8 good news for those who are afraid of getting cancer

“Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door”, “Sweet November”, “Autumn in New York”, “I’ll Be There” and many other films reveal to us heroes faced with such a deadly disease as cancer. The same can be said about literature; Remarque’s work alone gave us two works in which heroines die of cancer. And if you look at the news. They have recently reported on the death of Vera Glagoleva, Mikhail Zadornov, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, and you can’t help but think - if celebrities who have every opportunity cannot save themselves from this scourge, then what will happen to me when such a diagnosis is made?

scared woman

What is the name of the phobia?

Carcinophobia (from the ancient Greek καρκίνος - crab and φόβος - fear) and synonymous cancerophobia (from the Latin cancer - cancer) is an uncontrollable, irrational, obsessive fear of getting cancer. A phobia disrupts a person’s normal functioning and subjugates a large number of his thoughts and actions.

Causes of fear

The fear of getting cancer usually arises after encountering cancer with someone close to you. And, naturally, the “closer” this encounter was, the more detailed the person had to see all the worst things that accompany the illness and departure of a cancer patient, the more actively the phobia develops. Moreover, if the disease affects a blood relative, then the fear is also fueled by genetics. If we are talking about a parent, then in addition to thoughts about how scary and painful it all is, thoughts are added about your hereditary predisposition. Although, according to the latest research, the hereditary factor accounts for from 10 to 30%, which is quite a bit.

The next important reason for the development of cancerophobia is the presence in the patient of a benign neoplasm, cyst, nodule, or undergone surgery to remove it. Various diseases such as erosions, which have a reputation as “precancerous”, naturally cause panic in the patient. What can we say about those patients who were diagnosed with cancer and went into remission? This threat of relapse hangs for life like a sword of Damocles.

Cancer phobia often occurs against the background of mental disorders of varying severity. Carcinophobia, as part of schizophrenic delusions, or a symptom of obsessive-compulsive, generalized anxiety or panic disorders. In particular, hypochondriacs, neurotics, and psychasthenics are at risk. Healthy, suspicious and impressionable people, after hearing about someone’s painful death from cancer, or watching a feature film, or a harsh phrase from a doctor, become hostage to a phobia.

Cancer is a self-destruction program

Psychologist Vlad Svetoch is with you. Most cancer patients do not even think about what the root cause of cancer is. And, instead of starting to change themselves from the inside, they continue to persistently fight the symptoms of the disease, seeking the best doctors. But we must not forget that cancer is a psychosomatic disease, which means that the causes of the disease must be sought in the psyche. It is interesting that in the recovery process, it is psychology that is crucial.

So what are the psychological background to cancer?

Let's start with the fact that cancer has an informational nature. This has been discussed in some detail in my previous publications. A disease that appears in the body as a symptom is a kind of SOS signal sent to the brain. One way or another, this is a sign that signals to a person that he is doing something wrong in his life.

Everyone knows that cancer can be very insidious; it destroys a person from the inside, sometimes leaving him no chance of recovery. This is how a kind of self-destruction program is turned on, which, according to the principle of a chain reaction, leads to the chaotic proliferation of cancer cells. Oddly enough, but the person himself launches this program throughout his entire previous life. As a result, what he has in the present is a consequence of his own behavior in the past. We are talking about a cause-and-effect relationship, which sometimes acts mercilessly. Cancer is a self-destruction program. If a person, in the usual way, reacts painfully to everything that happens in his life, and at the same time becomes offended, angry, envious or devalues ​​himself, then the disease will not keep him waiting long.

From this we can conclude that the root causes of cancer are not external, but internal. And only the person himself, entirely and completely, should be responsible for his own health. At the same time, you need to understand well that the real source of the disease is an unhealthy way of thinking. Let me remind you what the famous mathematician Descartes said: “I think, therefore I exist.” It is the ability to think that distinguishes man from all other living beings on Earth. But each of us has our own mental reality, which can either help or hinder us in life. And, if, for example, a person perceives the world around him negatively, then his emotional state will be corresponding. And this, in turn, will certainly affect his physical health. After all, the emotions that we experience at certain moments in our lives are always accompanied by corresponding physiological states.

Interestingly, negative emotions, if they are short-lived, do not pose any danger. It’s another matter if a person suppresses negative experiences associated with emotions, for example, aggression, resentment, guilt. One way or another, such experiences always find a way out in the form of symptoms of various diseases.

In conclusion, I would like to draw the attention of cancer patients to the most important thing - in order to stop the self-destruction program and defeat cancer, you need to change yourself, your way of thinking. For many people this is quite difficult. It is much easier to follow, for example, recommendations on treatment, nutrition or exercise. But, if the price for this is life, then do you agree that it is worth paying attention to yourself and your own psyche?

