Apathy before menstruation. Before your period you want to cry. What are the causes of tearfulness before menstruation? What is the cause of depression during menstruation?

Hysterics and depression during PMS | Page 2

122 replies
Latest - April 23, 18:17 Go


Nina, believe me, it is very, very difficult to pull yourself together at such moments in life, I myself went through the same symptoms of PMS, I was irritable and whiny, and then, on the advice of the gynecologist, I started taking time factor and everything stabilized, even the menstrual cycle became normal.


I can’t help it, it’s beyond my control. A week before my period, my mood disappears, I become whiny, touchy, I don’t want to see anyone, I quarrel at home. Previously, such a course of PMS did not exist.

Who is facing a similar problem? I absolutely cannot control myself! Melancholic by nature, and during this period generally unbearable melancholy, gives way to aggression and resentment.

Maybe I should take some antidepressants?


The same bullshit, yesterday I blew my boyfriend’s brains out and threw a pillow at him. I actually hate myself when I’m in this state.

A friend advised that when this terrible syndrome just begins to set in, 2 tablets of valerian and everything is ok, well, at least it helps her. And what’s funny is that when you’re roaring and hysterical, you can’t think at all, but your brain just explodes.

I will try to pull myself together, and the most important thing is that I feel sorry for my beloved little man, and also the cat encourages me and takes pity on me)


During PMS, my brain sometimes turns off for a few seconds, and I find myself either standing on the windowsill of an open window, or in the middle of the road, with cars driving around me with obscenities. In general, PMS makes me depressed.

Even when I look at the chandelier, I involuntarily think about how best to fasten the rope so that the legs still dangle and do not reach the floor. Usually this condition lasts 2 weeks.

And then she takes it off as if by hand - immediately joyful, sunny, positive, active.


But every time I have some kind of inexplicable phobias and irrational fears. And I have wild nightmares... simply heartbreaking... I could just make a movie. What infuriates me the most are completely unprovoked fears.

, I’m usually a fairly rational and consistent person, but last time I was gripped by a wild fear that maybe someday I could hit a person with a car and they’d put me in jail. By the way, I don’t even have a car, I don’t even have a license and I don't plan on getting them anytime soon.

But, nevertheless, for 2 days I walked around like I was in a daze and was wildly afraid and blamed myself for the fact that I could kill someone like that. The fact is that before and after PMS everything is normal as usual and I even laugh at what I was afraid of.

And now, I decided to look for someone with the same problems, because I have PMS again and I’m “going crazy” again, this time about the fact that I will be kicked out of the university, I will lose my job, the owner of the apartment I’m renting, suddenly he decides to leave me and I’ll be left homeless, all my relatives will die at once, my friends will turn their backs and I’ll be homeless and live on the street.

It sounds crazy, doesn’t it? I understand it myself and honestly, it’s just funny. But I’m really afraid of such an unrealistic set of circumstances. And I’m already starting to fear that I’m quietly going crazy. I never had this before. It started somewhere- then about 8-10 months ago. At first I somehow didn’t notice it. I thought maybe I saw something like that somewhere, so my brain is thinking about this topic.

I started really following this in August. At that moment, when I cried for 2 days because for some reason it seemed to me that if I fell asleep, I wouldn’t wake up. In short, someone tell me something, otherwise I’m already fed up I know that I need to see a shrink, but it’s somehow scary. What if he says that I’ve gone crazy? And I don’t even know if that’s true or not. Is it possible to go crazy for a few days every month?


I understand you all very much! Yesterday I came home from work, lashed out at my husband and even worse at my child. I couldn’t control myself, behaved terribly, cried all evening because of these PMS. Today I’m ashamed, sick, I asked for forgiveness, he says that It’s crazy time to get treatment! He doesn’t want to understand at all, maybe he should drink something soothing?


I can’t help it, it’s beyond my control. A week before my period, my mood disappears, I become whiny, touchy, I don’t want to see anyone, I quarrel at home. Previously, such a course of PMS did not exist.

Who is facing a similar problem? I absolutely cannot control myself! Melancholic by nature, and during this period generally unbearable melancholy, gives way to aggression and resentment.

Maybe I should take some antidepressants?


