How to please a classmate who doesn't like you
Yes, gone are the days when, in order to please a girl, boys would pull their pigtails. Now
Damage to the internal (median) popliteal nerve (tibial nerve neuropathy)
Median nerve [n. medianus (PNA, JNA, BNA)] - a long branch of the brachial plexus that innervates
Insomnia during pregnancy
Insomnia in early pregnancy: causes and methods of correction
With the onset of pregnancy, serious changes begin for a woman. Already in the first days she can
What is a retrocerebellar cyst of the brain?
An arachnoid cyst (cerebrospinal fluid) is a benign cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid. A bubble forms in the membranes of the brain
cerebral hemispheres and functions
Paresis of the larynx according to ICD-10 code: symptoms and treatment
Paresis is a decrease in tone and strength in a muscle group. Paresis is incomplete paralysis.
What is myography, who directs and conducts the research - let’s look at an example
Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is a modern instrumental diagnostic method that allows you to determine muscle contractility and condition
Stinginess and ways to get rid of it
In Dahl's dictionary about a person, stingy, inappropriately and immoderately thrifty; opposite sex torpid, meticulous, generous;
The myelin sheath is formed by cells. Myelin and myelin sheath.
Anatomy of myelin in the structure of a nerve The main cell of the nervous system is the neuron. The neuron body is called
Neurodegenerative diseases
Fahr's disease or syndrome: diagnosis and treatment
Group of neurodegenerative diseases This group of diseases is characterized by damage to the central nervous system. A certain number of neurons
Examples of reflex function of the spinal cord
Pyramid system [path, voluntary movements]
Description: What is the conducting function of the spinal cord? Although he almost knows the answer to the question
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