece is enough for subsequent growth. It is advisable to use pitchforks as equipment. They dig up the entire root branch without cutting it.

    removal of the root system

  2. Carry out treatment until flowers appear. Buds develop in almost every ovary. Up to a thousand seeds are dispersed in one growth. This tendency can fill not only one’s own, but also other people’s areas with bindweed.
  3. Breakage of the appeared lashes. The weed will not have time to entwine the fruit crops. Photosynthesis is also disrupted. This will allow you to fight bindweed in the garden, paralyzing its rapid growth.
  4. Covered the beds with black film. One of the methods that effectively copes with the task. It is used in both private and industrial sectors. The essence of the coating is to block sunlight. The hardy weed tolerates constant shade painfully. It is enough to make slits in the canvas for seedlings and extraneous herbs will not interfere.
  5. Changes in soil structure. Rapid growth is observed in an acidic environment with iron deficiency. Ash, lime and iron sulfate will help.
  6. Do not overdo it with the use of chemicals. Complete elimination will not occur; the maximum time for growth cessation is 3 years.

When performing a manual break, you need to be extremely careful. Due to the strong weave, there is a high risk of damaging or tearing out the sprout of a cultivated plant.

If possible, create additional shade with mulch. A temporary lack of light impedes development, while a permanent absence causes dysfunction of the root system.

How to overcome laziness: my ways to combat laziness

25 minute rule

The first thing I tell my brain is: “Let’s just do 25 minutes and then lie around?” 25 minutes is not that much, it makes it much easier to sit down at the computer and get started. The main thing is exactly 25 minutes, not half an hour, not an hour, they already sound frighteningly long. And after 5-10 minutes I already forget about laziness and calmly do my work.

Piece of Pie

How to overcome laziness: eat the pie one piece at a time.
If a goal seems too big and impossible, I cut it into small pieces. So that I can complete such a task in 20 minutes or even less. The brain likes to do everything easy and fast, so this method is ideal for fighting laziness.


For each of my tasks, I set deadlines for completion. This creates the effect of responsibility to oneself. But the main thing is not to set strong boundaries; we often think that we can cope faster than we actually are.

Focus on results, not problems

I think about what will happen if I do it, and not about what difficulties surround me. The brain is afraid of problems, so it will avoid any meeting with them.

What will happen if I do and what will happen if I don’t

This is an interesting question that I ask myself periodically. Reminds us why we strive for our goals.

Tell others what you will do

Again, our brain is afraid that we will be judged for something and belittled. To avoid this, he is ready to do anything. I don’t use it that often, because I lose motivation if I do this with every task.

I am inspired by successful people

An audiobook is a great way to motivate yourself and overcome laziness.
Reading an autobiography or watching a film about a successful person strongly charges us to action. The main thing is to start right away, otherwise the effect disappears quite quickly.

Meet laziness

You worked, learned something new, communicated with colleagues, grew. And then suddenly (and at what moment did this happen?) they found themselves lying on the sofa among the pillows with a dish of fruit, or even a can of beer, watching the third episode of some multi-part series.

It would seem that you are resting, what’s wrong. Now recover and go into battle. But is it? It's easy to check:

  • is your body relaxed?
  • Are your thoughts calm and completely focused on relaxation - the plot of the series and your favorite taste?
  • Are you in a wonderful mood and are you filled with joy?

If you answered “yes” to all the questions, then go ahead and create further, and then relax - after all, you know how to do it, love it and practice it masterfully. But since you are reading this article, then, most likely, everything is somewhat different.

Thoughts in the spirit of: “the deadline is on its way - it’s rolling like an inevitable snowball, accelerating, the work hasn’t even started, the customer seems reluctant to lose, and, they say, reputation in this environment is an important thing, you never know where it will catch up” - running around in a panic in your head, they bump into something cottony and get stuck - laziness.

If you monitor the reaction of the body at the moment of the collision of laziness and the remnants of responsibility, you can find that you are experiencing quite a lot of stress, which settles in the body through muscle reactions. At this moment, I have a noticeable tension in my hands along the line from the thumb up to the middle of the chest. Approximately along the red dots.

Illustration of my body's reaction

It is quite possible that you experience completely different sensations, but I am 100% sure that they arise. Moreover, in psychotherapy there are areas that, based on the type and location of tension in the body, can diagnose many interesting things living in the subconscious. This would be very useful to us (you will understand why below), but for hardware and practical work, turn to specialists; this is not even a topic for an amateur’s article.

