How to protect yourself from hypnosis. Protection from hypnosis

Gambling addiction is an unresolved problem today. People are drawn into the world of gambling at the click of a finger. There are those who are lucky enough to pass by such harmful entertainment, and there are also those who know how to dose the game correctly. But there is a considerable percentage of those who are extremely dependent and do not realize it themselves.

With the popularization of gambling establishments, this disease has reached its peak today. According to indicators in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, 5% of the population suffers from gambling addiction, when the total number of patients worldwide is 10%.

Many institutions offer services to combat the scourge of modernity, among them: pharmacological, psychotherapeutic, reflexology, and, of course, non-traditional.

The attitude towards the last option is always twofold, taking into account the fact that we live in a world where materialism, in principle, has the highest value. There are a number of people who will immediately turn to this method, but the number of such people is not so large. But basically, when all methods have been tried and there is no hope for anything, then unconventional methods come into play: spells, magic, prayers, hypnosis, meditation, etc.

Gambling addiction conspiracy

To successfully commit a conspiracy, you need to take from the addict a piece of bread that he has not eaten. You immediately need to perform a more complex trick: take a bill of any denomination and three coins from the patient’s wallet or pocket. The ritual must begin at midnight. Among other things, you should have: a sharp knife with a wooden handle, a candle, a white saucer and a bowl of silent water.

When all the elements have been collected, you need to sit facing the window at the table, let your hair down, take off your shoes and light a candle, taking it in your right hand. Next, you need to cross the bowl of silent water and during this say three times: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Amen! Then put a bill and a candle on it, throw coins into a bowl, and place a piece of bread on a saucer. Then stick the knife into the bread and hold it in that position. Even if the bread fell apart, the situation still remains the same.

And then you say:

Lord Jesus! Blessed be the Lord! I will become a servant of God (name), blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, from the hut by the doors, from the yard by the gates, I will go into the open field, to the east. In an open field, on the east side, there is a stone well, and in that well there are four brothers: Sidor, Semyon, Onisim and Osip. Four brothers are sitting, thinking deeply, not talking to anyone. I will pray and bow to you, four brothers: help my words, so that the servant of God (name) does not go to all sorts of places, does not carry cursed damage with him, does not waste himself, does not see lies in vain, does not hear. Not in the night, not in the day, not on Wednesday, not on Friday, not forever, not forever. Amen.

When the conspiracy is pronounced, the knife must be hidden for three days. If there is no threshold, then hide it in the apartment. Hide it where other family members cannot find it, so that they don’t have unnecessary questions for you later.

After this, go outside and leave the bread on the ground so that it comes into view of birds, dogs or those animals that feed on it. Give the money that was taken from the addict to the beggars who stand under the church. This conspiracy is very powerful, and it only takes one time for it to come into effect.

How to protect yourself from gypsy hypnosis. 7 basic tips on how to protect yourself from gypsy hypnosis

In the summer, during the busy holiday season, there are especially many gypsies at train stations, looking for victims for hypnosis. Here are 7 basic tips on how to avoid falling for their tricks.

1. Avoid contact with gypsies by any means, do not answer their questions, or better yet, just avoid them.

2. When you see gypsies, immediately give yourself the following attitude: “I am completely concentrated on my goal (meeting, dating, showing up at work on time, coming home on time...), and nothing, no external influence will prevent me from achieving it! I calmly, indifferently walk past these “exotic ladies,” and none of their words, their phrases, their flickering can “hook” me!”

3. Never look gypsies in the eyes and do not allow them to touch you. If the gypsy still managed to grab your hand, you should break free as quickly as possible and leave silently.

4. But if you are from the category of risk-takers and do not really resist contact with the gypsies who stopped you, then, without playing with fire, start confusing them with ridiculous reasoning and sentences like “But yesterday Messi was clearly not in the mood, Better pray for him!”

5. Well, if the gypsies were still able to pull you into the direction they needed and you begin to feel their influence on yourself (often this is manifested by a slight drowsiness falling on a person), immediately disconnect from everything that is happening, focusing on some important memories (first love, the recent purchase of a blouse, coat, suit, shoes, hat that made you extremely happy... an unusual gift you received, etc.).

6. You can begin to mentally build a protective wall (like a solid stone fence) between yourself and the hypnotists.

7. Your inner monologue can also interfere with the ability to manipulate you. Having felt the beginning influence of “gypsy hypnosis”, start reading a prayer, humming your favorite tune or favorite poems to yourself.

Prayer for gambling addiction

For more devout people, or simply for those who are scared by the word “magic” or any ritual of a non-religious nature, there are prayers specially made for gambling addicts. But first, it's important to know some guidelines.

