Are young people welcome everywhere? How to get a job without experience

There are different fears.

There are fears that will always be there . For example, about life and health - yours, your children, your loved ones. It’s not going anywhere, it’s an animal, basic, ancient. But, if these fears haunt you too often, you need to improve your health itself, and be distracted by improving other areas of life, so as not to remain neurotic, whose thoughts too often return to what others are not afraid of. After all, the presence of fear and the act of fear does not change anything. And in esoteric terms, by the way, there are theories that this only destroys the one for whom you are afraid and worried.

In general, even with such fears that seem to always be there, you can and should work. Not only directly, but also indirectly - through making your personality stronger, your life richer and more exciting, so that your attention is diverted to many different sources of interest and pleasure, and does not dwell on fear.

A good option is to rely on a higher power and train yourself to do this all the time. Because after all, we don’t decide whether a guaranteed deal will fall through or not, whether an icicle will fall today or someone will crash into our car, whether something else will happen or not. Pray for children, let go of the situation, train acceptance. This approach reduces fears.

In general, we decide little in life globally, except to take care of ourselves - to stay on high-frequency waves, improve our lives and think less about a bad future option, which most often does not happen.

There are fears associated with past negative experiences . Some people are afraid to go to the dentist, although today dental treatment is not a painful procedure. Or the fear of performing, because at the age of 5 the teacher said that you croaked like a crow. And here you just need to gain and consolidate new experience several times (sometimes consolidate it 100 times). New neural connections will appear, everything will pass.

Many fears come from lack of experience . Most fears go away as you improve a given business, a given area of ​​life, life in general. It is based on fear of the unknown, lack of neural connections. It is easier for our brain to do whatever it wants, as long as it is known - let it be destructive patterns, let it be thinking and behavior that leads a person to a dead end, but not something new. The brain always chooses the well-trodden path. From the harmful, but familiar and useful unknown, the ancient brain will choose the known. And then it all depends on how much you need something new, but useful, how much resource you have, how ready you are to push through the changes you need and be constant and stable in this. You still have to prove to your own brain that you really need it.

The fear of lack of money, unemployment is at the same time basic, ancient - the fear of dying. And at the same time, it is caused by the lack of pumping in the areas of work and finance. Train them for several years - become a valuable specialist who has many offers and a queue of clients, put aside a large amount of money - and fear will stop visiting you.

The fear of making a mistake or putting yourself in a bad light, the fear of not being liked by people is also basic, ancient (the fear of being left to survive alone, that you will be kicked out of the tribe) and at the same time from the lack of development in this area and simply life, from the weakness of personality and dependent self-esteem, from the lack the ability to do many different actions and measure their results, adjust and move on.

There are quite rational ones . After all, the nature of fear is to protect us from something harmful and dangerous. Therefore, fear of depth, heights, darkness, drunken individuals or crowds of people during the coronavirus are quite common and normal, justified. That's right, it's better to put yourself in danger less often.

I would, for example, never go pet a Komodo dragon again or spend the night on a small island with an active volcano. And it is right.

There are also various irrational fears and phobias . No one is afraid to ride in an elevator, but you are afraid and cannot do anything. Here someone goes into fear and somehow works through it, someone ignores it - this is due to desire and condition.

But usually we are afraid of fear itself . We do not have the skill to dissect it, name it, recognize it, pull it into the light, realize what exactly the object is that we are afraid of. We are not in the habit of immediately making a pumping project out of this. That's why we sit and are afraid. Because they didn’t teach otherwise. But they taught that mistakes are scary. It's scary to bring a bad grade from school and your mother will scold you. It's scary to forget a poem - people will laugh. It's better not to try anything than to fail. Here, social programs, habits from childhood, and the principle of our brain work unite against us. All this needs to be broken down methodically, step by step, to upgrade other models of thinking and behavior.

Fear of fear and pressure itself

I don't like putting too much pressure on myself to make conscious changes. My programs are based on the “concept of gentle change”, in particular the large training “Manage your life!” I can speak about something directly and clearly (some may find it harsh). But this is rather for the sake of saving our precious time, so as not to indulge in garbage self-pity and thinking patterns that are harmful and dangerous, leading to the wrong direction. And so - I am for taking care of yourself, because pressure does not work well.

I am for people at their best, young age not to waste time and live to the fullest - without any unnecessary discontent, regrets, grievances, negativity. I am in favor of relieving pressure, and not adding more. Or rather, it’s necessary to put it on wisely, in the growth zone, combining the useful with the pleasant; it is advisable that all the “Shoulds” be inside our large “Wants”. But I’m against any kind of pressure, because everyone does it or because you haven’t sat down and thought about whether you really need it. I am also against hysteria about “self-development.” Most people first need to lose a lot of things, work on body physics, improve their life in its most basic areas (and all this with the right theory), and only then tweak and improve something. Otherwise, I often see people rushing to run 42 km marathons or gaining foreign languages, creativity, extra training, and then set back for several years because they overextended themselves and overextended themselves to things that are unnecessary now, not important.

I don’t like all this “You must go at your own risk.” And you sit, you feel unpleasant and reluctant, afraid of fear itself and the fact that sooner or later someone will come and force you to go on your own. I don’t like this fear created around leaving the comfort zone. This doesn’t work well with an unpumped person. For someone who has already overcome his fear many times, and who in general is doing well in life, this is normal for him, he will not have negative images about “going into fear”, he can have positive ones with pride in his past victories. The rest of the people at the entry level (most people in the world) are rather blocked by this. His brain will sabotage dramatic breakthroughs and changes if the person does not have the resource. And, again, most adults in the world do not have the resource for something new and complex.