Author of the article

systemic oncologist

Vlad Svetoch


Manifestation (symptoms)

Fear of death is a basic human fear based on the instinct of self-preservation. Therefore, the fear of contracting a fatal disease is natural. However, the behavior of carcinophobes does not fit into the concept of the norm. Preventing cancer (as well as any other diseases) is correct and useful. For example, no drinking, no smoking, choosing ecological places to live, proper nutrition, and an active lifestyle. Although it is worth paying tribute, carcinoma and other types of malignant tumors can overtake a person who follows all preventive measures, and will never happen to someone who did not follow all this. Medicine has not established the exact causes of cancer in the body; this “mystery” gives cancerophobes even more reasons to fear.

Autonomic symptoms in carcinophobia are the same as in other phobic disorders:

  • tachycardia;
  • lack of air;
  • trembling in the limbs;
  • nausea;
  • surges in blood pressure.

Obsessive thoughts about a possible illness do not leave a person. A scenario plays out in his head over and over again about what will happen to him when he hears the “verdict.” What reaction will he and his loved ones have? What will happen to him next? Will he be treated, undergo chemotherapy, what will he look like? Or he will refuse this “humiliation” and die quickly and beautifully. All these completely unfounded scenarios do not leave the mind of a cancerophobe.

Naturally, the fear of getting cancer provokes a person into two types of opposite behavior: avoidance and hypochondria. The first is characterized by complete ignorance of any of one’s somatic symptoms and reluctance to be examined. Refusal to watch films and read books in the plot of which there is a person dying of cancer, avoiding news about the deaths of celebrities from such a diagnosis. Such “exclusion” of the problem from life is not effective, since in the case of a real threat of a tumor, it is always better to diagnose it at an early stage.

The second type of cancerophobes behaves in the opposite way: oncology departments are not avoided, but are places of regular visit. Passing permanent checks protects the psyche for a very short period of time. Some patients, after receiving a doctor’s conclusion that everything is normal and there is no danger, come a week later with a desire to be re-examined in case of an error, then another week later, arguing that the tests could have changed over time.

If the phobia is in a severe stage, the patient may convince himself that the doctor is simply not telling him the “truth” because there is no hope of a cure.

Fear of cancer forces a person to buy all the literature about the latest medical research, and also listen very carefully to his body. The hypochondriacal type examines each of his moles with special trepidation and always checks all the indicators on the Internet.

Cancerophobia leads to psychological and emotional disorders, contributes to the development of depression and social phobia.

Fear of cancer: signs

There are many of them, the typical cancerophobe is rewarded with a whole bouquet.

More than 9,000 people have gotten rid of their psychological problems using this technique.

  • The fear of getting cancer pushes people to undergo endless medical examinations. At a doctor’s appointment, a “cancer patient” lays out a list of signs that he has the disease.
  • A certain category of victims of Phobos, on the contrary, are very afraid to go to the doctor. They are confident that at the very first medical examination they will be diagnosed with cancer, which will be followed by inevitable and quick death.
  • Cancerophobes, when entering a hospital (for examination or treatment), are very distrustful of the medical staff, considering doctors not competent enough to trust them with their own fate. Such people independently study the literature and, which is completely natural for them, give themselves a completely disappointing diagnosis.
  • Fully grown carcinophobes often exhibit childish tearfulness; such individuals regularly complain of poor health.
  • They often show aggression towards loved ones, not to mention others. There is increased demand and pickiness.
  • The Internet and bookstores become constant companions of the cancerophobe. The most common requests from a person who has discovered unfortunate signs in himself are related to cancer.
  • Having read all kinds of theories, a potential patient is seriously afraid of contracting cancer, because he knows for sure: one of the theories does not lie, and cancer is a viral disease. Cancerphobes try to avoid communication with cancer patients; if necessary, the route is radically changed - cancer clinics should no longer run within its boundaries.
  • The fear of getting cancer provokes the formation of other mental disorders. A person becomes passive, irritable, and loses faith in himself. It is difficult for a carcinophobe to communicate with others.
  • People of the “self-diagnostician” type, having discovered a “malignant tumor”, begin continuous monitoring of the work of the diseased organ. Once they are examined, instead of following the regimen, they concentrate on the unpleasant sensations that, due to self-hypnosis, begin to accompany them.
  • Victims of self-diagnosis regularly self-medicate: they give enemas, fast, and adhere to a certain diet.
  • With cancerophobia, various biological additives become faithful companions of the “sick”. Those suffering from phobias begin to study the market for dietary supplements and medicinal herbs that can supposedly cure them of a disease they have invented.
  • People who are afraid of getting cancer are susceptible to depression. Very often there are attacks accompanied by self-pity, a complete lack of faith in “healing”, endless questions “why with me?”...
  • The mention of the disease unsettles cancerophobes, especially if the cancer situation happens to someone from the circle of the imaginary patient.