And we will return to the image of a “resting” freelancer:

  • thoughts from the series constantly flow away to the gnawing conscience for unfinished work;
  • the body responds with nervous tension;
  • the mood... appropriate.

Doesn't really sound like relaxation, does it? I highlighted the ending of the word here. If we take laziness with the connotation that is usually broadcast to us since childhood - you have to work, and here you are being lazy (read: slacking off), then all this wouldn’t happen, but there would be a great mood and everything would be like in the first example.

Therefore, the concept of “laziness” is very conditional, I will return to this later. But for now let’s save this word to denote the state “Work? Reluctance!"

A couple more ways to fight laziness

Nothing to do

It seems like we’re not doing anything, but try just sitting on a chair, folding your arms and sitting. If you have never meditated, you are unlikely to sit for 5 minutes. You will immediately want to do something, so get right to your task.

Play a role

An interesting way that I am just learning is to play a role. Look at the goal, what do you want to become? Millionaire? Then tell yourself: “I am a millionaire! What should I do?". That's right, make money, not sit on Instagram.

If I'm lazy, then I'm not human.

Tough but effective technique. Are you human? Supreme and divine being? Higher intelligence? But you can’t come to an agreement with yourself. Be human, come to an agreement with yourself.


Play life, don't suffer through it.
Everyone wants to play, many know the benefits they bring. But few people take advantage of this opportunity. Try turning the task into a game. Imagine that you are carrying out an order for the king and for each task you complete you receive gold, otherwise your life will be taken away.

Addition: Count to 5

Another great way to stop being lazy and get down to business is the 5 second rule. Before you begin, count silently or out loud from one to five and begin. Read more in this article.

No load

If there is not even the most minimal load, not only the body suffers. The psycho-emotional state of a person is disrupted. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to the development of a large number of pathologies leading to irreversible consequences. Chronic fatigue syndrome almost always occurs. In addition, not only physical strength disappears, but also mental abilities. Often these changes are practically unnoticeable until they become clearly visible.

Emotional stress is also very important. Everyone needs emotions. Some people watch football matches, while others like melodramas. This is how they get the missing emotions. It should be remembered that negativity is also necessary. You cannot sacrifice some feelings for the sake of others. Anger, irritation, anger are also needed for the normal functioning of the brain. Sometimes they even become the best incentive.

In the era of the development of accessibility of information and social networks, the intellectual load is significantly reduced, although this is strange. Consciousness is filled with “garbage”. Mental workload is not simply running through received information. You need to think about it, and this is always difficult. You must always analyze, improve and learn from your own experience.

Japanese Method of Overcoming Laziness

Nothing is eternal

All these techniques are good in their own way, but they only work once. Almost every time you have to repeat them. It's hard to start doing again and again.

But there is a way out! Of course, it is not eternal either, but it is long-term. And this is self-discipline. It will take a lot of time to develop, but it will be the best investment in yourself.

Develop self-discipline by practicing the 11 methods listed above and soon you won't need to use them.

Is it possible to get rid of field bindweed?

The field weed known as birch uses any high ground as a support. Grass, sticks, seedlings - anything will do. This feature is dangerous for young seedlings. Fully entwined, the loach takes all the nutrients. It is difficult for an unformed plant to resist such an “invader.”

Before you fight bindweed, despite its invulnerability to external factors, it is worth studying several effective methods:

  1. Mechanical. Weed the area in a timely manner. The main task is to block the spread of the plant. If you plan to use special equipment, pay attention to the immersion depth of the bucket. The root system reaches up to 6 meters in the depths of the soil. The cut root left in the ground continues to grow.
  2. Planting large plants. It is necessary to create competitive conditions under which the loach cannot fight. The process also allows you to completely eliminate the development of weeds in the area.
  3. Biological. The method allows you to understand how to deal with loaches in a potato field and within a small garden plot. The principle of operation is to plant green manure (plant varieties that inhibit the development of weeds), which gradually exterminate the pest in full. Planting of mustard, peas, and fescue is practiced. Recommended time: early spring.
  4. Chemical. The herbicide against birch acts in two ways - aboveground and root. The first superficially destroys the weed for one season. Cutting off the “vine” only removes visible problems, without eliminating the cause. The second one is more effective. Here the original source – the root – is destroyed. After complete removal, the loach disappears from the territory.

Carry out chemical treatment with gloves and a respirator. Drug vapors have a negative impact on human health.