This may be a more feminine approach, but pressure produces a universal response of resistance in men too. Sooner or later it will become noticeable. The same more frequent heart attacks in men, because you have to remain silent about everything, go and do it, strain yourself, endure the pressure on yourself and not even think about what, how and where to reset. And everyone needs to know about this. What can be done differently?

Gentle changes

I feel more comfortable working with other concepts - without pressure and resistance, where there is pleasantness, pleasure, satisfaction. For example, these:

The comfort zone is a circle of pleasant and familiar things that work well SPECIFICALLY FOR YOU, give you strength, satisfaction, YOU feel good about it. The “comfort zone” is not bad or stagnant. This is great if you already know yourself, when there is a list of what satisfies you and makes you happy. Moreover, it often satisfies one thing, and pleases another. We all also go through this on “Manage your life!” and become aware of our comfort zone, the ways of its soft and pleasant expansion. You can just sometimes expand your comfort zone by adding new skills, more enjoyable, interesting activities and events to your collection. Like an exciting new treasure hunt expedition. And not this: “YOU MUST get out of your comfort zone” and they throw you into some activities that you don’t really need by any measure. Yes, there will most likely be benefits from this - from increasing capacity in the first place, from loosening yourself, from new skills and a different way of looking at things. But there will often be a negative image of all this and negative reinforcement for changes in principle.

Fears have very specific reasons that can and should be known, named, acknowledged, and accepted. And continue to tinker until the capacity rises and the required skill appears. All this can also be done with passion, excitement, in a good environment, to music, and so on. The reasons and what to do with fears will be discussed below.

Responsibility is also not something scary and difficult. This is a simple precaution . This is when you can look at your life many steps ahead, from different points of view of the participants in the event, and decide whether you need this or that future. For example, fears prevent you from monetizing your favorite business. You look at yourself for 10-20 years and think, am I really ready to give up this? What do I even want? Do you want this? Is the energy allocated? So go ahead! With certain helper tools (about which below).

Overwhelming stress is something we deal with on a daily basis. It’s also not bad or scary, but normal and even good. I'm all for loving stress. It helps us grow and reach new levels of life, where life is even more pleasant and easier. Children also need it, and all people throughout their lives, until old age. I am in favor of removing the negative image from the word “stress” - anyway, we will never get away from it, and we don’t need to. It's like being afraid to strain your muscles and lying on the couch watching them atrophy. No, for a strong person (who regularly exposes himself to feasible stress) life is much cooler - he has more opportunities and excitement, many tasks are within his power, and he doesn’t even notice them. For a stress-resistant person with a good level of acceptance, problems turn into only tasks; the mood is always good.

I won't talk about phobias here. Let's talk about other, more frequent and more social fears.

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Causes of most fears and what to do:

Unpumped life in general and individual areas of life

What is pumping in this case? This means working for at least several years in one direction. We are on “Manage your life!” We are just learning to do this without rollbacks, consistently, gradually, without jerks and strains, so that the strategic chain of actions in a few years will lead closer to the life of our dreams, to the “ideal day.” Usually you can’t do without pumping up your finances; without them you won’t have the necessary freedom to make new changes in life. This also requires pumping up the work. And without health there will be no energy. It's all basic.

Read more about how undeveloped areas of life or life in general affects fears in a separate article.

In short - when you can earn money at any time or you have a good salary, you are a sought-after specialist, you don’t spend money anywhere (no shopaholism, gambling addictions, or anything else like that), no debts or loans, there are savings - fear about the lack of money will not visit you. But others can visit. If you have a fear about finances, you need to work separately on work and separately on finances (good financial habits, training, savings, cost optimization, investments, and so on).

You can rely on the fact that as you level up, your fears will subside and then disappear completely. Just know and believe.

Features of the event

If an applicant without work experience comes to an interview, then the main task for the employer becomes to find the necessary working qualities in the person.

You need to understand whether it is possible to train an applicant for work and make him a full-fledged employee in the shortest possible time. Therefore, they pay attention to the candidate’s zeal, discipline and learning ability.

Draw your own conclusions. To interest an employer or HR manager, you need to show your personal qualities .

The peculiarity of such interviews is that HR tries to see in a person not only an employee, but also a person, a holistic personality.

It often happens that it is at these first interviews that, with proper preparation, the applicant is offered a more interesting job or a profitable position.

During such interviews, we recommend that the employer pay attention to the person’s appearance, his mood, and self-discipline. Ask questions related to school and university.

If a person has experience working in a team, self-organization was not a problem for him, and his theoretical knowledge is quite impressive, then feel free to hire such a candidate. This is a profitable purchase for your work process; there should be no problems with this employee.

Read about what questions are most often asked during interviews and what answers are recommended to be given in the materials on our website.

Infantilism egocentrism

Infantilism and egocentrism - thinking that you will succeed immediately, quickly, earlier than others, cooler, and so on. That this is how it should be, that this is the norm for you, that you are such a special person. But in reality it doesn’t happen once in a while, and that’s normal. Your “budget” should include all of this. That anything could happen - any force majeure, that it will take not 2 years, but 5 years, that you will greatly disgrace yourself along the way and lose a lot. It is a normal, healthy adult position to consider all possible options.

If you are not ready for long-term action at one point, do not start. But again, take responsibility for how it all ends for you if you don’t do what you want.

An infantile and egocentric person does this - he decided to start, tried 1-2 options, it didn’t work out, he wasn’t appreciated for what was most special, he got offended, became disappointed, generalized “I’m disappointed in drama” or something else. But he is dissatisfied with his life and whines that his fears, the system, other people, the state, his childhood, someone or something else did not allow him to develop. And it's still good if he tries. Usually he doesn’t try because he’s afraid of mistakes, he’s afraid of not being “on top” in some situations, he’s afraid that he won’t prove himself to be great, that he’ll be rated too low - this is difficult to bear. At the same time, revel in your suffering - it provides many benefits. Again, you are very special, you have special grandiose sufferings and regrets, a broken dream, but what a dream!