  • It is important for the player to remember that prayer is not a course of treatment, although miracles also happen.
  • Having begun to say a prayer against addiction, many are faced with great doubts, and sometimes even despair. To perk up, you need to make a so-called manifestation of faith: “I declare that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Nothing is impossible for Him. When Jesus died on the cross and then rose again, He defeated the forces of sin, evil and death. In him I am reconciled to God the Father, and His almighty resurrection power works in and through me.” With the help of prayer, you need to cleanse your thoughts about yourself, about God and about everything that exists. After all, it is negative thoughts that instill in us various kinds of programs, which can give rise to addictions in us.
  • While working on your thoughts, you need to change your attitude towards yourself. Over time, those struggling with addiction may begin to feel like a failure in the absence of significant results. Many of us are stuffed with fears, guilt and a number of negative patterns. You need to forgive yourself and those around you. The causes of the problem can be in the form of past traumas or actions.
  • Also turn to God for an answer that will help you find the cause of your illness. If you ask these questions often, the answers will be found. Sometimes they can come in a dream, or in life or in people's phrases. God communicates with us through everything and everyone.
  • The causes of the problem may be in the form of past traumas.
  • Find someone who will pray for you and with you so you can have extra motivation.
  • It is advisable to confess and repent. Recognize your addiction and do not fight it, as the fight gives rise to a new fight.

And below is one of the prayers and you need to read it 7 times:

The Lord God was born and created the white light. The Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven and blessed the servant (name) with his holy, most pure word. Do not boil hot blood, do not worry, the servant of God (name) has a zealous heart. From the bad dog, from the creatures of the forest, from the miracles of the water, from the first enemies, save, Lord (name). The Lord Jesus Christ Himself descends from heaven and takes a strong, silken whip and whips it from the unclean devil, from the windy devil, from the miracle of the forest, from water diva, from the heretic, from the hereticrab (name). It came with the wind and was carried away; it came from the water and was washed away. It came from a bad dog and ran away with it. From a heretic it came and went with him, from a heretic it came and went with her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

How negative hypnosis works

Knowing what it is - criminal hypnosis, it is important to understand how to resist this influence, how scammers work. A criminal hypnotist sets his main task to concentrate the victim’s attention on something, put him in a state of trance and instill the attitude he needs. There is no need to put the victim to sleep or dangle a shiny ball in front of him. There are other effective ways to achieve trance:

  1. Overload the victim's consciousness with a long, quickly spoken phrase, rich in visual and auditory phrases. It is almost meaningless and looks like gobbledygook. For example, this: “You probably already guessed that yesterday’s cyclone, which brought rain from the North-West, had such an effect on my upstairs neighbors that all night I heard the owner and hostess walking around the room, constantly calling someone on phones, slowly pour and drink raspberry juice to the clink of crystal glasses.” The victim’s consciousness closes in on what has been said and begins to understand it, which allows the suggestion to be imperceptibly directed directly into the subconscious.
  2. Execute an extreme attack on the consciousness, or create a situation that is unusual and illogical for the victim. The scammer acts quickly to catch the victim off guard. For example, if the victim smokes, he calmly takes the cigarette directly from her mouth, takes a drag and just as calmly puts it back. Or, during a peaceful conversation, he grabs the person from behind by the neck and sharply bends him down. There are other techniques. The result of such manipulations will be a two to three second trance, used to inspire the action required by the fraudster.
  3. Overload one of the perception channels. For example, when negotiating, representatives of one of the parties sit on both sides of the person representing the other party, and at the same time convince the victim of something. The auditory perception is overloaded, the victim “floated.” This is a convenient moment to quietly induce the signing of a contract. Having come to his senses, the victim will not be able to understand how he agreed to sign obviously unfavorable conditions.
  4. Instill the required action during a long intimate conversation. A monotonous quiet monologue begins, into which key phrases are periodically inserted. The scammer highlights them by changing the intonation, volume of the voice, and its pitch. The victim is gradually immersed in a trance, but the highlighted key instructions become a command to perform the actions required by the interlocutor.

Having an idea of ​​the basic methods of criminal hypnotists, you can learn counter techniques on how not to succumb to hidden hypnosis and suggestion.

You can learn more about hypnosis and watch videos with examples of suggestion on the channel of psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valeryevich Baturin. For example, a video that gives a vivid idea of ​​gypsy hypnosis:

Hypnosis treatment for gambling addiction

Hypnosis is one of the oldest treatments for the nervous system, dating back 7,000 years. It is used when a person has strong addictions and stress pressure. Hypnosis is equal in its vibrations to sleep, so this therapy is natural. Its task, like meditation and auto-training, is to cause gamma radiation, which will make it easier for the unconscious to communicate.

But there are still contraindications, and there are two types: schizophrenia and reactive states. The method is good for people of an easily suggestible type and, of course, for those who believe in its effectiveness. As a rule, basic treatment consists of 10 sessions, and accelerated treatment of 6.

Hypnosis helps restore energy damaged by emotional outbursts from the game. Hypnosis also helps to learn control over desires and emotions, and instill a dislike for gambling.

The only thing that is not always worth resorting to is coding, since it does not find the problem and fix it. It only inspires and suppresses the desire to play, which can cause a conflict between consciousness and unconsciousness. This often happens when a patient has a breakdown.

