How to overcome fear of the future? How to get rid of bad karma?

Fear of the future

Every person thinks about the future. Some look at it with hope, others with fear. Some make plans, others adapt to what is happening around them. The former set the tone for their lives, while the latter insist that this is impossible. They are possessed by fear of the future .
They don't know what to expect from life. What does our perception depend on? First of all, from experience. If from childhood we are faced with the impossibility of influencing what is happening, if every now and then we heard: “Do as I said! I know better,” if we never lived the way we wanted, where does self-confidence come from? And without self-confidence there is no confidence in the future. Instead of confidence, anxiety and fear arise.

However, not everything is so hopeless. Surely, you yourself have met people who did not grow up in the most prosperous environment. However, now they cherish hopes and look forward with optimism. And they achieve what they strive for. So experience, of course, is of great importance, but not always decisive.

Much depends on what we are willing to do to achieve our goal. There are people who shirk responsibility for what is happening; they are not ready to work for the future. Such people always have someone to blame: husband, children, parents, bad boss, government, officials, and so on. With such an outlook on life, it is difficult to remain optimistic.

The second factor that causes us to believe too much in our own abilities is the emphasis on unpleasant events, “black” streaks. This is the nature of perception. Bad things are often remembered better. When everything is going well, life is taken for granted. But, when something happens that unsettles you, a streak of bad luck “sets in.” But as practice shows, it’s not the events themselves, but how we perceive them.

The future is unlimited possibilities

In Chinese, the word crisis is represented by two characters: danger and opportunity. In other words, the future depends on what lesson we learn from a difficult situation. Many can admit that a scary divorce turned out to be the key to a comfortable and peaceful life. Getting laid off helped me find a job closer to home. A forced move to another city opened up new opportunities and helped me find a husband (wife). And so on.

Look at people who seem happier and more confident than you. What is their difference? It’s unlikely, they don’t have any difficulties. It just seems from the outside that they succeed in everything without difficulty, that luck always accompanies them. Of course, everything is not so rosy. The main difference between a “luckier” person is that he is patient and persistent. He takes responsibility. He takes risks when circumstances require it. You will be surprised how much he does to achieve his goal. What doesn’t such a person do? He doesn't complain, doesn't quit halfway, and doesn't blame others for his failures.

And one more thing: he forgives a lot. Anxious people spend a lot of energy on being angry, offended and indignant. There is neither energy nor time left to accept people as they are.

What else distinguishes a “fearless” person? Ability to anticipate situations. Do not let it develop into global problems, if possible. And most often this is possible. For example, my husband is often late at work. Over time, he begins to work on weekends. And when he returns, his clothes smell of perfume. If you pretend not to notice anything, you may win when the affair ends. But you need to understand that the husband can leave. What you shouldn’t do in such a situation is pretend to yourself that nothing is happening. Then his possible departure will become a bolt from the blue for you. And if after this your housing and material conditions worsen, then it will become even harder to survive.

It is not easy to predict the development of events, but it is possible. And you can prepare for them. The one who prepares in advance wins. We're not just talking about a possible breakup, we're talking about all areas of life. If you, regardless of your family and financial situation, maintain your professional level and continue to work, you will always know that the future largely depends on you. If you consider your strengths when taking out a mortgage, if you know what to do in case of dismissal, layoffs will not be the end of the world for you.

Fear of the future, as a rule, is present among those who in the past have experienced severe stress associated with shattered expectations. For those whose hopes were not justified, and if not everything, then a lot was at stake. It is important not to let this experience leave its mark on the rest of your life. You can draw conclusions and move on. The “black” streak is not endless. And if it drags on, you can put an end to it by looking at what is happening from a different angle.

If you have no money or no job, agree to a temporary one, albeit one that pays less. She will solve the money issue now. You will have money to pay rent and buy textbooks for your child. If there is no housing and job prospects are not very good, maybe look for vacancies in another region?

What else affects your mood in life? Constant communication. Who are we communicating with? What are we discussing? If all we do is talk about inflation, poor health, problems in the family and at work, it’s time to stop. Such conversations have never cheered anyone up. Talk to people you like whose persistence can be an example. Talk about good things - about wonderful children, about a future vacation, about what you learned interesting. At first Shifting the focus from negative to positive or neutral is difficult at first. Discussing negativity is more common, and breaking the habit takes time.