Illustrations from Sakо Аskо

Fears and complexes of an impostor - this is exactly it. Seeing yourself “Ugh” in your head and being afraid that you will have to endure the reaction that you are not great. You just need to take a simpler approach to everything and understand that being “Not Wow” is part of any professional and other path in life. Any adult is able to accept criticism and even learn to use it to his advantage. I have a separate long article about the fears and self-sabotage of an excellent student and a perfectionist.

And while a person with a high level of infantilism and egocentrism sits and is afraid to start, another used 100 different methods and hit the same point for 10 years, fell many times, got up and, of course, was not disappointed in anything, achieved everything he dreamed of, and even more.

You must be strong and stable enough in any endeavor. Accustom yourself to this. That all these failures and mistakes are the norm and even good. Remove the childish approach.

Take everything easier. Take away the importance and grandiosity. Nobody needs you. The world doesn't revolve around you. Everyone thinks only to themselves. And you do everything only FOR YOURSELF and your development. Life is so short.

Most panic attacks, by the way, are also caused by a high level of egocentrism and infantilism, categoricalness, and the desire to control everything, so that everything is the way you need it, under your control. And also due to alcohol consumption.

How to get a job

How to get a job is a question that worries almost the entire population of planet Earth to one degree or another. The vast majority of people periodically look for a new job or at least think about changing their current job.

Recommendations are the most effective way to get a job

If you use connections to get a job, and this was your first thought when looking for a job, then you are on the right track. Recommendations are the most effective way to get an interview or submit an offer.

It should be noted: having connections is not the only way to get a job, and certainly less than half of all vacancies are filled through acquaintances.

14 tips

Before you start your job search, take time to decide what kind of job you are looking for

Trying to apply for every job that comes your way is not a good idea. Focus your attention on those offers that suit you best, because this will increase your chances of getting an interview. Sending random resumes and cover letters will be a waste of time.

Come up with a target list of companies that are interesting to you as a potential employer.

Don't stop applying for new jobs while you're waiting to hear back from your employer.

Most applicants receive rejections from more than 15 employers before landing a job. Don't stop at one vacancy and keep looking for a better offer.

The worst thing that can happen in this case is that you will have several employment options, and you will be in the position of the person making the choice.

Compose a cover letter, otherwise your resume may not be considered

You only have a few seconds to impress the hiring representative, who will decide whether to choose you for an interview or reject you.

Many hiring managers who review every offer personally believe that if you don't show what you can do for the company in the first paragraph of your cover letter, you shouldn't be invited for an interview.

Write a targeted resume for a job

You must edit your resume and bring it into maximum compliance with the vacancy and the employer's requirements for writing a resume.

It’s not always a good idea to include your entire work experience on your resume.

If you have 40 years of work experience and a large number of positions under your belt, someone might really be impressed. Another may start to fall asleep without having time to read the resume to the end.

Your resume should not contain unnecessary information.

Include information other than work experience in your resume

If you're not currently working, your resume shouldn't look like you haven't done anything since you left your last job.

Perhaps you work under a contract, are an individual entrepreneur, or attend educational courses or seminars. Such information will not be superfluous for your resume.

Dress like a successful person in your profession

If you think that appearance does not have a strong influence on the employer, you are mistaken.

It is in the first minutes of the interview that you make the greatest impression on the employer. Therefore, to better understand how to apply for a job, make sure that you are dressed in the most appropriate manner for the applicant for the available vacancy.

Be yourself

Rehearsed answers, insincere smiles and saying what you think they want to hear instead of what you really think can mislead the employer. Employers want to know who they are hiring and this is the person they expect to see on their first day of work.

Tell a personal story during the interview

One way to show an employer who you really are is to tell a personal story.

When asked questions during the interview process, talk about your skills and experience, as well as how you solve problems in your work life. The more specific information you provide, the better the employer's representative will understand how qualified you are.

Never say anything bad about a previous employer

One of the most common interview mistakes is making negative comments about your previous manager or co-workers. The first thing a new employer will think is “This is what this guy will say about our company after we fire him.” Therefore, if you want to get a job, this mistake should be avoided

Send a thank you note after passing the interview

This step is important for subsequent decision-making after the interview. This is a way to show your appreciation for being considered and also to highlight your interest in the position being offered.

Recommendations are of great importance when applying for a job

Recommendations are important, and employers pay close attention to them. Get recommendations from previous managers, colleagues, subordinates and clients.

It's normal to apply for the same job more than once.

If you know that the vacancy is still available, you can try submitting your resume a second time. This is especially true if you have new recommendations.

Shine your shoes before your interview

The employer will definitely pay attention to your shoes, but you should appear before him in the best light.

How to get a job without experience

Use your situation

If you're applying for an entry-level position, most employers won't expect you to present them with a resume that contains a wealth of previous experience. Instead, use your lack of experience as motivation to learn. Focus on your dedication, curiosity, and commitment to learning and growth.

Employers are looking for people who are willing to work hard and have a desire to learn.

Define Your Skills

Make a list of all your skills that might be needed for a job applicant: computer skills, technical skills, communication skills, information retrieval skills, problem solving skills.

To better understand your skills, answer yourself the question: on what issues do people turn to you for help?

Make connections between your skills and your job

When you decide to apply for a job, you must have a reason to believe that you can do the job well.

Spend some time analyzing the relationship between your skills and the job offer. What formal or informal experience do you have, or what personal qualities do you have necessary to perform this job?

Be analytical and creative in this matter. Once you make the connection for yourself, you can explain it to a potential employer.

Emphasize your ability to collaborate

What will allow you to stand out from the rest and get hired? Demonstrate your qualities such as friendliness, ability to work in a team, responsiveness, and understanding of the need for unity to achieve results. These qualities are worth a lot because they are quite difficult to develop.

