VSD: symptoms in adults and treatment. What is VSD in simple terms?

The modern world sometimes forces a person to live and work at the limit of his capabilities. Constant haste, instant decision-making, sudden changes in environment, increased mobility - over time, all this can lead to the development of neuroses in a person. And the constant action of irritants very often ends in the chronic stages of the disease. Today it is known that vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) affects almost 90% of the population. To strengthen the body and boost immunity for a quick recovery, it is necessary to take vitamins for VSD.

Main types of VSD

Vitamins for vegetative and vascular dystonia in women

Based on the type of manifestation, there are five main types of VSD:

  • by mixed type;
  • according to the cardiac type;
  • according to the vagotonic type;
  • according to the hypertensive type;
  • hypotonic type.

Each type of VSD has a number of individual symptoms that are specific to it. For example, a malfunction of the cardiovascular system leads to the diagnosis of a cardiac type of disease. Hypotonic and hypertensive types of VSD are characterized by a decrease or increase in blood pressure. And the vagotonic type of VSD is associated with impaired respiratory function of the body and problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

The appearance of symptoms of VSD in a person signals that a malfunction has occurred in the body, the balance has been disturbed, which means that problems have arisen in the functioning of the nervous system. In addition to the autonomic nervous system, the humoral and cardiovascular systems suffer from attacks of VSD. As a result, the body and its vital systems begin to experience negative effects, which leads to a malfunction of many human organs.

The clinical nature of the course of VSD is not dangerous, it does not pose a threat to life. However, with pronounced symptoms, it causes a lot of trouble for the patient. When treating VSD, the doctor usually prescribes a set of medications.

Eliminating symptoms

Medicines to eliminate the symptoms of VSD are divided into several groups. Their purpose is to normalize the functioning of the autonomic nervous system and eliminate signs of the disease in VSD.

In drug therapy, sedative medications are most often used:

If there is a need to improve heart function and strengthen blood vessels during VSD, doctors prescribe Asparkam or some other sympatholytics. Also, the complex treatment of VSD includes drugs to increase the performance of the central nervous system. To maintain the functioning of its functions, the patient is prescribed nootropics and psychoactive drugs, for example, Piracetam or Cofin. For vegetative-vascular dystonia, vitamins and adaptogens rich in calcium and magnesium are often prescribed. To improve memory during VSD, the patient is advised to take Glycine. Thanks to the main effect of the drug, which is the acceleration of metabolism in the cerebral cortex, after some time a person’s memory and attention improve, and all mental processes are activated. Modern doctors give particular preference to nootropics with a sedative effect for VSD.

Get rid of dystonia forever?

Is it possible to permanently eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of dystonia? VSD can be treated, but the approach must be comprehensive and individual.

The following recommendations will help with treatment:

  1. Regular physical activity. Vegetonics benefit from physical exercise - swimming, walking, cycling or dancing. Many patients with VSD avoid activity, but if physical exercise becomes a habit, then the emotional state will normalize.
  2. A diet high in magnesium and calcium.
  3. Hardening.
  4. Good rest, sleep. The bedroom should have fresh air, a comfortable place to sleep, it is advisable to purchase an orthopedic pillow.

If you try to follow the recommendations described above, you can reduce and forget about the signs of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Thus, the symptoms and treatment of VSD in adults require detailed consideration. It is important to eliminate emotional stress, adhere to a regime of rest and mental work.

Vitamins for VSD

However, one of the most important components of any VSD therapy is vitamins. Particular attention should be paid to vitamins containing organic substances from the following groups:

  • A;
  • IN;
  • WITH;
  • E.

Such vitamin complexes for VSD are antioxidants.

For tachycardia and heart rhythm disturbances, Corvaldin or Corvalol is prescribed. But it is worth remembering that the use of these drugs should not be regular. They are taken on a one-time basis in isolated cases to eliminate an attack of VSD.

Since vegetative-vascular dystonia is a disease associated with improper functioning of blood vessels, it is absolutely correct that the doctor can prescribe vasodilators. This is preceded by the patient's complaints of pain in the head, weakness and dizziness during VSD. Most often, the causes of symptoms of the disease are a constant depressive state and frequent neuroses during VSD.

To suppress a person’s fear and anxiety, irritability and increased excitability, the doctor prescribes antidepressants and tranquilizers for VSD, which are sold in pharmacies strictly according to prescription. Drugs belonging to this group can cause addiction and dependence when used for a long time. Therefore, they should be taken only under the strict supervision of the attending physician.

The manifestation of signs of VSD is not a threat to life for the patient, but it does bring some discomfort to its daily course. VSD is not dangerous, provided it is treated promptly. Otherwise, serious and sometimes irreversible complications may occur. Self-medication of VSD is not the best option; it is recommended to discuss a course of complex therapy with a competent doctor.