There are a lot of good things in every person’s life: health, family, home, work. Look at the good things you have. Think about what you want. What can you do to get what you want? You will see that under the onslaught of common sense, fear of the future will recede.

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I recently got married for the second time. There is a son from his first marriage, he is 12 years old. The relationship between the son and the husband did not work out initially. Now I'm expecting a child, I'm worried.

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How to overcome fear of the future? How to get rid of bad karma?

In childhood, the future is always crystal clear... Here, against the backdrop of a big house - you, beautiful and sophisticated, next to you is the Man of your dreams, on the horizon in the azure waves of the ocean - a snow-white yacht. However, time passes, one thing does not come true, another disappoints... Often, when we become adults, we stop dreaming about the future and begin to fear it. Meanwhile, we create our “tomorrow” ourselves. Here and now.

Fear of the future is familiar to one degree or another to every adult; we are often afraid of “tomorrow” simply because we value the present.

From the memories of my client: “I can’t say that I’m afraid of the future, perhaps that would be an exaggeration... but before I treated everything somehow simpler. For example, five years ago, if a call rang in the middle of the night, I calmly picked up the phone - most likely, it was some friend “rocking” at the club. Today, in a similar situation, I shudder and immediately begin to get nervous - what if something happened to someone close to me? In general, I don’t like making plans for the future. I’m confident in myself, but, you know, I’ve already accumulated a certain amount of unfulfilled hopes, I’m afraid I’ll jinx it or something. If you make a wish like this, it won’t grow together again.” Indeed, when it comes to what lies ahead, sometimes there is no trace of our arrogance.

Several factors may be responsible for fear of the future. Firstly, there is uncertainty: we do not understand, we cannot know what will happen to us next, where and with whom we will be in a year or month - the unknown scares us. Secondly, often our fears are associated with some kind of negative expectations, for example, illness, the departure of someone close. And finally, people who have had a series of failures in life often look into the future with caution. A person begins to convince himself that he has “bad karma” and should not expect anything good from life.

If the fear of the future becomes too aggressive, if the fear of tomorrow begins to influence the making of the right decisions today, then it’s time to deal with it. First, try to classify your fear and understand what exactly you are afraid of. Thus, the fear of losing a loved one is quite natural for each of us, but often behind it lies not only daughterly love, but also “skeletons” from your personal “closet”.

Many of us take the mindset for a long and happy life from our family, from our parents. And already in adulthood, it is very useful and important, no matter what happens, to rely on the emotional support of those who love us, those who are dear to us. It is important to understand that you are not alone, that there will always be people next to you who you can rely on. A person must understand that he has the right to be happy - this is precisely the main goal for a happy future.

But why is it that when it comes to what lies ahead, not a trace remains of our arrogance?

If you think that you are haunted by failures in life and there is simply no point in waiting for good things, audit your “bad” past. Often we are oppressed not by the past itself (what happened was, in any case, it is already behind us), but by the mistakes and unforgiven grievances that remain in it. In this situation, it is important to understand where you were wrong and... apologize to those whom you voluntarily or unwittingly offended. It doesn’t matter how much time has passed, it doesn’t matter whether you call or write to a specific person - sometimes it’s enough just to internally ask for forgiveness.

We all make mistakes, we all sometimes find ourselves in unpleasant and stupid situations. This can turn into “karma” only if you do not learn to draw conclusions from your own stupidities and, with persistence worthy of better use, repeat your own mistakes. It makes sense to change the introductory “this always happens to me” to “this has happened to me before, and this time everything will be different.” Very soon you will see that your “evil planid” was only a figment of the imagination and, perhaps, an unwillingness to understand real life problems. Of course, not everything related to the future can be clearly planned, but a lot depends on you.

It is very important with what attitude you perceive everything that happens in your life. If you are constantly afraid of failure and do nothing for that reason, it will not bring you closer to what you want, but if you perceive failure as an experience that you can use in the future, then this will give you confidence and help you perceive difficulties on your path more easily. Children, when they learn to walk, also often fall, but they get up again and again and take one step at a time.