Therefore, the first thing you need to look for is the reason that led to gambling addiction.

Relieving gambling addiction using photos

Getting rid of gambling addiction using a photo is, roughly speaking, one of the elements of a magical effect. The method is used even when relatives are unable to influence their dependent relative in any way. What is the entrance? — Conspiracies and rituals. It is quite possible to relieve gambling addiction with magic, but here, most likely, everything depends on the strength of the magician himself or a parapsychologist who will energetically influence the gambling addict.

No matter who you turn to, remember that no one can solve your problems better than you yourself. If you have this problem, then you will find the answer to it in yourself.

Read online How not to succumb to hypnosis. Melnikov Ilya.

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Ilya Melnikov

How not to succumb to hypnosis

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As they say, no one is stopping you from trying. But you shouldn’t think that it’s easy.

Thousands of cases of “fooling” gullible and not so gullible people. Research on gypsy hypnosis has yielded many unexpected discoveries and contributed to the development of psychotherapy and hypnosis. Not a single study of the occult sciences has yielded such practical results.

Ericksonian hypnosis transformed into the popular today NLP, or neurolinguistic programming. This is what is taught on every corner today. We do not know whether Dale Carnegie suspected that his advice in the book was so close to the techniques used by gypsies and hypnotists.

As you know, neurolinguistic programming consists of:

• Property assessments

• Adjusting to it, that is, finding a “common language” on a non-verbal level

• Transition from the role of an adapter to the role of a manipulator

Further influence depends on your goals, abilities and preparation, as well as how controllable your object is, and also, to no less extent, how strong your motivation to manipulate it.

What are the difficulties of this process? First of all, in you. You must learn to see things as they are. You must free yourself as much as possible from thinking stereotypes. Practice imagining yourself as a character in a science fiction movie who finds himself in a world he knows nothing about. Do not take anything for granted - remember that everything can deceive - the eyes, the ears, and the sense of touch.

As an exercise, we can advise you to determine by eye the temperature of an object, the distance to it, the age of the person, his name. Check how your perception is configured. Experience in practice how often you make mistakes due to generalization, erasure and distortion. These traps are used by illusionists for tricks. However, there are many such examples in everyday life. And the consequences from them can be anything. For example, generalizations can relate to very different aspects of life - we group and generalize everything - this allows us to think faster. For example, a bearded man seems older to us, and a short man seems younger. But if we are convinced several times that this is not the case, under circumstances that you remember, then the emphasis will shift. For example, a young man walked a whole block behind a girl who, turning around, turned out to be thirty years older, will never judge a woman’s age when he sees only her back, moreover, he will constantly fear that the sad experience will repeat itself. But here, too, not everything is clear. Age can be determined without seeing the face, the young man was simply inattentive - he was confused by his slender figure and hairstyle.

Erasing is when we remove what obscures reality, drawing in the invisible parts based on our experience. An example of this is that if you "go by" your experience based on statistics, you may be wrong. For example, you will most likely be shocked if your child suddenly speaks in a deep voice, or if your cat starts talking. I bet you will be in shock for a few seconds. The illusionist has these few minutes.

You are not ready for such turns, but still tried to prepare!

In the process of such exercises, you begin to understand how rigid and clogged with stereotypes our thinking is.

And now you understand that:

• There are thousands of such parallels in your life.

• If we internalize such clichés in simple terms, how many psychological cliches do we have that are dictated to us by religion, society, family, our morality, and education. Moreover, there is a clear pattern - the higher the education level, the more clichés there are. Children have significantly fewer of them.

• Those who understand these clichés - that is, those who have vital things (earnings, life) depending on them - have enormous power over you.

• It is difficult to get rid of clichés - there are many of them, and our civilized mind, with a developed second signaling system, can no longer live without them.

• You can study only a part of these clichés, the most basic ones, of course - it’s a long, difficult task also because it resembles cramming. For the gypsies, this is a textbook, they have a lot of proverbs and observations and in general they do not think “intellectually”, but “figuratively”, and they do not need to spend ten pages explaining some nuance.

Our civilized ideas about the world are too generalized and passed through our second signaling system. Since “the spoken word is a lie,” our model of the world is distorted twice. Anyone who can understand our model of perceiving the world has the key to us. The simplest way is to “adjust” – to your breathing, movements, gait and facial expression. The more automatically the manipulator does this, the more naturally you “synchronize” with him. Control is touch - light, almost imperceptible.

If the object is not alert, you can begin to change roles. And here we need to remember that many signals do not reach the central nervous system - very quiet sounds, mental messages, small movements, minor changes in intonation. The faster and more versatile the impact, the more dependent the object is, the easier it is to be “hooked.”

And this is precisely what remains the secret, the “know-how” of the gypsies. Perhaps it is in their language, perhaps in the rhythm of phrases, the characteristic rhythmic and irrational rhythm of gypsy speech at first glance, which is similar to recitative when a gypsy tells fortunes or invites a client. This makes sense, since sound, whether we hear it or not, is a wave message that has a certain pattern.

