Yes, gone are the days when, in order to please a girl, boys would pull their pigtails. Now
Median nerve [n. medianus (PNA, JNA, BNA)] - a long branch of the brachial plexus that innervates
With the onset of pregnancy, serious changes begin for a woman. Already in the first days she can
An arachnoid cyst (cerebrospinal fluid) is a benign cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid. A bubble forms in the membranes of the brain
Paresis is a decrease in tone and strength in a muscle group. Paresis is incomplete paralysis.
Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is a modern instrumental diagnostic method that allows you to determine muscle contractility and condition
In Dahl's dictionary about a person, stingy, inappropriately and immoderately thrifty; opposite sex torpid, meticulous, generous;
Anatomy of myelin in the structure of a nerve The main cell of the nervous system is the neuron. The neuron body is called
Group of neurodegenerative diseases This group of diseases is characterized by damage to the central nervous system. A certain number of neurons
Description: What is the conducting function of the spinal cord? Although he almost knows the answer to the question