Fear of cancer can arise and develop in completely mentally healthy people. Cancerophobia manifests itself both in the form of superficial fear and in the form of deep fear. The degree of defeat by fear depends on the personality type. The internal experience of an imaginary illness leads to mental retardation, a person’s ability to logic and critical thinking is lost, and the range of interests is sharply narrowed.

The state of carcinophobes can be compared to mental paralysis. With cancerophobia, the desire and willingness to save oneself and others from cancer is often abruptly replaced by apathy, confusion and partial loss of contact with reality. Sometimes fear of cancer leads to an increase in muscle tone, which results in a decrease in facial activity.

Cancerophobia negatively affects mental abilities. Often highly intelligent people begin to behave stupidly in ordinary everyday situations. Such signs may not appear permanently, but in the form of attacks. At such moments, a person may be accompanied by tremors, tachycardia, headaches, stomach upsets, and increased blood pressure.

Cancerophobia is especially severe in those who were initially susceptible to hypochondria. People suffering from nosophobia approach self-examination and self-medication excessively carefully. It is almost impossible to convince such a person that there is no cancer. To requests and demands to provide himself and others with evidence of the presence of cancer, the cancerophobic hypochondriac responds with contradictory and illogical hints of pain in the stomach or somewhere else.

The symptoms of fear of cancer and its intensity depend on the diagnosis of the patient. So, for example, a person who is convinced that his brain is affected by a tumor regularly tests his intelligence with puzzles and other complex tasks. Having failed to cope with them, the hypochondriac takes this as evidence of the presence of the disease, simultaneously looking for previously manifested “symptoms” in his memory and gradually moving away from society.

How to get rid of the fear of getting cancer

In order to diagnose carcinophobia and begin its treatment, a comprehensive examination must be carried out. First of all, in order to exclude real oncology, and secondly, any other mental disorders. Treatment is mainly done through psychotherapy.

Medicines for cancerophobia are prescribed only in severe cases, when hypochondria and depression have actively developed. However, pharmacological drugs themselves, without psychotherapy, do not have a long-term effect and can cause addiction.

It is necessary to combat the fear of cancer with the help of a psychotherapist or psychiatrist. Depending on the medical history of each individual patient, the specialist builds the most appropriate strategy for solving the problem. Working with cognitive attitudes is always very useful. Many clients do not realize that their intrusive thoughts about cancer are formed around certain misconceptions.

For example, illness is given some kind of fatal meaning - as if other incurable diseases do not exist and as if cancer is always fatal. Both are wrong. Schizophrenia is also incurable, although it does not lead to instant death, it is a very painful and severe disease in every sense. But for some reason, much fewer people imagine that they can get schizophrenia, what they will look like if they lose their minds, how bad they will feel during moments of psychosis and how much grief they will bring to their relatives. But how will they go bald and lose weight from chemotherapy? The cancer phobe does not focus on how many people have been cured of cancer, he is only interested in death statistics.

So, you can get rid of a phobia with the help of cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. A set of actions to change your thinking and at the same time behavioral reactions gives the best result. You gain control over your emotions and thoughts.

How to treat cancer with the power of thought. Treating cancer for yourself or your loved ones.

Now I will touch on a very unpleasant topic. But it is necessary to touch upon it, because many of us have encountered a disease such as cancer. I write this because I understand that you opened this article for a reason and will read it with hope, because it affected you in one way or another.

Well, I will give you not only hope, but also a really working tool that will allow you, with due diligence, to get rid of an “incurable” disease.

Important! The use of the described practices does not replace traditional treatment and doctor’s prescriptions.

But it is important to remember that any wish can come true >>>

Let me note right away that if you want to help your loved one, but he does not believe you, or he is not able to work on his own due to his health, you can use the subjective communication technique (read the description in the article How can we mentally communicate with each other or the subjective communication technique ).

But it is always better for a person to work on his illness on his own.

I hope you, as a modern person, have heard of such a concept as self-hypnosis or auto-training. This thing works great, I tell you! And if you are desperate, then take on the attitudes described below right now.

The person who developed these attitudes is very famous in our country - this is Georgy Nikolaevich Sytin. The effectiveness of these attitudes has been scientifically tested and their effectiveness has been proven! Do not doubt!

Now I will describe the general rules for working with anti-cancer attitudes:

  1. If you have a critical situation, read or repeat the moods AT LEAST 3 times a day: in the morning after waking up in bed, at lunchtime after meals and before going to bed. And it’s better to repeat it even more often! After all, you can’t forget about illness for a minute, can you?
  2. There is no need to tell skeptical doctors, neighbors and relatives about your work with attitudes; skepticism is very harmful to you now. And stop them from feeling sorry for themselves, just declare that you are going to live happily ever after!
  3. You can't skip days. All your work can go to waste if you miss a week or more. It is better to read part of the mood, but every day, than to read it 8 times a day and forget it for a week.

