How to become more attractive: the path to harmony between external and internal


(ancient Greek ἁρμονία): * in philosophy - coordination (unification into integrity) of heterogeneous and opposing (conflict) elements; * in aesthetics - the coherence of the whole, born from the combination of essences of opposite quality; * in music - the unification and coherence of sound based on a pattern, that is, an expressive means of music based on the combination of different tones/sounds into a holistic consonance..

In philosophy, harmony is understood as a category reflecting a natural

internal consistency
and proportionality of content and form.

In aesthetics, harmony is a concept meaning orderliness

​(!)​ diversity

of parts.

The author of the treatise “On the World” (1st century BC), relying on Heraclitus, found agreement between opposites

in all natural entities, in human activity and in the Universe: “““... nature consists of
, and from them, and
from similar ones, it forms a consonant (τὸ σύμφωνον​ - consonant - harmonious​).
So, she brought a man and a woman together, combining the consent of opposite
, and
similar, creatures.
And art (τέχνη), imitating nature, does the same. Painting creates images by mixing colors. Music, mixing sounds at the same time, creates a single harmony (ἁρμονίαν). Grammar, by mixing consonant letters, formed verbal art from them. <…> So the entire universe, that is, heaven and earth and the cosmos as a whole, was ordered by a single
harmony through
the mixing of the most opposite
principles. »»»

This understanding of harmony among the Greeks became widespread, especially among the Pythagoreans. For example, in the treatise “Arithmetic” by Nicomachus from Gerasa (2nd century AD): “Harmony is always born from opposites

, because harmony is the unity

""" In Latin science, the same definition is first recorded in the "Arithmetic" of Boethius (c. 500): """ Everything that consists of opposites
is connected
by harmony
and folded with its help, because harmony is
and agreement of the discordant

the opposite
In classical literature, harmony was described as 'concordia discors' - " discordant agreement
." »»»

Harmony is the unification of opposites into a single whole, into integrity.

Thus, we see that in essence the concept of “ harmony ” in philosophy, aesthetics, music, and other spheres of life means the unification of different and opposing entities (parts) into a single whole (integrity), based on patterns ( laws and regulations).

Moreover, a single whole, the integrity of harmony necessarily implies that this harmonious totality/structure has a goal, and this goal is only one ; this is the purpose for which this harmonious system exists. Who knows the purpose of a harmonious structure/system? The one who is at the center of it, that is, its head, its leader. Just as there must be one goal for the integrity and harmony of the structure, so there must be only one head .

And vice versa, if there is no single goal of the structure/system, or there is no one chapter, then the structure can no longer be unified, orderly, holistic, that is, it cannot be harmonious .

At the same time, harmony / a harmonious system necessarily exists in an orderly manner and on the foundation of patterns , that is, on the basis of laws and principles . Who knows these laws? Whose rules are these? These are the laws and principles of the one who knows the purpose of the system . That is, in a harmonious system, the laws and rules of the head /manager of the system are established.

Why do many now believe that “ harmony ” is supposedly balance , equilibrium (“equality”), compromises, agreements, balancing (“counterbalances”) and the like?

Let's see what definitions the concepts of “balance” and “equilibrium” are given by dictionaries/encyclopedias.

Balancing your Life

From an energetic point of view, HARMONY is a stable, good and balanced state.

There is a clear feeling of being in your flow, and most importantly, all areas of life interact correctly with each other, complement each other, and bring a state of pleasure and joy.

In his course, Sergey Ratner shared techniques on how to balance individual segments of life and create a favorable holistic system from them.

The course allows you to deeply work through your condition, your health, and plunge into an atmosphere of calm and connection with the Higher World.

The course also touches on issues of healthy, proper nutrition, the relationship between nutrition and the state of mind and health of the body.

Watch a fragment from the course “Harmony”

Leadership, War and Peace

Much of the Tao Te Ching was addressed to the political leaders of the time. Legend has it that Lao Tzu worked as an archivist at the court of the Zhou Dynasty. He was known throughout the country as a man of great wisdom. Frustrated by the decay he saw around him, Lao Tzu decided to leave society behind, so he quit his job, packed his things, and rode away on a buffalo. Wise men clearly know how to make dramatic entrances!

Recognizing him at the Hang-ku mountain pass, the gatekeeper begged him to share his wisdom before leaving the kingdom. Lao Tzu duly obeyed, and it is said that he wrote the entire Tao Te Ching in one night.

Lao Tzu's words are uncompromising when it comes to leadership.