A person must learn to get in touch with his phobias; he must try to understand what emotions and experiences are actually behind the generalized concept of “fear.” To do this, it is necessary to describe in detail all the thoughts and emotions that arise when hearing the words “I’m afraid...” So, often the panicky fear of losing parents is born from the inability to build relationships with other people - a person is afraid that no one will love him “like his mother,” no one will be able to understand him, he is afraid to remain in a vacuum. It is necessary to fight not with fear as such, but with its primary source, for example: in the above case, with a lack of sincere communication, with distrust of the world around us.

Is it possible to “design” your own future? Many are sure that yes. In order to do this, you just need a little imagination and common sense.

Psychologists are confident that various options for your own future can be “designed” based on your current situation. It is important that the predicted “tomorrow” meets internal needs. Ask yourself: what do I really want from life? More peace of mind? More security? Or, on the contrary, bright emotions and risk? I have several options, which one will best suit my needs? Considering that the future still remains hidden from us, when choosing, not only a rational approach is important, but also intuition. When a person finally mentally finds himself in “his” situation, he feels it himself, his eyes begin to shine.

It is important that the predicted “tomorrow” meets your internal needs.

Probably everyone has heard that thought is material. Paradoxical or not, if you want something very badly, sooner or later you will achieve it. You don’t have to look far for examples of historical figures who made their dizzying careers “on sheer enthusiasm” - you can just look around.

From the client’s memoirs: “We recently had a meeting of classmates. Many have not seen each other since graduation, and you know what struck me most? Now that we can already sum up some “intermediate results”, it is noticeable that each of us, in principle, has achieved what we were going for one way or another. For example, one girl in our class was simply raving about Spain, learned the language herself, quoted Lorca by heart... But imagine, it was the early 1990s, what kind of Spain could we even be talking about? Nevertheless, she managed to somehow fit into the crowd of Spanish expats - those who worked or studied here at that time, and gradually became “one of our own” there. And now she is married to a real Spaniard, such a macho! He lives in two houses between Moscow and Madrid, their children are just a sight for sore eyes! We also had a guy who kept dreaming of going into acting. He is really talented, but at school he stuttered badly, and everyone laughed at him, so they called him – Actor. Nobody believed, of course, that they would take him to the theater. After school, he really didn’t get in, but then he went, took diction (imagine, at 18 years old, studying with a speech therapist!), prepared properly... in a word, he was accepted. Now he serves at Tabakerka. The same girls who “specialized” more in boys and clothes at school mostly got married early, many never work, and, it seems to me, they are also quite happy with their lives...”

If your plans for the future are defined and your goals are clearly formulated, it’s time to start implementing them. This is exactly what my client Olga did at one time. Today Olya is an interior designer, and in the recent past she was an administrator of a small computer company. Since childhood, she was attracted to drawing and sketching; the work of a designer always seemed very tempting. But after school she studied to become a fashionable manager at that time. When Olga decided to change her profession, her business went uphill. Nevertheless, the feeling that she could do more and wanted to do completely different things did not leave her. At first, Olga had no idea how one becomes a designer. However, there were acquaintances who worked in this field who told us in general terms what knowledge was needed, who studied where. Gradually she developed her own “strategy”. While remaining at her previous job, Olga enrolled in computer graphics courses, found a private drawing teacher, stocked up on all the necessary programs and equipment, and began practicing at home. After completing the course, I quit my previous job and began looking for a job as a novice designer. I got a job in a small design bureau and at the same time entered the second degree in architecture. A year later, while continuing to study, I moved on to a more promising job. Now I am engaged in private design projects, I earn much more than in my previous administrative job, and most importantly, I get great pleasure from what I do, says Olga.

Another example from psychological practice: “As a child, I dreamed and prayed that when I grew up, I wouldn’t get up at the alarm clock and go to bed when I wanted—it would come true. I don’t work anywhere, I don’t make appointments outside of my home before 12. In my youth I wanted a job that would require me to travel to other countries - it came true. When I got married at 20, I dreamed that the house would be a full cup. That it will be built according to my design. And that I will support myself, my children, and my mother - it came true. Even more than I dreamed of. I also dreamed of personally knowing all sorts of celebrities and communicating with them once a week. By and large, it also came true. Only the desire to become a writer did not come true. Maybe I should try to become a science fiction writer in my old age?”

Imagine your “dream” in every detail. Not castles in the air. If you have a dream of becoming a department head, a famous actress or a TV journalist, then answer one question for yourself. What did I do to make my plans come true (besides sharing my dream with my friend)? If your desire is passive, it will most likely remain just a desire. Meanwhile, there are several simple steps to make a “happy future” become a reality.