Many gardeners use the folk method. It consists of spraying with saline solution. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in dry, sunny weather. This dries out the leaves and inflorescences, interfering with photosynthesis. For large-scale growth, it is appropriate to use a spray bottle. Local areas are treated with a brush so as not to damage the seedlings and flower beds. This method is recommended if it is impossible to eliminate the root system. It is worth noting that this is a temporary destruction.

We are looking for the causes of apathy and laziness

Apathy is a kind of defense mechanism that includes an energy-saving mode. It's like electricity: when it goes out, a backup generator starts up and simply powers the business while the wiring is fixed.

Laziness can be a symptom that we are “burnt out”:

  • tired of the daily routine;
  • chronically lack of sleep;
  • We are constantly overtired at work;
  • experienced emotional stress.

If we understand the reason, we will know how to act. Perhaps you need to take a vacation. Or just give yourself a good night's sleep.

In general, chronic fatigue is a real disease of the 21st century. You can read more about the fight against fatigue in the article “How to relieve fatigue.”

Another common reason for laziness and apathy is lack of motivation:

  • misunderstanding of goals;
  • failure to receive tangible results or rewards for your work;
  • lack of foreseeable prospects.

Interest in what we do is our “electric current”. If you try to replace it with the word “must”, sooner or later melancholy, apathy and laziness appear.

Consequences of long-term growth

The field weed is actively spreading in open areas with extensive planting of potatoes and grain crops. However, this “scourge” has infested almost all possible locations.

The situation is worst in areas that have been abandoned for several years. Favorable conditions are created for the pest to reproduce and take root in the soil. Due to the constant lack of moisture, the soil is difficult to cultivate.

The weed takes on a lack of nutrients from new plantings. The process happens so quickly that the plants do not have enough time to settle down. In addition, “close connections” create shade for the seedlings. Impaired photosynthesis adds stress to the crop.

The loach reproduces by seeds, and can remain in a suspended state for several years. As soon as a favorable environment appears, the development process is activated. Therefore, visual clearing of an area is not an indicator of treatment success.

What harm do bindweeds cause?

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Appearances are quite deceiving. Delicate flowers, beautifully entwined in the hedge, pose a serious threat to plants. If you don’t know how to deal with bindweed in the garden, you may encounter the problem of severe soil dehydration.

The peculiarity lies in the length of the root system. The web is evenly distributed over the surface and at depth. Thus, water is extracted from the soil almost immediately after it appears.

A tenacious plant, reaching a length of up to 2 meters, it is home to a huge number of garden pests. They live on the inside of leaves, gradually moving to cultivated varieties.

Pay special attention to young shoots. The growth of bindweed starts in early spring and is established throughout the season. The weed will not miss the opportunity to “get to know” a new neighbor, so it quickly entwines itself around the stem, taking away nutrients. If you miss the moment, the culture will die before reaching its peak. By ignoring the problem, there is a risk of losing at least half of the harvest.

Carrot or stick?

We have already talked about the harmfulness of the word “must”. This is the whip with which we try to whip our lazy butt. But the effect is often still not pleasing.

Self-education is in many ways similar to raising children. Some parents who want their teenager to clean the room choose the "whip" method. They say: “you must,” “if you don’t put things in order, you won’t play on the computer today,” etc. Children may obey, but they will do everything anyhow. Because they don’t understand why bother.

Much better to get interested. And for this, it is more effective to use “carrots”: praise, gratitude for help, an extra hug or kiss, and sometimes small surprises.

Adults are also children who want to receive “candy” for their work. The motivation itself to earn money for a car or learn a foreign language is undoubtedly a big carrot. But if the path to the goal is very long, you need to give yourself intermediate rewards. If you learned five new words, praise yourself wholeheartedly and let you watch your favorite TV series. If you manage to complete your next project and earn more money, have a picnic with your friends. There are many variations. Find those levers that are most effective and (necessarily!) positive for you personally.

By the way, here is another interesting site that helps you overcome laziness:

Increasing the level of motivation

When you don’t understand where you are going and why you need it, the subconscious begins to resist and conserve reserves that may be needed for more serious matters. Therefore, it is very important to formulate a clear goal.

Dreams can be expressed visually: find a beautiful photo depicting what you want to get (car, house, travel, etc.) and place it in a visible place. This is interesting and easy to do using the “Map of Desires” service.

It’s good if there is a specific idol that you can imitate in some way. If there is no such example, it is worth reading stories about people who managed to achieve what you dream of. Study their path, take note of useful techniques and methods. And keep reminding yourself: if they can do it, so can you.

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