Well, let's get started. Below is the text from the book “Thoughts Healing Cancer” by Georgy Sytin.

God created man in his own image and likeness - the creator of his physical body, endowed him with creative thoughts about himself, which have materializing power, the possibilities of which are limitless G. Sytin
Methodology for the successful assimilation of attitudes

It is easier to assimilate the mood if you listen to it in a sound recording. You can speak the mood into a tape recorder for yourself. The tone of the presentation should be firm, businesslike, convincing, without any pathos. In the same tone, if possible, pronounce the mood out loud, but if there are no conditions, read or pronounce it from memory to yourself. Some people prefer to listen to the mood, others prefer to read it. While listening, you can also do some housework. But it's better if you try not to be distracted and concentrate.

You can also rewrite the settings - this also gives a good effect.

Creative thoughts heal from cancer

“In my soul the victorious joy of life is in full swing. My whole soul is filled with the victorious, triumphant joy of life. The whole soul, the whole body - everything is filled with the eternally new bright Divine joy of life. I feel and feel with the brightness of lightning, I know with the firmness of steel that all the neoplasms, all the tumors in my entire physical body are completely, totally destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.”

Healing from all cancer diseases (for men and women)

God told me: “The day before yesterday I transferred you to another destiny, where there are no diseases.”

God said: “I have endowed you with creative thoughts that have a gigantic all-conquering materializing power, and therefore all your thoughts about yourself will immediately turn into truth.”

God told me: “The day before yesterday, from you, a sick person, I created a new person - Divinely healthy, young, filled with gigantic energy of health and strength.”

God told me: “You are this new, young, Divinely healthy, ideally healthy person, filled with enormous energy, health and strength.”

God told me: “The day before yesterday I strengthened all the protective forces of the soul and physical body millions of times, strengthened all the protective mechanisms of your soul and your physical body millions of times.”

God told me: “The day before yesterday I strengthened the biofield of your physical body millions of times. Strengthened millions of times, the biofield of the physical body with gigantic Divine energy destroys all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors, all neoplasms in your physical body.”

God told me: “You now need to think of yourself as a young, youthful person, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.”

God told me: “You now need to try with all your might to see yourself as brightly as possible in the future tense - both in 10 years and beyond, and in 30 years and beyond - as a young, youthful, energetic person, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.” .

God told me: “You can now destroy with your creative thoughts with gigantic Divine energy, turn all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors into nothingness, into absolute emptiness. You can now constantly revive the God-created young, youthful, Divinely healthy 16-year-old physical body.”

God told me: “You need to fully understand, fully comprehend that the physical body only reflects the soul. The state of the physical body only reflects the state of the soul, therefore for you there will always be the same main task - to comprehensively develop, improve, strengthen spiritually and physically your soul, to pour into yourself from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, an eternally new bright Divine joy of life.”

I do God's will. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into my soul, into my physical body a God-created, newly born, cheerful, happy, gigantically energetic young joyful life. I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, in a constant round-the-clock, year-round flow, pouring into my soul, into my physical body, the gigantic Divine young force of life. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring gigantic, inexhaustible energy of life into my soul, into my physical body.

In defiance of God, cancer cells appeared in my young, healthy physical body.

Everything that arose in defiance of God has no right to exist. I fulfill the will of God - I destroy all cancer cells in the entire physical body, wherever they are, with gigantic Divine energy, with gigantic Divine power.

I destroy all cancer cells, transform them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I smash all cancer cells in the physical body, wherever they are, with a hammer on an anvil.

I smash all cancer cells in the physical body, wherever they are, with a hammer on an anvil, turning cancer cells into nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now tightly ligating all the blood vessels that supplied nutrition to the cancer cells.

I stop the supply of nutrition to cancer cells. I have now completely, completely deprived the cancer cells of all sources of nutrition, all sources of existence. I have now completely bled all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors in the physical body, deprived of any opportunity to reproduce. Cancer cells, deprived of all sources of life, die. They are deprived of the opportunity to reproduce. They are completely drained of blood, deprived, completely, totally deprived of nutrition. Deprived of all sources of life, all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors die, melt, melt, shrink, disappear forever from my physical body without a trace.

And now I am smashing all the cancer cells in the physical body, wherever they are, with a hammer on an anvil, breaking them, breaking them, turning the cancer cells into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now completely healing the entire physical body, with gigantic Divine energy I am destroying all viruses, all pathogenic microbes in the entire physical body. I mobilize all the protective power, all the protective mechanisms of the soul and body for the complete, total destruction of all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors in the physical body, wherever they are.

I am now, with gigantic Divine energy, destroying all cancer cells, all cancer tumors inside the brain, in all structures of the head. I am now smashing all the cancer cells inside the brain with a hammer and anvil. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in my entire head with a hammer on an anvil. I have now smashed all the cancer cells that were in my head with a hammer on an anvil, turning them into absolute nothingness, into absolute emptiness.