In the history of mankind there are no fairy tales and legends that are devoid of meaning. Spells, meditative formulas or a certain combination of sounds in the speech of a fortune-telling gypsy, hypnotist, psychotherapist or spiritual teacher of a sect are one and the same thing, with minor variations.

A fortune teller's or hypnotist's ball, colorful gypsy skirts, passes and monotonous movements during meditation make it easier to control your consciousness. After that, you can be ordered - and you will obey.


What can be done to counter this? Not all attempts may be successful.

A good friend told me this story. As a student, he and his friends accompanied a classmate home for the summer holidays. At the station, one of them came up with a “hot” idea: to catch a fortune teller red-handed. The day before, a local police officer spoke at the hostel. The conversation was about crime in the area, precautions and, as usual, cooperation. Nonsense, of course, but the district police officer mentioned the gypsies. They say they beg, steal and cheat using hypnosis. The latter aroused interest. The students discussed this among themselves: some believed, others did not. There were fortune tellers at the station - here is a real opportunity for you to verify the veracity of the district police officer’s words.

The “capture” plan was developed quickly and naively. The departing girl was supposed to approach the fortune teller; four guys were dispersed in the crowd and positioned at a short distance from the fortune teller in order to be able to observe what was happening. If danger arose, the girl had to give a sign with her hand - straighten her hair, but not as is usually done - from the forehead to the top, but at the back of the head. Then the guys come close and act according to the circumstances.

The “bait” to incite the gypsy’s greed was a hundred dollar bill, but not a real one - instead of a portrait of the President of the United States, Stalin was on it. Some smart guy got the hang of making them and sold them at the market as souvenirs. They put this “banknote” in the wallet and used chalk money to gild the fortune teller’s pen. That's all. The girl was supposed to “accidentally” show the fortune teller the contents of her wallet.

There were no objections from anyone. The girl said: “Even though it’s not bucks, I won’t give my wallet to the gypsy,” she smiled and walked away. The guys took their starting positions and, presumably, everyone hoped to be first next to the girl at the right moment. However, nothing suspicious or requiring external intervention occurred. The fortune teller took the girl by the right hand, asked and said something. One of the guys, let's call him M., came close to the fortune teller and the girl several times - he listened and looked closely, but did not find anything unusual. The experiment clearly failed, and the guys looked at their watches, rightly believing that this time could have been spent more interestingly.

Fifteen minutes later the fortune telling session ended. The girl was in high spirits, laughing and joking. The wallet and its contents were completely intact, except for the money that was spent on “gilding the pen” of the fortune teller. The girl drew the line by saying that those who explain the police warning about gypsy hypnosis fraud by the elementary inability of the police to catch thieves are right. Someone expressed doubt: experience alone does not indicate anything. Then they started talking about fortune telling. The girl was delighted with the gypsy. “Her insight is amazing! She said something that no one in the world knows!” The girl did not talk about what was predicted for the future and the guys did not insist - it is clear that we were talking about the chosen one, and there were already four contenders here.

The bomb exploded on the platform. M. asked the girl where her ring was. The company looked numbly at the girl, and she looked at her hand. The ring (my mother gave it) was missing!

- Gypsy! - said M.

“This can’t be,” the girl objected, not too confidently. - When could she take it off? I would have heard...

And the conductor was already urging the passengers to get into the carriage.

The guys felt it

I felt guilty and so ashamed that I prayed to God for the speedy departure of the train. There was nothing else left for them. The shock of the unpleasant surprise passed and an even more unpleasant truth was revealed: they dragged the girl into an adventure, they sent her ahead like a decoy, they missed the moment of stealing the ring. Another thing was also clear: the law “Check your money without leaving the cash register” applies not only to state trade stores; the gypsy’s trace has probably gone cold for a long time, and even if not, this does not change the situation.

– What will I tell my mother? – the girl could hardly hold back her tears.

The situation was defused by M.

- I remembered! - he said and hit himself on the forehead with his palm. - I remembered! I remembered where you left it. OK!

M. jumped up and down with joy, like a child. The conductor pushed the girl into the carriage. M. jumped until the carriage slowly moved away.

- I'll send you a ring! - shouted M. - Or not, I’ll bring it myself. Fine?

M. didn’t tell his friends where the ring was left, and they didn’t insist too much on it - any happy ending in that situation was manna from heaven.

M. actually brought a ring to his classmate, and a little later they got married.

– Why did you tell this Christmas story? – I asked a friend.

- Because M. fooled us all. And we all know about it. And we remain silent,” he paused and continued: “The gypsy stole the ring.” M. bought the same one, he had some money. That's for sure.

– So, there was hypnosis after all?

- Definitely, yes. Mothers’ gifts are not given to gypsies of their own free will.

This is the story, albeit with a good ending.