1 MAKE A TASK OUT OF YOUR DREAM: you need to outline as specifically as possible what you really want to get. Imagine your “dream” in all its details. Weigh all the pros and cons. You must be absolutely sure that this is exactly what you are striving for.

2 WAYS TO ACHIEVE THE GOAL. What efforts need to be made to realize your plans. Write each stage step by step.

3 DETAILS. Write down each step that will bring you closer to solving the problem. What should you do, what should you achieve, who can help you with this, what do you already have, what might be useful to you. And so - from beginning to end.

Once you have sorted everything out, start taking action. You shouldn’t wait for “tomorrow” and sit idly by in the hope that bright plans will somehow come true by themselves. What's first on the list? Computer courses? Language practice? Training? Make a first step. Act consistently, systematically and methodically.

REMEMBER: this “construction” is more reminiscent of a long strategic campaign with sometimes inevitable retreats, minor setbacks and tedious sieges of enemy bastions, rather than a “small lightning war.” So, gradually approaching your cherished goal and celebrating even small victories, at some point you yourself will feel that your “blue dream” is beginning to take on quite visible forms and outlines.

Along with what is important to do “for the sake of the future,” there are things that are best avoided for the same reason. So, according to psychologists, you shouldn’t go against yourself, break and reshape yourself to suit dubious goals and stereotypes. It is better to recognize your weaknesses and find compensation in your own strengths than to be deluded. There is no point, for example, in convincing yourself that you are a born leader just because your dad sees you that way. It is quite possible that in a “free” creative profession you will be much happier. Here, as in any business, it is important to find your own algorithm - the one that suits you.

It is hardly possible to give universal advice on “programming” the future. For example, the slogan “Everything will be fine” works well for people who are positive and optimistic. If you are one of them, feel free to cover your entire apartment with similar posters. However, if you are a skeptic, then I would not recommend doing this. For a skeptical person, such “agitation” will cause nothing but internal protest and rejection, and its effect can be exactly the opposite.

We do not always see a future cast in bronze of sky-high aspirations and lofty ideas. However, even if you do not intend to radically change your life, you do not have the slightest desire to climb the Himalayas or seek the post of chairman of the board of a company, it makes sense to tune in to a simple classic “happily ever after” attitude. After all, in the concept of “future” it is not so important what exactly events await you - it is obvious that even with an abundance of good things, there will still be a “fly in the ointment” here; much more important is how you treat them and who will be nearby at one point or another in your life.

Sometimes a person carries within himself for years a feeling of guilt for some unseemly act, and the fear of its repetition does not allow him to move on normally. Moreover, over time he acquires new phobias. It’s as easy as shelling pears to be convinced of “bad karma” here. There was such a case in my practice. A woman came to me, she was simply in a panic - she had been told that she would soon lose her son. When we began to communicate, it turned out that she was tormented by a strong guilt complex towards the child... Perhaps this prompted her to go to the “fortune teller”. Having figured out everything, she asked her son for forgiveness, the relationship improved, but the terrible prophecy, naturally, never came true.

How to overcome fear of the future? How to get rid of bad karma?

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Fear of the future and the unknown. How to overcome it?

Sometimes you become afraid of the future. You don't know what awaits us tomorrow. What if I lose my job and have nothing to feed my family?

This uncertainty, uncertainty about the future, this fear of the future constrains us, constantly keeps us in suspense and does not allow us to relax. Because you are a decent and responsible person.

You are responsible for your family, children, for their future. And who will take care of them if not you? In our modern life, you are used to relying only on yourself. And in this situation, tomorrow does not bring anything good.

The future is something incomprehensible, unknown, unpredictable. We don’t know what to expect from him, and therefore we feel danger and are afraid. We are afraid of everything new, changes, changes. This scares us. We don't want change.

We want to remain in our usual rhythm and environment. This suits us. Nevertheless, we need to do something about this fear of the future. We cannot remain in this static state forever. Life does not stand still, it changes. And we need to learn to look into the future without fear. Who can tell us how to overcome the fear of the future?

According to System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan, fear of the future and all of the above feelings are not characteristic of everyone. There are people whose psyche is directed to the past. They have excellent memory. They remember their childhood in detail. All this is necessary to pass on experience and information to the next generation.