I am now from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring a constant stream of gigantic Divine young life force into all billions of nerve cells of the brain. I am now Divinely reviving the young, gigantically energetic and fast functioning of the brain. I am now from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring the gigantic Divine young force of life into all the billions of nerve cells of the brain, pouring the gigantic, inexhaustible energy of youth.

From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into all the mechanisms of abilities in the soul and head the gigantic Divine newborn charge of all the energies of the development of the Universe. All abilities are developing at a gigantic speed. I am becoming an increasingly faster and faster learner. Thinking speeds up. Memory is enhanced. Attention becomes more and more stable. I am becoming a person capable of enormous volitional efforts. I can do everything, I can do everything and I’m not afraid of anything. Among all the hurricanes and storms of life, I stand unshakably, like a rock, crushing all opposing forces. In life I am a strong, steely, titanically persistent person.

I am now destroying all cancer cells in the throat area with gigantic Divine energy. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in the throat area with a hammer and anvil. I turned all the cancer cells in the throat area into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I now know with certainty: in my head, in the throat area, there is not a single cancer cell, they are all destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

Now, with gigantic Divine energy, I am destroying all the cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpits, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I have now smashed all the cancer cells in the lymph nodes in the armpits with a hammer on an anvil, turning them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I firmly began to know as Divine truth that there is not a single cancer cell in my head, in the throat area. My head is young, youthful, divinely healthy. The entire throat area is divinely healthy, untouched by life.

I am now destroying all cancer cells in my breast with gigantic Divine energy. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in my breast with a hammer on an anvil. I am now destroying all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the chest, in all the lung tissue, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in my entire chest with a hammer, turning them into absolute nothingness, turning them into absolute emptiness. I am now destroying all cancer cells, all cancer tumors in the entire chest, in all lung tissue, in the entire respiratory system, smashing with a hammer on an anvil, turning all cancer cells, all cancer tumors into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I now know with certainty: all the cancer cells in my entire chest have been destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

Now, with gigantic Divine energy, I am destroying all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors in the liver, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I firmly began to know the Divine truth: all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors in the liver are completely, totally destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now destroying all cancer cells, all cancer tumors in the stomach completely, totally with gigantic Divine energy. Now I’m smashing all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the stomach with a hammer on an anvil. I destroyed all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the stomach, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I began to firmly know the Divine truth: the liver is absolutely healthy, the stomach is absolutely healthy, untouched by life.

I am now destroying all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the spleen, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. Now I’m smashing all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the spleen with a hammer on an anvil. I have now completely destroyed all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the spleen, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I firmly began to know the Divine truth: the spleen is young, energetic, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.

I am now destroying all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors in the intestines with gigantic Divine energy. I am now smashing all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the intestines with a hammer on an anvil. I completely, totally destroyed all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the intestines, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I do God's will. I am from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pouring the gigantic Divine young force of life into all the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity. I completely, totally revive the newborn, young, Divinely healthy, God-created structure of all the internal organs of the chest and abdominal cavity.

I am now destroying all cancer cells, all cancerous tumors with gigantic Divine energy in the entire vast pelvic area, in all internal organs of the pelvic area. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in the pelvic area with a hammer and anvil. I have now completely, completely destroyed all the cancer cells in all the internal organs of the pelvic area, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now destroying all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in my legs with gigantic Divine energy, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I completely, completely destroyed all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in my legs, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now destroying all the cancer cells in the bones of the chest with gigantic Divine energy. I am now smashing all the cancer cells in the bones of the chest with a hammer and anvil. I have now completely, completely, destroyed all the cancer cells in the bones of the chest, smashed them with a hammer on an anvil, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

I am now destroying all the cancer cells in the spine with gigantic Divine energy, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I have now destroyed all the cancer cells in the spine, every single one completely, completely destroyed, smashed with a hammer on an anvil. I firmly began to know as Divine truth: all cancer cells in the spine were destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I firmly began to know as Divine truth: the entire spine is Divinely healthy, ideally healthy, young, untouched by life.

I am now destroying all the cancer cells in the pelvic bones with gigantic Divine energy. I am now completely, totally destroying all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the pelvic bones with gigantic Divine energy, smashing them with a hammer on an anvil. I completely, totally destroyed all the cancer cells, all the cancerous tumors in the pelvic bones, smashed them with a hammer on an anvil, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I firmly began to know as Divine truth: all the bones of the pelvis are Divinely healthy, of a healthy structure created by God, untouched by life.

I do God's will. With gigantic Divine energy, I revive the God-created young 16-year-old Divinely healthy structure of the entire physical body, all its structures, all internal organs. I firmly began to know the Divine truth: my entire physical body is Divinely healthy, God created a perfectly healthy 16-year-old structure.