Know your worth

Any employee can be trained to do anything. But if you are confident in yourself, you realize that you are a strong-willed person, capable of making decisions and approaching any task professionally, know that you are among the minority. So know your worth.

Balance of confidence and desire for development

Confidence is important, but it must be infused with humility. Show that you can do the job, but also demonstrate your passion for development and ability to learn.


If you can't find a job, work for free.

It is quite possible to find an intern position. Not only will you gain valuable experience, but you will also be able to make business contacts, receive recommendations, and perhaps a permanent position after a probationary period.


You may need education to qualify for the position you want. If you have an interest in law, then it's time to enroll in law school.

But even outside of formal education, find ways to maintain your current and expand your existing knowledge base: attend courses, trainings, read literature, articles.

Be realistic

Even as you make the most of your skills and experience, make sure you are applying to the right jobs for you. In a competitive job market where employers are sometimes inundated with highly qualified applicants, there is less reason to risk hiring a candidate with minimal qualifications.

Choose jobs that truly suit you based on your skills and aptitudes, not just those offers that you have an “I could probably do that” attitude towards.

How to pass a job interview

One of the easiest ways to ace your interview and land a job is to prepare for the most common questions.

99% of the job interviews you go through will follow the same pattern. If you can master this format, your confidence will skyrocket and you will be prepared for any interview situation that may arise.

Interview Questions
Question #1: Tell me about yourself (your experience, why you are interested in this position, etc.)

It is at this stage that you will have the opportunity to make a first impression. More importantly, this is the only part of the job interview that you have complete control over.

Don't read out your resume like it's a grocery list. To count this stage of the interview to your advantage, you need to prepare an interesting story, your story. You want to keep it short (about 2-3 minutes) and you need to think very carefully about what you want to say.

What to say about yourself
  1. Select 2-3 themes to create your story (professionalism, efficiency, focus on results).
  2. If possible, provide quantitative indicators of your experience. Demonstrate in numbers what you have already achieved.
  3. Come up with an answer to the question why you want to leave your current job. The employer will ask you about this in any case, so it is better not to wait for such a question, but to take the initiative.
Interview story example

The story of a biologist who decided to build a career in digital marketing.

Growing up in an ordinary environment, like most people, I wanted to be a doctor. I graduated from college with a biology major and planned to go to medical school. While in college, I decided that being a doctor was not for me. I wanted to work in the digital marketing field, so I set myself a goal and made a plan to help me achieve it.

After graduating from college, I went into medical equipment sales, working from 5:30 to 12:30. Then, every day, I worked on digital marketing until 8:00 pm.

To gain the necessary experience, I became certified in Google Analytics & AdWords and created my own consulting firm that focused on using search engine marketing technologies to generate leads (potential clients) for online stores, offline stores, real estate agencies . We have been able to increase home sales for our clients by an average of 20%.

Armed with the accumulated experience, I began to look for a vacancy in Moscow, because I wanted to move to live and work in the capital. I was eventually offered my current position at an advertising analytics company. During my work, I managed to head a structural unit, overseeing the direction of Internet marketing, and helped close the second largest deal in the history of the company.

Soon internal changes began to occur in the advertising agency. Over the past year, I have had 3 different managers, and my job responsibilities have changed 3 times. So I'm looking for something more stable in a field I love, and I'm very excited about the opportunity.

When you tell a story, don't be afraid to embellish it a little. This doesn't mean you should lie or make up tall tales, but if you want the job, rest assured that your competitors won't be afraid to blow their little achievements out of proportion.

Question No. 2. Behavioral interview questions

The next step to getting a job is a daunting list of behavioral questions. In fact, there is nothing wrong with them. These are questions that are designed to demonstrate your abilities as well as your ability to work in a team.

The behavioral section is divided into two parts, which can be presented in the form of standard and special (specific) questions.

Standard questions
  1. Why do you want to work with us?
  2. Tell me about situations where you demonstrated leadership qualities.
  3. Tell me about your experience working in a team.
  4. Tell me about an experience when you had to work with a difficult person or people.
  5. Tell me about your failures and problems in the professional sphere.
  6. Tell me about ways you have overcome challenges.
  7. Tell me about your achievements.

You will be asked to answer one, more, or all of these questions in every job interview you have. If you can answer these 7 questions, you will be able to ace 9 out of 10 job interviews without any other preparation.

Just follow the same set of rules mentioned above in the “Tell me about yourself” section:

  1. Create a short story.
  2. Be sure to include quantitative metrics that illustrate your success.
  3. Anticipate possible questions and prepare answers to them.
Special (specific) interview questions

These are questions that are related to the specifics of the activity, as well as your personal characteristics and experience.

These include:

  1. What is the reason for changing profession.
  2. Why are there breaks in work experience?
  3. What is your working style?
  4. Your skills and hobbies that characterize your professional qualities, etc.
Question No. 3. What questions do you have for us?

Once the employer representative has finished asking questions, he will ask you if you have any questions for him. Take this part of the interview seriously because it is very important.

Why? Because so many people neglect this. Unlike them, you want to know how to pass an interview, so you must use all resources to solve the problem of how to get a job.

Here are some questions you can ask that an employer will appreciate:

  1. What is your favorite job (part of the job) here?
  2. What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing?
  3. Ask about a current event related to the new job. “I read that you have entered the market with a new product. How much of an impact has this had on your business?”
  4. What's the most important lesson you've learned on the job?
  5. Tell me a little more about you, what do you like to do outside of work? How does your team maintain corporate spirit? Are there cultural and sporting events?

The first three questions are pretty standard, but the last two will really come as a surprise to the employer. Don't be surprised if you hear, “Wow, I've never been asked that before, give me a second.”