The gypsy easily discovered the girl’s concern for the wallet and its contents; she was afraid of the gypsy. This suited the fortune teller-hypnotist quite well - the girl’s consciousness was thoroughly occupied, which simplified the process of inducing a deep trance. The goal was achieved through hand catalepsy - a very common technique in both official and gypsy hypnosis. How it is carried out is described in detail by Milton Erickson. Let's use his description, it is interesting because the psychotherapist tells a case when he could not communicate with the test woman using speech, which significantly complicates the work of the hypnotist.

“The second surprise induction took place in January 1962, during a visit to Caracas (Venezuela). I was invited to visit a local hospital and during the visit I was asked to give a talk to the staff about the use of hypnosis in obstetrics at an impromptu meeting in a conference room. One of those present suggested that, as the discussion progressed, I accompany my presentation with a demonstration of the phenomena of hypnosis. Recalling my experience in Mexico City, I asked if I could work with some young woman who did not know the purpose of my visit here, did not understand English, and had no experience in hypnosis. Three women were brought in, I looked at them and chose one from whom I had a clinical impression of what I defined as “responsive attention”, asked the others to be free and to be told that I would like her cooperation during my lecture. My translator informed her very carefully in such a way as not to give her any more information and she nodded her head affirmatively.

Taking a step towards her and standing face to face with her, I explained in English to those who understood her that they should watch my actions. My translator remained silent, and the young lady looked at me carefully and puzzled.

I showed the girl my palms, which were empty, and then I reached with my right hand and gently wrapped my fingers around her right wrist, barely touching it, moreover, in an irregular, vague, changing manner - a pattern of tactile stimulation with the tips of the fingers. The result was to fully capture her attention and interest with anticipation and wonder at what I was doing and what would happen next. With my right thumb I pressed on part of her wrist, as if about to turn it upward; at the same time, in the area of ​​the radical convexity, I applied light downward tactile pressure to the dorsal aspect of her wrist with my middle finger. I also simultaneously made various soft touches with my other fingers in the same intensity, but without a specific direction. She gave an automatic response to directed touches, without consciously differentiating them from each other, apparently transferring attention from one touch to another. When she began to respond, I increased the number of directed touches for variety, without decreasing the number or variety of other distracting tactile stimuli. Thus, I forced her arm and hand to make lateral and vertical movements, varying the tactile stimuli interspersed with a reduced number of non-directional touches. These reciprocal automatic movements, the source of which she truly knew, frightened her and, as her pupils dilated, I touched her wrist, inviting her hand to point upward, and ... the hand began to rise, breaking the touch so gently that she did not notice the separation fingers, and the movement of the hands continued. Quickly moving my fingertips in relation to hers, I varied my touches so as to subtly cause her palm to turn all the way up, and then made other touches to her fingertips to straighten some, bend others, and the correct touch of her straightened fingers would cause to continued bending towards the eyes. When this movement began, I used my fingers to draw her attention to my eyes. I focused my eyes, setting them to “gaze into the distance,” looking through and beyond her. He moved his fingers close to his eyes, slowly closed his eyes, took deep breaths, with sighs, and lowered his shoulders, as if relaxing, and then pointed to her fingers approaching her eyes.

She followed my pantomimic instructions and went into a trance without responding to the staff's attempts to get her attention."

Of course, people like Erickson are not born often, and what he discovered can be simply repeated by few today. On the other hand, do we know everything that their intuition about man revealed to the gypsy hypnotists? Not all of the wealth of the Roma people can be explained by theory. For example, gypsy art can generate such strong ecstasy and trance that a person loses his head for a long time, if not until the end of his days. The dancing gypsy beauty pushed the disciplined and well-mannered blue-blooded offspring to commit acts that were nightmarish from the point of view of high society. Many of them became attached to the gypsies as if they were a drug, and went downhill until the day they shot and had duels. The gypsy songs and dances, gypsy music, and the very way of life of the gypsies drove me crazy. Beautiful gypsy women became the wives of nobles, even in the family of Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy there was one like that! And this was at a time when a seedy landowner could not afford to marry a commoner.

Gypsy art controls the emotional sphere of a person, psyche and physiology. Gypsy music affects you from the first chords and deeply. Imagery, rhythm, emotional intensity draws the whole person into a whirlpool. It’s hard to believe that people who knock on our door asking for a piece of bread, old clothes, or anything else that isn’t a pity are capable of such a personal shock...

Unfortunately, the text by Milton Erickson quoted above is addressed to specialists and for the average reader it is too overloaded with special terminology that complicates understanding. The translator also made his “mite,” conscientiously striving to convey every nuance of the description of the hypnotization session, but caring little about us, the readers. The translation, frankly speaking, turned out bad. The reader may reasonably ask: why was it necessary to quote in this case? Good question.

