In Russia, every fourth person is afraid of being unemployed

How does the fear of running out of money affect your income?

Surely you have heard more than once that fears block our opportunities. Why? Because when we feel fear (for any reason, not just financial fear), our ability to act effectively decreases significantly. In a state of fear, we cannot assess the situation objectively, the mind “turns off” and our behavior begins to be guided by emotions and instincts.

Moreover, the stronger the fear, the less energy we have, because a huge part of it goes to suppressing this very fear. As a result, efficiency tends to zero, and so does income. Find out how to fill yourself with energy here >>>

The fear of being left without money not only takes away energy, but also blocks cash flow.

The more you are afraid of being left without money, the less money comes, and the less money comes, the stronger the fear of being left without money.

How to get out of this vicious circle?

An effective technique for getting rid of fear

The technique that you will learn about below will not only eliminate the fear of being left without money, but will also help you improve your financial well-being! People who use this technique regularly note that their income begins to increase rapidly.

This is because this technique changes your energy. And as soon as the internal state changes, changes also begin to occur externally.

When should you use this practice?

when you worry about your future, you are afraid of being left without money;

when you are tormented by thoughts that you may be robbed, you may lose money, fears of default, crisis, etc.;

when it’s scary to change jobs, find an additional one. source of income or open your own business to earn more.

This technique will also be useful in all other cases when you experience fear.

What do we have to do?

When we feel fear (or any other state), this state is anchored on all 3 levels. Therefore, at step 1, fear must be realized. To do this, you need to divide your condition into 3 components.

1 – physical state, sensations in the body (what you feel during fear);

2 – emotions, i.e. what are you experiencing (here you need to clarify fear, perhaps other feelings are mixed with fear);

3 – thoughts (what you think about yourself and the situation).

Step 2 - working with the body

Your task is to immerse yourself in your feelings. They can be very different:

lump in the chest, pain in the abdomen, tension in the solar plexus, etc. Allow yourself to feel these sensations. Don't run away from them. It's quite difficult. The psyche may begin to defend itself to protect you from pain. Urgent matters or something else may arise immediately. Try to overcome resistance.

Close your eyes and bring all your attention to that part of your body. Notice how the body is positioned at this moment - where the head is tilted, how the arms behave, how straight the shoulders are. Record in your mind your position when you feel fear. Fine!

Step 3 - work with emotion.

Allow yourself to feel the fear. How strong is he?

Pay attention to your breathing at this moment. What is it - intermittent/shallow/deep/fast/slow? Remember your emotional state.

Step 4 - work with thoughts.

Ask yourself: “What am I thinking?” For example: “I’m afraid of being left without money.”

Now flesh out this thought for yourself. What does it mean to you to be without money? Not having money to travel, not having money to buy food and pay for housing? Having no money at all and turning into a homeless person? What exactly are you afraid of?

Now think about when the worst case scenario can happen. What needs to happen for this to happen? Assess the likelihood of such a scenario.

Having done this inner work, you will be surprised to find that fear has greatly decreased, if not disappeared completely. It became easier to breathe, easier to look into the future, easier to live. Understanding gives liberation.

But that is not all!

How to stop being afraid of losing your job

Most people are wary not only of life changes, but also of news in general. We are afraid of the consequences of “turning point” events, of breaking the usual foundations, we are afraid that from now on everything will go awry. Losses in our lives are inevitable, and we must learn to accept them with dignity. Perhaps the upcoming dismissal from your current position will open up good prospects and provide new opportunities for professional and personal growth. It is likely that we will still be grateful to fate for such a “loss”!

During times of life's troubles, we reconsider our life and our place in it, as a result we discover qualities in ourselves that we did not even suspect. Sooner or later, difficult times will pass, and they will be replaced by a feeling of renewal. We should not wait with anxiety when circumstances force us to change something in our lives. Sometimes it is necessary to free ourselves from what we do not need, what burdens us, otherwise we will not be able to get something new. Nature abhors a vacuum. Therefore, as soon as an empty space forms in our life, it is filled with something new - work, hobby, meeting.

The issue of fear of losing a job can also be considered through the concept of dependence or even overdependence (it depends on who it is). So, if you are afraid of losing your job, then work for you is an agent of addiction; in its place you could easily put something or someone else - say, a loved one, a drug, alcohol or tobacco, and so on.

It would seem that these are different categories - but they are closed at one point inside, and this point is called “self-doubt”, “lack of self-sufficiency”. A person cannot be absolutely self-sufficient: we are all dependent on something and someone, and everyone has their own distribution and intensity of dependencies. How can we work with our addictions so that they do not cause us inconvenience?