The last question opens a personal dialogue with the interviewer, which allows you to transform the official dialogue into the status of a personal conversation. Plus, it will give you additional information that you can include in your thank you letter.

Say thank you

Be sure to send a letter (e-mail) of gratitude to everyone with whom you interacted during interviews. Include in the text of the letter a personal attitude towards each interviewer, what useful things you received during the interview process. In order to find out the right e-mail, always ask for a business card at the end of the interview.

What to do if the employer has not responded

It also happens that the employer for some reason did not notify you of the decision made. What to do in this case? If you really want to get a job, you need to remind yourself.

The rule of thumb for waiting is one business week. If the interview took place on Tuesday, pause, and if you do not receive a response by the following Tuesday, send a reminder, which should be concise:

Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich! Hope you have a great week!

I wanted to see if there was anything else I could do to help with my resume review process. If so, please let me know!


Petr Petrovich.

If you don't hear back after 3-4 days, it's time to move on.

What to do if the employer refuses to conduct an interview

Well, I do not! We're not done! We definitely want to get a job interview!

If the employer believes that you do not have sufficient qualifications to apply for an available vacancy, send him a letter:

Good afternoon, Ivan Ivanovich.

Thank you again for answering me this afternoon. I really appreciate your feedback and I would like to add one last thing to what was previously said. I completely understand your concerns regarding my work experience. You're right that I didn't have much of it. However, this is not due to a failure to produce results, but rather to a failure to demonstrate such ability.

Although my experience may not match the initial expectations for an applicant, I have two qualities that are equally important. Firstly, I am a very efficient learner, and I am also very efficient at applying the acquired knowledge in practice. Secondly, I am much more persistent than the average worker. My career has always depended on these two qualities.

I left college as a biology major with no experience in digital marketing - all my knowledge was gained through self-study. When I was finally given the opportunity to put my knowledge into practice, I was instrumental in closing the second largest deal in the company's history. I am confident that I can achieve the same success in my new position.

I have the resources needed to learn what I need to succeed and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Your company is known for hiring people who are able to acquire new knowledge for subsequent implementation. This is my strong point. I do not insist that you make a positive decision. I'm just asking for an interview opportunity. If you give me this opportunity, I will not disappoint you.

Thank you again for your attention.


Petr Petrovich.

Don’t give up if they immediately answer you “No.” Try to determine why you received this response, and then send an email to the hiring manager.

In conclusion

Take action every day to look for a job, and do it with the understanding that trying to get a job is not a futile exercise, but an adventure, an opportunity to learn and experience something new.

If you initially adopt a defeated attitude, your experience will most likely be unsuccessful.

Don't forget to put yourself in the employer's shoes. What kind of employee does he want? The answer to this question should be reflected in everything you do, from your resume to your interview process.

Take control of your life and get this job. You'll be surprised at what you can achieve. Good luck!

Not enough sources of distraction

Excessive concentration on yourself and your feelings and experiences is also infantilism and egocentrism. This is when you sit and feel sad about something, or look for someone to blame, blame yourself, but don't get distracted and don't do anything significant to change the situation. “I’m lonely and I feel sad in the evenings” - stop thinking about it, get distracted and find communication, be useful and interesting to someone in some way, start with yourself and your development. “I’m scared of losing my job” - get distracted, switch your attention and improve your work, learn some new skills that are useful in your work.

Fear itself stupefies. Why? Because there is nothing special in life that would captivate and force your attention to naturally switch. And there’s nothing to even forcefully switch it to - no matter where you look, in all areas of life everything is so-so, empty, not interesting, nothing about it. We must again work on our life, make it rich, interesting, varied, have more self-development in it, benefit for people and pleasure for ourselves. And then you simply won’t be able to dwell on the source of fear for long.

What to ask?

Traditionally, questions are needed on the topic:

  • careers;
  • character;
  • achievements;
  • study.

Employers ask questions on these topics and, thanks to the answers, they learn many necessary facts from the applicant’s life.

For example, the presence of serious achievements can be interpreted as a desire to achieve goals and move up the career ladder; the character of the future employee is also important.

Sometimes golden specialists, who have talent and a phenomenal ability to work, absolutely do not know how to work in a team and, with their quarrelsomeness, will undermine an already established team. Questions on the topic of study will help you understand how savvy the applicant is in theory.

Ask some tricky, unexpected questions about your specialist's specialty.

The answer is not as important as the speed of thinking and the ability to find a way out of a non-standard situation of a candidate for a vacant position.

If an employee comes up with an original way out or gives the correct answer without delay, that’s already good.

If he is ready to find a way out of the situation using his skills and qualities that do not relate to the future position, then know: this candidate can become a universal employee whose talents will be useful to you in any case.

Avoid questions about the applicant's childhood and family. This may seem unprofessional and even an invasion of privacy. Also, don't ask about health, food preferences, or music. The interview should not turn into a friendly conversation.

Lack of skills in what you want to do

One of my fears right now is riding around a neighboring Vietnamese city on a bike. But I know very well that this is due to a lack of skills - go 20 times and everything will be fine. Or better yet, 100 times.

I am aware that I do not yet have the resource to do this many times, often, without long breaks, so that the necessary skills can be developed. I realize that we are talking STUPIDLY ABOUT SKILL. Therefore, I’m not even particularly afraid anymore, I know that I just need to go and work on it. What one can do, so can another.

Once upon a time I didn’t drive anything at all. Then I was afraid to drive alone on the highway, afraid of Vietnamese intersections, where everyone drives from all directions without rules. Nothing, I’ve learned everything just little by little, and I’ll learn the next stages, just like any other person in this world who has learned something new. Therefore, this fear is not particularly scary, it is clear how to work with it. It's set in plan.

Yes, in fact, most fears are resolved in this way. In the same way, I worked through various other fears - I put it in a plan, went and did what I planned, many times.