This text is valuable to us because it illustrates the capabilities of the hypnotist in non-verbal communication with the consciousness and subconscious of the subject. And if such moments of communication between the hypnotist and the girl’s consciousness, such as attracting her attention to his eyes, are absolutely clear to everyone, then communication with the subconscious and controlling it with the help of the touch of fingers, a varied system of pressure, compression, turning, pushing is a “dark forest”. After all, these manipulations are not random; they are clearly coordinated in tempo, strength, direction, and duration. The hypnotist feels the subject's subconscious with his fingers! Obviously, his subconscious is extremely developed, his sensitivity and intuition are simply phenomenal. Let us recall that it was precisely these qualities that the gypsies developed in themselves for centuries, “doomed” to live with all the peoples to which their endless road of wanderings led, in specific relationships.

The task of the gypsy woman in our example was much simpler than the task of the American psychotherapist in a hospital in Caracas, and she coped with it brilliantly. “You’re worried about the fate of the green banknote - stay with it, I’m quite happy with the gold ring.”

The hypnotist of the non-traditional school of hypnosis, which we include street virtuosos, extremely effectively uses all the mechanisms of joining the client - posture, body movements, tone and themes of voice, syntax and tempo of speech, breathing rate and gestures. The person feels his own breathing, the rise and fall of his chest, and at the same time observes the movements of the hypnotist's body, repeating his own movements. However, the adjustment is not limited to this. The hypnotist not only adjusts the tempo of his voice to the client's breathing or pulse rate, but also adjusts the tempo of his voice to the person's breathing, observes the expansion and contraction of the veins of the person standing or sitting in front of him, uses in his speech words and phrases that the person used, varies his voice so as his interlocutor does. All these adjustment channels become a feedback mechanism with the help of which the hypnotist controls a person both consciously and unconsciously.

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It is clear that it is extremely rare for an uninitiated person to discover all these “strange” efforts of the hypnotist, but even then he is unlikely to have time to figure out what is happening. Trance sets in quickly, and there is no doubt about the success of further manipulations with the human psyche.

How did the fortune teller give the girl in our example the impression of “amazing insight”? By pronouncing standard phrases that apply to the life experience of almost every girl. “I know what will make you happy... We both know that you are indecisive... Your heart knows what to do, it will tell you...” etc.

Climbing into someone else's head and turning the “arrows” there at your own discretion was, is and will always be tempting. Rarely a child, having learned about hypnosis, did not dream of picking up candy and toys in a store and paying for untold wealth with a piece of ordinary paper. This is theoretically possible, although the facts of the practical implementation of such a figure of the highest hypnotist aerobatics are not known. But theory is theory, facts are facts, but you have to live.


...Mr. R. Was a businessman in the full sense of the word. He deftly and quickly pulled off a variety of commercial scams, skimmed the cream and immediately went into the shadows, giving others the opportunity to feast on the scraps from his table. He had an animalistic sense of smell for both luck and “empty things.” R. He quickly grew rich, and the more “green” he accumulated, the deeper the shadow he looked for. R. Was very cautious, if not cowardly. Prudence did not allow you to get rich faster, but it also protected you from large losses of capital, from “attacks” by racketeers, etc. As long as Mr. R.’s business was going well, one could be satisfied with himself and he carefully organized a “unloading” for himself once a month. day: I went to a restaurant and let off the brakes, ordering exquisite dishes, which I knew absolutely nothing about, and excellent drinks. True, R. Never got drunk to the point of unconsciousness, he tasted expensive wines and cognacs, and he got drunk later, at home. Here, in the restaurant, he found pleasure in wondering, looking at those around him, who was richer than him, and who was poorer and was just showing off, squandering money, possibly borrowed.

A week ago, R. had just such a fasting day and after it he began to experience anxiety, for which there were no apparent reasons, except... Except for meeting a suspicious guy in a restaurant. However, that person began to seem “suspicious” to R. Later. The fact is that R. Got so drunk that he didn’t remember anything at all, and now he was very afraid that he had blurted out something unnecessary to the stranger. Information in his business was very expensive. After hesitating, R. turned to his old friend with a request to collect all available information about the stranger. He put the agent on the stranger’s tail, who was now sitting in front of R. and reporting.

The hastily assembled dossier was meager. The target (the agent kept calling the stranger “target”, although he established his first and last name) is forty years old, has two incomplete higher educations and not a single permanent job. Lives with his retired mother in a three-room apartment. Currently he does not work anywhere and does not have a permanent woman. The sources of income are not known, but it seems that the facility does not need funds. He leads a solitary, secretive lifestyle and does not go to church. (When the agent spoke about the church, Mr. R. wanted to curse, but restrained himself). He spends all his evenings in restaurants, but has never been in the company of the same person. He comes alone in the middle of the evening and sits down somewhere, drinks a little...

Listening to the stupid report, R. regretted the lost time and money. He was about to make a sarcastic comment about the “brilliant intelligence work” when a certain thought revived him.

- Tell me, my dear, how did the “object” leave the table? How did he pay and did he have a black leather bag with him? In more detail, please, you also drink little at work and see everything?

“I don’t drink at all on duty,” the agent said offended. – The subject never paid for dinner himself. And he left like this: a waiter approached him with a black leather bag, stuffed, as I understood, with food and drink. The object took the bag, bowed very warmly to his neighbor at the table and left.