He tells us that the greatest leader is the one people don't even know about. Instead of imposing bluster and selfishness, a true leader works quietly behind the scenes, trusting his people and allowing them to thrive on their own.

“The best leader speaks little,” he says in verse 17. "He never speaks casually." Luckily they didn't have Twitter back then.

There is no room for ego when it comes to leadership. Instead of trying to look good and wasting their time controlling and manipulating others, a true leader trusts his subordinates by stepping back and guiding carefully from behind the scenes.

A great leader “leave no trace” once the job is done. This humility is the source of their greatness. For as Lao Tzu said, “If you do not accept meaning, you will never lose it.”

Instead of trying to elevate oneself, Taoists see virtue in lowering others. They focus on how they can serve rather than on what they can receive.

Again, the three jewels of compassion, humility and moderation are essential to guide one's actions when in any position.

Taoism encourages us to let go of the need to control and dominate others. He sees the role of leadership as hands-off. The more we try to control and impose our point of view on others, the more we sow the seeds of conflict. When this happens, war begins.

Contrary to what we might assume, war is not a natural phenomenon. It is an entirely human invention.

According to Taoism, peace should always be our highest value because peace is the nature of Tao.

Lao Tzu warns that:

“Whatever exerts force will soon disintegrate. Those who lead people by following the Tao do not try to reject the world or use weapons to carry out their will. The use of force always creates counteraction. The weapon is often turned against the owner."

Conflict should clearly be avoided wherever possible. This does not mean that Taoism advocates blind pacifism. Some things in life need to be fought for. If injustices and crimes are committed, such violations must be addressed. But Lao Tzu says:

“Once you have achieved your goal, you should not flaunt your victory or brag about your abilities. You must regret that you could not prevent the war."

To live a life based on the Tao, we must learn to solve problems before they get out of control and deal with things while they are still simple.

This involves following the flow of the Tao and responding appropriately to the moment as it unfolds and maintaining order without allowing things to fall apart.

Leadership and life in general are very important in learning to surf the waves of life with skill, balance and poise.

In music

There the meaning of the word “harmony” is expressed as follows.

  1. The harmony of sound, its consistency and euphony. Example: “The piano and cello create such a divine harmony that you want to listen to it forever, returning to it again and again.”
  2. In music theory, this is a term denoting a branch of music theory that studies the rules and methods of constructing chords and their relationships. Example: “Because of his new passion for gymnastics, Yuri again did not get into music school, this time missing a harmony lesson.”
  3. The name of a keyboard-pneumatic musical instrument that has: a keyboard for both hands, located on two bars and sliding bellows. Example: “When the students were half empty, they began to sing and play the harmonium. Their fun lasted until midnight."

However, the meaning of the word “harmony” does not end there.

Strange planet

Harmony is an equal combination of all spheres of an individual’s life. This is an internal state accompanied by sensations of events independent of surrounding people and external circumstances.

In ancient times, thinkers and philosophers thought about the concept of harmony, among whom was Pythagoras, who put forward the idea of ​​​​the harmony of the spheres, which became the basis of idealism, which still exists today in the philosophy of Kepler, Leibniz, Giordano Bruno and Shaftesbury.

Human harmony is the merging of individual components of one personality into a single whole. We can talk about it when all areas of life are balanced. We can say about a harmonious person that he is happy.

Why is life harmony needed? The answer is determined by the following basic provisions:

  • this is a way to feel complete inner peace;
  • the opportunity to make your path easier on the way to achieving your goal;
  • better understanding of your needs and the essence of your partner;
  • the opportunity to improve personal qualities and relationships;
  • the ability to feel inner freedom.

Let's look at what manifestations may indicate a harmonious personality:

  • Trying on his essence. Such an individual will not be oppressed by feelings of guilt for previously committed mistakes. He analyzes them and becomes wiser.
  • A harmonious personality accepts all its shortcomings and corrects what is possible. He makes peace with the others. Concentrates on his strengths.
  • Such a person has no problems with self-esteem. He is confident in his abilities.
  • He has a harmonious relationship with the world that surrounds him.
  • Harmonious people are not vindictive. They forgive insults.
  • Such an individual knows how negative information affects the psyche. He does not communicate with people who can poison his life.
  • To be in harmony is to do good to people, knowing that it will come back to you.
  • To achieve harmony, an individual monitors his body and health. He will not start diseases, hoping that everything will go away.