I was afraid to record audio at the beginning of this year, when the first intensive on energy and life improvement and the first training started. I didn’t like my voice, like many people, I didn’t have the skills to record, upload, or post. Nothing, I did it several times - now I record the lesson quickly and the first time, everyone is happy that there are two formats in teaching, many people find it convenient. It turned out that the voice is pleasant and everyone likes it. I was afraid to conduct an intensive chat for the first time with a couple of hundred people. Everything went fine too. Now everything is easy and simple, as if these fears were not with me. And even then I knew perfectly well that it would be STUPID TO DO IT 100 TIMES and everything would disappear. I went and did it according to plan, for the first time, also with the support of the producer. And how glad I am now about this. After all, before I wanted to make just one big text guide (because of fears). But how much more useful is the audio format, the participants completing practical tasks and our live communication. This is a completely different result.

A friend from Stodnevka, Ira Khmelevskaya, has always been a great motivation for me. Now she is already a very experienced person in everything, runs the “Rich Psychologists Club”, lives in Barcelona, ​​but once upon a time she was afraid to record videos and made herself a plan - to record 100 short videos in a month. I think she recorded about 150 videos, despite the criticism, and everything became easy for her. What if she had stopped at that fear?

Some people are afraid to go to the gym, write posts on social networks, communicate with strangers, or go on an independent trip. Make a plan, hang a checklist or marker board and cross off completed items. After 20 times it will already feel noticeably better. That's all. Everything is ordinary. Everyone does.

A famous video about overcoming the fear of failure through repetition is “What I Learned in 100 Days of Rejection”:

I'm afraid I won't find a job

Good afternoon.

I don’t like my job, and it’s also inconvenient to look for a new one (the office is far away, and few people are ready to conduct interviews after the end of the working day). But I can’t quit and start looking, because previous negative experiences are preventing me from doing so.

It so happened that after graduating from university I did not immediately find a job, but only six months later. All this happened for a number of family reasons. When I started looking for a job, it was not easy, but then it was clear that I was an inexperienced specialist. After a couple of months of searching, I found a job with a low salary, worked for 4 months and was fired - for reasons unrelated to me. Then there were almost three more months of searching, during which I had a depressive episode due to the fact that the money was running out and I was not invited to interviews. As a result, I got a job through a distant friend, but the job was in my specialty, in one of the largest companies on the market. The salary was small, but growing. I ended up working for the company for 3.5 years; I liked the work, but it required working around the clock. The salary increased, it was enough for all everyday expenses, but, for example, there was no option to take out a mortgage to buy an apartment, because financially I could not afford it. I quit when it became clear that I couldn’t work around the clock, it undermined my health.

The next six months were very difficult: I spent 2.5 months looking for a job again (only this time I was constantly called for interviews and everywhere they told me that I had an excellent resume), I found it with difficulty, and during the search period I was very nervous, which is why an exacerbation of a chronic disease occurred. But by specialty. I worked for 1.5 months and was fired, explaining that I was not getting to work quickly enough. I didn't like this job, maybe I felt it.

Another 2.5 months of searching - and I found a new job, where I have been working for six months now. This is a related specialty to mine, there is nothing fundamentally new. Work gives me what I was running away from with the previous one after three years - the opportunity to have something in life other than work, to make plans for weekends and evenings and to know that nothing will disturb them. Salaries, however, remained at the same level. The problem is that I don't like this job either. Mainly due to a poorly built communication system and inadequate management (I recently read a list of signs of passive aggressors, my boss fits almost all of them).

But the process of looking for a new job scares me to death because of the experience I had previously. I am afraid that I will search for a long time, that I will not find a good job, that I will be fired during the probationary period.

How to deal with fear?

Can't find love. I'm afraid I won't find it

Lack of capacity

A person’s capacity is how 1) calmly and 2) quickly he can accept major events that happen to him (both positive and negative). Quickly experience both losses and large unexpected gifts.

You can imagine a watch battery and a car battery. People also differ from each other. Some people easily lose and gain five times a day, others go into euphoria or binge drinking and digest it for several years. It’s the same with different situations related to fears. Somebody stepped over it once. And someone sits and suffers all their life.

Both are normal for different people. Moreover, what one can do, so can another. That is, anyone can increase their capacity.

Capacity again very much depends on egocentrism and infantilism. It will not grow for a long time at their high level. After all, it is difficult to quickly digest an event when you find pleasure in suffering, in a feeling of self-pity and see benefits for yourself in this. You need to consciously increase your capacity—accept your fears, accept larger ones than usual, accept losses if you want to have more in life.

How to get a job without the necessary qualifications - life hacks from an HR specialist

It is possible to get a job in the desired position even if you lack qualifications for the position you are looking for. To do this, the applicant needs to know a number of secrets that will help him achieve an interview and pass it successfully. Personnel development and assessment expert Natalya Osetrova told about this.

A properly written resume will help you get on the list of desired candidates. It can be rewritten for the vacancy of interest, including trigger words that may be of interest to the recruiter at the selection stage.

Sometimes candidates present irrelevant work experience as required, that is, they indicate positions that are not the ones they actually held, referring to civil law contracts. They often attribute to themselves longer work experience, even when the actual experience is reflected in the work book - in the hope that the document will not be checked. For the same reason, they exaggerate the number of certificates or attribute to themselves certificates that they did not receive. And they list friends and acquaintances as recommenders. In this matter, everything depends on the imagination and honesty of the applicant.

Many such tricks are revealed at the interview stage. Here the candidate will have to finally decide for himself: whether to hide the truth about his professional shortcomings until the end or state everything to his interlocutor frankly.