“You, of course, followed and don’t know whether or not there were conflicts with paying for his dinner and bag?”

– Absolutely right, I acted according to the instructions - I followed the object. But twice they got up from the table at the same time, dinner, a common dinner, was paid for by the person sitting with the object.

– This “object” of yours, as you call it, he really didn’t know those he sat with?

“The waiter sat him down, he didn’t show any initiative.” The object greeted the man at the table as if he were a stranger - with a nod of his head and words appropriate to the occasion.

-You didn’t suspect anything? – asked R. – Maybe something in the behavior of the “object” seemed strange to you?

- No, I didn’t notice. Only after your question about paying for dinner, it seems strange to me that he never paid. Maybe he enjoys some privileges?

- Privileges? - repeated R. and stood up from the table to fully enjoy the discovery that he had just made and which relieved the paralyzing anxiety of the past week. – This is a very original explanation. In a sense, this is true.

- What do you have in mind?

– What I mean is that your so-called object is a fraudster, and there is no need to know more about you. Thank you for your work, you did a good job. You know how to observe, all you have to do is learn to think.

Left alone, R. returned to the chair to consider the information received. He now knew why he didn’t remember anything that evening, that is, he remembered everything except the “object.” This man mastered the art of hypnosis and spent his talent on obtaining drink and food.

“No fantasy,” he said out loud. - Such talent and... complete stupidity. Works, of course, in tandem with a waiter. He hooks him up with fatter clients and the redistribution of income between two people begins...

R.’s brain turned over a dozen commercial deals that promised fabulous profits, if, of course, the talent of the “object” was involved, but R. was a very cautious person. He didn’t trust nuggets with two unfinished higher educations, because he considered himself a nugget, and he knew himself!..

Such are the stories that have not made it into the criminal chronicles - not yet. Let us note that Mr. R.’s sense of smell, signaling danger, did not fail him. Getting involved with a hypnotist is a risky business. One reminder of the situation that once caused trance leads to trance, and its deepening is a matter of technology. We are talking about the method of the “old reaction”, Bekhterev called it a “combined reflex”, and in neurolinguistic programming it is called the “anchor” technique.

The essence of the method is as follows: if in some situation a person reacted strongly to a certain stimulus, then the same reaction will follow in a completely different situation as soon as the impact of that stimulus is repeated. The squeak of a car's brakes dangerously close to us will be remembered for the rest of our lives and will make us want to fuck even when we hear it at a considerable distance. This reaction occurs automatically, regardless of circumstances. The squeaking of the brakes in our example is an anchor that causes a feeling of fear through the mechanism of a conditioned reflex. The skillful use of “anchors” allows you to manipulate a person. But first the “anchor” must be set. How it's done?

It has been noticed that the subconscious mind records the reaction best when a person is in a state of strong emotional experience. This means that at the moment of setting the “anchor” the hypnotist will try to arouse the person as much as possible. The most reliable are kinetic “anchors” - touches are recorded in the subconscious best of all and without fail. (For this reason, fortune tellers strive to take possession of the client's hand). And for the “anchor” to work, it must be reproduced as accurately as possible.

For example, a person is immersed in pleasant memories, his face lights up with a smile. At this moment, the hypnotist touches his right hand - puts an “anchor”. After a while, the conversation turns to things less pleasant, even sad, but touching a person's right hand will make him smile.

How does a fortune teller behave? She asks a variety of questions in order to evoke appropriate reactions and fix them with “anchors”. These anchors are then used depending on the situation and purpose. It is necessary that the client likes her - the appropriate “anchor” is put into action and the client happily catches her every word. It is important for the gypsy to set an “anchor” at the moment when the client’s experience reaches its highest point, and what he thinks about at that moment does not concern her at all. The fortune teller touches the client's arm or leg, records the desired reaction with his voice, eyes, gesture, and body tilt. Having mastered the “keys” to the client’s subconscious, an experienced gypsy will check their effect and then begin to develop rapport.

In some cases, when the opportunity arises to sharpen the client’s emotional state to the limit, the fortune teller does this - she puts the client into an ecstatic trance with unhindered controllability.

The anchor technique is very effective; it is almost impossible to counteract it, just like the dispersion technique. You can know everything about it, but this knowledge will not prevent the hypnotist from controlling you. Nowadays, you can encounter a person who owns and uses it in the most unexpected situations. Professional hypnotists and psychotherapists conduct seminars for businessmen, doctors, employees of advertising and insurance companies, lawyers, and everyone else, where they teach listeners various techniques of hypnosis. It is assumed that the acquired knowledge and skills will help to better perform professional duties. But who will undertake to assert that “the best performance of professional duties” will always be accompanied by compliance with moral and ethical standards? The temptation to fool the d

spruce partner in full, so the hypnotist, whom we talked about at the beginning of this chapter, with his free dinners, will seem like just an angel. By the way, an absolutely incomprehensible case was told by D. Kandyba. He writes: “So, while studying gypsy secrets, I observed a case in one village when a gypsy woman with a child in her arms (!) asked for a drink and walked through the gate, while the hostess brought out a mug of water after 5-7 seconds, 11 chickens disappeared from the yard. At the same time, there was no noise and it was not outwardly visible where the gypsy had gone. Anyone who spends an entire hour catching one chicken, falling, screaming and swearing, will understand what kind of masters and professionals there are in their field - in 7 seconds, 11 chickens with a child in their arms without a single sound. This is a real miracle! Phenomenal efficiency. Case for the Guinness Book of Records. How can we explain it? And is every gypsy capable of this? No, obviously.