What to do with this!???!! I’m writing, and I’m roaring. I can’t stop. Everything makes me angry. The worst thing is that the most devoted creature suffers a lot. I live alone with my beloved cat. He is very affectionate and smart.

And I, with my PMS, lash out at him so much that sometimes I feel like I’m going to kill him. And when I throw it with all my might on the floor, I have such rage that I can’t express it. What is this? This appeared after 30. I’m already 35.

I haven't given birth yet, maybe that's why my hormones are going crazy? But I'm afraid of what I might do. Help.


It’s just that with PMS everything that has been driven to the bottom comes to the surface, no matter what - antidepressants, prayers, etc. But in a strong storm, nothing helps, and the very worst thing that the psyche fought so hard to avoid suffering begins to emerge. So it’s better, in the moment of a storm, to deal with what is rotting at the bottom of the soul and imperceptibly poisoning life.


I’m sitting in the toilet and howling, I locked myself here, and my man is walking in circles trying to understand what happened and what he did... I feel so unhappy that no one loves me, no one understands...

That I lived the wrong life, that nature also deprived me of the wrong eye color, that everyone takes advantage of me, that I don’t know how to get along with men... How bad I feel...

No children, age over 30 ((((period in 3 days

Source: https://www.woman.ru/health/woman-health/thread/3985625/2/

Irritability before menstruation - how to get rid of it?

The woman is mysterious. It is so difficult to unravel that many men spend their entire lives trying to figure it out. It can be changeable in mood and unpredictable in everyday life, but when it comes to hormonal changes in the body, this becomes even more noticeable.

Unraveling the woman, scientists connected all this with each other and found that the relationship that exists between the psychological state and PMS is explained in different ways. If irritability during pregnancy is explained by the emotional state of the woman, then the cause in this case may be not only the mental state, but also physiology and even toxic substances accumulated in the body.

To find out for sure, a clinical study of the symptoms and causes of such irritability during menstruation will be required.

Why are women so irritable during PMS?

A week and a half before the next menstrual cycle, changes in a woman’s behavior are observed.

Olympic calm can be replaced by violent anger, a charming appearance on a romantic evening can be replaced in the morning by malaise, swollen eyelids and a disgusting mood.

All these are symptoms of upcoming menstruation, which are visible to the naked eye. If PMS is calmer in young people, then after 34-37 years you can expect anything from a woman.

What scientists say

Many researchers argue that such mood swings are a consequence of an imbalance of progesterone and estrogen in the body.

If more estrogen is released, then aggression appears, and progesterone is characterized by fatigue and depression.

During this period, there is stagnation of blood in the blood vessels, an increase in body weight, and painful sensations in the chest. Hence the rise in temperature, poor sleep, and irritability.

Other versions of the appearance of PMS

Vitamin deficiency and impaired water-salt metabolism can lead to intoxication of the body. Now, in addition to discomfort and physical pain, a whole complex of psycho-emotional symptoms is added, which are even more important.

Mistakes women make with PMS that increase irritability

On the eve of the menstrual cycle, the entire female body is relaxed, and it can be supported by high-calorie foods. Many people think so. Of course, this is a misconception.

Feeling sorry for yourself, and even more so, eating up your bad mood is unacceptable, because new problems with appearance and body weight will begin to appear.

If you want to forget about everything and plunge into the world of pleasant taste sensations, you need to understand that high-calorie foods will not help satisfy all your needs for vitamins and minerals, but will only bring problems. Only balanced nutrition will ensure proper metabolism.

Another mistake is limiting yourself to sports. For some reason, there is an opinion that this causes the body to experience a certain amount of stress. Of course, this is not true either.

You need to move even more, aerobics, brisk walking, and sports exercises are especially useful, which will not only relieve stress, but also activate all the body’s forces, bringing hormones into balance.

If a woman plays sports, her back, pelvic and abdominal muscles are strong, which means that difficult days will be less painful and irritability will not even arise during menstruation.

Fighting weight is another mistake. During the premenstrual period, weight fluctuates, it’s true. But you can't fight him. No diet can change nature, and if kilograms still appear, then it is better to pacify your appetite and try to eat foods with less calories.

How do you cope with PMS?