“I, of course, take the position that the truth should be told. If a candidate exaggerates something from his experience, it will still be revealed later, and it will be ugly. Moreover, there is a probationary period. During the entire probationary period or other long period of work, the candidate will not be able to pretend to be something that does not actually exist,” noted the HR specialist.

So, it is better to tell honestly what the applicant can or cannot do. The question is what formulations to use. As Natalya Osetrova noted, even colossal experience can be presented in a boring way and not interest the employer. While a little experience can be presented in an interesting way and “hook” the employer with motivation and desire to work in the chosen field.

You need to act naturally during an interview. A candidate's overconfidence can cause wariness or aggression. But excessive modesty also risks harming the cause.

“Often, candidates with an interesting professional background cannot sell themselves - they do not have self-presentation skills. Therefore, you need to be able to correctly present your strengths and weaknesses,” the expert pointed out.

It is better to tell the applicant about your weaknesses right away. This will help avoid further mistakes or misunderstandings. A common trick is to list as your disadvantages your advantages, say, excessive preoccupation with work and workaholism. The employer reads such tricks and understands that the candidate is being disingenuous.

According to the specialist, it is much more profitable for the candidate to indicate the true shortcomings and tell how he fights them: attends special courses, conducts auto-training, self-analysis, and the like.

Previously, wrote that two-thirds of Russians interested in employment are faced with deception.

Lack of clarity

There will always be fear or some other stupor if everything is too cloudy, not clear, not clear, too voluminous, you have no resource, no time, no strength, it’s not clear where to get it, no decisions have been made.

You just need to figure everything out step by step. Bring it into the light. Get the skill to name, acknowledge, accept .

Label reality, truth, call your demons by their names. Break them into pieces. Ask yourself questions: “Why? Why? Why? AND? AND? AND?". And everything will not be so scary at all.

Tell yourself: “Yes, for now I’m afraid of such and such, because such and such. Right now I’m sitting and afraid. This is true. I can hardly imagine what it would be like not to be afraid, but I know that if you keep going, new skills will appear, your capacity will increase, and everything will become much easier. The first step is such and such, today I will do such and such.”

Illustrations from Sakо Аskо

Past negative experiences or other people's programs

A very common cause of fear. Or you tried it yourself and either had no luck or didn’t try hard enough. Or parents, friends, someone else scare you with their experience (or their grandmother gave them the experience) that nothing will work out and you are unworthy, don’t fit, everything is too difficult, unrealistic. We need to look for another environment, a stronger one, for which it worked, and try again.

On "Manage your life!" a separate block of the program and tasks is allocated for this - where exactly to look for a new environment, how to build it, whether it is necessary to completely get rid of the old one, what the new one should be like, and so on. I would have little now if I had not consciously built my own strong, necessary environment.

The skill of working through your fears has not been developed

Now it’s easy for me to write this article. Everything is clear to me. Why? Because in recent years I have been doing a lot of conscious changes, including dealing with things like fears, responsibilities, and blockages. self-sabotage, comfort zone, clogged human resource, motivation, procrastination, laziness, conflicting systems, interference and much more.

This is also a separate skill. The skill of conscious change. The skill of working through any discontent. The skill of working with your fears. Pump up and you will also easily look at fear as a project.

Fear is merged with something else and seems overwhelming, especially unpleasant, heavy

For example, fear of achieving something goes hand in hand with envy. It seems that that person has achieved what should be yours because he has some other conditions or was lucky. It doesn’t matter, you’re just jealous, that’s all. And this destructive envy makes it difficult to focus on action. We must share envy and fears, unravel the tangle, all the knots. It is better to remove the object of envy out of sight. Regarding the goal you need, make a long-term plan and work on what is in your zone of influence right now.

Sometimes fear is also strongly related to the fact that you don’t have a resource. And you are afraid not even of the task itself, but of its overwhelmingness, because you feel that you have neither the strength, nor the time, nor the capacity for it. You also need to free yourself from other things, free up resources, start small. The capacity will gradually grow, motivation will increase after the first result, the first response appears, other things will disappear on their own, as less interesting. You need to find enough resource in yourself to start, and again have a long-term plan designed for your current small amount of resource. The main thing is to start walking and move your feet.

When there is frustration in some area or lack of some skill, the illusion often arises that it is not yours. A person may think that dancing is not his thing, being a businessman is not his thing, and so on, although he has never tried it. This is such a phenomenon. Fears can often be merged with this “not mine” and become doubly “not mine”. But you just need to upgrade your skills and try, slowly push yourself to new things, lure yourself, positively reinforce, get the first result and energy for new actions.

Many fears are associated with addiction (fear that a man will leave if he is addicted to love, that something will happen to the child if he is dependent on the child, fear of a life falling apart when alcohol addiction takes over, and so on). You need to work specifically with the addiction itself and what drove you into it. Develop other areas of life that distract you.

Some fears are associated with dependence on the opinions of other people, with dependent self-esteem - here you need to move towards independence, self-sufficiency, self-respect and decouple your self-esteem from the assessment of other people.

In general, we uncouple, separate one from the other and work on it separately.

What to do?

In addition to everything that has already been said above for each specific reason, we can also say the following:

Outside the zone of influence, in the zone of influence

1. If fear is outside your zone of influence (fear for the planet, child, Russia, etc.) - you need to be distracted, SWITCH to some interesting and useful things. Of course, if there are no such cases, then it will be difficult. But someday you have to start making your life rich and interesting. Don't read the news. Do not add stress and anxiety hormones to yourself with your own hands.

2. If fear is in the zone of influence (this area of ​​life depends on you), then you need to know that if you work on this area, UPGRADE it, then everything will definitely change.

It's about self-reliance. Do only what we can influence. Throw the rest out of your head and switch.

Advice for employers

To begin, make a small plan indicating what questions you will start with.

Think about what you want from your future employee, what qualities he should have.

Take important notes as you go through the interview..

