How and when to ask your ex to be your girlfriend again: the secret to success

Why does a guy need to get his girlfriend back after a breakup?

First, you should analyze your true motives. Probably, men want to reconnect with their former passion because it is with this person that they have the warmest memories. The subconscious desire to return to what was comfortable is quite natural. But before taking active action, you should give an objective assessment of the situation. After all, “I want it back!” alone is, at a minimum, not enough. After the breakup, the girl could have another young man, she is again trying to build her personal life. Therefore, every step must be preceded by careful thought.

The guy must definitely ask himself the question of whether it is his fault that mutual understanding with his beloved has been lost. If the desire for reunification is driven only by the fear of loneliness, then this is far from the most suitable reason to try to restore the union. In this case, it would be more correct to work in a completely different direction - increasing your own self-esteem and inner confidence.

Of course, it is possible to get a girl back after a breakup, but is it worth doing this if the man has not realized his past mistakes? One way or another, you will have to return to the problems of the previous attempt to build relationships more than once, and, first of all, you need to be prepared for this. If the passion sees that her admirer is most serious , she will undoubtedly meet him halfway and take the chance to renew the union of two loving hearts, which was destroyed due to stupidity. The decisive role here will be played by the guy’s recognition of his mistakes, repentance and willingness to take responsibility for a new relationship.

Return strategy: how to restore relationships

Stages of relationship restoration:

  • Analysis of your mistakes and shortcomings;
  • Reboot - change the image, correct defects;
  • Friendly meeting and first conversation;
  • Forming a strong interest in yourself.

I will not repeat everything that I have already written, I will only note how important it is to actually change during separation. After a long breakup, the girl will in any case compare you with the man who remains in her memory. And this is the time to make it clear that your life is not over without her.

So, you know that your ex is not currently in a serious relationship. This does not mean that she will rush into your arms with delight, but it is quite easy to arouse her interest and attention.

If you have often seen each other in a common company (at work or with friends), if possible, try to get out of her sight for a while. This time is worth devoting to changes - at least in terms of image. Of course, you can’t disappear from work without consequences, but you can use your vacation to pump yourself up, change your wardrobe, try a new haircut, etc.

Change your behavior style:

  • Pay attention to other girls in your general circle;
  • Learn to joke and flirt a little with everyone, but not with her;
  • Create an aura of friendly attention around yourself.

It’s good if you start a friendly relationship with one of her friends - without going beyond friendship, but showing a clear preference. Starting to date someone else in front of your ex can cause both jealousy and hostility. But a little intrigue will only arouse interest. Let her wonder if this is friendship or something more.

Having created the right atmosphere around you, take the first step. To begin with, friendly - in the form of short conversations, small services. Do not rush to declare your intentions, treat her warmly and friendly, but not hotter than others. Wait until she herself begins to initiate contact, and only then can you choose the right moment to say how you want to restore your relationship.

I hope these tips will help you choose the right path on how to get your ex-girlfriend back under any circumstances, and even after a long breakup. If all efforts turn out to be in vain, perhaps this is not love, but only emotional dependence that it is time to overcome. Remember: there are many girls in the world and, perhaps, you haven’t met the one yet.

Roman Vinilov The one who can change you and your life

Of course, when a loved one leaves our lives, the first thing we want to do is bring him back. But think about whether you really need this. Very often you want to return your partner out of a feeling of revenge or out of a desire to prove your worth. However, if you want to get your girl back after breaking up because you love her and are ready to live your whole life with her, of course, you can and should try to improve the relationship between you.

How to get a girl back if you feel that she is the one destined for you by fate, and you don’t want to miss out on your happiness? In this article we will give you some useful tips and hope that you will find them useful!

How to get your ex-lover back using witchcraft?

To return the person of interest, various magical rituals are used. It is worth studying the most effective among them. After this, choosing the appropriate option will not be difficult.