Experts have noticed that sometimes gypsies induce a trance in a client by controlling their gaze. They attract the client's attention to some external object and try to hold it for as long as possible. If the direction of the gaze changes, they return it in any way. This component of the hypnotization process is combined with kinesthetic - sensations in the client’s hands that distract consciousness and open access to the subconscious.

How do gypsies get out of sticky situations when they are caught red-handed stealing? They lift their skirts and scream heart-rendingly. The audience freezes in shock with their mouths agape and feels acute regret that they got involved with the gypsy. Please note: the gypsy does not make excuses, does not apologize, does not try to escape, which is what people usually do in such situations. She resorts to her specific means of defense and attack - psychic influence and disarms the enemy. The effect of skirts pulled up is collective hypnosis. Other outcasts, ninjas, behaved this way too. When a ninja found himself in a trap, he bewitched his enemies with mysterious gestures and sounds, the meaning of which the pursuers did not understand, and they found themselves paralyzed for a time sufficient to escape. Hypnosis also helped in battle. The ninja pictured in his imagination the desired outcome of the fight, closed the energy ring with his fingers and cast a spell. In his imagination, an image could be created of a tiger, a snake, a monkey, a powerful wave, fire, a huge stone, a tree - in a word, any object of living or inanimate nature. The result of his mental efforts was to transform himself into a branch or a stone for the eyes of the enemy; the ninja extracted the maximum possible, suppressing the enemy with a look or sound, instantly winning over the right people. Sometimes he acted in such a way that the enemy could not understand at all how what happened happened.

As you can see, there are similarities. In both cases there is a desire to influence the human psyche - to turn the “arrows” in the brain of another person.

And we can also conclude that it is still possible to protect yourself from hypnosis. The best choice is not to communicate with such people. And of course, if you have read this book up to this chapter, then you have the opportunity to recognize such a person.

You can even test your strength with him if you think you need it. Of course, we don't recommend doing this if you don't have experience.

But at least try to resist the impact. As for the gypsies, do not be silent and do not listen to them - speak, and on a topic that is familiar to you, but not close. It's even better if you talk about your interlocutor. Ask a gypsy woman where her husband is, how many children she has, and discuss how difficult it is for her in life. Don't listen, speak. Tell her that her purse has opened, you might see something unexpected behind her, for example, a policeman. You will have a moment to get off the hook. The phrase “that man dropped the bag” will also distract the gypsy. Remember - she is looking for food, and only a more promising victim can distract her.

Change your position. This will make it more difficult for the scammer to “set up”.

You should not go further by trying to force her into the role of a follower. It’s just that if you are not a professional, you are unlikely to succeed.

But still, one story that happened to my landlady is worth citing. She proves that not everything is so hopeless.

After graduation, I had the opportunity to be in practice in the small Belarusian town of Slonim. Antonina Stepanovna, as we’ll call my landlady, lived next door to a gypsy family. The family consisted of an elderly woman and her daughter-in-law with two children; the women always lived alone, since the owner only occasionally visited the family nest. Their relations were good as neighbors; no problems ever arose, and they even visited each other occasionally. Both women naturally engaged in fortune telling and begging as their main occupation.

They told me fortunes, and some of them turned out to be true, to my surprise, even after many years. But that's not what this is about. The hostess told me a story that may interest many.

On some holiday, all three women gathered in the evening just to sit. We talked and drank tea on the street, in the front garden. Antonina Stepanovna, as an elderly woman, was a little tired of their fast speech (the beginning of a trance!) and suddenly thought that Vera, so young and beautiful, must constantly be afraid of the visits of her violent husband, and she is so in need, they feel sorry for the children, they would like to study, but Rom (husband) doesn’t allow it... And suddenly she thought that little Anya, who was watching TV in her room (the gypsies didn’t have a TV), could have burned herself with the iron, which she, Antonina Stepanovna, probably forgot to turn off. Before she had time to think this, the girl’s mother jumped up, ran around, fussed and rushed into the house. Carrying her sleeping daughter in her arms, she said: “It seemed to me that she was burned by your iron, Stepanovna”...

Every connection is mutual, and every influence is too.
But what was it really? And doesn’t this mean that we again in vain believe that we know everything, being in complete ignorance? Home » Melnikov Ilya » How not to succumb to hypnosis.

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