I do God's will. From the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, I pour into the entire physical body, into all its structures, into all internal organs, in a constant round-the-clock flow, a newly born, gigantically energetic young joyful life created by God. I do God's will. I am from the Subtle World, from Cosmos, with a constant round-the-clock flow pouring into my soul the gigantic Divine young force of life. I fill my entire soul with a gigantic Divine newborn charge of all the energies of the development of the Universe.

My soul is constantly developing in every way, improving in every way. My soul is newborn-young, young, Divinely healthy. My soul is constantly developing and improving in every way. My soul is constantly, constantly strengthening spiritually and physically. All my abilities are Divinely, comprehensively developing and improving at a gigantic speed. I am becoming a more and more highly developed person, more and more capable, more and more talented, more and more quickly, more and more rapidly learning.

I am now destroying all cancer cells in all the muscles of the arms, legs, torso, all cancerous tumors, breaking them with a hammer on an anvil. I completely, totally destroyed all the cancer cells in all the muscles: in the arms, legs, torso, smashed them with a hammer on an anvil, turned them into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. I firmly began to know as Divine truth: there is not a single cancer cell in the muscles, there is not a single cancer cell anywhere, there is not a single cancer cell in the bones, there is not a single cancer cell anywhere. I firmly began to know the Divine truth: there is not a single cancer cell in the entire musculoskeletal system. The entire musculoskeletal system is newborn-young, 16 years old, Divinely intact, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.

God repeated: “The day before yesterday, from you, who was sick, I created a new person - 16 years old, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. I created your soul - new, young, 16 years old, Divinely healthy, titanically strong spiritually and physically. I filled both my soul and my body with the eternally new bright Divine joy of life. The day before yesterday I created you – a new person, 16 years old, divinely healthy, gigantically energetic, cheerful and happy, untouched by life.”

God reminded me: “You must clearly see yourself in the future tense - and in 10 years and beyond, and in 30 years and beyond, and in 50 years and beyond - young, cheerful-happy, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.”

I fulfill the will of God - I try my best with the brightness of lightning to sense, feel, know, see myself as a young, healthy person. I try my best with the brightness of lightning to see myself in the future tense - and in 10 years and beyond, and in 30 years and beyond, and in 50 years and beyond - as a young, cheerful, happy, ideally healthy person, untouched by life.

I do God's will. I from the Subtle World, from the Cosmos, pour into my soul, into my body the great Divine young force of life. I constantly pour into my soul, into my body, an eternally new bright Divine joy of life. A cheerful light shines brighter in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life in God’s wonderful white light. Every day I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully and energetically. I am getting healthier and stronger every day. My health is constantly improving. I am filled with more and more new energy of life. I live more cheerfully, more cheerfully and cheerfully. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life. A cheerful light shines brighter in my eyes. The cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks flares up more and more brightly. I firmly began to know as Divine truth from God himself that I am a young man, ideally healthy.

All cancer cells in the entire physical body, all cancer tumors in the entire physical body are completely, totally destroyed. The entire physical body was created anew by Divine God as young, 16 years old, Divinely intact, Divinely healthy, untouched by life.

I firmly began to know as a Divine truth from God himself that in my entire physical body there is not a single cancer cell, not a single cancerous tumor anywhere. All cancer cells, all cancer tumors are completely, totally destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness. My entire physical body - 16 years old, Divinely healthy - is filled with gigantic, inexhaustible energy of youth.

I do God's will. With the brightness of lightning, I sense and feel myself, I know myself, I see myself as a Divinely healthy person, 16 years old, filled with gigantic, inexhaustible energy of youth, health and strength.

I do God's will. I try my best with the brightness of lightning to see myself in the future tense - and in 10 years and beyond, and in 30 years and beyond, and in 50 years and beyond - as a young person, Divinely healthy, energetic, cheerful-joyful-happy, not touched by life.

The victorious joy of life is in full swing in my soul. My whole soul is filled with the victorious, triumphant joy of life. The whole soul, the whole body - everything is filled with the eternally new bright Divine joy of life. I feel and feel with the brightness of lightning, I know with the firmness of steel that all cancer cells, all cancer tumors in my entire physical body are completely, totally destroyed, turned into absolute nothing, into absolute emptiness.

With the brightness of lightning I feel and feel myself, with the firmness of steel I know myself as a person Divinely healthy, ideally healthy, filled with gigantic, inexhaustible energy of youth. With the brightness of lightning, I feel and feel like a cheerful, happy person. A cheerful light shines brighter in my eyes. The whole soul sings with happiness, with the joy of life in God’s wonderful white light. The cheerful, joyful blush on all cheeks flares up more and more brightly.

The emergence of new cancer cells is impossible (express setting for rewriting)

God told me: “The day before yesterday I created your soul - young, young, 16 years old, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. I created your physical body - new, newborn-young, young, Divinely healthy, 16 years old, untouched by life.”