A ritual to bring back love at home:

This ritual is performed during the full moon phase. The optimal time is midnight. Deviation is allowed, but only minor. For example, half an hour before midnight or 30 minutes after the onset of a new day. The following manipulations are performed:

  1. The person stands with his back to the window opening.
  2. Place a mirror in front of you so that the light of the moon falls into it.
  3. Two candles are lit in the room, symbolizing the two partners. Their flame should also be reflected in the mirror.

After all this has been done, the guy says the following phrase:

“I want to fix everything, bring love back into our lives. I turn to the forces of the Moon, the great heavenly body, for help. I ask you to fulfill my most cherished desire - to return my beloved (her name) to me, to revive feelings and passion in her soul. I will be faithful to her, patient. She will also become tender and affectionate.” .

After reading these words, the girl will feel a strong energy message. Soon after this, she will return to her ex-partner.

Plot to return the girl:

If a girl, after a breakup, does not want to communicate with her ex at all, ignores him, avoids him, this spell will help restore contact with her and revive old feelings. It is read over a thing that belongs to the chosen one. It could be anything, for example, a hairpin or hair tie, cosmetics, clothing. Surely, during the existence of the union, the man will have at least one such item. The following spell should be cast over him:

“I want with all my heart to return you (girl’s name), to be with you, to love you, to carry you in my arms. You are dear to my heart, gifted by fate. I want you back, I only dream about it. Love me again, forget the insults and pain, reciprocate my feelings." .

After reading the plot, you need not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts, think only about your beloved girl. The next day she needs to return the enchanted item. She just needs to take it in her hands, and the magic will immediately begin to work.

Psychologist's advice

You can only get your ex-girlfriend back if there were really strong, real feelings between the partners. If her feelings have cooled down, there is no need to give up, since, according to most psychologists, any feelings go through a stage of extinction, and partners are required to rekindle them in a timely and competent manner. But first you need to extinguish boiling emotions, many people need time for this.

Psychologists advise all guys who want to return a girl’s feelings to themselves to adhere to the following steps:

  • Relationship Analysis . To begin with, a man needs to think carefully about whether he needs to return the woman; indeed, it is his feelings that push him to such actions, and not his wounded male pride. If the motives are true and sincere, you need to put aside resentment and pride, thinking through further actions.
  • Finding the cause . Any problems in a relationship are the fault of both partners, so a man needs to forgive the mistakes of his beloved, as well as understand and realize his misdeeds.
  • Meeting . Now you need to come up with a reason, place and time for the meeting. It should involve a calm, competent dialogue, during which you need to explain yourself without reproaches or scandals. It is imperative to make it clear that the man has realized all his mistakes and is ready to change. You can return your beloved girl if she left you by letting her understand the seriousness of your intentions, responsibility and strong feelings.
  • Time . If your beloved is not ready for the meeting, most likely, emotions and resentments have not yet subsided and she simply needs more time. Having given time, you can wait for the moment when feelings cool down, and the girl analyzes all her mistakes, including.

How to pause correctly to win back a girl's feelings

An equally important point is the time that must pass enough to take a step towards reconciliation. Psychologists, giving advice to guys in love on how to get back into a relationship with a girl, claim that at least 2 months should pass after the breakup. During the entire period of a kind of pause, it is not at all advisable for a young man to intersect with his former passion in any way, i.e. under no circumstances should he :

  • make yourself known;
  • call;
  • seek meetings;
  • write on social networks;
  • Send “hello” through mutual friends.

The ex-girlfriend should feel how much she misses his warmth, attention, and care. And the man, meanwhile, actively focuses on himself. Favorite hobbies or sports, work or meeting with friends - all this will allow you to escape from obsessive ideas about meetings and calls. By filling your personal space with something else and pushing out your beloved girl from there, the desire to get your ex back after breaking up may disappear by itself . As stated in psychology, the initial desire to renew the relationship may have been inappropriate and insincere.

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