To achieve harmony, balance is required in four main areas:

  • bodily - physical components of life, health, sports, intimacy;
  • spiritual – dreams, plans, fantasies, creativity;
  • social - contacts with friends and relatives, surrounding people;
  • material – everything related to money, work, hobbies.

If an individual has a deficiency in one of his areas, there can be no question of a harmonious personality. To determine the balance of spheres, psychologists suggest using a piece of paper on which you need to draw a circle, divide it into four parts corresponding to each sphere. Next, you need to determine for yourself how full each of them is. This should be done intuitively, without thinking for a long time.

When problem areas are identified, you need to work on them:

  • if there are problems with the material sphere, it may be necessary to change jobs;
  • if it’s physical, give yourself a day off more often, accompanied by a visit to the gym, massage or sauna;
  • if it’s spiritual, it would be nice to develop your creative potential, start writing, drawing or sculpting;
  • if socially, spend more time with loved ones and make new acquaintances.


What you need to do for a harmonious life:

  1. Combine work and leisure. And relax so that you completely forget about work. Ideal when work and rest.
  2. Receive bright emotions. It’s impossible without them. Travel provides such an opportunity.
  3. Be interested in new things. Reading, watching movies, traveling, and meeting new people are great ways to broaden your horizons.
  4. Communicate with harmonious people. Then you will become the same.
  5. Monitor the health. Learn proper nutrition, choose physical activity and set up a daily routine.

Work on yourself every day, because it depends only on you what you will become.


What is harmony and how to achieve it?

What is harmony and how to achieve it?

What is harmony for a person? Let's give our definition based on sensations. Harmony is a balance between the material and spiritual. Harmony can be called a state when a person feels good. He is calm, but at the same time happy. He is not burdened by bad thoughts and is satisfied with the current state of affairs. He is in no hurry, he cares little about the result of his actions, since he enjoys the process itself. Today we will establish where spiritual harmony is hidden and learn ways to find it.

Surely, many of you are in a constant state of mental dissonance. It is when you are not satisfied with your life that you lose the taste of it. Some have obvious reasons for this, such as: health problems, lack of love in life, financial difficulties. In this case, everything is clear and obvious. But there is another case when a person has a strong family, a good job, excellent health, but at the same time he does not feel satisfied with life. To achieve harmony, you need to make some effort. Often, modern people do not have the energy and time for this, so harmony may remain unknown to them. The fact is that we live in the world of things - the material world. While harmony is in a completely different space - spiritual.

It is the spiritual component of his being that a person pays the least attention to, hence many of the problems and ills of society: immorality, inhumanity, internal dissonance, etc. People become callous and closed. It is worth saying that they close themselves not only from bad things, but also from what they need for a full life. We are talking about such things as happiness, joy of life, etc., including, of course, spiritual harmony.

Why do people do this, why don’t they pay attention to spirituality? It’s just that modern life forces a person to pursue profit. Money is the number one goal for most of you. Watch a film about spiritual people. For example, about Buddhist monks. They are, in many ways, our complete opposite, focusing primarily on the spiritual component of their nature. They do not have expensive jewelry, telephones, cars or other luxury items. The monks understand perfectly well that without this a person can easily live a happy life. In terms of material things, they have only the essentials: shelter, food, water, clothing. They spend all their time in meditation, studying their inner cosmos. Thanks to this, they learned simple truths that allow them to live a happy, fulfilling life. Such a thing as spiritual harmony is simple and understandable for them and everyone has it.

Our society, in turn, makes a big mistake by not paying due attention to spirituality. Monks have an easy life without most of the material benefits of civilization. But we are experiencing many problems due to our ignorance, which we are not able to solve, having in our hands only tools from the material world.

Man is, first of all, a creation of nature. Therefore, he needs regular contact with her. This means that to achieve harmony, you first of all need unity with nature. Go for a walk in the forest or on the river bank.

Surely, you have favorite places where you have been before, or, on the contrary, there are places that have always attracted you. Now you have a good reason to visit them. In places far from the bustle of the metropolis, you will finally be able to hear your inner voice, which all this time has been drowned out by outside interference. By meditating in nature, you will feel inner lightness. This is how you will gradually find spiritual harmony. You just must never forget that you are a child of nature, not of the concrete jungle.

The second way to find harmony is creativity. It doesn't matter whether you succeed or not. By being creative, we project our inner cosmos into the material world. You will also be able to hear your inner voice, which will give you answers to the questions you need, gain a positive attitude, among other things. Well, now you know where spiritual harmony is hidden and how to find it, good luck!


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