God told me: “It is absolutely impossible for new cancer cells to form in your healthy young body. The biofield of the physical body, which I have strengthened millions of times, and the protective mechanisms of the soul and body, which I have strengthened millions of times, will instantly destroy all cancer cells at the moment of their inception.

You must firmly know as the ultimate Divine truth from God himself that your body has already been freed from cancer forever. Your body was created the day before yesterday forever by God – divinely healthy, ideally healthy, untouched by life.”

I feel with the brightness of lightning, I know for sure, I see: my body is already healthy, 16 years old, perfectly healthy, untouched by life.

I feel with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in the future tense as always a healthy young handsome hero, full of energy, strength and health.

God told me: “You must know for sure that your health is constantly improving every day, every minute, you are constantly getting healthier and stronger.”

God told me: “The day before yesterday I created your body to be self-sufficient. It constantly restores, preserves the healthy structure created by God, constantly destroys all neoplasms at the moment of their inception, your body is always young, young, healthy, 16 years old.”

God told me: “You are already in good health. You will be in good health in 100 years and beyond. And in 300 years and beyond, you will be a young, handsome hero, full of energy, strength and health.”

The emergence of new cancer cells is impossible (express mood for rewriting) (for women)

God told me: “The day before yesterday I created your soul - young, young, a young girl, 16 years old, Divinely healthy, untouched by life. I created your physical body - new, newborn-young, young girlish, Divinely healthy, Divinely beautiful, 16 years old, untouched by life.”

God told me: “It is absolutely impossible for new cancer cells to form in your healthy young body. The biofield of the physical body, which I have strengthened millions of times, and the protective mechanisms of the soul and body, which I have strengthened millions of times, will instantly destroy all cancer cells at the moment of their inception.

You must firmly know as the ultimate Divine truth from God himself that your body has already been freed from cancer forever. Your body was created the day before yesterday forever by God – divinely healthy, ideally healthy, untouched by life.”

I feel with the brightness of lightning, I know for sure, I see: my body is already healthy, 16 years old, a young girl’s, perfectly healthy, untouched by life.

I feel with the brightness of lightning, I see myself in the future tense as always a healthy young beautiful girl, full of energy, strength and health.

God told me: “You must firmly know that your health is constantly improving every day, every minute, you are constantly getting healthier and stronger.”

God told me: “The day before yesterday I created your body to be self-sufficient. It constantly restores, preserves the healthy structure created by God, constantly destroys all new growths at the moment of their inception, your body is always young, a young girl’s, healthy, 16-year-old.”

God told me: “You are already in good health. You will be in good health in 100 years and beyond. And in 300 years and beyond, you will always be a beautiful young girl, full of energy, strength and health.”

And in conclusion, I will repeat again, since this is very important:

  1. If you have a critical situation, read or repeat the moods AT LEAST 3 times a day: in the morning after waking up in bed, at lunchtime after meals and before going to bed. And it’s better to repeat it even more often! After all, you can’t forget about illness for a minute, can you?
  2. There is no need to tell skeptical doctors, neighbors and relatives about your work with attitudes; skepticism is very harmful to you now. And stop them from feeling sorry for themselves, just declare that you are going to live happily ever after!
  3. You can't skip days. All your work can go to waste if you miss a week or more. It is better to read part of the mood, but every day, than to read it 8 times a day and forget it for a week.
  4. You can replace mood words if for some reason you don’t like them.

I wish you and your loved ones a speedy recovery! By the way, from time to time I conduct a master class where I share my secrets in materializing what I want.

You can find out the nearest date and sign up here>>>

How to overcome the fear of cancer recurrence

Cancerophobia after treatment and remission is almost inevitable. If a carcinophobe without an oncological diagnosis is afraid of the unknown, then for someone who has already experienced all this “in his own skin”, the situation is more acute.

The report talks about people who have gone through a difficult rehabilitation process after undergoing surgery for thyroid cancer, as well as cancerphobes who do not have tumors.

Oncology dispensaries very often have psychological assistance departments, and this help is needed both by incurable patients and by those who have coped with the disease, and for whom the constant fear of the return of cancer prevents them from fully functioning in life.

For severe carcinophobia, the most effective way would be to visit a psychotherapist. A specialist will help you work through the fear of death, which, one way or another, lies at the core. It is worth noting that for some patients, cancer phobia may be a fear of agony and pain. However, no one will deny that dying from cancer is the most scary thing. So, working through the topic of death provides the resource to live today, without postponing anything, without feeding on illusions about the “future.” For former cancer patients, this is the main task, the solution of which makes their life complete, regardless of how long it will last.

Causes of phobia

The fear of cancer is largely provoked by the low awareness of the population about the disease itself, as well as all sorts of press tricks, including Internet resources, which highlight this as a serious disease that provokes death in any case.