Such people love history and respect their elders. They are diligent, with phenomenal patience. They approach any task thoroughly and bring everything to perfection. Because they are perfectionists. Such people are leisurely and prefer a sedentary lifestyle. And change is always stressful for them.

The answer is simple. When we realize our nature, when we begin to understand ourselves, then we stop being afraid of anything. A secret is opening before us, which until now no one could explain or tell us.

Questions that neither psychologists, nor science, nor religion, nor esotericism, nor astrology could previously answer, now find answers in system-vector psychology. Including the question - how to get rid of the fear of the future and any fears that you can imagine!

There is a good article about fear of the future, with reviews from people who have completed training and realized their nature.

Here are a couple more examples in which people solved their problems with fear:

There are no more fears, they have gone nowhere - Svetlana Tsilurik

Register for free online lectures right now HERE , conquer your fears and live consciously and happily!

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If you are interested in why people get offended, it means that there are those same offended people in your environment. They may be offended by a random unpleasant look, word, or action.

Fear of the future psychology

Fear of the future forces many people to work for decades in a job they hate, to obey bosses whom they despise, to perform meaningless or boring duties under pressure, to be content with meager pennies as a salary... Why are we afraid of the future and is it possible to overcome this fear, said psychologist Ilya Latypov.

“Fear of the future is one of the manifestations of the basic, fundamental experience of anxiety, from which no conscious person is free. This basic (or “existential”) anxiety is associated with uncertainty and the unknown. No one can give a 100% forecast of events even for tomorrow, let alone what will happen in a month or a year. The future has both “worrying” characteristics: it is uncertain and unknown. It cannot be predicted or guaranteed. We can only plan the future (that is, have certain expectations that something will turn out exactly this way and not otherwise), but not predetermine. The only thing that will come true 100% is that someday we will all die. At the same time, it is unknown when, where and how - not a very optimistic picture, right?

Therefore, no special mechanisms are required for the emergence of fear of the future - to one degree or another, it is inherent in all people. Another thing is that someone has learned to avoid anxiety with the help of various psychological defenses, but for some they do not “work,” explains psychologist Ilya Latypov and continues: “To be more precise, people are afraid not of the future itself, but of what what might happen in the future. That is, in stable societies there will be less fear of the future (and more “confidence in the future”), in unstable societies it will be much greater. Agree, it would be strange to be afraid of the future if you are sure that it is cloudless and only good things await you ahead.

Most often, fear of the future manifests itself in the following situations:

– drastic changes in life;

– general instability, unpredictability of government policy;

– loss of familiar surroundings (death of loved ones, loss of property, etc.).”

Fear of the future cannot be conquered, only controlled.

“It is impossible to get rid of existential anxiety: it is a direct consequence of a person’s awareness of both his mortality and the unpredictability of the future. However, people use a number of methods to reduce their anxiety levels. All these methods ultimately come down to control - only this allows you to reduce uncertainty and relatively protect yourself from unpredictability, says psychologist Ilya Latypov and lists the most common options for taming fear of the future:

1. Appeal to fortune telling. This is one of the oldest ways to get rid of fear. It consists of creating in a person the feeling that he knows exactly what will happen and will be able to prepare to avoid danger or choose the most correct course of action.

2. Faith in a savior. In “bad” times, people begin to believe that someone has taken (or can take) the burden of decision-making and cares about their future. When a person appears who gives firm guarantees and knows exactly “how it should be done,” then faith in him greatly reduces the level of anxiety and at the same time infantilizes those who believe, making them “children.”

3. Careful planning and control of actions (time management, life management, etc.). When a person has the thought that he has foreseen everything, then in his consciousness the level of unpredictability of the world around him decreases. Alas, the confidence “I’m ready for anything!” - this is also an illusion. In addition, the desire to prepare for a meeting with any danger often leads to the fact that a person is unable to live in the present - he is constantly in the future and because of this risks losing his taste for life. Russian psychologist V. Druzhinin called this lifestyle “eternal preparation for life”: a person studies all the time, accumulates certain benefits, but does not use them, because “what if something terrible happens?”

4. A combination of planning and realizing that planning has its limitations. In this case, a person realizes that he cannot foresee and control everything, so he makes plans, but accepts the fact that they may be violated. This is the acceptance of one's own basic anxiety, which is sometimes called “tolerance of uncertainty.”