Every day, in solitude and relaxation, at least for five minutes, imagine in detail how you are losing what is precious to you, how you live without it and how you find new reasons to live, new options for being yourself, new meanings in life. This technique is difficult, but it helps a lot. The subconscious gradually accumulates a “margin of safety” or, as sailors say, “stability” - the ship’s ability to withstand huge rolls, wave impacts and return to its working position. And this can be compared to a vaccination, which creates immunity.

Another way to combat dependencies is to create alternative, competing dependencies. You have a favorite (unloved?) and dear job to you - get yourself a couple of “favorite and precious” hobbies, a friend or two.

Make preparations in terms of the same work, but in a slightly different version: where to go and what to do in the event of dismissal or collapse of the company? Prepare your options in advance. And get used to the following attitude: “It is not the work that is valuable to me, but I am valuable for the work. It’s not the job that I need, it’s the job that needs me. I am not looking for a job, but a job is looking for me. And let him work!” If you truly get used to such an attitude, you will never stop receiving tempting job offers. And only the agony of choice will remain.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few more practical recommendations for overcoming sad moods associated with possible job loss and other troubles.

Increase your activity level to ward off depressing thoughts. Don't sit! Get up, take a walk, make an appointment with friends in real life instead of corresponding with them via ICQ or e-mail.

Get out into sunlight, as it stimulates chemicals in the brain that lift your mood.

Renew contacts with your old acquaintances with whom you have not communicated for a long time, write them a letter. Meet new people, share useful information with them. Such communication will definitely improve your mood.

• Finally, learn something new. Think about what you would like to know more about and spend 15 minutes reading the necessary information on the Internet.

Author: Roza Syabitova, psychologist Based on materials: “Be healthy!” (No. 1, 2008)



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How to use the fear of being left without money to your advantage?

Once you have identified the worst case scenario, you begin to understand in which case it could happen. For example, you can be left without money if you are fired from your job. Why might they fire you? In case of layoff or if you are not a valuable specialist for your organization.

If you are a valuable specialist, you will be offered another job if you are laid off, or you can easily find a job on your own.

It turns out that the fear of being left without money is directly related to the belief: “I am not a valuable enough specialist (where this belief came from is a separate conversation, here I recommend looking at the post about how

work with childhood trauma >>>)

Behind any negative state there is a certain belief; it is this belief that provokes fear and other destructive emotions.

Therefore, you need to convert a negative, limiting belief from a positive, motivating one.

However, simply telling yourself: “I am a good and valuable specialist” will not give anything. The awareness of your worthlessness will not go away. A new belief should expand your capabilities and help you become a valuable specialist.

For example: “I’m not a good enough specialist yet, but I can change everything and become the best in my business.”

What does this phrase mean?

First of all, it does not create a conflict between reality and what is desired. It makes you want to act, to do something to change the existing reality for the better (if you lack motivation,

go to this section >>>).

And then you need to take a sheet of paper and write a plan, albeit small, but daily steps that will increase your value. See more details here >>>

Now let's carry out the integration!

1. Remember your fear of being left without money, the position of your body that was at the moment you felt this fear. Take this body position!

2. Now imagine that you feel valuable, confident (i.e. the opposite state). Slowly, noticing how the sensations change, change your body position. Straighten your shoulders, raise your head, look straight ahead. Those. enter the opposite state of fear.

3. Now remember the very emotion of fear and the breathing that accompanied it. Reverse your breathing. For example, if you were breathing frequently, slow down your breathing; if, on the contrary, your breathing slowed down, breathe more deeply and intensely.

4. With a new body position and breathing, say to yourself, or even better out loud, a new belief.

After doing this practice, you will notice that your condition has completely changed. Confidence and desire to act appeared.

Work through all your fears using this scheme, and you will see how dramatically your life will change for the better!

Victoria Tolstova

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#getting rid of_negative_emotions


Where to turn if you are unemployed?

  • In order not to lose your seniority and be guaranteed to receive payments, you need to register as quickly as possible with the employment centers at the place where you are registered.
  • First of all, this must be done by those who were fired due to staff reductions or because the enterprise where the person worked was liquidated. People dismissed under these articles can receive an average salary within 2 months (and if the period of registration with the employment center does not exceed 2 weeks!) can receive an average salary, and during this time actively search for a new job, being in confidence that fixed payments are guaranteed to them.

Look for a job while at the employment center
Look for a job while at the employment center

  • In addition to those who are left without work, anyone who has reached the age of 16 and does not have a job can register for unemployment (with the exception of individual entrepreneurship as a type of employment and full-time university students).
  • The advantages of registering with an employment center are that you will be guaranteed to receive financial support for the time you remain unemployed. Having received the official status of unemployed, you also acquire the right to receive social benefits provided for by regulations.
  • In addition, with the help of employment center specialists, you get an additional chance to find a job taking into account your education, specialty and training.
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