Doctors are in no hurry to prescribe examinations such as MRI to patients, the results of which can reveal the presence of cancer. If such procedures for preventive purposes were introduced into the annual medical examination, there would be significantly fewer alarmists.

Information about the disease is provided to people, but in the wrong context.

In addition, fear of cancer can manifest itself in cancer patients themselves who have undergone treatment. This is a natural fear and most patients are afraid of a relapse; for them, undergoing an examination is “like death.”

The fear of cancer has quite serious grounds; only a few lucky people whose fibroids were identified at stages 1–2 can actually be cured; sometimes even stage 2 is inoperable.

Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it? You need to know its reasons. Phobia is caused by external factors, not internal diseases. This is a type of psychogenic illness.

The reasons that can lead to the development of cancerophobia are the following:

  • The emergence of cancerophobia based on iatrogenicity, that is, incorrect actions on the part of a medical specialist;
  • The reaction of the nervous system after getting rid of cysts and other benign formations;
  • After the death of loved ones from cancer, which occurred before a person’s eyes;
  • Fear, as a result of hypochondria and psychopathic disorder, which cannot be eliminated;
  • Diseases that occur in a chronic form also affect the production of cancerophobia;
  • After reaching 40 years of age, the fear of cancerophobia may intensify due to the transition to a new age stage;
  • The influence of advertising companies on the formation of the idea of ​​​​the possible occurrence of cancer and offering medications to effectively get rid of it;
  • Delusions in schizophrenic disorders;
  • A hereditary factor that leads to gloomy thoughts, that is, if there are many people in the family with cancer;
  • Anxiety as a result of sudden weight loss or a change in taste preferences;
  • People with panic attacks are more susceptible to this disorder.

The most common reason is the loss of loved ones, in which a person already takes the situation upon himself and believes that the same thing will happen to him, causing obsessive thoughts that are difficult to get rid of.

The second most common reason is the fear of recurrence of past illnesses. This applies to those people who have experienced all the tests and procedures for treating cancer and do not want it to happen again, but want to get rid of this feeling, and get rid of it forever.

However, most people suffering from fear of illness cannot remember exactly when the manifestations of cancerophobia began and cannot get rid of them. Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it with the help of a psychologist?

A psychologist can check this information using hypnosis. As a rule, many impressionable people begin to fear cancer after watching television programs or reading articles about sick people who are unable to get rid of cancer.

Such views begin the development of the disease and the presentation of a sad outcome in the event of unsuccessful disposal of the tumor. All these thoughts are caused by impressionability and fantasies. This fear grows gradually and eventually cancerophobia appears, which needs to be gotten rid of.

If young people can cope with cancerophobia on their own, then after forty years it is difficult to get rid of it without a psychologist. Cancerophobia, how to get rid of it and get the joy of life, only a doctor who prescribes competent treatment knows.

The first thing worth noting is that cancerophobia is a psychogenic disease associated more with external factors than directly with the actual disease.

So, below we provide a list of reasons (by frequency of occurrence) that can lead to cancerophobia:

  • reactive formation associated with the loss of a loved one due to cancer, especially if the disease lasted a long time and was severe;
  • reaction to surgery associated with the removal of benign tumors or cysts;
  • carcinophobia as iatrogenic – fear arising due to careless remarks of the examining specialist;
  • diagnosing diseases that precede cancer in the patient (for example, stomach ulcers, thyroid nodules or uterine erosion);
  • fear of getting cancer as a symptom of obsessional neurosis, hypochondria or psychopathy;
  • hereditary burden of cancer;
  • delusional ideas of illness in severe mental disorders - schizophrenia;
  • constitutionally anxious people are at high risk of developing cancerophobia, as are people with generalized anxiety disorder or frequent panic attacks;
  • sudden and noticeable changes in a person’s morphology (weight loss, paleness, sleep disturbances, etc.) due to prolonged stress can cause cancer anxiety;
  • the patient has chronic pain;
  • Carcinophobia is more likely to appear after age 40;
  • the unfortunate influence of advertising campaigns for drugs that supposedly “prevent” the development of cancer can cause ideas (in anxious and suspicious people) of the danger of getting cancer.

Considering the percentage of cancer cases and the poor environment, the presence of phobia symptoms in a person cannot be considered unreasonable. It is easier for young people to overcome cancer phobia, but after 40 years, when cancer alertness is present, the fear of cancer often goes beyond the limits of common sense. There can be many reasons for the development of phobia symptoms:

  • regularly viewing advertisements and purchasing medications that are needed to prevent cancer;
  • menopause in women;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the presence of chronic pathologies that often cause pain;
  • sudden weight loss due to stress;
  • as one of the symptoms of schizophrenia;
  • patients with neurosis, psychopathy of any age;
  • the presence of precancerous diseases;
  • hereditary pathology;
  • after surgery to remove cysts or other tumors;
  • psychasthenia after the death of a relative from a malignant tumor.
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