VSD is quite difficult to diagnose, since modern medicine has not yet invented special equipment and devices for this. Therefore, after collecting an anamnesis and a thorough examination, the patient is referred to certain specialists if there are specific complaints:

  • cardiologist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • endocrinologist, etc.

In addition, the neurologist conducts special tests that help determine the state of the autonomic nervous system:

  • autonomic tone (the level of tone of a particular organ at rest);
  • autonomic reactivity (the ability of the nervous system to respond to external stimuli);
  • vegetative support of activity (vegetative indicators are recorded during dosed mental and physical activity).

Among the additional methods for studying VSD, the following are widely used:

  • ECG (including daily recording);
  • MRI;
  • CT;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs and heart;
  • Rheovasography.

The diagnosis of VSD is supported by the fact that additional examination methods, as a rule, do not reveal pathologies and diseases of internal organs.

Complex vitamin therapy

VSD is a consequence of constantly arising stressful situations in which the psycho-emotional sphere of a person experiences severe overstrain. To minimize emotional reactions to irritants, it is recommended to establish proper nutrition and strengthen your body with the use of vitamins for VSD. Complex vitamin therapy has a positive effect on the body, strengthens the immune system, which helps increase stress resistance. Organic substances contained in vitamins for VSD help the metabolic process to intensify its work to increase human vitality. All vitamins can be taken from foods or purchased in pharmacies in tablet form.

Treatment with vitamins for VSD is often prescribed in a short course in combination with nootropic drugs. Vitamins are useful for any type of VSD. In addition to vitamins, the patient’s body needs support with other substances, for example, those containing potassium.

Vitamins for VSD are prescribed to replenish the body's strength and energy, and auxiliary medications provide vital needs. They act as sedatives or diuretics, and have antispasmodic and vasodilatory effects. It is also impossible to independently choose a complex of vitamins for VSD, just as it is impossible to determine the type of dystonia. But vitamin complexes for VSD are recommended to be used depending on the manifestation of symptoms of a particular type of vegetative-vascular dystonia, since different compositions have an ambiguous effect on the body.

What vitamins should you take?

In cases where a patient is diagnosed with a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia, the attending physician first prescribes the use of vitamin complexes, nootropics and herbal sedatives. The most harmless and consisting of natural ingredients is Valocordin. Thanks to its sedative properties, its actions against VSD are aimed at calming the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, improving sleep and normalizing the functioning of the central nervous system.

Treatment of the nervous system with VSD is more effective when representatives of group B are used in complex vitamin therapy. Products containing large amounts of these substances help the patient improve their appearance and improve their mood with VSD.

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) is water soluble; no additional substances are required for rapid and effective absorption. Due to the fact that it easily dissolves in water, overdose is almost impossible. For VSD, this vitamin is an essential component in complex therapy of any composition. It improves the functioning of the basic functions of the circulatory system and the brain, and also plays the role of an antioxidant and angioprotector in VSD. Vitamin B is prescribed for deterioration of attention and thinking, as well as to enhance carbohydrate metabolism in VSD. A deficiency of this vitamin can be caused by a monotonous diet and manifest itself in the form of muscle weakness, fatigue and loss of appetite. Thiamine, in its natural form, can be found in many foods. These include: bread, liver, beef, milk, various cereals and black currants. The daily dose of this vitamin for VSD is 1.5-2.5 mg.

Pharmacy vitamin complexes

Synthetic vitamin supplements are recommended for use if a person has an inadequate or monotonous diet. An indication for the use of drugs may be a deficiency of one of the vitamins, which cannot be eliminated in a short time only with the help of food.

To find out which vitamins to take for VSD, it is best to take a special blood test that will help accurately identify their deficiency or excess. Taking complex vitamin preparations without analysis and consultation with a doctor can cause an overdose of any component in the body, which will lead to poisoning.

For vegetative-vascular dystonia, vitamins are often prescribed in combination with medications and dietary supplements. The action of drugs for this diagnosis should be aimed at strengthening the immune system and normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. Most often, complex preparations are prescribed that contain the entire set of essential vitamins and microelements: “Alphabet”, “Complivit”, “Centrum”, they are used for prevention and improvement of the general condition of the body.

There are also specialized complexes, for example, containing only B vitamins in therapeutic doses (“Combilipen”, “Neuromultivit”, “Pentovit”). Such drugs should be taken only as directed and under the supervision of a physician.

The modern world sometimes forces a person to live and work at the limit of his capabilities. Constant haste, instant decision-making, sudden changes in environment, increased mobility - over time, all this can lead to the development of neuroses in a person. And the constant action of irritants very often ends in the chronic stages of the disease. Today it is known that vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD) affects almost 90% of the population. To strengthen the body and boost immunity for a quick recovery, it is necessary to take vitamins for VSD.

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