This will help you get organized and not miss anything important from the conversation.

The first interview can be quite chaotic, but try to keep the conversation as calm as possible, with some friendly notes.

This way the applicant will relax and quietly give you all the information you need.

Also, don't give your answer right away, even if the candidate is perfect for you. Take your time, take a short break.

Don't worry, if the employee really needs this position, he will wait for your decision. And you will be able to analyze the data obtained in detail, perhaps recognizing some conclusions as hasty.

By the way, the ideal period for a pause is traditionally considered to be one or two days.

We recommend that candidates read the article with information about why they don’t call after an interview and whether they should take any action themselves in this case.

Study theory

Theory on motivation, habits, planning, self-development, 12 resources from Evolution and much more.

We do not suspect many things, although they are described. Knowing them can save you precious years. For example, I am in the “Manage your life!” training. in 9 lessons I give a concentrate of theory and my best working tips on how to live better and more efficiently, I open my eyes to many important points that you need to learn about as early as possible.

For example, women on maternity leave often have an overwhelming fear of starting to work again. They can’t start doing something for years because they simply don’t know:

- that this area is falling apart for them, every year everything is getting worse and worse, then it will be even more difficult to start. - what they feel is normal. Well, it fell off, we need to slowly connect it back and master it again. — that work can be something you love and can give you energy and a bunch of happiness hormones. If before this work was unloved, this does not mean that this is the norm. You can generally work remotely on something interesting and be close to your child. — that financial dependence on a man and the lack of a favorite job (grounding and distraction for something useful), including spoiling personal relationships, destroying love. - that you need to start small, dance a dance, dance with a tambourine, but move, and everything will gradually return and be even better.

You can study about the fears themselves:

“There is no more fear! A practical guide to completely getting rid of any fears, anxieties, phobias, panic,” Lissy Moussa.

The book is fascinating, Simoronian - that means there is enough humor and absurdity, it is easy to read. Here's from this book:

“Fear is sure that you have come across something important, precious, and necessary for you.

Spend a couple of days working through your fears using this book, and then boldly get down to business!”

“Fear disappears when clarity appears. He who does not act does not make mistakes. There are people without fear, but they are crazy. Any fear is associated with the unknown. The basis of any fear is the instinct of self-preservation. Hang out with brave people. Start taking action and fear will go away. Fear can be overcome with curiosity.”

I also listened to the course “The Way of the Mongoose” by Konstantin Sheremetyev. He also does a great job of organizing everything. This is a dozen and a half short lessons in Mp3. Easy and quick to listen to. In many ways it has something in common with Lissy Moussa’s book.

Andrey Kurpatov has “1 top secret pill for fear.”

Look again.

Give your children a useful theory too.

Retell it to them in an adapted way, in your own words. Let your teenager read a book or listen to the course “The Way of the Mongoose” and let him take notes on what he liked and tell it to you.

Theory is very important - it covers blind spots, of which we have a lot, hence the fears, anxiety and worries. We are afraid of the unknown.


If a person fights his fears alone or in the old environment, nothing will work. He simply has no other example. And the reaction of those around him is a constant negative reinforcement, hitting him in the hands as soon as he begins to move upward. It’s the same “bucket of crabs,” and people just don’t know that it can be different, they themselves don’t believe in it.

A strong environment is one of the main recipes for overcoming fears. You need to connect to the external flow and it will take you to where you want to be. Hitch a trailer to those who are already traveling or have arrived where you need to go.

You watch what others do, and sooner or later it becomes the norm for you that this is possible in principle. Thus, you come to the conclusion that this is already the norm for you, which means it’s time to start acting. And you act.

How to behave?

First, remember: if you were invited for an interview, you have already earned approval and made a good impression on the HR person or employer.

How to behave at an interview to get hired without experience?

Your main goal for a first interview without work experience should be to improve your opinion of yourself as an employee.

This is quite easy to achieve.

Use the three point rule:

  1. Attentiveness.
  2. Activity.
  3. Professionalism.

The ability to listen and hear an employer is valued much more than extensive work experience. Remember that inattention at the first interview is not forgiven, and the lack of minimum professional skills indicates your failure as a professional.

If you forgot or missed something out of excitement, we recommend that you simply show your zeal and convince that you are ready to work and improve your skills.

Transform fear into excitement, interest, passion

Think about little children learning to walk or crawl. Do they have fear? No, only excitement, curiosity, passion for the process. If you are afraid of something, turn your fear into excitement. You can do this using questions and freewriting. Ask yourself questions - how can I do this better? How can I do it differently? How will it be more interesting? How can I achieve better results? You need to get excited about the process itself, and it often helps to set the bar higher and ask yourself a riddle - how to achieve it?

Show off

Just act despite the fear. Long-term planning helps a lot. You just go and follow the plans, step your feet.

Score at your own risk.

Bethany Hamilton is probably scarier than you. She’s more scared to go into the water where she was almost killed by a shark, she’s scared that she won’t be able to cope. She is scared to build relationships when there are so many healthy and beautiful girls around. It's scary to be a mother without a hand. But what should we do?

Scary? So be afraid!

Be afraid. But move on.

Many deprive themselves of a different, wonderful future only because they are afraid to implement some simple skill. Or chains of skills - one after another.

Our planet is under threat. Our life is so short, and we sit and are afraid of some nonsense like what a neighbor or classmates will say about us.

You can be afraid, or you can not be afraid, because there is no time to think about it. Because you're busy. You create activity around the business you need.

Fear is always running into the future. In 99 percent of cases, what we fear and imagine does not happen. You can always remember this and relax.

“Do everything you did before, just don’t be afraid.”

Hold the steering wheel tighter. Stay with your thoughts in the present, in your actions. In gratitude for everything that exists, and which gives many opportunities, in joy from the current moment.

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