Naturally, everyone's reaction to the upcoming monthly cycle is different. It all depends on age, character, and even external circumstances. Therefore, to understand whether you are experiencing premenstrual syndrome, you can look at the symptoms you have.

So, think about how deep the depressive state is, is tension clearly expressed? How often does sadness occur during this period, does your mood change, or does apathy appear? Do you get irritated at every occasion or get into conflicts? Also during this period, absent-mindedness appears, interest in what was recently attractive decreases. Notice whether your appetite changes, does the desire to overeat appear, or self-control is lost? Many people quickly get tired, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia appears. If you regretfully answer “Yes” to all questions, then this is PMS and you will have to put up with irritability. You just need to help yourself live with it correctly. In especially severe cases, women have uncontrollable outbursts of anger these days.

How to get rid of irritability during PMS?

Many people believe that irritability does not require treatment. But it is not so. A complex impact on PMS is a whole group of actions. The use of synthetic analogues of gestagen, the missing hormone. The emphasis in nutrition is on calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins A and E.

If necessary, other elements are added. As for a special diet, it is not needed, but making sure that nothing unnecessary gets into the body and doing physical exercise is certainly necessary. Swim, walk, dance - it never hurt anyone.

Add fiber to your diet, minimize proteins, which will only increase the need for mineral salts, thereby disrupting water-salt metabolism. Drinks containing a high caffeine content are extremely undesirable. These are the basics.

But you can take a number of other actions, even if there is no doctor nearby.

A week before your period, you can reduce salt in your diet, leaving no more than 3 grams. Remember that it causes fluid retention, which accumulates in the brain tissue, adds an extra 2-3 kilograms during this time, and increases breast sensitivity. And all these points affect irritability before and after menstruation.

If you are not feeling very well, rest. You can lie down with a book and find a pleasant activity. Don't limit yourself, satisfy your little weaknesses and whims.

You can drink a complex of vitamins, minerals, and herbs that will alleviate ailments. At the same time, you should not drink alcohol or a lot of caffeine. They aggravate feelings and instill negative thoughts. Food should also be less spicy, fatty and overly sweet.

Avoid large amounts of chocolate, because during PMS, many women want to eat it in excess.

Most nutritionists say that caffeine and excess sugar very quickly destroy the body's B vitamins, which help the body resist fatigue.

Limiting fluids 5-10 days before your period starts will help reduce swelling. If necessary, drink diuretics, the best of them are herbal teas or mineral waters.

In addition to all this, irritability during menstruation indicates that you have a generally high level of irritation or otherwise dissatisfaction with life. Therefore, a good solution would be to work with a psychologist aimed at reducing the overall level of irritation. Note that calm girls are also calm these days.

And try not to get irritated for no reason, so as not to show the whole world that your period is coming very soon. Give yourself healthy sleep, proper nutrition, walk in the fresh air, and relax.

Source: https://chuvstvuju.ru/razdrazhitelnost-pered-mesyachnymi

Typical variants of premenstrual syndrome

Every woman is unique. The same can be said about our background, mood swings and the form premenstrual syndrome takes.

The most typical variants of PMS:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen or lower back
  • irritability
  • sudden mood swings and tearfulness
  • fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia
  • “swelling” of the mammary glands, heaviness or discomfort in the chest
  • nausea, flatulence and even diarrhea
  • increased appetite or craving for a specific product (for us girls, this is quite often chocolate;)
  • fluid retention in the body, weight gain (1-2 kg), swelling

It is curious that despite the 85% prevalence of this phenomenon, many women live their entire lives without paying any attention to these symptoms, because their PMS is minimally expressed. Others have to suffer with PMS and here's why.

How to deal with aggression during PMS

Premenstrual syndrome, the occurrence of aggression, affects many women! But few people know how to deal with it. Let's try to figure it out!

Premenstrual syndrome - PMS

In medicine, a syndrome is considered to have many symptoms. Premenstrual syndrome has 150 different symptoms. Many women during PMS experience mild, almost imperceptible discomfort that they do not try to fight.

But it’s completely in vain.

It is necessary to get rid of it, since over time the symptoms will become more sensitive, and after 40, premenstrual syndrome can become a menopausal syndrome and these pain sensations will become daily.

Estrogens and progesterone are female hormones that play an important role in a woman's body. During the cycle, a hormone imbalance occurs and every woman feels it.