5. Investing in your own development and health. A person spends energy not on trying to influence the world around him, but on developing his own ability to respond to the challenges of this world. In this case, the fear of the future becomes less intense due to the confidence that the person himself has enough resources (knowledge, skills, health, etc.) to cope with most of life’s challenges. This position is also based on tolerance of uncertainty.”

Become the master of your fear

For MedPulse readers who are unsure whether they are willing to put in some effort to learn how to keep their fear of the future on a short leash, psychologist Ilya Latypov recommends taking note of the following facts: “The higher the level of tolerance for uncertainty, the more likely a person can take risks and get involved in adventures, change their lifestyle or profession, have more liberal views, and will be open to new things. Freedom and independence are of high value to him. There are many successful businessmen among people who are tolerant of uncertainty.

Low tolerance for uncertainty is characterized by conservatism, a tendency to use proven, albeit ineffective methods, and aversion to the new. Such people extremely value stability and predictability and prefer to work in government agencies with their guarantees.”

Say thank you to your office fears.

What torments me – fear or phobia?

Advice from a psychologist: How to overcome fear


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Requests for help Write your story Anxiety has become a part of my life, a part of me. I experience this feeling every day, sometimes too much. It seems that I am afraid of everything in the world, especially my future. I am convinced that nothing good awaits me ahead and I don’t know how to convince myself. Because of this, everything I do seems meaningless to me, in principle, my whole life has lost its meaning. I'm tired of solving endless cockroach problems, leaving the house, doing something. Even when I go to 11th grade, I don’t think I will try to study. Every time I fall asleep, I wish I didn't wake up the next morning. Support the site:

Lera, age: 17 / 18.08.2020
Girl, you are still so young, why stress yourself out like that, you have your whole life ahead of you and you can change it yourself, everything is in your hands, the main thing is not to despair and go, even when it seems that everything is lost. All in your hands.

Milena, age: 32 / 08/19/2020

Hello. You are intimidating yourself. What for?! This only ruins your mood and gives you a headache. Solve problems as they arise. It's the holidays, it's warm, sunny, relax, gain strength, eat vegetables, fruits, find a hobby, hobbies. Smile more often. A friendly, positive girl always attracts more attention than a frowning, eternally sad girl. Look for the positives, even among the negatives. And the future... Finish school, go somewhere, find a job, do what you like, maybe travel, maybe learn new things, decide for yourself. There are many interesting things in life. I wish you success!

Irina, age: 32 / 08/19/2020

Hello Lera. You shouldn’t be afraid of the future or constantly think about it. If you regularly start thinking about the future, then any person’s consciousness can change. After all, we really cannot know what will happen tomorrow. So live for today. The Bible has very good instructions on this matter…. So, do not worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow itself will take care of its own: enough for each day to worry about what you call cockroach problems - our life consists of them. It is precisely these problems that allow us to adapt in this world. And if you can’t convince yourself to continue living, then ask God for help. He has reasons to do this. After all, He has His own plan for every person. And believe me, there are no extra people; God has paid a high price for every person. This is the price of the blood of His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. The Lord loves you and is ready to help you in difficult situations. All you have to do is ask and accept this help. Good luck in your life and studies.

Ivan, age: 54 / 08/19/2020

Hello Lera! In order not to experience anxiety in life, turn to God - “Whoever trusts in the Lord will be safe” - these are words from the Bible, and here’s another “Young men become weary and weak, and young people fall, but those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength: they will lift up their wings, like eagles they will run and not be weary; they will walk and not be weary.” However, in addition to relying on God, you need to do something yourself to ensure a decent future for yourself, namely, study well, because your whole life will depend on it!

Mikhail, age: 51 / 08/19/2020

Hello! Don’t force these thoughts on yourself, think only about the positive! In this world, absolutely no one knows what will happen in a year, month or even in a day. Find yourself a hobby, something you love. You just lack motivation. Solve your problems immediately so they don’t accumulate. Get yourself and your surroundings in order. Listen not to sad, but to motivating and energizing music. Just enjoy life and every little thing! Play sports if possible. It helps keep the body and thoughts in good shape. Take time for self-development. Chat with friends, if you don't have them, find them. You still have everything ahead, everything will work out! I wish you success in any endeavor!

anonym, age: 20 / 08/21/2020

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