It manifests itself as increased appetite, weight gain, and the appearance of gases in the intestines. Many begin to experience headaches, cramps in the calf muscles, and tenderness in the mammary glands.

In such a state, the mood completely disappears, and you can ruin it for someone else!

On the eve of critical days, cold symptoms appear as the immune system weakens and cannot cope with viruses. There is no desire to work, irritability and absent-mindedness appear. I want to lie at home under a blanket and drink tea. But few people have such an opportunity, and there’s no need! Therefore, it is necessary to combat these symptoms.

Before menstruation, you can eat pineapples.

And yet, how to cope with PMS?

If a woman becomes too emotional, she may laugh and suddenly cry. It would be best to use sedatives, preferably herbal, on the advice of a doctor. Ideally, of course, do pleasant, non-stressful things. Drink a cup of aromatic tea, turn on pleasant music, light candles.

Heartburn after eating

Before menstruation, problems with the intestines may begin. You can avoid them by adjusting your diet. Exclude carbonated water, fast foods, flour, legumes, nuts, and cabbage from your diet.

Palms, feet, armpits constantly become wet before menstruation. This phenomenon is called hyperhidrosis. Also, an unpleasant odor may appear. On such days, you need to shower more often and use a reliable deodorant. Eat porridge and low-fat foods.

A frequent companion to PMS is swelling. To avoid them, do not drink liquids 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, exclude salty foods. You need to drink kefir, eat apples, and move more. You can brew diuretic teas.

It is useful and necessary for everyone to take vitamins. It is useful to drink a glass of milk with a spoon of honey at night. Milk is rich in calcium, and honey contains a sufficient amount of magnesium.

Before a woman's menstrual period, there comes a period when she gets irritated by little things for no reason. At the moment, the woman is overwhelmed with emotions and aggression, her physical and psychological health are in an unstable state. She may shout at loved ones or work colleagues. But the main thing to remember is that this is only a temporary condition that can be dealt with with dignity.

Aggression during PMS can destroy a family

Before premenstrual syndrome sets in, a woman feels calm, balanced, and kind to other people. But when PMS hits, it changes a lot.

In addition to irritability, during this period there may be increased sensitivity; a woman may cry over various little things. Very sudden mood changes occur. Most often, the weaker sex waits for the end of this period, considering it completely natural.

But if you do not begin to control your irritability and changes in mood, this will lead to frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family, and this will lead to its destruction.

How to tan properly?

Children have a hard time coping with their mother's screams when they haven't really done anything wrong. The husband also has to endure everything that happens to his woman.

And this is difficult, if this behavior does not stop, the marriage may collapse. All this is not because loved ones do not want to accept a person for who he is. And all because there are methods to combat this condition.

And a woman is obliged to do everything that depends on her in order to avoid conflict with the family.


Doctors and scientists cannot come to a consensus on why tearfulness appears before menstruation. Preference is given to a combination of several factors at once: hormone imbalance, deficiency of vitamins and microelements, as well as the impact of external environmental factors, primarily stress and psycho-emotional stress.

Violation of sex hormone levels


Insufficient intake of vitamins and microelements into the body, due to the season or some kind of diet, can also lead to an aggravation of the severity of premenstrual syndrome, including increased tearfulness during menstruation or on the eve of it. A special role is given to magnesium and B vitamins. Therefore, it is recommended to take complexes with these components as treatment.

Magnesium is involved in the relaxation of smooth and skeletal muscles, has a calming effect on the nervous system, to some extent regulates intestinal function and increases resistance to psycho-emotional overload. Its deficiency can lead to fluid retention in the body, which already occurs during PMS. All this can increase the lability of the nervous system, cause headaches and heaviness throughout the body.

B vitamins are the most important components for the normal functioning of the nervous system. They are also involved in the production of serotonin, the “hormone of joy.” A deficiency of these vitamins leads to irritability, tearfulness, and increased fatigue.

Psycho-emotional overload

Stress is an integral part of the life of a modern woman. However, the body must learn to properly get rid of its negative influence. Otherwise, chronic fatigue and constant stressful situations, especially against the background of a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, will lead to a significant worsening of the manifestations of PMS.

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